Photoshop :: Open PNG - Ignore Alpha

Jun 15, 2008

Is there a way to open PNGs without reading alpha information? or to remove the transparency from an already open document?

I've created a PNG with a 3D applicaion that depicts an opaque character in front of a transparent background. the image uses straight alpha.

however there is still image information in the transparent parts. here's the same image without alpha (i removed it quickly with the open source app IrfanView).

Once i open the original PNG in Photoshop CS3 it creates a single layer document with the transparency already applied to the layer. I have found no way to get at the color values in the transparent parts of the image.

as you can see i already have some sort of work-around for this problem. still, i would be interested if it's possible to do the same with photoshop, since it is my numer one image editing program.

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Photoshop :: Add An Alpha Layer Or Alpha Channel To A Bitmap And Save In BMP Format

Jan 7, 2008

im trying to add an alpha layer or alpha channel to a bitmap and save in BMP format.

I am using Photoshop 6.

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Photoshop :: Alpha Channel :: Make An Alpha Tga File?

Jul 23, 2005

can someone tell me the easiers way to make an alpha tga file? Photoshop 7 can done alpha when i save to tga 32 bits, but in CS we have to do it manually...

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Photoshop :: Alpha Layer Vs Alpha Channel

Sep 5, 2013

any difference between alpha layer and alpha channel? I mean has to be right? I just don't know what exactly that would be if there is. I'm trying to figure out some more stable uses for computer graphics when building textures with alpha layer or alpha channels. So far I get a flicker from opengl bug when using alphas. So I'm wondering if I use Alpha layer and something with a solid color underneath the geometry if I could achieve a more stable result where alpha sorting. Possibly clearing it up where my alpha layered geometry stays on top vs bleeding through at times it seems.

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Photoshop :: Ignore One Color

Apr 6, 2004

I scan drawings with 2 colors, but only 1 color is the one I need, the other one is just a scetch. How can i make photoshop (CS) ignore the color that I don't need?

Color i need: black (or blue)
Color i don't need: grey (pencil)

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Photoshop :: Ignore Exif Profile Tag

Sep 7, 2012

I can't figure out what this preference is doing.  I opened and saved images with it on and off, and nothing seems different in the Exif data. 

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Photoshop :: Special Characters Ignore Formatting?

Aug 2, 2012

I've been wanting to upgrade to CS6 but have one issue that is preventing me from using it exclusively during testing that did not occur in CS5.
When typing special characters the formatting jumps all over the place and the speical characters end up at the end of text and not where I typed them. 
For instance, if I type ALT+0169 (The copyright symbol ©) then my name, the © ends up at the end of my name.   I have to reopen CS5 to do any speical characters using the ALT key + number combinatiion.  
To try it, just type [Space][Space][ALT+0169] then any text.   If your system is doing what mine does, the text jumps around and puts the © at the end of the text not the start. 
I've tried to copy and put the character at the end of the text but to no avail.  It seems CS6 only allows the character at the end of the text line.
It's the only thing keeping me from upgrading to CS6 which otherwise I really like. 

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Photoshop :: What Makes CS6 Ignore Choice Of Destination Folder

Jul 2, 2013

I have been using Photoshop for basic editing for several years, now. For at least the last three years (whether I have used Photoshop CS5 or now, CS6), if I automate a batch of photos, going through the process of selecting the source folder, then the destination folder for the edited pictures, my choice of destination folder is ignored — the edited pictures end up in the source folder.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can PSE12 Ignore Photo Folder

Sep 29, 2013

I have a folder on my main HD which contains pictures that I use all the time but also regularly delete when done with them.

When using PS elements 10 I could never stop the program from importing the contents of this folder so that when I deleted them they kept showiing as 'missing files' in the catalog Have upgraded to 12 in the hope that I cam somehow tell the program to ignore this folder.

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Photoshop :: (ignore Rotation Metadata) Preference Is Not Working With Canon?

Apr 21, 2013

"Ignore rotation metadata" preference is not working with Canon. PS does not ignore it.

