Revit :: Diameters Not Adjusting In 3D Perspectives
Mar 13, 2013
Why the diameters of families are being held constant in 3D perspectives rather than being adjusted smaller as they approach the vanishing point? Everything else looks correctly rendered in perspective in the scene, but I've got two different cylindrical lighting fixture families that get squattier and squattier the further away they are, because the height is (correctly) getting smaller but the diameter is being held constant.
I want to know if there is a way of making an item's perspective go around a curve, for example: I am busy with corporate branding and want to be able to create the logo and edit it to go around the mug, so the perspective cant just be linear.
We are creating a building for an aiport wherein the scale actually must be higher to fit onto a A1 size poster.
So currently the scale of 1.5000 is to high to fit the complete plan on the poster. Are there any options to get the complete file on an A1 poster by simply adjusting the scale size? or are there other options?
The project I am working on includes revit data produced from a point cloud. The file I was given has two levels. The first level is fine however; the second level is set 1 foot too high. When I adjust the level elevation (drop it down by 1 foot), all of the elements associated with level two move with it. What I want to do is move the level line without adjusting the associated revit items.
At the moment I'm trying to make a sewage pipe network, and I need something with a 7' diameter manhole. I'm trying to use Concentric Cylindrical Structures, and I'm not able to make or use a part size with an 84 in. diameter.
Is it possible for me to enter in my own value for that property, instead of having to use the pull-down menu?
Trying to dimension a shaft in isometric view with various diameters. I am unable to find or select the centerpoints at the ends of the shaft. This causes dimensions to be crooked. How can i get the centerpoints to display so that they may be selected?
Having trouble with diameter and radial dimensions since upgrading to 2013.
For example, draw two concentric circles and Presspull (or Extrude and Subtract) so that you get a hollow cylinder. Then create a viewport of this solid in a layout, and try to dimension the inside and outside diameters.
One of the two dimensions will work properly (seems to vary which one). The other will magically "jump" when placed (ex. the OD dimension will jump and become the ID, or vice versa).
How to resolve this? Our guys are having to do absurd things like redrawing the circle in paper space and dimensioning to it with a scale factor. Is this some sort of 2013 bug, or a setting?
I'm not a neither a novice nor a pro when it comes to Photoshop. (Just somewhere in-between) . . . So don't understand why I''m suddenly having problems with colors in my photos looking accurate on my camera, but almost completely red and yellow in Photoshop. Initially though the camera was at fault, until I switched cameras and still had the same problem, so figured it must be Photoshop.
Since Photoshop CS2 has all the features I need, I've never bothered to upgrade. . . which turned out to be a problem when I tried to follow the instructions for creating new adjustment layers. (Was OK until I reached the last step, when my menus were different than those in the guide.) Have spent most of the last 2 days trying to manipulate all the options under the Image Adjustment menu, but am running our of patience and luck.
I have a jpg file of a very old Parish Map downloaded from web. It is unfortunately very low resolution with light cream background and faded printed information. Also the center of the relevant area has been colored deep red. Which tool should I use to enhance the printing? I have been experimenting with Lighten/Darken and also the Dodge brush but obviously not using them correctly.
One pass gives me some improvement but further passes turn everything white. There is very little difference in color between the background and the printed matter which I think was originally black.
Tsume reduces the space around a character by a specified percentage value. As a result, the character itself is not stretched or squeezed. Instead, the space between the character's bounding box and the em box is compressed. When tsume is added to a character, spacing around both sides of the character is reduced by an equal percentage.
To reduce spacing between characters:
Select the characters you want to adjust.
In the Character palette, enter or select a percentage for Tsume . The greater the percentage, the tighter the compression between characters. At 100% (the maximum value), there is no space between the character's bounding box and its em box."
And this is what the icon looks like.
I have selected the text. But in the Character Palette, I just dont see it or cant find it.
I have a background layer in Photoshop (CS2) that needs to be converted to a spot color. I have tried to select the channels and adjust them that way (yes, the entire image needs to be all the same color, with lighter and darker highlights and shadows), but can't seem to adjust them just be selecting them.
had something to do with photoshop) where you'd follow 4 or 5 steps to correctly adjust your monitor to the right brightness and such. i remember one of the steps was 2 grey boxes and you had to adjust till they blended together.
I can't adjust skin weights in Max 2012 on characters skinned in Max 2011. Or is it a 2012 thing? I can't select the vertices, I've had to go back to Max 2011 for that.
