I'm facing a problem dealing with visibility formulas... My situation that im dealing with is, I have 2 yes/no visibility parameters, one that is called Right side clearance and another one named Left side clearance. I want to create another yes/no visibility parameter that's called Clearance. I want to link the Right and Left clearance parameter to the Clearance parameter where if it is off, then there will be nothing that shows.. But if I want it on then I would have to select either right or left without them both showing up?
We have a family that errors when certain values are hit. Its realated to Automatic Sketch Dimension reassociating with work planes when two workplans over lap... Anyway, the QA team knows about this.
The problem I have is that I have an IF statement to trigger an generic error message when these two rare conditions are met. I would rather a pop up window explaining what thy can not do. "Position of legs from ends can not equal half total length" and an OK button.
Is there a "say" style command for revit formulas?
i want to create a sketch line for a sweep where the radius of the curve varies.. i don't want to use a spline or piece together arcs.. something about distance and radius along the line.. is there a formula and can this be done in revit?
it is possible to create text and then attach a formula to it to change it.
For example:I want to be able to draw or pick a line and if the line is less than X ft than "Say this" if the line is greater than X ft than "Say that"
I wish to create a formula for a family parameter which itself references a 'Type' of an imported family. Specifically I wish to create a quoin stack which can be used for a 'reveal' situation either side of a door or window rather than just on a corner. A 'quoin stack,' as that which comes with the revit content files, typically is made up of two vertical arrays which intersect giving alternative long and short sides. Each of the arrays is made up of a different quoin type, a 'Short' and a 'Long' type which swap dimensions from from perpendicular face to the other. This of course is no good for a reveal situation where on the window or door reveal of both interleived courses needs to be the same, whilst maintaining the 'long/short' appearance on the wall face containing the window or door.
I have got so far as to create a 'reveal depth' parameter within the quoin stack family but need to find a way of addressing the 'Long' quoin type to change its 'short' dimension to suit the reveal depth whilst changing the 'long' dimension of the 'Short' quoin type to be the same.
is it possible (Revit 2014) to set up alternate dimensions that report the value represented in a different way via a simple formula?
I am trying to show my dims as brick units (based on standard metric bricks 215x102.5x65mm with 10mm mortar joint), and was hoping to create new 3 dim types, based on CO+, CO- and CO, so the alternate dims i want would be:
Any way to control the visibility of any XRef in a drawing using Excel or Text file. For instance, I have 50 Xref placed in there positions and I want AutoCAD to select what should be visible by reading an external file--Excel or Text file.
I am trying to change a dimension based on what yes/no parameters are checked. It keeps telling me that its "a bad if statement format". It works fine for the first teo dimension tests but when I add this last one I get the error. I need the 3rd dimension to check against 3 yes/no parameters all being = yes before moving on to the next check.
I'm creating a small product configurator using ilogic. It all works fine, but i've i challenge:controlling the visibility of the components in a drawing view
In simple words, every occurrence of my assembly has an custom Ipropertie calles "Positie". there where 4 values (Bodem, Zij, Kop, Deksel and Overig)In a drawing view i only want to see the parts that has a specific value of the ipropertie "Positie".I found a sample code for VBA, but I cann't get it worked in ilogic.:
Sub HideSecond() 'Assumes you have an open drawing 'Assumes that view 1 of the active sheet is an assembly 'Turns off visibility of assembly's second component in open drawing's first view [code]....
hind to turn this into ilogic and add the option to check the ipropertie to turn on the visibility
I've created a tie-on-cable marker tag using Loft, Replace Face and Split techniques. After splitting, I turn off the visibility of one of the two resulting solid bodies. File A208P03_Label.jpg shows the results with solid body Solid2 visibility either on or off.
The cable marker tag is then used in an assembly file shown in MI-CA-0261.iam.jpg and a drawing file shown in MI-CA-0261.idw.jpg. The problem I have is that Solid2 is showing up in the idw drawing file when I'd rather it's visibility be off as in the .iam assembly file.
Is there a way to write a set of rules so that I can switch Work Features On and Off via a Text Parameter.I have an assembly made up of a number of parts used hundreds of times within in various sub-assemblies. If I make a particular sub-assembly 'Invisible' then subsequently 'Visible,' all work features that had previously been set to be 'Invisible' are switched to 'Visible' also.
