Was just wondering does anyone know how to do this text effect with cs3? I've been wondering for a while now. I love the efect & really want to learn how to do it. There's a preview of it.
I was messing with the warped text tool, but it just isn't giving me this effect. The text has to be straight but the bottom of the text has to form around a object..
I am trying to create text with an outer glow to contain an image or texture and then putting another text layer on top. A clipping layer does not include the outer glow however. I also tried using a text mask but with the same results, any suggestions?
how to make the text effect. The font for "once" is neutraface, and for "upon a time" it is Nanum Myeongjo (bold) If It is also possible (but that is optional), do you know how to make the same background or this kind of dark background... But in another place : mountains, lake... Or to make the forest ?
I have attached a logo I want to create. The text is running through this silhouette I have made and when it runs through the silhouette I want to change the text from black to white in only the places it is on top of the silhouette so it can be read.
How would you create a text effect like there is in this image. I need to recreate this in a different design but not sure how to do the multi warp effect.
How do you get the text to conform to the oval on the bottom of the text but remain straight across the top - see attached image for example of what I'm going on about.
I had a go with the warp text but couldn't get it. Is this effect done by creating one letter at a time and adjusting the height?
I'm trying to design a flyer for a foam party and I want a bubble effect for the text. What approach do you think will produce the best effect? Here's a flyer with an effect similar to what I want (look at the word FOAM).
I'm trying to do the mirror layer effect(vertically) so it looks like the image is being reflected on a shiny floor. With images I'm fine but I can't get around using text with color or effects.
when I use text together with effects like "gradient overlay" with ex. rainbow color it doesn't flip the colors, only the text(yellow on the top on both layers) (look at the picture)
It doesn't matter if the layer is text or rasterized...
Can I "attach" layer effects and colors to the copied layer or do something to get around this?
i've been using this little tutorial to try and design a logo for some friends, but i've got to the stage 6 as it is listed on there, and my hidden layer gets discarded when i try and convert from grayscale- to indexed colour, i get the message "flatten visible layers and discard hidden layers",
I can either click okidily dokidily or no, and the latter it just brings me back to where i was a few seconds ago.
Is there anyway to make a graphic sort of 'glow' using Photoshop? I know I have seen banners that look like they do, but I'm not sure if they were made with Photoshop.
I'd like to replicate the text effect in the image posted here. Colors are not a factor because it will be toned when complete. The effect appears to have the text washed out in parts as well as not horizontally aligned. The alignment part isn't that critical however . the washed out look is what I'm looking for.