Photoshop :: Displacement Maps
Sep 20, 2002effects from a displacement map?
i.e. what should be contained in it for good effects?
effects from a displacement map?
i.e. what should be contained in it for good effects?
trouble with displacement mapping. I am trying to cover a very rugged cliff face with the Union jack (british flag). I am trying to get a sort of old faded spray painted on look, following the rock contours.
View 1 Replies View Relatedtrouble applying a displacement filter to my flattened images. I think i know how to create the displacement map. I right click on any one colour channel; duplicate it; save as a new channel; and save this new b&w image as my disp. map.
But then i go back to the image that i want 'displaced', click on the appropriate layer, go to Filter>Distort>Displace, click OK on the little dialog box and then open the previously created disp. map. Then nothing happens.
i have CS3 Production Premium installed.
What I am looking for is some sort of plugin that takes the tediousness out of it and lets you preview it in realtime.
An ideal plugin would be able to do the following:
-view the source image - image to be displaced.
- View composite image preview(what you see in photoshop when the disp map is applied)
- View Displacement Map preview - hopefully these would be side-by side
I have an image of a face, and an image of text and I want that text to look like it is wrapped onto the face.
Select the face image (ctrl-A) & open the plugin. THis becomes the composite (preview) image
Next to that is the Disp. map. In this case I would check a box that says "use composite as displacement map" It would greyscale the image of the face, and that would be the height/depth disp. map whihc I could then fine tune.
Next to that would be where the image to be displaced is. I open up the image file of the text.
Now I see in the "Composite image" the text wrapped around the face, following the contours of the face. I can adjust the levels of the disp map to create a more dramatic or more subtle effect. WHen I'm finished I click OK.
The "file to be displaced" (in this case, the text image) can also be "same as composite"
If you have ever seen this image where it looks like a photo of a crowd taken from above, but it almost looks liek the height of the people forms Bill Clintons face, this is what this would be used for.
The composite would be the photo of the crowd. The disp map is the photo of clinton's face. SInce the displaced image and the Composite image are the same (via checkbox), you just hit apply after adjusting your disp map. It applies the disp map to the selected original image, and the lights & darks displace the original and give it that look that I just described.
- click to open a source file for the disp. map. - ideally I would be able to open even a color jpg, and it would convert it to greyscale upon opening in the plugin window.
- ability to use the selection (preview composite image) as a displacement map rather than saving & opening it up
- invert the greyscale disp map.
- ability to adjust levels of the alpha/disp map in the preview window in order to darken the darks, etc.
- ability to resize/rescale the dispmap in the preview window. THen in realtime or close to realtime I would see the results in the Source Image preivew window. This way I can shrink or grow the disp map to fit my selection if need be
- Ability to grab the disp map and move it around in order to precisely line it up against the preview image
When I use grayscale displacement maps, I save it as a psd. and the apply it via the displace filter.
How do I apply a dual-channel map? Do I save the Red (right to left) and Green (up to down) as separate .psd and then apply them or is there some other way?
We're experiencing some artefacts near UV seams on our baked displacement maps. We have a clean, multiple UV-tile model which is subdivided, sculpted etc. Baking uses subdivision method, smooth target mesh and UVs on (we render with prman). Edge bleed is default 2, anti aliasing to x2.
Then test the map out by bringing the target model back in, subdivide up to the corresponding level, and sculpt using maps. The artefacts are not everywhere, just on some UV boundaries in some areas, very strange. The UV boundaries are clean quads, same spacing, good use of UV space. My concern is its in sporadic regions, and not globally over all seams.
I'm on a project where I need to export displacement maps / normal maps from zBrush 4.0 to Softimage 2012.
Im using the "Multi Map Exporter" to export the maps out of zBrush.
I know that I have to use the "change range node" between the image and the displacement port of the material and set the displace geometry approx. to "Fine" and play with the settings.
So my questions are:
1. Is there a way to calculate the exact ranges for the "change range node" for the map or is this gueswork?
2. In the geometry approximation what kind of settings are normaly appropriate in terms of mixing rendering speed and highlevel detail (look).
3. I exportet a normal map and pluged it with standart settings to the bump port of the material but the light seems to be inverted. How can I solve this?
I would like to know if I can import my AutoCAD 3d file into 3DS MAX, with the lighting maps and material maps intact. This is because I am doing my thesis on AutoCAD 2011 but I would like to use 3DS Max to do a walk through video.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm running PS CS6 13 x64 on a MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.2. I want to load a displacement map but when I'm in the Displace dialogue box and I click OK I get 'Operation could not be completed'.
View 3 Replies View Related1. I tried building the Dmap as he describes but either I miss something or .....
2. And I found a place to Download all related Dmap, but when I implement it my result is quite poor.
I'm trying to use either the displacement or 3D rendering function in Photoshop CS to make a realistic looking tattoo on a face, but I can't get "distort" or "render" to come out of grey no matter what I do.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need help in displacement mapping. My teacher wants us to take a unfurred animal and put fur on it. I have tried to follow the tutorial she gave us but involves text not objects.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFilter > Distort > Displace is undervalued gem, yet it has significant drawback - the displacement does not interpolate between adjustment pixels. This shortcoming in combination with the fact that Photoshop uses very fine noise to smooth transitions between gradations in 8-bit channels and therefore creates very unsightly, jugged effect even when displacement source is a gradient. Unfortunately the filter does not work with 16-bit channels and its closest relative - Liquify uses meshes instead of images for input.