Likewise if I simple want to set a particular Work Features' Visibility in one particular sub-assembly, I would like to be able to do this via a Text Parameter rather than having to laboriously scroll down the Assembly switching the visibility of features on and off.
At the moment if I turn the visibility of say a Work Plane On in a sub-assembly then all sub-assemblies deploying the same part switch the visibility of that Work Plane on too. Hence I cannot see my work for Work Planes.Obviously the Global Switch under View is of no avail,
So I would like to be able to create a Text Parameter for each sub assembly and in turn each Work Feature with a Yes/No Visibility switch controlled via a set of Rules in iLogic.
Is it possible to contol the visibility state of an external referenced drawing? I have an architectural plan drawing that uses a titlesheet drawing as an external reference. In my civil plan i want to use a different title sheet. Instead of having a different titlesheet drawing for the civil drawing i was wondering if i could turn my titlesheet drawing into a dynamic block. In my architectural drawing i would see visibility state #1 & in my civil drawing i would see visibility state #2.
Is there a way to set the visibility of elements in a 3D view according to the Level they are associated with?
The VG tab which opens the filter dialog provides a check box for the "Levels" category, and the relevant parameters are made available.
But I can not seem to create a filter rule which evaluates any of those parameters (name, elevation, etc...) to then isolate the visibility of those elements in the 3D view that either meet, or do not meet the criteria. Nothing seems to work.
To achieve a "similar" effect in a 3D view, I can use a Section Box, but that is a very clunky and imprecise way.I can also create a Shared Parameter for "Level" and perhaps filter successfully that way, but that seems redundant with the Levels intelligence already established.
I'm using BIMLink to adjust parameters in a model... If a dimension ends up being zero, is there a way for me to have conditional formatting to turn off visibility of a dimension with a zero value?
I've attached a couple images of a visibility problem I'm having. The ROOF image shows the underlay view I'm using in the NO ROOF view in my revit project. I modeled all four of the dormer roofs the same, in place roof components, and they show up in the roof plan, but not when I use the roof plan as an underlay for my framing plan.
They don't show up when I toggle on the hidden elements tool either. I checked to make sure I didn't have coarse scale visibility turned off as well as if I had not visible in plan unchecked. These things seem fine, plus, as you can see, it shows up in it's own view. View range seems to be fine too. I can't figure out why these elements don't show up.
I know I must just be missing this somewhere, but I would like to shut off the geometry inside a family that's associated with a specific parameter. This is while I'm editing the family.
Specifically, the family I'm creating is for an appliance that has the option of an arched, or rectangular opening. Once I associate the geometry for the arched opening with a parameter, I'd like to shut that off, so that I can create the rectangular opening. Similar to how the family behaves once it's brought into a project.
Right now, I'm just kind of using the temporary hide functionality to shut them off, but if I turn them on, then have to go back to make edits, I have to select the individual geometry all over again to hide it. I've also noticed that some geometry, even when hidden, can still be selected.
In my 3D View my walls disappear when I de-select the structural box. Although drawn as regular walls they are store front panels so carry no load other than their own weight. My Visibility Graphics dialog box seems to have limited options for this. Am I missing something? How do I get them to re-appear in my 3D View for rendering without switching them to a structural wall?
I created a building section and all grid lines appear. I selected all grids that I want to appear in the building section, switched to 2D, and adjusted as desired. From that building section I created a callout for a stair section detail. In the callout view, some grid lines appear but not all grid lines appear. I turned off crop view but they still do not appear.
If i draw a beam in plan view en define the height, the beam disepare. Is there a posibility that the beam is in place and you can see a dash dot line and two dashed lines in plan view?
In Revit LT 2014, I've tried unsuccessfully to override the color of topographic surface edges in my model to white, so the edges don't show up in plan views. I've tried through the Object Styles menu, Override Graphics In View By Element, and Override Objects In View By Category, but nothing has worked. These overrides have worked for me in the past in previous Revit Arch versions, so I don't know if LT just doesn't have that capability, or it's a bug.
I can't simply extend the topo surface past the view window edges (I only want to show contour lines on my site, since they've been surveyed, but the neighboring site has not been surveyed, so I don't want to guess at them). I really just want to hide the toposuface boundary edge.
