Photoshop :: Transparency Knocking Out Illustrator Object?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a layered .psd file where several of the layers are 30% opacity in black (essentially, the layers are meant to be drop shadows of some flower art):

Here is the layer properties box:

When this .psd file is placed in Illustrator, on top of an object with a red spot color fill, the PhotoShop layers partially knock out the Illustrator vector object:

Here it is with the black turned off in Separations Preview:

Is there anything I can do to the .psd file so that it doesn't knock out the red spot color in Illustrator?  I'd like the spot color to be solid red all the way up to the edge of the flower petals.
In the past, we've worked around this by recreating the "drop shadow" in Illustrator, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

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Illustrator :: No Transparency On New Object?

Dec 18, 2013

I've just been semi-forceably updgraded from Illustrator 10 all the way to CS6, and I'm noticing some things that seem to behanve differently. I don't know if they're "normal" now or not, but any way to change, that would be fantastic.
The main thing is about transparency. When I select an object that is 50% transparent and then select the Pencil and start drawing, the resultant new object holds all of the appearance of the old object—stroke color, stroke width, fill color—but NOT the transparency. It always shows up 100% opaque. That forces me to then go and select the 50% transparency for every object I draw, which can be a lot.
Is there a setting that will allow new objects to "hold" the transparency setting of the previously selected object? Or do I really have to manually change the transparency of each and every one after drawing it?

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Illustrator :: Adding Multiple Gradients With Transparency To One Object

Aug 28, 2012

Just as it states, how do I add 2, 3, even four gradients to one object. Each gradient will have some level of transparency to it.
I need it to work similiar to: masking a layer in photoshop, and then using gradients to "chip away" pieces of the layer. I suppose I could just use opacity mask in AI, but I didnt think of that until now. Anywho now I'm curious, can you do this with multiple gradients in AI?
I tried doing the basic "add fill" option then setting my gradients, but it doesnt preserve the transparency correctly.

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Illustrator :: Created Logo With Gradient Object - Transparency Becomes White On Export

Aug 21, 2013

I created logo with a gradient object. The gradient is with a single color and transparency.

I can not export the logo, ( Ai, eps or pdf) in InDesign and keep the transparency of the gradient. Transparency becomes white. For the pdf, not only I do not have the transparency of the gradient, but I also have a block of white around my logo.

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Photoshop :: Knocking...

May 1, 2009

I'm using CS3 for the moment, but have CS4 in a box waiting to be installed. I'm attaching a .JPG image to this post. I need to knock out the background (i.e. make the background transparent). What's my best approach for this image?

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Photoshop :: Best 3rd Party Software For Knocking Out Backgrounds?

Mar 3, 2005

I would like to know what the best tool/filter/whatever is for knocking out backgrounds in image files. The classic dropping out of backgrounds around hair, trees, etc., etc.,

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Knocking USB Drive Offline

Oct 16, 2012

I've recently purchased X6.  In using it, I find that Photo-paint (64 bit) knocks my external USB offline, with an I/O error.  I have to restart the drive and reboot the computer to get the drive back in Explorer.  I don't have any problem with any other program, and the drive checks out OK when I have Windows check it.  I restored my computer to X4, and that's working fine.

I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit.   My video card and USB drivers are up to date, as is Windows.  My USB drive is a Western Digital 2 GB with USB 3.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: How To Add Multiple Transparency To One Object

May 9, 2008

I am beginner in Draw, and i could not find a way to add more than one transparency

on the same object in corelDRAW X3, it is no problem in corel PHOTO-PAINT.

So how do i do that?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Transparency Object Is Locked?

May 2, 2013

It looks as though my transparency object is locked because I am trying to edit a bitmap file and I don't get the checkered background behind the object. 

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Xara :: Exporting Object As PNG With Transparency?

Feb 1, 2011

Import a photo image which is, for example, 100px high by 500px long. Now apply a simple fade transparency from the left edge to 100% transparent 100px in from the left edge (i.e. 400px of the image's length is now 'invisible').

Export this as a png and then import this png. It will still be 100 x 500 - can you tell Xara export the image truncated down just the 'visible' portion (i.e. 100 x 100)?

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Xara :: Transparency On Contour Object

Sep 10, 2013

How to make a Contour object transparent? In below example is set a 1 step contour on the star, setting transparency the yellow is transparent but the grey not.


I am aware that the star could be turned to editable shape, after clone and subtract so the transparency could be controlled on both shapes, but is there maybe some other way?