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Photoshop :: Puppet Warp - Ignore Unlinked Layer Mask

Mar 4, 2013

When I am using puppet warp to transform a layer with an unlinked layer mask, the layer mask does not remain in place, it is being warped along with the layer I am working on. This seems to be a bug since the normal transform tools allow the layers to be modified without affecting the mask while it is unlinked.
Grouping the layer by itself and putting the layer mask on the group while I'm using puppet warp to transform the layer works fine and is really not that inconvenient I suppose.
The image I am working on is a large scan of an old map with 12 pages, I'm basically trying to line up all the pages into a seamless image, and so each layer has a mask to hide the margins of each page. I really don't want to have to create a group for each layer just to have each mask stay in place while I'm adjusting the pages. I also do not want to "erase" the margins by applying the layer masks before using puppet warp.

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AutoCad :: Way To Ignore Paper Size?

Sep 14, 2011

I've just set up a PS plotter as per this link: URL....

Hatches in AutoCAD are being displayed really poorly (see attachment)... Basically they've been simplified to polygons instead of complex regions.

And secondly, my plot is cropped to paper size. The work we're doing is significantly larger then typical paper sizes, I realize I could add a new extremely large paper size, but is there a way to ignore the paper size?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Ignore Image Sequences?

Oct 9, 2013

I am trying to relink still images in Smoke. I have .tif files and were taken by a still photographer. As I'm relinking to the original sources, Smoke is identifying sequential file names as image sequences and it's not available in the Potential Matches as a link option. For other stills in the same folder where there is a break in a numeric filename sequence, Smoke identifies and relinks just fine.
Is there an option to ignore image sequence identification?
I also run into this for other elements where are numbered by designers like credits_01, credits_02, etc.
Using Extension for Smoke for Mac 2013.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Ignore Contours Between Breaklines

Aug 27, 2012

The situation is like this:

I am having a survey plan both with points and contour lines. Points are comming from the main road and contour from the outside areas.

I want to be able to make the surface ignoring the contours between the breaklines of the road since any contour inside professional survey is giving me errors on profiles and everything.

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InDesign :: CS6 - How To Set Text Wrap To Ignore Other Layers

Apr 12, 2013

I have a layer with text wrap underneath another layer. I don't want the text wrap to affect the layer above but I want it to affect the current layer. The order of the layers and objects is as follows:
Layer 2
text 2
circle 2 (text wrap so text 2 stays inside)
Layer 1
text 1
circle 1 (text wrap so text 1 stays inside)
However the wrap from circle 1 affects text 2 as well and I don't want that to happen, while I still want it to wrap inside circle 2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ignore Assembly In Bill Of Materials

Apr 20, 2012

I have tube and pipe subassembly in my assembly.  When I see my BOM, each route is a subassembly but some not, and went I add balloon on pipe from "this not subassembly but in realy is one" it give me the same item number for each pipe generate in this route.

 How can change this "fake" part to assembly for BOM?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Ignore Objects In A Selection Set Based On Coordinates?

Apr 4, 2013

I'm working on a command that lets me select polylines on a specific layer, then converts them to 3d solids. I'm having a slight issue where if a polyline has the same start and end coordinates (this happens in some of our drawings), then the command stops and I get an eDegenerateGeometry error. I want to modify my command so that it detects these objects, removes them from the selection set, and then notifies the users of their prescence so they can be removed manually. The last part i think I can handle, however I'm not sure how to modify either my filter or my routine to detect and ignore these objects. I'm assuming that since i'll want to record these objects to later notify the user, that i'd probably want to modify my routine.
using System;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DataExtraction;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors;using System.Windows.Forms;


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Undo Always Ignore Unresolved References

May 17, 2012

I was working on some work files, and generally a box comes up saying that there are unresolved references and asking what to do. Usually I hit the x and everything works fine, but this time i accidentally clicked the checkbox to automatically ignore unresolved x references and now certain files will not load the references even though the path is correct and the files are there. I was wondering how to undo this check box. I imagine it has to be a variable or setting somewhere.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Hatch Ignore Annotative Leaders?

Feb 26, 2013

Is there a way when creating hatches, for it to ignore annotative leaders? If the line of the leader crosses the area to be hatched, it breaks at the line. But if the arrow crosses the area, it totally freaks out and won't do what it's supposed to (usually inverses what is to be hatched.)

