Revit :: Can't Choose Generic Walls
Oct 13, 2011reinstalled revit and when i pick wall I can't choose generic walls.
View 2 Repliesreinstalled revit and when i pick wall I can't choose generic walls.
View 2 RepliesI want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to embed a tag as generic annotation within a family so that I can control the visibility of the tag based upon a type shared parameter within the family. However, when I rotate or mirror the family the text and labels within the tag change positions, go backwards, flip upside down, no matter what combiniation of "Keep readable" and Rotate with "Rotate with component" I try.I would like to have the tag look, regardless of which direction the family is facing. How to either:
1. Make the embedded generic annotation maintain the correct orientation
2. Control a tags visibility based upon a shared parameter within the associated family?
I've created some generic walls and I wanted to overide the material but I can't find a way to do it. I thought I could do it in revit arch 2010 but using properties and edit type but I don't get the materials selection using revit arch 2011.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCreating a particular object for use in a revit project. I have attached a group of images.
In short, it is an arched wall that is made up of a series of masonary objects (6types), each with the same dimensions, the only difference being they have different openings. The objects just need to be represented as a solid masonary for now. The individual objects need to be shuffled around the arch to test different configurations.
Would the best approach be to develop the objects as generic model families?
I have an MEP dwg with 3d geometry that I would like to take a lineweighted section through.
I successfully made the section by importing the cad file into a generic mass, but I cant seem to get the lineweights to show up.
I've tried setting overrides and object styles for generic models, but it doesnt register the cut line, only the projection line style.
I also tried importing as an IFC, which also converts the file to generic models, but no dice.
I am using Revit 2013 and I am wondering if there is any easy way of getting my generic model schedules to get the length of the object without having to manually type it in?!
I have attached 2 images to explain what I am talking about. I have created my own countertops and decided for scheduling purposes it would work best to have them as generic models. As you can see from the "Counter Top Properties" image that it has the length of my countertop in the program, but as the "Counter top Schedule" Images shows I can not choose "Length" as an available field. I had to create a parameter for the length ("Length of Unit"), which is just a dimension parameter, and I have to type in manually what the length is. Is there a way to get my schedule to get that length dimension automatically without having to manually type it in!?
What is Purpose or use of families Template <Metric Generic Model two level based>? Do ceilings are used to make Or decorative elements of the ceiling?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently built a model-in-place generic model ceiling canopy using Revit 2013. I want to place lights (recessed cans) in the model. Can I change the model type to ceiling or is there a way to place light fixtures in it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make a tag that shows instance parameters of a generic model family?
Windows 7
Why is there not a Display Order function within a Generic Annotation family, or am I missing this? Specifically when you Mask an area but want some linework graphics in the family to display on top of it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to add a "Room Bounding" Parameter / Constraint to a Generic Family I have already created
I have successfully created a Shear wall Family for the core of a building I am modeling.
I've stacked one on top of another and linked it as a project file with a Global "Room Bounding" checked into the main Project File . Geometrically it all works perfectly and even looks right with a concrete fill linestyle. But sadly the instance doesn't appear to realize that it is meant to act like a wall when it comes to adding rooms!
I have some generic labels inside families to display parameters. These work but they seem to randomly disapear.
I thought it was only happening when families were joined as when I unjoined the offending families the labels were visible again but then after closing and opening the view some of the labels have disapeared again.
If I copy this family to a new location the labels will be visible.
I have an AutoCAD dwg file that I would like to import into a Revit generic annotation .rfa file. It's a logo file that we're trying to use for a titleblock. It was originally made into a dwg from an EPS file. I would redraw in Revit but when I try it I get the 'line is too short' error. So it goes.
My problem is this- when I set a RGB value in the AutoCAD file, then import it into Revit with the option to preserve colors, it doesn't show the same color I assigned. I know there are some issues with converting ACAD colors to Revit colors.
I am trying to create a parametric seating row with a Generic Line Based family.
If you check the file for the Length (default) parameter, I am multiplying it by the Arm Distance (600mm) so that the pattern repeats while I stretch out the line.
=Chairs * 600 mm
I want to add a parameter for the Arm Distance linked with the actual seat so that if I make the chair wider the pattern would adjust accordingly.
=Chairs * Arm Distance3
This way I could adjust the chair width and Line Based family all at once. However, I am finding that when I add "Arm Distance3" to the equation the Line Based feature stops working.
I'm at my wits end trying to cut a wall with a void. I want to chamfer the corners of a wall, but I can't get even a basic void to cut from a wall. I get the error : "This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut. They must be deleted, or solid geometry added and cut." They clearly intersect, what am I doing wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you tag the rooms that are not fully enclosed by the walls?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy Revit 2013 when the walls are installed on some laptops is clearly visible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere are certain walls I just can't fillet, what's the reason of it? See attached pict.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently doing an MEP project and I am tidying up the model at present. I am having problems attaching the walls to the roofs. There could be a simple solution but I haven't found it yet !
I have tried attaching top base etc. but its not working. I only seem to be able to select one side of the roof when selecting where to attach the walls. I have attached 3d pics showing the walls that are extruding & also one of the walls that I am trying to attach.
Just what the title says. Walls dont appear when drawing in plan view but appear in the 3d view. how come??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI drew some internal walls before adding a floor slab. After adding the floor slab the walls disappeared in plan. I can see them in 3D, in the correct place, but not in plan.
The floor slab is in the right position. To fix the problem I redrew them all, but why did they disappear and how do I prevent it from happening again?
using zoom wheel on mouse, how do i enable passing through walls, instead of continuing to zoom further and further in on walls
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to prevent walls from joining?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy my existing walls show up fine in my sheet but don't plot to .pdf. I have the view range settings set correctly and all other sheets plot fine.
I thought maybe the roof transparency was the issue but Revit is usually pretty much a WYSIWYG plotting operation and the walls are displaying in the sheet file. Haven't tried plotting to a plotter but it doesn't matter. I need to plot .pdf's.
How do you join a square wall to a slanted roof so that the walls are not sticking out of the roof.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to bridge the gap at the intersection of two types of wall. I’m wondering which “function” settings are required such that the intersection between two types of all walls (30 cm and 10cm) produce solid line.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo I have to use the Stack Walls family in order to have my walls line up on top of each other between the levels? My walls are all slightly off in 3D view and look messy..
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my 3D View my walls disappear when I de-select the structural box. Although drawn as regular walls they are store front panels so carry no load other than their own weight. My Visibility Graphics dialog box seems to have limited options for this. Am I missing something? How do I get them to re-appear in my 3D View for rendering without switching them to a structural wall?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you un-join walls so you can move one selection set without impacting the other?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have one wall (basic wall) where !'ve edited to profile to have a large rectagle omitted. I have a second wall (curtain wall) that needs to occupy that space with a 1/2" gap on either side and a 1" gap along the top. I can maintain the gap along the top, but when the gaps along the sides shrinks below 1", the walls meet and the gap is reduced to zero. I've tried making the internal wall into a group, but whenever the outer wall's profile is edited to within 1/2", And I click the Finish button, the interior wall (inside the group) extends to meet it. Automatically Embed is turned off for the curtain wall. I've tried locked dimensions, but that didn't seem to work.
How I can maintain the gap without the walls closing?