I've created a block that uses a solid hatch acting like a wipeout field. In 2012, you can change the system variable TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY to <1> and it will make this hatch transparent. However, apparently that sysvar doesn't exist in 2010...
I don't want my other guy to have to look at these big white spots, on top of which he has to edit text!
Is there supposed to be a drop down list for the transparency property? Once I override an objects transparency to say 50 how do I change it back to ByLayer? Do I really have to just type "ByLayer"?
I have a map of town area, because i need to color some area (and use see through color) i needed to make this in autocad 2011, because in 2004 i cant do this. Ok, but when i want to make an image (dwg to jpg) it looses transparency??
How can i just paint one area of map, make it transparency (see through) and than save it as an image file (jpg, png or whatever).
I'm having problems with creating PDF's and transparency hatching using DWG to PDF.pc3.
The PDF does show transparency but has a fine lined pattern at intervals in the hatched area, it does print just fine though with no evidence of the lined pattern. Only problem is most of our work is supplied as high quality PDF.
I prefer to use DWG to PDF.pc3 due to the excellent quality of the PDF. I have played with modified Adobe PDF.pc3 to mostly remove the lines from the hatch but quality suffers in the bitmapping of the document.
I am using AutoCAD Map3D 2011 and AutoCAD 2011 on a windows 7 boxes and Acrobat X Pro. I get this problem with normal solid hatching and SHP file polygon transparency.
Are they any secret/magic settings to fix solid hatch transparency using DWG to PDF.pc3?
I'm using Autocad 2012. I've created a 3D model, one of the components of the solids model, I've assigned a transparency value t which appears in the model, and in the orthographic layout view, and plotted as I need and expect it to. The problem I'm having is that in other layout views, other components include a Dots hatch (I've inserted this dots hatch pattern in both paper and model space in attempt to fix the problem). This Dots hatch appears as I need and expect on the computer screen, but when I plot the layout drawing this hatch pattern plots transparent too, even though it resides on completely different layer than the solid component that I do want transparent. I want the hatch pattern to plot opaque, not transparent (in other words the dots appear very, very light....almost invisible when I plot).
I'm having a drawing (check in attachment), I change the transparency with different values and I can see the changes I made just in 2D Wire frame Style, when I change in conceptual style it's appear as the transparency value from the layer dialog box is 0, for all values that I modify I don't see no changes.
The transparency button is active. One sample from the drawing is in attachment.
I have a small raster image (png) xrefed to an Autocad 2012 dwg. The image is on its own layer and the transparency of the layer is set to 60%.
When I select TPY the image displays correctly on the screen (i.e. semi-transparent). When I tick Plot transparency in the Plot dialog box and send the plot to our HP Designjet 800 the raster image prints exactly as I want (semi-transparent).
However when I use the Autodesk pdf writer (Dwg to pdf) the resulting pdf does not have the semi transparent appearance and the raster image appears in all its brilliant color even though it displays correctly (i.e. semi-transparent) in Print Preview. And, yes, I have ticked the Plot transparency box before seeing it to the pdf writer. Other autocad entities such as plines which are semi transparent are fine, its only the raster image that seems to lose its semi-transparent quality.
With transparencydisplay=1 I create hatch with transparency (for example) 80%, I save file and I close it. When I re-open the same file hatch have transparency 0%. What's the problem?
I am having a problem getting PDFs to plot when I have plot transparency on.
I use the dwg to pdf plot function and with plot transparency on... my hatches work perfectly but my PDFs appears very much screened. (As a 50% or more screen would look) If I turn off the plot transparency, the pdf works perfectly but of course my hatch shades obliterate any line work beneath them.
I was able to convert the PDF to a .tiff, with a graphics program... increase the resolution to 600dpi and use imageattach to bring that in. But it is an extra step for each insert and increased dpi = increased file size.
Other than increasing the resolution on the PDF, any way around this "screening" issue on PDFs when plotting with transparency on?
how to put a 3D object on top of the another 3D object in autocad"! E.g.,I want to put a 3d object of one leaf (raised 1") on top of the vase, so that the edges of the leaf are placed completely on the surface of the vase.
I extruded the leaf 1" first, then tried to copy it on a solid cylinder of a vase, but it didn't work!!! It seems to be simple, maybe not!
When I select an object and pan to make another selection the first object "deselects". The object(s) will stay selected until I pan and as soon as I start to pan the grips go away and the object(s) is deselected.
