I would like to embed a tag as generic annotation within a family so that I can control the visibility of the tag based upon a type shared parameter within the family. However, when I rotate or mirror the family the text and labels within the tag change positions, go backwards, flip upside down, no matter what combiniation of "Keep readable" and Rotate with "Rotate with component" I try.I would like to have the tag look, regardless of which direction the family is facing. How to either:
1. Make the embedded generic annotation maintain the correct orientation
2. Control a tags visibility based upon a shared parameter within the associated family?
Why is there not a Display Order function within a Generic Annotation family, or am I missing this? Specifically when you Mask an area but want some linework graphics in the family to display on top of it.
I have an AutoCAD dwg file that I would like to import into a Revit generic annotation .rfa file. It's a logo file that we're trying to use for a titleblock. It was originally made into a dwg from an EPS file. I would redraw in Revit but when I try it I get the 'line is too short' error. So it goes.
My problem is this- when I set a RGB value in the AutoCAD file, then import it into Revit with the option to preserve colors, it doesn't show the same color I assigned. I know there are some issues with converting ACAD colors to Revit colors.
I've created some generic walls and I wanted to overide the material but I can't find a way to do it. I thought I could do it in revit arch 2010 but using properties and edit type but I don't get the materials selection using revit arch 2011.
Creating a particular object for use in a revit project. I have attached a group of images.
In short, it is an arched wall that is made up of a series of masonary objects (6types), each with the same dimensions, the only difference being they have different openings. The objects just need to be represented as a solid masonary for now. The individual objects need to be shuffled around the arch to test different configurations.
Would the best approach be to develop the objects as generic model families?
I am using Revit 2013 and I am wondering if there is any easy way of getting my generic model schedules to get the length of the object without having to manually type it in?!
I have attached 2 images to explain what I am talking about. I have created my own countertops and decided for scheduling purposes it would work best to have them as generic models. As you can see from the "Counter Top Properties" image that it has the length of my countertop in the program, but as the "Counter top Schedule" Images shows I can not choose "Length" as an available field. I had to create a parameter for the length ("Length of Unit"), which is just a dimension parameter, and I have to type in manually what the length is. Is there a way to get my schedule to get that length dimension automatically without having to manually type it in!?
What is Purpose or use of families Template <Metric Generic Model two level based>? Do ceilings are used to make Or decorative elements of the ceiling?
I recently built a model-in-place generic model ceiling canopy using Revit 2013. I want to place lights (recessed cans) in the model. Can I change the model type to ceiling or is there a way to place light fixtures in it?
I would like to add a "Room Bounding" Parameter / Constraint to a Generic Family I have already created
I have successfully created a Shear wall Family for the core of a building I am modeling.
I've stacked one on top of another and linked it as a project file with a Global "Room Bounding" checked into the main Project File . Geometrically it all works perfectly and even looks right with a concrete fill linestyle. But sadly the instance doesn't appear to realize that it is meant to act like a wall when it comes to adding rooms!
I have some generic labels inside families to display parameters. These work but they seem to randomly disapear.
I thought it was only happening when families were joined as when I unjoined the offending families the labels were visible again but then after closing and opening the view some of the labels have disapeared again.
If I copy this family to a new location the labels will be visible.
I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.
If you have a large project and many outside walls have large sections that are the same can you create exterior dimensions on a number of different levels that are tied together. In other words they are the same annotation done once for all those levels without cutting and pasting or doing the same dimensioning on the different levels, which is very error prone and the chances of different dimsions showing on different levels that are supposed to be the same is very large.
I am thinking of something like bing able to x-ref the dimensions like you can do in autocad. Is anything like this posssible in Revit?
I am used to Autocad Architecture where I typically detail out my sections. I show the top and bottom plates, gypsum wallboard, beam sections, ACT tile layout, etc...
In Revit, the annotation scale seems to be too small to make it look good. I just get thick lines at 1/4" scale - looks sloppy. I have detail set to fine, but it does not seem to do anything until I set the scale to 1-1/2"=1'-0" or greater.
How to actually take a section from start to finish on the sheet. Everyone just shows how you put the section mark down and it automatically creates a section view.... Thats great but there is a lot more to do in my mind, I think I know how to add the callouts and annotation but it does not seem very good if I am not pointing at the insulation or pointing to the beam, etc.
We have a structure model linked into our architectural model, where some structure will be located within the wall. The cut pattern of structure is not always showing on top of (opaque) the wall cut pattern. Sometimes the cut pattern appears transparent with the wall cut pattern running through the structural member.
I tried playing with this in a fresh project with just a C channel in a wall. Sometimes it shows opaque and sometimes transparent depending on the position of the channel in the wall. I would try making the member flat at different elevations and sloped at different elevations and they all had different graphic display behavior. Then I tried duplicating the wall and channel to have two sets to play with simultaneously. Modifying the elevation or slope in one would actually change the graphics of the other, when the other didn't move.
I've tried checking/unchecking the following parameters within the project and family without any effect: structural material, structural, show pre-cut in plan, and always vertical. Not only am I assuming that the structural cut pattern should be opaque over the wall's cut pattern, but I can't even identify what is causing it to change with different elevation/slope settings.
I will attach 2 screenshots. The one titled opaque is the desired effect.
I've had a request from on of our users to replicate something that has been done for years in 2D CAD. They want a marker to show changes in floor levels that look something like this:-
The annotation needs to be able to read the slab on either side of the step marker and hopefully if possible the difference be represented as text. The datum levels are secondary and it is really the depth of the step that seems to be more important. I do however want to avoid these being just dumb text as if/when the design evolves someone will forget to modify the text.