Also could be a way of course to set outline for the star and not contour, but I do not like as in that case the line half inside and half outside of the shape.

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3ds Max :: How To Put Transparency Maps On Same Object As Texture Map

Mar 21, 2013

I used to know how to put transparency maps on the same object as a texture map. the biggest problem I am running into is the file format, I have been looking on line through forums and tutorials but I get conflicting results. I got one to work at one point but then it reverted to showing the alpha bmp instead of the texture. gah getting frustrated. also when I was making the alpha channel some how it gave the black/white boarder area fuzzy division. maybe I didnt make it right some how.

what file formats to use and the proper way to make an alpha map for transparency?

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AutoCad :: Object Transparency In 2010

Mar 12, 2012

I've created a block that uses a solid hatch acting like a wipeout field. In 2012, you can change the system variable TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY to <1> and it will make this hatch transparent. However, apparently that sysvar doesn't exist in 2010...

I don't want my other guy to have to look at these big white spots, on top of which he has to edit text!

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Xara :: How To Remove Transparency From Object With Key Shortcut

Jul 1, 2012

is there maybe method to remove the transparency from an object with key shortcut?

So faster than selecting the object, clicking on Transparency tool and selecting in menu No transparency

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After Effects :: Solid Object Background Transparency?

Jan 21, 2014

I have three different solid object and all those three have different masks and stroke effects in them.
The problem is, the one at the top always reign and doesnt let other stroke effects on masks to appear. I reckon the problem is the background of the solid object. If this is the problem, how can I change the transparency of the background. If not, what might the problem be ?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Apply More Than 1 Transparency To One Object?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a background image with Linear transparency applied on the top of my image. I would like to replicate the same transparency on the bottom of the image.  How can I do this?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: To Do Transparency All Around The Edge Of Object

May 9, 2013

Is it possible to do transparency all around the edge of an object. say you had drawn a circle can you make the edge all around transparent or say make just the middle transparent?

I often find that I would love to fade out in more than one direction.


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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Set Object Transparency Back To ByLayer

Dec 20, 2012

Is there supposed to be a drop down list for the transparency property?  Once I override an objects transparency to say 50 how do I change it back to ByLayer?  Do I really have to just type "ByLayer"?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Edit Transparency Of Dimensioned Object

Aug 24, 2011

Is there a way to edit the transparency of a dimensioned object? I have many complex objects and sub-objects with transparency fills and all individual parts dynamically dimensioned. I find I cannot edit the transparency of any part that has a dimension. Surely there must be a way to do this...?

My dimensions are color-matched to the fill parts, and the text dimensions and dimension lines are different sizes and weights making it very time-consuming to delete, edit transparency, and then recreate the dimension with all the desired properties.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Multiple Transparency On One Object Without Converting It Into Bitmap

Jan 28, 2013

Are we able to do this now in Coreldraw X6?

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Illustrator :: Grey Transparency In Embedded Photoshop Image?

Feb 11, 2013

When I embed a Photoshop image with a transparent background in an Illustrator file, the transparent area of the image is grey in the print, not transparent.

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Illustrator :: Mapping Symbol On 3D Object Causes Error While Processing Appearance Of Object

Oct 6, 2012

I have simple a 3D bottle shape created from about 16 points and I am trying to map a gif image on to it usning CS5.  No matter what I have done (work from a new document, etc.) I always get the error message. I also receive this error when I attempt to map a jpg image on to the same shape.  I have attempted this on three different Windows 7 machines running CS5 with the same result.  When I try it with CS6 the program closes with a catastrophic error and no message. I do not receive this error using the default symbols.  The gif and jpg images are imported and imbedded into the document and then moved to the symbols library. 

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Illustrator :: Object Layering Opacity - Fill Doesn't Block Out Object Paths Beneath

Jul 14, 2013

I am having some trouble with a file in Illustrator CS6. Within a layer, when I add a fill to an object, the fill doesn't block out the object paths beneath. For instance, say I have a square object overlapping a circle object in Layer 1. The square object is above the circle in the layer. When I add a fill to the square, the circle stroke still shows through the square even though the overlapped part should be blocked out by the fill. The square is set to normal visibility, and I have made sure that there are no duplicate paths that would account for what I am seeing. (I.e., it's not a case where there's a second identical circle path that is on top of the square, so that it remains visible in spite of the fill.)
Other details:
- I'm mainly working with a white fill, but the problem is the same with fills of any color
- When there's a fill color in the circle path as well, the circle's fill color *is* blocked out—just not its stroke.
- I have restarted Illustrator and restarted my computer and these have not changed anything.
- There are other layers within the same document where the normal layering rules work.
- I tried copy/pasting some of the problem objects into a new document, and in the new document, the fill works properly.
- If I move the problem objects to another layer, then the fill works as it should. But as I'm dealing with a number of paths, it doesn't make sense to create a layer for each to solve the problem.
I can't tell if it's a matter of working in too large or complex a file.

