With transparencydisplay=1 I create hatch with transparency (for example) 80%, I save file and I close it. When I re-open the same file hatch have transparency 0%. What's the problem?
I'm having problems with creating PDF's and transparency hatching using DWG to PDF.pc3.
The PDF does show transparency but has a fine lined pattern at intervals in the hatched area, it does print just fine though with no evidence of the lined pattern. Only problem is most of our work is supplied as high quality PDF.
I prefer to use DWG to PDF.pc3 due to the excellent quality of the PDF. I have played with modified Adobe PDF.pc3 to mostly remove the lines from the hatch but quality suffers in the bitmapping of the document.
I am using AutoCAD Map3D 2011 and AutoCAD 2011 on a windows 7 boxes and Acrobat X Pro. I get this problem with normal solid hatching and SHP file polygon transparency.
Are they any secret/magic settings to fix solid hatch transparency using DWG to PDF.pc3?
I'm using Autocad 2012. I've created a 3D model, one of the components of the solids model, I've assigned a transparency value t which appears in the model, and in the orthographic layout view, and plotted as I need and expect it to. The problem I'm having is that in other layout views, other components include a Dots hatch (I've inserted this dots hatch pattern in both paper and model space in attempt to fix the problem). This Dots hatch appears as I need and expect on the computer screen, but when I plot the layout drawing this hatch pattern plots transparent too, even though it resides on completely different layer than the solid component that I do want transparent. I want the hatch pattern to plot opaque, not transparent (in other words the dots appear very, very light....almost invisible when I plot).
I am trying to create a hatch for board and bat siding. There are parallel lines at 1.5" apart that repeat every 8". When I try to use the hatch I get the following message:
Bad pattern definition file: Missing parameter on line 8. 90, 0,0, 8
I'm using autocad lt 2012 in office. my hatch transparency effect is not working. no matter what the transparency is 25, 60. 100. the transparency effect doesn't show up. what should i do ?
Is there a setting for hatch transparency? My work station it works fine. I have a few other users complining that is doesn't work. One user I imported my arg profile and it seemed to do the trick, but the next user I imported my arg and it had no effect.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I can't see the transparency of my hatches in model space ... but they show up in print preview ... Is there a system setting somewhere that will let me see the transparency in model space too?
I have a Hatch in my drawing with Pattern as Solid on the top of an image. I made it transparent and it looks really nice in my screen, but as soon as I print either in PDF or hard copy the transparency feature disappear. How is possible to print my Hatch -with Solid as Pattern- with the transparency active either in PDF and hard copy?
Can't plot correctly to pdf with transparency hatch. I have several draws with hatch transparency, but when plot do pdf and use dwg to pdf.plot the hatch it´s wrong. See the draws in attachments.
I try to plot to dwf and after plot to pdf use a third part plot pdf like pdf995, arcplot, and others, but the problem its the same.
I use autocad 2012 but the problem it´s the same if I change to 2013 or 2014.
I am working on a drawing (not originally created by me) and cannot create any hatches at all. If I make a closed shape, select Hatch, and select an interior point, nothing at all happens. No hatch is created, no error messages are generated. The command simply appears to finish as normal but doesn't actually create anything.
I created a large transparent hatch in one drawing and copied it into 2 other drawings for use. 2 out of the 3 drawings plot to dwf and then to a plotter or pdf as expected but the 3rd dwf looks good until you plot that to a plotter or pdf; then it turns solid, masking everything underneath it.
additionally, if I go straight from CAD to pdf or plotter the transparency is removed as well.
cetransparency = bylayer
plot with transparenccy is checked on
I tried copying everything to a new drawing with no luck.
I have this drawing will all hatches, the red hatch in the middle is the same hatch around it, ANSI34, with scale of 120. just because the boundary is too small it show as SOLID.
I've created a block that uses a solid hatch acting like a wipeout field. In 2012, you can change the system variable TRANSPARENCYDISPLAY to <1> and it will make this hatch transparent. However, apparently that sysvar doesn't exist in 2010...
I don't want my other guy to have to look at these big white spots, on top of which he has to edit text!
I want to know how to make my own hatch from design till puting it in (*.pat) file. for info, I know how can I download such file and upload it in AutoCAd among (CUSTOM) or (OTHER PREDEFINED) hatchs as wel, or make it by using (SUPER HATCH in express tools). But to creat PAT file that what I want to know.
I need to create a cylindrical hatch. Is that even possible with AutoCAD 2013? It's for a non-rendered drawing so it needs to be a hatch, not a material etc.
Where the Hatch files are located. A user in my group is having trouble with his HATCH command. It doesn't seem to be working and it keeps telling him that the format files do not support his hatch or something like that.
I use a user-defined hatch often - just 45 degree lines say 4" apart in model space. In 2009 I could make this annotative and the paper distance between those lines would remain the same as long as I made sure the hatch had the appropriate annotive scales associated with it.
In 2012 when I try to do the same thing, the hatch stays at the same Model space spacing in every viewport even though the viewports have different annotative scale AND the hatch has matching annotative scales.