Here is an example of a few showing two steps in the slab and the results we would want.
I have tried loading/nesting a standard spot level in thinking if I had two in an annotation that this might work, but I was unable to even place a spot marker within the family which makes some sense I suppose.
Is this even technically possible...? I realize the origin usually determines what hosts the family and how, but I guess we are looking for something with a double origin, which is why I think this may not be possible...?
we have this issue that has affected us in Revit 2011 and 2012. For many of our families we have a 3D object, a 2d representation of symbolic lines, and then some editable text/annotation:
- The text is a Generic Annotation annotation family, with a single label, set to display the parameter "Text Frame"
- This family is then inserted into the family of the specific object being created, with, under label's Type Properties, the "Text Frame" of the label being linked with a "Text" parameter in the object family.
This seems to work all fine and dandy, however, we're getting an interesting problem: after working in the file for a while some percentage of the annotation on these families disappear in a view. Sometimes it's just a few, sometimes half, sometimes all of them just go away (everything else, including the symbolic lines, are still there). If you close the file and re-open, they will re-appear. If you nudge them, they will re-appear. Other views may still have them, at least for a time... then they too will dissapear.
This happens both on screen and, dangerously, during printing. You print a whole set, only to discover much of your annotation for objects is gone... (not to mention the cost and waste of trees when you re-print).
Is this a known problem (search only turned up one thread on this), or is there another way to do what I want (have editable annotation on a family) that avoids this issue and I stubmled onto the improper way of doing it?
We have just made the switch to Revit 2013 and the first order of business is creating a template. I, as is my entire office, is learning as we go. I have followed the No Experience Necessary Revit book which was fantastic.
Now, at the beginning of creating my template I am stuck.
I edited the elevation marker and saved a new copy into my standards / prototype folder on my server. I customized it to look just like our CAD elevation marker, great...
I have the family loaded in the template.
Now when someone clicks on the elevation marker in the ribbon how do I get it to load mine instead of the default Revit one? Otherwise, I know I am going to find inconsistencies on our drawings as staff goes to that button.
I embedded a label (Generic Annotation) into some families that is only shown on plan views. Is there any Label that can be shown in the Room elevation views. I attached a simple familie with a label.
I have an annotation family with about ten different types built into it. When I import this into a project, the Arrowhead option (in the Type Properties) of each type is set to 'none'. I do not see anywhere in the family editor to set that value to 20 Degrees Filled. Is there a way to accomplish this, or must I set the arrowhead values each time I load a tag (which seems absurd and redundant).
We have a problem in some of our views (mostly dependent views), Central file.We place normal annotation text (not littera) and everything looks fine.
Then it happens, random can take days, and noone tuch the views nor the text style, that the text duplicate itself up to 1-4 times, and also change its location on the view.(The text don't lie on each other, but spread around the view, but keeps the condition in location to each other from the origin texts that was placed)
When we have encounter this we have deleted the copys and placed the text right again and then it works for a while...everything repeats itself, and in the end (random timeflow) the text deletes itself completely.
I'm an Archicad User and I'm evaluating Revit at the moment as I'm interested in a better integration with other Autodesk products.I have two questions though that Google and the Docs couldn't answer me.
1- I have an Annotated Region (a polygon), how can I annotate an angled measure of an edge? I've tried the aligned dimension tool and this link: URL....
2- What's the proper way to join a point of an edge to another edge without changing the length? (somehow to 'rotate' an edge around one point and 'snap' the other point to another edge). I'm using a circle tool and snapping to intersection at the moment.
Also, I know this isn't the best place to ask, but is Revit worth the change? I mean, i'm completely satisfied with Archicad and so far Revit isn't very intuitive at all and the workflow seems it's never going to be on-par with Archicad, I'm considering the change solely for the fact that Revit may have a much better integration with AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, and other Autodesk softwares.
4. Select from a drop down list, "Absurdly Thick Line" and have it instantly inherit the linestyle I created.
The only way I can do this is to create a family, make a new subcategory of Detail Items, create the characteristics I want in the line, export it as a .dwg file, then import it into Revit - and then I see the new line style along side the other line styles, and I can then select any line and make it the new line style.
Certainly, there is an easy to find, simple, straightforward way to add line styles to the existing group - and have those new line styles become immediately accessible from the "Modify Lines" Linestyle Drop down Menu.
I get a 'generic pdf parser' error message when trying to open a pdf file in Photoshop 7.0.1. I am probably using a newer version of acrobat. Is there a setting in Photoshop that will allow me to open pdf files...even if newer?
I have image sources in .EPS format, and I need convert it into hi-resolution JPEG images. When I open .EPS file in Photoshop 7, it show 'Rasterize Generic EPS Format' dialog. Its not clear how to select image resolution and dimensions correctly. The image dimensions(default?) shown in dialog, is smaller that I need. Since I want set large image dimensions, how this will affect on image quality? Does it make sence use proportional ratio? (i.e. default height is 7.66px, so I set new height 15.32px (7.66 x 2). Or this does not affect? For image resolution: in source I get .EPS images from, has specified that images resolution 300dpi. When open EPS, in 'Rasterize Generic EPS Formatn' dialog shown default 72dpi. Does it matter? Can I set any resolution (150, 300 dpi) without affecting on quality?