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Illustrator :: How To Set Transparency For New Paths

Nov 8, 2013

I trace a lot of line drawings in my work to add regions of color or to create a layered watercolor effect.
In previous versions on Illustrator (I currently use CS6 but I think CS5 worked the way I liked) I could set the opacity to whatever I wanted and new pencil or pen objects would be trasparent as I drew them. Now my paths are opaque no matter what my setting in the transparency menu and it's impossible to see what I'm tracing.
I used to be very productive drawing blobs of color and overlaying quickly for a nice watercolor effect, but now I have to draw a blob, select it and set it's opacity, then draw my next blob and do the same thing. Very time consuming and not good for quick evaluation of whether or not my image is looking good.

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Illustrator :: PNG Transparency NOT Working

Jun 10, 2012

For the past several months I have been struggling with a problem with Illustrator CS4:
1. I have an RGB document 167px wide by 169px high.
2. I have an icon in the document with a rectangle background of 167px wide by 168px high, aligned to the bottom of the artboard.
3. Using both the "Save For Web"" and "Export" options to save the file as a PNG, Illustrator "FILLS" the 1px transparent portion at the top of the image with the rectangle color.
Therefore, I have a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is also 167px wide by 169px high.
What I want is a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is 167px wide by 168px high with a 1px space at the top.
The output dimensions in the "Save For Web" dialog are correct and it even shows the 1px transparent space at the top in the preview area.
YES, I have "transparency" checked in the "Save For Web Options". I know HOW to save with transparency and have done so successfully countless times before.
It seriously just... stopped working. I fear I may have changed a setting that would cause this, but I cannot find anything that even relates to the transparency for a PNG other than the simple check box in the "Save For Web" dialog. I only saw one other forum where a user said Illustrator was "cutting off" the transparency, but that question remains unanswered as well.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Transparency

Aug 19, 2013

create a transparency?

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Illustrator :: Jumping From Object Selected In Layers To That Object On Artboard?

Nov 22, 2013

I'm working with 27 artboard in illustrator for one project. I would like to select the object I need to get to in my layers panel and have illustrator "jump/navigate" me to the object where it resides on the artboard. Is this possible?

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Illustrator :: Drag To Select Over Object For The Objects Inside That Object?

Aug 11, 2013

How do I drag to select over the top of objects without selecting and moving the objects under the mouse when I begin the "drag to select" motion?

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Illustrator :: Why Gradient Transparency Not Printing Right

Mar 25, 2013

When printing a vector illustration in PDF format, my gradients that fade to 0% over a surface aren't coming out right. The gradient appears like a box with a hard edge, rather than fading away. It looks like this when viewing the file , but when printed I am getting this . (don't mind the color, it is a bad quality photo)
I am using an HP z5200 postscript printer.

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Illustrator :: Placing A PNG File With Transparency?

May 6, 2008

If I have a psd / Png file on Photoshop that has text with no background (transparent), and I do a Place of that file into Illustrator, I get a white background in additiotion to the Text.

How do I stop the white background from placing withing the Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3

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Illustrator :: Mesh Transparency For Shading

May 9, 2013

Using: Illustrator CS2 on Win XP Pro sp3
Experience - minimal (I come from using Xara and Inkscape).

My method of doing this type of art is mostly in Xara. I would creat block color shapes with decals and sticker, etc. and then use transparency gradients to create highlights and shadows. Here I was testing / getting use to the mesh tool and shaped the form of the car with color - rather then trasnparent highlights and shadows (top). But I now have to add stickers and decals to this car and tried to apply a clone of the hood mesh over the red stripes and it created a strang clipping error. You can see in the bottom screen cap that the sides and lower part of the red stripes disappeared, while the top remained untouched. Will I be able to use the mesh tool to create transparent highlights and shadows over the top of blocked coloe and the stickers, or will I have to manually match the shading on each sticker?

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