I'm trying to do the mirror layer effect(vertically) so it looks like the image is being reflected on a shiny floor. With images I'm fine but I can't get around using text with color or effects.
when I use text together with effects like "gradient overlay" with ex. rainbow color it doesn't flip the colors, only the text(yellow on the top on both layers) (look at the picture)
It doesn't matter if the layer is text or rasterized...
Can I "attach" layer effects and colors to the copied layer or do something to get around this?
In the past I have received requests to make a reflection of a text or an image that has a layer style(s) on them (e.g. stroke, outer/inner glow, etc). The problem with this is, when I go in and make a reflection (I use the layer mask method), the styles are not reflected as they are supposed to.
I am using LR4.4. I work in RAW and then export to RAW. Suddenly my exports do not reflect the changes I have made in LR. It is as though LR has stopped working. I have done this a thousand times. I cannot understand why it has stopped working as usual. I can export to jpg and psd and retain changes.
I have a question about the picture below, which is a cycling stage profile:
As you can see, the 3D background color reflects slope. Steeper parts are a darker kind of grey than the flat parts.
I would like to create profiles of my own in the same style, with the slope of a portion reflected in its color, so I was wondering if there is a feature in paint.net that allows me to change the color of a line according to its slope. Is it possible to draw a line for the mountains etc. in a single color, and then use some kind of effect or plugin to make the rising sections darker and the flat parts lighter?
I'm having the same problem as the person in the below link but the solution they got in post #15 to place a spherical reflection map in the overide reflection slot doesn't make sense for me possibly because I have mental ray not vray. URL....
I have managed to reflect objects but cannot manage to reflect one object across the Artboard to show up on the opposite side. If you see my image below, I would like to reflect the horizontal stripe at the top of the design and make it appear at the bottom of the Artboard so it finishes the design. Almost all of the work I do requires only one quarter of the design to be created, then I could just reflect it across and then reflect it down so this would be a useful piece of knowledge
I am having trouble with the xy axis. They register 0 instead of the actual position of an object. Rulers are showing correctly, and guides show correctly. Recently re-installed X5 and Patches 1-3.
As you can see, when I select the room tag (this is the room tag/w dimesions from the tags palette), it displays the correct name and other space objects values. However the tag itself is not reflecting the information - it displays the default values of STANDARD/LX W.
It appears to be properly linked to the PSD, but not updating.
When using the gradient mesh tool or paintbrush in Illustrator - the technique is not reflected ACCURATELY on the screen. For example when painting with a red brush - the screen shows a different color. Sometimes a different magnification will resolve the issue other times it will not.
Running MAC OS6 10.7.5 This is currently happening in Illustrator CS6 Illustrator 5.5 is also on the machine too.
I was messing with the warped text tool, but it just isn't giving me this effect. The text has to be straight but the bottom of the text has to form around a object..
Was just wondering does anyone know how to do this text effect with cs3? I've been wondering for a while now. I love the efect & really want to learn how to do it. There's a preview of it.
I am trying to create text with an outer glow to contain an image or texture and then putting another text layer on top. A clipping layer does not include the outer glow however. I also tried using a text mask but with the same results, any suggestions?
how to make the text effect. The font for "once" is neutraface, and for "upon a time" it is Nanum Myeongjo (bold) If It is also possible (but that is optional), do you know how to make the same background or this kind of dark background... But in another place : mountains, lake... Or to make the forest ?
I have attached a logo I want to create. The text is running through this silhouette I have made and when it runs through the silhouette I want to change the text from black to white in only the places it is on top of the silhouette so it can be read.
How would you create a text effect like there is in this image. I need to recreate this in a different design but not sure how to do the multi warp effect.
How do you get the text to conform to the oval on the bottom of the text but remain straight across the top - see attached image for example of what I'm going on about.
I had a go with the warp text but couldn't get it. Is this effect done by creating one letter at a time and adjusting the height?
I'm trying to design a flyer for a foam party and I want a bubble effect for the text. What approach do you think will produce the best effect? Here's a flyer with an effect similar to what I want (look at the word FOAM).