Revit :: Finding The Railing Host?
Feb 25, 2014
On my Revit project, I need to analise lots of stairs.
But, using the Revit LookUp, when I select one railing, I can`t identify the stair that is the host of this railing.
Or, on the other way, when I select one stair, I can`t identify the railings that are connected with that stair.
What can I do to recognize these on my code?
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May 2, 2013
We're trying to draw a railing using the Revit railing command. The issue that's coming up is that we want the balusters to be placed outwards from the center (as in there's a post in the middle of the span) and the remainders at the end posts are whatever they end up being. One of the runs is small enough that the 5' baluster spacing is centered at the space (as if Revit insists on having at least a 5' space in there and it looks like this: | | | | ). What we've done for now is to tell it to space the balusters exactly the distance from center point to each end (like this: | | | ), but that means we'll have to make a new railing family for each run and that's very inefficient. Is there any way to specify what we mean by center justification?
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Feb 9, 2012
I have this railing with glass baluster. The glass baluster panel is 2'-0" in length. The railing is not on a 2'-0" modular length so the last panel extends past the corner of the railing. I can set the baluster placement to be centered on the railing which gives me a panel at each end that is extended past the corner. I understand this is normal based on my what I am asking Revit to. My question is, how can I get the 24" glass panels centered on the railing length but have the two end panels automatically adjust in lenght to make up the difference and not be 2'-0"?
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Nov 27, 2013
How to draw a railing over the top of a wall? when the wall's top face is irregular. See the attached image.
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Nov 8, 2013
I've created custom railing terminations and applied them to a handrail. They appear in every view extept plan. Railing extensions show fine. Railing Terminations don't. I am including screenshots & the families. Visibility is on for all views and all detail levels. Linetype is set to solid in Object Styles and VG. View Range is fine. Cut plane is way above the railing and bottom is unlimited.
The weird thing is that the extenstions appear in blue when the railing is selected. But they dissappear otherwise.
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Oct 8, 2013
I want to create an Egress path that automatically shows me the total length and also works through multiple levels. Cadastrophe had provided a method to do that with details. This gives good results. however, I didn't see a way to use it on stairs and multiple levels (for total length inc. mezzanines etc.)
I created a method with railings that seems to work including multiple floors and I also could schedule it (s. attached screenshot that shows me the lower floor and also the dashed Egress path on mezzanine). The way I did it was to create balusters that are shaped like arrows, and place them every 4 ft along the railing. So yes it is a bit cheating and a workaround, but works for Egress purposes.
I learned the hard way that railings aren't really families like windows etc. that I can save elsewhere, but more like walls that are not saved and manipulated separately. This also seems to apply to "handrail type", Railing", and "top Rail type". So I only could play with baluster families. However, those couldn't get shared parameters. So I'm a bit limited. I also wasn't able to create subcategories for balusters. So all the railing families are not as flexible as other families.
My concern with using railings is, how do I include actual railing on the stairs when the stair already has the "Egress railing"? And since I can't create subcategories, my views would show the "Egress railings" whenever I show normal railings. The only workaround seems to be to manually hide the railing I don't want to show in each view.
I know of the Stafford Egress method, but think what Cadastrophe provided is much better (and also what my railing does so far).
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Dec 22, 2011
How do you assign an exisiting stairs to be the host of a new set of railing?
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May 24, 2012
Why am I getting this kind of railing and stringer? How do i make the railing and stringer run continuous and smooth?
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Apr 24, 2013
I am creating a fireplace family in Revit Architecture 2012 with wall host (Speciality equipment with Wall host). I selected the template created the family, but in mean time i can't understand the wall is having delete option.(i.e it is released from host). I am surprised to see that in the family type, the wall host is missing.
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Sep 23, 2013
How to configure the schedule synchronization between Host and Accelerator of Revit Server 2013
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Feb 4, 2013
I've made a few roof hosted families, and they've all been fine in the past. For some reason, with this one, when you load it into a project it appears to be one 'ref level' too high for the roof host, hence revit errors, displaying that it can't cut the roof void.
I assume this is something really simple I should (or not!) have done with the family when I started it, can it be saved?
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Dec 29, 2013
I am putting an internal screen family together.
As the wall wraps do not work on the soffit (only on reveals), I have used a sweep to match the wall plaster thickness to provide a finish.