I am trying to tag doors in a drawing. What I want to see is the door size, so I turn on 'width' parameter, and turn visibility off on the border of the text. Change the size of the text to match, easy enough. Now I want to place the text along the open door in the floor plan view, but the tag always jumps to the center of the door frame. Can this be modified to do as I want? is there an alignment parameter I can alter? Perhaps tagging the door family and aligning it in the family editor? Does Revit is capable of doing this. Until then, I have to place the text for each individual door.
I find the visibility parameter a very useful option when building families. Unfortunately it doesn't work when exporting IFC. The elements set to not visible are visible in the IFC exports.
I also experienced IFC export issues with the use of phases.An element created at phase 1 and set to demolished at phase 2, will not be visible in the IFC export of phase 1.
The IFC Exporter for Revit 2012 v1.0.4.msi was used when running into these issues.How to be able to have correct IFC exports using the visibility parameter ?
We have multiple linked Revit files from consultants in the same hospital Revit model. How can we turn off all grids and levels in all of the linked files globally. We want to avoid having to do it individually for each view & each linked file.
This project is currently in Revit 2011. If not 2011 is it possible in 2012?
I've created a family for an exterior canopy system that has many variations (see attachment). It works for all options except the final request from the intended users. When the canopy is very short, the interior outriggers do not need cable tiebacks to the exterior wall.
Currently, the outrigger family, which is nested and arrayed in the host family, is composed of multiple objects, four of which comprise the cable support that needs to be able to be turned off, and one that is the outrigger that is always visible. I've tried several ways of getting the cable assembly to turn off while leaving the outrigger visible, but all without success. I've tried editing the array and mapping the cable assembly components' visibility parameter to a Cable Option Yes/No parameter. I've tried making the cable assembly its own family and nesting that first in the outrigger family and then mapping its arrayed instance to a Cable Option parameter. I've tried various combinations of Instance versus type parameters in both the Outrigger and host Canopy families, all to no avail.
Given the way the family is now designed, can this be done or must the cable assembly be its own family and arrayed separately? Note that there are parameters to control the cable assembly size.
I need to create some exterior snapshots of our model, which has just been completed to the 100% DD phase. The model has another Revit model linked in: the structural elements from our structural engineer. In the exterior shots, his pilings are showing and we don't want to see them in these images, so in the views I created I turn off his Structural Columns (which is the category for his pilings) in Visibility/Graphics Overrides. The pilings go away, but all of his elements now show with a fat colored line surrounding them.
Two questions: why are these lines showing when all I have done is turn off a model category in Visibility/Graphics Overrides? And how can I now turn off these fat lines? They do show when I create a PDF of the image.
I am trying to do the travel distance plan for fire cert saftey plan (Ireland). I have 6 levels of plan. When I place a component of "travel distance" family symbol (that I created) on the top floor plan, it is showing on the ground floor plan but not inbetween (TG).
I'm trying to make a project-file for a table that I've made as a family. In the project file I want to dimension the table, as a whole and as the differents parts of the table.
I've made visibility parameters in the family, but my problem is that that will hide that part of the table, i.e. the legs, in all views. I want to have one section with only the table top, one section with only the legs etc.
how I would go about this without copying the table in the project file and hiding different parts in each of them?
How to create a 'No/Yes' or visibility parameter for a title block? I have my Architectural Seal as an image inserted into my title block family. I want to have that as a parameter for visibility so I can have it turned off until I am ready to print for final building department submission filing.
If possible, this would be a global adjustment so I would operate this parameter once and will affect all the sheets in the project instead of having two title block families and swapping those out at the time of filing.
I am trying to figure out why the light fixtures are giving me these thick heavy black lines. The same fixtures in the arch floor plan are close to what I want (see arch1). However in mech1.jpg there isnt a way I can find to make the lights more like arch1.jpg. I dont want to use an architectural view template on a mechanical plan, which seems to be my only temporary solution. This is not an issue of Thin Lines (TL) setting and I have tried object styles and VG, although I must not be looking in the right area. How I can control this?
When I try to create a filter, I cannot get the Filter Rule to work. Under Filter by there is an option to select More Parameters which then directs you to Project parameters. When I select a parameter, it does not show up in the 'Filter by' box so I can create the rule. I have used this feature in 2011, but I cannot seem to make it work in 2012.