I've been using CAT all day, I couldn't count how many times Max has hung or crashed - just like in Max 2011. Good for Grant Warwick, no crashes in a month of use. Rigged characters are still slow to work with in the viewport, I had hoped Nitrous would give me good fps with a character rig. I'm getting only 4fps working with a rigged character, still better than around 1fps in max 2011. Normal modelling is quick though.
3ds Max 2014, Windows 8 pro 64bit. NVidia GeForce GTX670 i7 3770K 3.5Ghz , 16Gb CORSAIR Vengeance RAM, other stuff...
We have a large project that we want to try reducing the DPI on the graphics. I am new to photoshop and wondered how to do it and if you can do it in a batch?
I started noticing this problem a while back in CS5 and it seems to be ongoing in CS6. When I have a group of rows open in ACR, I can make adjustments as normal. Lets say that I have a bracket of images I shot of 10 frames.
I make adjustments on the ones I want to use, rate them and use the "select rated" button. If one of those images has a different color balance than the others, it will auto adjust it to match the rest. If the image that is viewable is the one with the different color balance, it will auto adjust the rest of them.
How do I get the handles to appear on the actual image for adjusting a colour and transparency gradient?
I know how to adjust a gradient in the gradient editor, but I need to adjust the position of the colours and the transparency bands on the actual image. what I clicked in the tools pallette to get the handles to appear.
Adjusting color backgrounds. I have a large number of images of fly-fishing flies which were photographed on not-quite-solid backgrounds of slightly differing colors. I'd like to efficiently adjust the backgrounds so they all appear roughly the same without affecting the flies themselves. The flies are hard to select because of their feathery, hair-like edges, and the backgrounds are hard to select because they have slight gradations of almost-solid colors.
I have a 3d render that has some semi transparent areas (shadows on matte objects) I want to get rid off. In AE a can simple adjust the alpha levels and set everything under 25 to be 0 for example.
In PS the entire alpha channel seems to be out of reach.. it's not in the Channels tab? I can add one but PS fills it with an B&W version of my RGB image.. What trick I'm a missing here?
discovered the pleasures of Edit>Convert to Profile command. When I convert to a new profile (I have belatedly discovered paper profiles) from adobe RGB to Hahnelmule Photorag to be precise there is a loss of saturation I am having trouble recovering. I will avoid this problem by starting with the correct profile however I have a lot of work in the wrong profile. To keep things simple I have flattened the image.
1. Do you ideally want to go through and adjust Reds, Yellows, greens, Cyans, Magentas individually? Are final results not as good if you just adjust the Master by itself? 2. Looking at my imgage, I do not see any blues, however, when I adjust the hue slide while having blue selected, I see some slight changes to my image. I'm guessing that this means that there are some slight blues in the image.
Would you just leave the blues alone in a situation like this, or is there some graph that you use to make changes even if you do not see the colors in the actual image?
I recently purchased a new computer and uploaded my creative cloud membership onto it (inspiron 15 for school). When I make any sort of adjustment to anything at all (i.e. selective color, brightness/contrast, curves...) the image flashes or flutters its saturation or tone value as I am adjusting anything. I never had this problem with computers that were way worse, so whats going on? I tried both 64bit and 32 but no such luck. It makes it extremly difficult to see anything I am doing to a photo.
a grayscale scan of a line drawing with small text. The lines and text, which should be black, are gray. And the background, which should be white, is a light gray.
The lines should be 100% black, but I'll take what I can get. I fiddled with curves and contrast and stuff, but when I'd get the background adjusted so it was completely white, then the lines weren't dark enough.
And of course converting to a bi-level bitmap made the lines and text all pixelly
this will be offset printed, so it needs to be high resolution.
I made the switch from Studio 8 to CS4 not too long ago, and have been learning CS4 for a while. But I'm having a problem that's holding me back. How do I adjust the hexadecimal code (i.e. #e8e8e2) manually? I see no place to insert your code, and I kind of need that for doing web design.
I've got a series of photos (my wedding photos actually) that need color, contrast and brightness adjusting. The problem is that the photos were taken under a tree so the lightning was partly shady, partly bright and with different photos being shot at slightly different locations and positions I get hughly varying results when adjusting the photos individually.
way to adjust a series of photos so that the contrast, brightness, etc settings will turn out the same across a whole series of photos?