There REALLY needs to be an option to ignore mleader & mtext objects...

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Illustrator :: Ignore Stroke Weight Of Shape In Transform Box

Sep 5, 2013

I'd like to know how to ignore the stroke weight of a shape in the transform box. In other terms, to only consider the surface.

For example, I trace a square with no stroke, and measures 100mm. When I add a 1pt stroke on it, I would still like the transform box to display 100mm, and not 100,353 mm.
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: Ignore (or Crop) Nearly-transparent Region When Exporting?

May 30, 2013

I see that when I export for web, I can crop all regions whose alpha is zero.  But what if I want to crop all regions whose alpha is below (say)10%?  Is there a way to do that?

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Illustrator :: Ignore Linked Images Error Not Working?

Aug 12, 2013

one of my users is trying to open a .ai file but a "cannot find linked image" error comes up. When he clicks "ignore" the image still doesn't open.

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Illustrator :: How To Ignore White Areas In Image Trace

Mar 18, 2014

How to ignore white areas in Image Trace

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Lightroom :: Ignore Camera-generated Folder Names?

Apr 11, 2013

I can't see any difference in the import dialog when this preference checked or not checked ... where should I look for the effect of this preference?

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After Effects :: How To Ignore Missing Frames In An Image Sequence

Mar 8, 2011

I'm working with a JPEG image sequence, and have deleted frames frames at various points before bringing them into AE. Instead of skipping the missing frames, AE renders missing media frames in place of the ones I deleted, instead of just skipping them. Is there a way around this without having to manually rename all of the images so there are no missing numbers?

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Xara :: Resizing Columns / Keyboard Key To Ignore Vertical Movements

Aug 9, 2013

I'm looking at the expanded DTP functionality in XDP9 and have question about resizing columns.

Say I wanted 2 columns that were different widths - I would open up the 'A4 1-Column' template, select the Text tool, right-click inside the column, take the 'Columns...' option, increase Number of columns to 2 then adjust each columns width as desired by dragging the red corner handles. The problem here is that it is very easy to inadvertently alter a columns height because it's very difficulty to move a mouse horizontally without wavering a little bit vertically up or down. Is there a constrainer keyboard key or some other method that ensures vertical movements are ignored?

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Revit :: Ignore Unresolved References And Continue Opening File

May 15, 2012

Is there an option in Revit to automatically ignore unresolved references and continue opening the file without showing the dialog box?

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AutoCad :: 3D Structural Model - Possible To Ignore Xrefs With Zoom Extents?

Nov 14, 2013

I've got a 3D structural model I'm building and will insert 3D mechanical models that I have previously made. I just xref'd the client survey in such that 0,0,0 on my structural model lines up my drawing with the survey.

However, even with the xref frozen and off, when I go Zoom Extents, I zoom to the extent of the xref when I'd prefer to zoom to the extent of my live drawing. I've xclip'd the reference to only include an area slightly larger than the live dwg I'm working on, but no dice.

I think it's functioning correctly, so how do I do a zoom that takes me to the extent of my live dwg and ignores the size of the xref under it?

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AutoCad :: Data Extraction Wizard Ignore Layers Of Choosing

Oct 13, 2011

I've just started working with Autocad 2012 and am using the Data Extraction Wizard to extract information into excel. Some of my drawings have upwards of 150+ layers and I don't necessarily need the information from every layer. Is there a way to have the data extraction wizard ignore layers of my choosing?

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Lightroom :: Export Works Not Correct In 5.3 - Ignore Image Size

Dec 30, 2013

The export works not correct in LR5.3 When the field  "Dont enlarge" are activated Lightroom ingnores the settings of image sizing and export the pictures in original size.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Point On Entity But Ignore Ones At 0.0 Elevation

Sep 15, 2011

I need to let the user pick on an entity to get an elevation.

I was using getpoint, with osmode set to nearest, but it allows them to pick 2d items under the 3d items I want picked.

Without doing fancy laer manipulation to turn off 2d stuff, are there any tricks to avoid snapping on the 2d item?

I am thinking I might do an entselp, then try again at same point until i get a 3d one (non 0.0 z coord).


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