So here is my question: does any of you aware of a way, in Photoshop or otherwise to create silky smooth displacements within 2D imagery (there are bunch of software to accomplish it in 3D) using interpolated 8 bit or original 16-bit (or higher) images as source?
The attached image was produced by displacing perfectly smooth word "test" with plain black to white gradient at 999% displacement strength.
is there a way to create smooth displacements using images as map. Since displace filter has only 256 levels it consistently creates jaggy results when used with settings of 100% and above. So this filter works reasonably well for small displacements and small images, but try to displace group of pixels 500% in 10 by 10 inch file at 300 dpi even using silky smooth gradient. Desired effects can be achieved to some extent with liquify filter, but that filter in turn lacks ability to use images as maps. I hoped that 16-bit support in CS would extend to displace filter giving us 64000 levels insted of 256, but this is not the case. Gradients themselves can be very smooth now, but displace filter will not accept 16 bit files.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm sure I linked from it here but can't find the one particular tutorial again. It showed how to conform text on a human face using displacement maps and was a particularly good tute. Someone I know needs that exact effect and I can't find the tute again. I've done considerable searching but can't find the link again.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was looking for displacement map tutorials through Google and came across a listing that showed a man coming through a wallpaper like background. The link was a address but when I attempted to follow the link I received your "typewriter" error page. Will this tutorial be available in the future?
View 9 Replies View Relatedif I wanted to use a pic of a pattern and apply it to only one layer of the image I want to photoshop, how can I get it to filt in that layer?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a maximum number of characters that can be in the name of a saved displacement file? When I save a displacement file with 12 characters or less, the Filter>Distort>Displace works fine; when I save the same file with 13 characters, nothing happens when I try to apply the filter. Obviously, the solution is to save files with 12 or fewer characters. I just wondered if this is a known limitattion.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf there is a similar function to "Execute function and repeat" in order to make the displacement of various objects. For example I have 5 different objects and wanted to give them a displacement of 1.5 cm, how to do this automatically by Corel Draw ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am a Maya user who is trying to see if there is an equivalent menu item to convert a procedural texture displacement into a polygon mesh that no longer needs the texture?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI modeled a female body and imported from 3DSMAX to mudbox to texture but now i'm having trouble on baking the displacement map in MUDBOX. I'm using tiff 32 bit floating,7 x 7k, with search distance of 4 (i believe it's a relative good number). My source model is step 0(with about 2 million faces) and the other is step 2(with aprox. 6 million faces). I'm using target to closest model, smoothing only the source and wht i get is this: a big black image with one or another gray dot.
I saw several tutorials about wht might be. I changed several times the search distance, and also tried to bake in max. Nothing seems to work. Mudbox keeps leving me with a blck image and max gives me something strange that works a little as a displacement map but it is totaly untileble.The two images attached are from mudbox. One as i get, and in the other i tried messing with levels in photoshop but it didn't work too.
How can I use vector displacement in 3dsmax2011 ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've tried to flatten a drawing using the displacement method (selecting all, then moving by displacing 0,0,1e99 and then displacing back).
Somehow I didn't select all objects and now some are on z=0 while others are not. Worse yet, I didn't notice it in time, so now some objects (dimensions, lines, etc.) have one end on z=0 and another on 1e99/-1e99.
Is there another way to make all objects have z=0? Best if I can be sure I select *all* objects (currently ctrl-A tells me some objects are on locked layers, though I can see no locked layer and some are not in current space, whatever that means).
I'm sculpting a portrait work and after generating the displacement map, the map itself automatically is displayed in the model. This is actually the second time I'm experienced this.
How can I disable this auto function without having to turn off the layer in the layer tab each and everytime mudbox generates the displacement map.
Is there a way to show a displacement map effect preview in a shaded/realistic viewport?
I know you can do it in Maya, just can't find the setting for this in Max 2012.
After extraction displacement map from hi-res model, map has a very low detail, but model is very detailed. What is wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I "collapse" displacements in Maya?I mean, in Max you can use a displacement modifier with a map applied, and you can see your displacement effect in viewport. Then, you can collapse this modifier and your geometry has now the displacement effect collapsed, is a new geometry with very nice detail.This is very usefull for example to use this geometry in Mudbox with a very nice base mesh.In Softimage you can do the same thing with a push deformer with your displacement map applied.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Multi-Material on an organic surface (see image below). The Bumps are created by a displacement-shader in an arch&design material. When I render it out, i get these artifacts. Of course I know where those are coming from and why. But i have no clue of how to get around them. I dont wanna use the Displacement Modifier because of polygoncount-reasons.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a displacement map from a texture, and am not sure how to go about it. If you look at the attachments you can see what I am trying to accomplish. What I have done so far is:
Desat by Lumin
Motion Blur -> Linear
Length 10
Then I think I need to color by apparent depth.. which I am not sure how to do?
I am trying to move objects along a 45° angle at a distance relative to paperspace.
If the distance was always the same I could do:
However, I am having trouble with the syntax of
It seems to work out some calculated average of those 2 values and places the object seemingly randomly.
If I am copying an object using snaps vertically down a wall a certain distance and come to a wall corner and then need to copy the object the same distance horizontally as I did vertically is there an easy way to enter this new direction? I keep thinking that I would just enter displacement and for X I should be able to use my mouse and snap/measure the old Y distance and then put Y,Z as 0. However, there is no option to get a relative distance in displacement. Is there something I am missing in the command?
View 8 Replies View Related