i just started working with Revit Architecture 2013 and im doing this tutorial for a basig design but at one point it says go to Massing & Site tab in the ribbon, and it's just not there?
I was working on a project adding topography and trees when revit crashed. I saved a recovery file which i then opened and saved over the old file. what I hadn't noticed was the the defaut site view in the project browser had gone missing. how to recover this view / plan which shows the topography, origin point and survey points etc?
How to import an engineer's site plan w/ contours so that it displays correctly (i.e., scale, topography, etc.), then use it in elevations, 3d perspective, section?
Background: infrequent user who is in AutoCAD withdrawal but forcing himself to move to Revit.
I've just started a new project. I've imported a survey done in AutoCAD and converted it to a Topo surface.
The surface appears in two of the Elevations (East and North), but not the other two. I have two empty views. I've turned off Crop View. When I did this and a Z A, I was able to find the East and North elevations and move the views over to them. However, I can't find the elevations in the other views.
In the REVIT 2012 Basic Sample Project, the 3d view site has sides or an apron which conceals the building foundations and gives the site some mass. I have included an attachment with a 3D exterior view of the sample project and a project with a "Sideless" site. how the sides in the basic sample project are achived?
I am wondering why my site will not render the grass on my topo surface? (it just renders grey...)I have checked my materials, view/element properties, and visibility/graphics.
I'm trying to create a titleblock family that has an image or dwg of my site. The easy way to do this is save a new family and import a cad file or jpg of the site plan.
However, I'd like to avoid creating a new titleblock family for each project with a new imported site image.
I thought I would be able to just make the image's "Loaded from file" address an editable field that could be updated in the project info like all the other parameters, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
bring back my site plan view!, and the ability to use shadow and realistic material!because when did another site view i am unable to use shadow and realistic view!
I'm working on an assignment at present which needs to depict the site cut, fill and batters on both site and section view.
I'm trying to achieve something like this: [URL] ....
I have toposurface happening in both the existing and new construction phases, and have modified the new construction one.
I can get it to show the existing and new ground levels in section view when I change the phase filter, but I can't seem to be able to change the hatching to represent cut and fill. I even tried detailing it in, however I can't seem to get lines to snap to the section cut toposurface.
by default revit shows roof plan in the Site plan view.
Is it possible to show site plan that one line would represent building contour? Also is it possible to cast shadows of all the building if the first floor is selected?
i was trying to make site plan from the fist floor, but since i gave intense topography ground is being cut and i need full topography. i am using 2013 revit.
I'm having an issue with JPG attachments. In this case, we are attaching a reference civil site plan drawing. The image correctly appears in the sheet, and even in the "preview" window while exporting to DWF. However, the DWF file does not show the image. Is this a hidden export setting or a view setting in Design Review?
I am new to ACA and was trying to use the massing element from either the build ribbon on home page or design tool palette. I select the icon and then right click the properties box and all the dimension boxes are gray not letting me input data. I cannot find out how to change them to be editable.
We have created a number of project parameters (all ifc parameters)
Site Name Building Floor Space Number Space Type
And Mark Test, Yes another test, As identity data.
We can schedule out all the information with no issues, however when we export to ifc we can only find the “Test” information. Are we missing a setting in the export or have we create the project parameter up incorrectly.
I am using 2014 Revit and have some problem with the exported AutoCAD layers from Revit.
My project has 3 levels and I exported the floor plans from Revit. Ground level and third level have all the elements like shown Revit, but the second floor plan doesn't show certain catagory items like columns. I already tried to create new level for the second floor plan, but the exported result is the same. I am not sure if there is any setting to control the layer visibility when it is being exported.
I am trying to create a sidewalk area that has a 45 degree 8'x8' hatch pattern in the model. It shows up in 3D but not 2D. What is the problem? It needs to show up in my plans. I have the same problem getting floors to show surface patterns too. Using Revit 2011. A friend gets it to work on his computer with the same version.
I noticed that I don't have (ELEVATIONS) tab and also (elevation icon). See the picture. Also (Elevation Marks) in the window view are not exist.How can I regain all these?
All of a sudden when I go into sketch mode, I can no longer see a tool bar giving me the sketch tool options. The same is true for editing or creating a fill region.
Every so often while i'm working in Revit the Ribbon/panel bottoms disappear. Even when toggling threw the options i can only get some of it to reappear. I attached what it looks like and when i toggle through the options.
My class opened Revit today to do a tutorial. However, the default views were messed up. There was only 1 floor plan. I have used Revit before, and I know that this is not right. For example, there was only 1 level, and there were no elevation views even present.
So I just saved my project and closed it. It created a .001 version of the file but there is no non 00X file. Is there a way to recover my work or did Autodesk just waist yet anouther hour of my life.
I am creating a fireplace family in Revit Architecture 2012 with wall host (Speciality equipment with Wall host). I selected the template created the family, but in mean time i can't understand the wall is having delete option.(i.e it is released from host). I am surprised to see that in the family type, the wall host is missing.
I've just downloaded the student revit-architecture, however even after reinstalling I cannot find the elevations in 'Project Browser'. I only have floor plans and ceiling plans. Is it hidden somewhere?
I just installed the student version of Revit 2013. I opened it and everything seems to be working expect when I draw anything (ie topo surface, wall, etc.), the modify tab is missing all the draw options (line, circle, etc) as well as the Finish and Cancel buttons. This makes it impossible for me to use the software without those. Is there a way they could be hidden or is the software just corrupt?
I received a Revit file from a client. What may have been purged from the file. When I try to cut a section, I am presented with the choice of a Building Section or a Detail Section. The Wall Section is not available.
How do I get access to the wall sections? These are available as families which could be reinstalled.
I'm teaching myself Revit LT 2013. When I got to the lesson about providing slope in floors for drain, the text directed me to the "shape editing" panel in my ribbon. However, when I selected the floor I found that there isn't a shape editing panel in my ribbon. I ran into the same problem when I attempted to construct sloped roof for drainage. Is this panel hiding somewhere?
For no apparent reason the Render Button at the bottom of the view frame has disappeared. With RayTrace I just get a black screen. It was all working fine then suddenly the problem occurred.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the PC - I can render in MAX Design as normal.
One day until final plot, and we have a project where 3/4 of the enlarged plan callouts and associated views have lost their "Referencing Sheet" and "Referencing Detail" information.
1. What could have caused this?
2. How to get it back, short of removing the affected views and recreating the sheets?