Is it possible to report the host wall finish material and have it assigned to this sweep automatically ? I have tried to add a finish layer to the host wall in the family - but have not been able to find a way of extracting the material value for this layer.
For the moment I have left it as an Instance property for manual correction - but automated would be great.
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Dec 27, 2013
I'm trying to use a formula in a family that requires the host wall thickness.
I've setup an instance reporting parameter (dimensioned to the host wall faces) - which works fine in reporting the correct value.
But when I try to use that variable in a formula, I keep getting the error:
"Instance Parameters can't be used in Type Parameter formulas."
Is there a way of getting the reported dimension as a Type rather than an Instance - or is there another work around ?
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Mar 19, 2013
I have made an extruded wall and when I attempt to add a window I get this warning.
None of the created elements are visible in Structural Plan: Erdgeschoss View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as any Plan Regions and their settings.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a staircase from the first floor to second floor with a total of 3 landings.. I need to fix the railing at the bottom to go down to 3'0, right now its sitting at 3' - 6"... AT 3'0" it needs to connect to the handrail that wraps around (the red)...normally I can just edit the railing by pulling it longer but since it was a place on host railing.. it looks like it loops around and when I tried playing around with that to extend the bottom rail.. it gave me an error..
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Feb 16, 2012
I would like to cut a void into the wall of a host window family. When I place a void in the family, it does not cut thought the wall.
I tried making the void on a plane perpendicular and parallel to the wall plane. I dont know if this has anything to do with how voids work. But its not working. I also dont have an 'opening' element in the window family.
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Jan 3, 2012
What kind of an instance paramater needs to be implemented in order to account the host wall type in the door schedule?
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Sep 9, 2011
I used railing tools and created railing in the project files. i want to change rail and Baluster.i created metric baluster and rail from family and saved in the local drive. i used in to my project also it is working fine.
i want to use this railing to some other project. how to get it either copy past or revit link or any other way because the railing created in project file.
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Jan 29, 2014
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014
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Apr 30, 2013
One of my colleagues was able to insert Spot Elevations by picking anywhere on the surface of his floor objects in his floor plan yesterday (2013 Central file with two users working). Today, when he tries to place the same Spot Elevation object, he is only able to pick the floors at the perimeter of the floor objects instead of the surface of the floor. what setting or mode they accidentally changed to prompt this unfortunate behavior?
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Jul 25, 2011
I've made a Stainless Steel Glass balustrade.
How do i add this to my Railings cataloge in CAD. I want it to be same as other railings in CATALOG.
I've posted a video on youtube (pleae click on full screen for better view).
i've also been to here but it doesnt make sence at all
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Feb 4, 2013
I usually attach an xref to my drawing as a workflow, but I neverreally understand why its so difficult to locate it after importing. The xref almost always comes far away from theinsertion point. I tried to open thexref and set new ucs at the corner of the geometry but its all the same.
How can I coordinate xref ucs to my host drawing ucs?
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Oct 29, 2012
I have been trying to set up another computer to render in vray by distributing render. I have followed various online tutorials showing exactly how to set it up but to no avail. When i render it says "could not connect to host 192.168.... no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". I have 64 bit running on my main pc with 32bit on my slave, vray 2.0 and 3ds max design 2012 on both machines,both pc's can see each other, on the same workgroup and backburner works. I have vray set up properly and vray spawner started although no icon appears in the taskbar as some say it should.
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Oct 8, 2013
Issue: Occasionally, and for mysterious reasons, VBA will not work. In fact, if I try to access VBA, Inventor will outright crash. The cause of this seems to stem from the Inventor32bitHost.exe not working correctly for some strange reason. Instead of the normal behavior of opening only one instance when VBA is started, it opens an instance for every part in an assembly or, from what I can tell, a different instance for any module found inside of a document inside of an assembly!
It prevents anything related to VBA from working at all, meaning that I no longer have access to the quick and dirty debugger, nor any macro that was built using it. In addition to that, instead of the normal behavior of the Inventor32bitHost.exe closing out when Inventor closes no longer happens, meaning that I’m left with hundreds of instances just sitting silently in the background. As you would imagine, after a few large assembly openings / closing, this starts to bog things down in a pretty awful way.
Have any of you had this problem before on your machine? If so, did you ever find out what was causing / caused it?