I know that I can assign transparency to an element (even to an entire layer). But is it possible to apply transparency to an element on a GRADIENT basis? In the following image, I'd like to have the portion between the outer boundary of the gray shape and the red shape become more and more transparent. So that at the outer edge, you'd see NOTHING below the gray shape--but the closer you get to the red shape, the more you'd see through the gray shape.
I Have several PC's with 2011..On some machines the layer transparency is not working anymore on screen.90% transparency red is normally light pink but on some machines with the same drawing and the same settings it is 100% full red.A few day's ago there was no problem on those pc's
how to turn off transparency display of the xrefs? When i xref drawing A into drawing B, drawing A displays transparency. That autocad default and I want to turn it off.
how to adjust the transparency of locked layers? Also when I isolate a layer the other layers appear semi transparent, is it the same setting to adjust this transparancy as well?
I've just been semi-forceably updgraded from Illustrator 10 all the way to CS6, and I'm noticing some things that seem to behanve differently. I don't know if they're "normal" now or not, but any way to change, that would be fantastic.
The main thing is about transparency. When I select an object that is 50% transparent and then select the Pencil and start drawing, the resultant new object holds all of the appearance of the old object—stroke color, stroke width, fill color—but NOT the transparency. It always shows up 100% opaque. That forces me to then go and select the 50% transparency for every object I draw, which can be a lot.
Is there a setting that will allow new objects to "hold" the transparency setting of the previously selected object? Or do I really have to manually change the transparency of each and every one after drawing it?
With a new HP T 7100 Plotter I can not plot bigger sizes than A0 with transparencies. Installed is the HP-GL2 and the PS Plotterdriver. I can plot from AutoCAD normal plans till a sizeformat of A0 with trasnsparencies, but with oversizes there is no plot. Plans without Transparencies can be plottet and I can plot from other programs all plans even with Transparencies. As a landscape architect I want to use the transparency on bigger plans.
It looks as though my transparency object is locked because I am trying to edit a bitmap file and I don't get the checkered background behind the object.
Import a photo image which is, for example, 100px high by 500px long. Now apply a simple fade transparency from the left edge to 100% transparent 100px in from the left edge (i.e. 400px of the image's length is now 'invisible').
Export this as a png and then import this png. It will still be 100 x 500 - can you tell Xara export the image truncated down just the 'visible' portion (i.e. 100 x 100)?
How to make a Contour object transparent? In below example is set a 1 step contour on the star, setting transparency the yellow is transparent but the grey not.
I am aware that the star could be turned to editable shape, after clone and subtract so the transparency could be controlled on both shapes, but is there maybe some other way?
Also could be a way of course to set outline for the star and not contour, but I do not like as in that case the line half inside and half outside of the shape.
I used to know how to put transparency maps on the same object as a texture map. the biggest problem I am running into is the file format, I have been looking on line through forums and tutorials but I get conflicting results. I got one to work at one point but then it reverted to showing the alpha bmp instead of the texture. gah getting frustrated. also when I was making the alpha channel some how it gave the black/white boarder area fuzzy division. maybe I didnt make it right some how.
what file formats to use and the proper way to make an alpha map for transparency?
I have a layered .psd file where several of the layers are 30% opacity in black (essentially, the layers are meant to be drop shadows of some flower art):
Here is the layer properties box:
When this .psd file is placed in Illustrator, on top of an object with a red spot color fill, the PhotoShop layers partially knock out the Illustrator vector object:
Here it is with the black turned off in Separations Preview:
Is there anything I can do to the .psd file so that it doesn't knock out the red spot color in Illustrator? I'd like the spot color to be solid red all the way up to the edge of the flower petals.
In the past, we've worked around this by recreating the "drop shadow" in Illustrator, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.
I have three different solid object and all those three have different masks and stroke effects in them.
The problem is, the one at the top always reign and doesnt let other stroke effects on masks to appear. I reckon the problem is the background of the solid object. If this is the problem, how can I change the transparency of the background. If not, what might the problem be ?
I have a background image with Linear transparency applied on the top of my image. I would like to replicate the same transparency on the bottom of the image. How can I do this?
Is it possible to do transparency all around the edge of an object. say you had drawn a circle can you make the edge all around transparent or say make just the middle transparent?
I often find that I would love to fade out in more than one direction.