why my existing walls show up fine in my sheet but don't plot to .pdf. I have the view range settings set correctly and all other sheets plot fine.
I thought maybe the roof transparency was the issue but Revit is usually pretty much a WYSIWYG plotting operation and the walls are displaying in the sheet file. Haven't tried plotting to a plotter but it doesn't matter. I need to plot .pdf's.
I have a problem with the connection between an existing and new walls in revit, I attached a screen shot. I tried the wall join button , but I'm still unable to make the connection look right.
I have some families in a project such as sinks and cabinets that are wall hosted, but when I try to place them on the existing walls of the linked file they do not go there. Is there a setting to get around this?
I want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
I have been provided an existing cad drawing as part of a project. I need to be able to measure the walls and interior of the drawing and I have the drawing set to mm. I would like to know what settings I need to change so that the measurements appear in mm as at the moment they arent. I have attached a picture to show the sort of measurements I am getting... is this something to do with scaling? The number on drawing is 15.700.
Wall layer will not print when I export the plan to layout via export to Pdf. All other lines print. When I print in model space by putting a window around the plan and export to a PDF file the wall layer prints.
I've created a plot style setting Black lwt. Stb ( style 1) in my table setting . I've set my plot style in my layers to this setting. In my plot setup I've selected this setting. Have the transperancy setting checked and all others uncheck so my line weights appear nice and thin but everything plots color in my pdf.
I've matched my " plot style" in my properties after selecting various walls, windows, doors and etc in properties . Yet I still get color. Particulary with all default hatches ( cmu wall ) The only thing I've done that works is Select wall> right click> Edit wall Style and then changed the style over rides. This involved selecting different hatches and etc. This works but seems excessive for something that should be simple. What am I missing here. My standard 2d items and even 3d drawings of something like a hinge.I don't encounter this.
I'm at my wits end trying to cut a wall with a void. I want to chamfer the corners of a wall, but I can't get even a basic void to cut from a wall. I get the error : "This Mass has no solid geometry for its Void Forms to cut. They must be deleted, or solid geometry added and cut." They clearly intersect, what am I doing wrong?
I am currently doing an MEP project and I am tidying up the model at present. I am having problems attaching the walls to the roofs. There could be a simple solution but I haven't found it yet !
I have tried attaching top base etc. but its not working. I only seem to be able to select one side of the roof when selecting where to attach the walls. I have attached 3d pics showing the walls that are extruding & also one of the walls that I am trying to attach.
I drew some internal walls before adding a floor slab. After adding the floor slab the walls disappeared in plan. I can see them in 3D, in the correct place, but not in plan.
The floor slab is in the right position. To fix the problem I redrew them all, but why did they disappear and how do I prevent it from happening again?
How to bridge the gap at the intersection of two types of wall. I’m wondering which “function” settings are required such that the intersection between two types of all walls (30 cm and 10cm) produce solid line.
Do I have to use the Stack Walls family in order to have my walls line up on top of each other between the levels? My walls are all slightly off in 3D view and look messy..
In my 3D View my walls disappear when I de-select the structural box. Although drawn as regular walls they are store front panels so carry no load other than their own weight. My Visibility Graphics dialog box seems to have limited options for this. Am I missing something? How do I get them to re-appear in my 3D View for rendering without switching them to a structural wall?
I have one wall (basic wall) where !'ve edited to profile to have a large rectagle omitted. I have a second wall (curtain wall) that needs to occupy that space with a 1/2" gap on either side and a 1" gap along the top. I can maintain the gap along the top, but when the gaps along the sides shrinks below 1", the walls meet and the gap is reduced to zero. I've tried making the internal wall into a group, but whenever the outer wall's profile is edited to within 1/2", And I click the Finish button, the interior wall (inside the group) extends to meet it. Automatically Embed is turned off for the curtain wall. I've tried locked dimensions, but that didn't seem to work.
How I can maintain the gap without the walls closing?
I'm making a pool and i wanted to round the corners to make it seem more real. Is there a way to do a sort of "fillet" on the corners of the walls to make them round?
Need to make a wall with varying height. For example, 3000mm at one end and 4000mm at the other. The result would be a sloped ceiling and roof. Should I make a 'mass' and attach a wall to it or is there a way to vary the height of an existing wall?
I am laying out a simple structure. Bearing wall to bearing wall is 35’, with a few non bearing walls between the bearing walls. I will be using a truss to span from bearing wall to bearing wall. What would be the best work flow for the drywall ceiling material. The ceiling seems to require a core element. I cannot seem to manage drywall alone. If I create a ceiling with 2x4 core and drywall finish and create a ceiling over the whole area the ceiling seems to auto dim to the ceiling finish and not the core 2x4. Then there is the issue of the clean up at the top plate were the wall and ceiling finishes meet
whether it's possible to modify the profile of curved walls. Normally when you select a wall, it should be possible to edit the wall and its profile, though when a wall is curved, the button "edit profile" is gray. Is there any other way to obtain a similar effect, maybe using masses or so?
I am working on a very large Metal Screen that is Approx. 55'-0" H x 240'-0" W.
I need to create the actual punched screen for my Revit Model Renderings and can not use a decal as an option. Each 4'x8' panel will be punched based on a Raster image that I have created an algorithm the convert the image to a Vector Autocad file so the metal fabricator can program the puncher. Every panel is different and thus can not be created and just copied over the entire screen.
The only way I have been able to attempt creating this screen hase been to Edit the profile of a wall. this method though is insanely time comsumming and not really an option, how to select all the lines brought in from cad together and edit. I have only been able to click individual lines...
I am attaching 2 DWG files, one that is off a full size portion of the screen and one that represents one panel (approx. 4' 8').
I am also attaching a RVT file that has the DWG brought in an placed on on elevation of the "wall".