So far I have tried reinstalling / repairing / voodoo / thaumaturgy, all with little success. Yet, sometimes I can restart and it will work for the first few sessions of Inventor, and then all of a sudden relapse back into this behavior.
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a number of layout tabs with varying layer controls applied in multiple viewports. This layout may be made up of a number of xrefs. I end up with a lot of layers in the host drawing from the xrefs, and even after I purge the xrefs to eliminate some of the xrefs, the layers remain in the host drawing, even though they no longer exist.
Is there any way to update the xref definitions to get rid of the layers without losing the layer setups I have? VISRETAIN is set to 1, and if I reset it to 0, I will lose all of the viewport controls I have put in place.
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Sep 29, 2013
Using acad 2010
I insert xref, it is possible to click on underlay object and have it transferred to the host working space?
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Aug 10, 2011
When I've mis-aligned a group of objects my instinct is to hit Ctrl+Z and try again but the Object Alignment dialog doesn't appear to be passing keyboard commands back to Xara so I have to first click somewhere in the main window, undo and then re-select the Object Alignment dialog.
Not a huge deal but I've just started playing with Xara and thought I'd document quirks as I discover them, as part of my learning curve.
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May 31, 2013
I would like to connect a Map3D drawing to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database hosted on a linux server on my network. In the past I have successfully connected to PostgreSQL/PostGIS when the server/db is running on the same Windows box where I am using AutoCAD. I've been able to do this with several combinations of Windows (XP/7/7x64)/PostgreSQL(8.4/9.1)/PostGIS (1.5/2.0) and AutoCAD Map (2013).
I have even been able to connect from one Windows PC running AutoCAD Map to a PostGIS database hosted on another Windows machine on the network, but not to a database hosted by a Linux server. When I try this from an XP workstation, the application (ACAD) immediately crashes without warning (this happens after I enter the connection information and try to "login"). On Windows 7, the application crash is almost as immediate, but it at least gives me an exit code error "FATAL ERROR: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at..."
I've tried to view the postgres logs on the db server. I usually get one of these for each failure:
2013-05-31 10:53:42 EDT LOG: could not accept SSL connection: Connection reset by peer
I've tweaked the postgres file (pg_hba.conf) to allow non-ssl/ssl/etc to make sure that I don't have problems there. In fact, I have other GIS apps on the AutoCAD workstation that I use to test the PostGIS connectivity prior to trying AutoCAD. I've looked for other things like Antivirus/firewall that might be contributing, but I've come up empty. I've also tried using the newer "OGR FDO" providers from I get the same behavior with those.
In short, how to be able to connect AutoCAD Map 3D 2013 to a non-Windows PostgreSQL/PostGIS host? How to get a successful connection.
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Jun 10, 2013
I understand how Smart Previews work. What I'm unsure of is...will we be able to edit these files remotely, separate from the host computer? For example, I'm an image editor and I live 500 miles away from the photographer that I work for. Can they (the photographer) download the images after shooting, create Smart Previews then send me the 'Smart Preview' folder of images, I edited them on my own computer then return the Smart Previews back to them fully edited?
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm trying to export photos to Flickr using the Flickr publish service. When I try to log in to Flickr in order to authenticate my account, I get the error message "Could not contact the Flickr web service. Please check your Internet connection." Similarly, I have tried to use Jeff Friedl's "Export to Flickr" plugin. When I try to enable this plugin, Lightroom can't contact Flickr - I get the error message "cannotconnectToHost", and Lightroom just keeps retrying to connect with no success.
I have Internet access, and can log into Flickr without any problems using my browser.
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Dec 1, 2013
I have assigned ai::UnicodeString names to some art in my AI document.
This I have acheived using sAIUIDUtils->SetArtNameOrUID()
For retreiving the art from document, I want to use the ai::UniCodeString names of the art.
error = sAIUIDPool->GetPool("anyName", &pool); // The SDK reference says the 1st parameters is ignored, but error = 1346458189 after this steperror = sAIUIDPool->NewUIDREF(pool, myUnicodeName, &uidRef);error = sAIUIDUtils->GetReferencedArt(uidRef, &foundArt);
if(foundArt == NULL){ matchingArtFound = false;}
What is wrong with the above code to acheive : "Get the art, knowing its name" ? Is there any better way to do so ?
This unicode name is the one which we see in the attribute name "id" in the SVG format of the AI document.
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