Revit :: Edit Profile On Curved Wall Is Still Not Possible?
Apr 14, 2011
For a very long time I have missed to able to edit profile on a curved wall. It seems so basic and yet it has not been possible. So I was very pleased when it was pronounced that this basic option was finally possible in Revit 2012. Alas it is not. I am so very dissapointed because this is a basic feature wich should have been fixed years ago.
Any simple method to edit profile on a curved wall without having to attach wall top and buttom to invisible layers of floors and roofs ect.
I am currently working in a facade that has a stylized gondola on it. The gondola has curved walls for the sides, and I need to have the curved cut to give it the shape. The tools I know are for straight walls, not curved. and the Opening/wall makes a squared opening, not curved.
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
I have a question about wall profiles. I want to make a profile on a wall so I can make Zinc Panels on the wall that are 10" X 20". I've attached a picture of what I'm going for. I'd like it to have a 1/2" spacing between them and with a joint depth of 1" and I'd like to do this is the wall type so that I can use this wall in multiple places rather than having it model-in-place. Anyway I have made a profile that is 1" X 10" so that it can become my panel profile. But when I go to add it to the wall as a wall sweep as I have seen people do I get hung up on how to make it tile up the wall and also I don't understand how to make the profile so that it is 20" wide. I have a screen shot of where I'm editing this too. Below is the link of the site.
I can't put my nested window family in a curved wall. Where the problem could be situated? It has to be a normal straight window so I use my nested window families from other projects. I compared my NWF(nested window family) with the ones autodesk provides with revit but I don't find the difference. The NWF from autodesk work in a curved wall.
I am working on a building that will have a cornice running along the top of the wall. This is easily handled by a wall sweep. However, at a point along the length of the wall, the wall will have an arch along the top of it. I tried adjusting the profile of the wall, but the parapet (wall sweep) does not conform to the curve of the wall.How would you model a curved wall with a cornice.
Is it possible to project an elevation drawn in CAD onto a curved wall in Revit?
The pattern of the cladding is very complicated and varies in both directions (curves) so it was easier to draw in in CAD, but I would like to project it on my curved wall in Revit, co that I could calculate the cladding areas accurately.
whether it's possible to modify the profile of curved walls. Normally when you select a wall, it should be possible to edit the wall and its profile, though when a wall is curved, the button "edit profile" is gray. Is there any other way to obtain a similar effect, maybe using masses or so?
I am trying to model a column to a curved profile as shown in my sketch. I have opened the structural Column family and imported the curve profile i require it to follow om my required work plane and tried to model a sweep but i'm having problems...
The Sweep will not follow the line of the profile and the column is offset.
I am trying to modify a vertical structural wall in elevation view - change from rectangular shape to trapezoidal (to allow a flat roof to drain to east). Did south wall in one elevation; I chose the wall, and it was outlined in red. I was then able to drag the east vertical edge down by a foot, creating desired slope. I now go to another elevation to modify north wall the same way, but when I choose the wall, it comes up with a blue ball in the center of each edge, with little hash marks on either side, and won't let me modify anything. Also, when I choose the wall outline (with the blue balls), I can't get to wall properties.
I'm, trying to update my wall profile so that all of my interior walls have baseboard/molding on them. I've been successful in creating a wall profile with molding, but only on one side. Looks like this in plan view. (Molding is highlighted and only on one side.)So, I first try to update my wall profile like this:
And I either duplicate, or add another sweep to the wall, and make that "Exterior" as to be on the "other" side of the wall.However, after pressing "OK" and "OK" at the wall profile editing box, I get the following error box:
When I click on "Show", I'm shown nothing. When I click on "Enjoin Elements", this same box comes up no matter how many times I click on the "Enjoin Elements" button.
Having problems adding molding to both sides of their interior walls? Am I going about this the right way? Tried to smallify the actual .rvt file, but I can't get it down to an acceptable size for posting here.
I would like ask if I create wall from mass by using wall by face. However, the walls have slope and they are not connected to each other.
(Please see the picture) When I would like to edit wall only option shows in modify is update to face. Do they have any way to edit this wall as normal?
I just created a wall sweep on a wall , but I noticed the sweep doesn't adjust to the wall profile, please see the second floor wall in the attached image. Is there anyway to make the sweep adjust to the profile of the wall automatically?
I'm trying to create a Tiled Skirt (150x150mm) profile or pattern to be used as Wall Sweep. Is there anyway to create this profile as the Family Template: metric profile (wall hosted) only allow me to create a 2D profile.
I would prefer to avoid detail lines or Filled region to get the tiles shown as I need to schedule and quantify this element.
Having a time getting ribs to align 2m below top of ridge beam, and connect to curved wall below. I created one, then arrayed, but the radius changes at each 2.5 degree interval. I don't think I should have to calculate the % radius change to get the beams to do this. Some constraint button maybe?
Not sure if editing a wall profile is the best way to model this, but it's working.
I want to create a profile/wall style or what ever you want to call it for a raised deck flooring for external decking. I am looking at the decking material only. Not concerned about the timber framing sub floor material.
I have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling. This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level. I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite. I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined. I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
Refer to the attached file. How can I cut the RED part of the Wall 1 (W1) , where Wall 2 is sloped. I also want to cut a hole in wall 2 (W2) by the BLUE rectangle , but why I can't do that .
I also want to add a second floor to my project but I can only see the" Level" icon goes grey and I can't click it.
When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end. How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves. eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width. How do I do this?
I am trying to make a floorplan of my house in Revit 2013, but I am having an issue when it comes to one wall in my house. I have an opening in the Master Bedroom that leads to the bathroom. This wall has a weird arched-like opening in it and I have no clue how to make this in Revit. I have attached a sketch.
Also, my exterior walls are 7' tall but the interior walls start at 7' and go up to 8' once in the middle of the house and reduce back to 7". How does one set that up in Revit?
EDIT: May have made the image too small to see, but the top is not arched, it is actually half of a decagon.
I have a curtain wall I need to make, but I need it to be curve on elevation. Its an arch. I can do it on sketchup but I need autocad precision to establish the modules. I have this division settings, horizontal 3.111 vertical 3.559m.
The profile arch has a 40.062m radius. 27.741 arc length. and a total angle of 39.673.
My question is, how can I bend the curtain wall??? I can make a flat curtain wall to follow my referenced base curve, but I need tu curve it in elevation. Here is a demo view from sketchup.What i'm trying to do is the coloured face.
“Drag wall end” to the edge of the wall (indicated),In the attached screenshot, I wanted to drag the end of the temporary dimension from its location to the end edge of the wall but sounds not to respond!
How this temporary dimension can be dragged to the edge of the wall?
I'm tryin to create an an elliptical wall. 6" Thick.It needs to go from 48" at one end and lower to 36" as it sweeps around the ellipse. (It's only an arc of the ellipse and not completely closed).