If one drags a layer from one image to another while holding shift, the layer will be placed in the center of the canvas it's dragged to. What I want to do is just move a layer to the exact center of the canvas. I have in the past, when deperate, done so by moving it to a different image and then back while holding shift.
Is it possible to move an object by its centre and not the default origin of BLH corner?
I'm a CAD designer and I use XDP7 to accuratly register graphics to frontplates, but the current method of calculating the offset for each object is very tedious.
The selector tool info bar has a 9 square grid that a pop up says "Set Orign Position" but sadly this is for rotating only. It would be useful to toggle to colour of these squares to set both.
I know that XDP7 "knows" the centre of an object as the "Arrange" function uses it, but what I want to do is set an object origin to the centre and to be able to use the X Y "Position of Selection" numbers to move it.
When I move a canvas around the screen, if I take it too near the top it will snap to the top of the screen and take up the whole page with just this one canvas. How do I stop it from doing this? I guess its in options somewhere but as I dont know what its called I dont know what to search for? Also how do I stop one canvas snapping into another/tabbing into another when moving them around?
Every once in a while I print that has two side-by-side images on one piece of paper. My usual routine is to create a new document that is larger than the two images--say, 10x8 (horizontal) with a transparent background and the same resolution as the two images that I'll be placing on the canvas (say, two 4x3's). Then I simply click on the image I want to move and drag it from its layers palette onto the blank background canvas, and move/edit/size as needed.
when I drag an image over to the blank canvas, it assumes the size of the entire canvas. so I just have the image... enlarged. With no background canvas. when I click on the new image (the one dragged to the canvas), all of the editing commands are grayed out. So I cannot resize or move it.I'm on CS5 (mac)
When I go to crop or move an image close to the edge of the canvas it jumps to the edge. I am having trouble especially with cropping the space between the image and the edge of the canvas the way I want it. turning off this jumping to edge problem I'm having?
Also, I've used CS4 a fair bit and haven't come across this same problem but in PE when I'm editing things like adjusting text on a layer and I'm changing options with hotkeys to resize the text box for eg, Elements seems to jump to the background layer quite alot and then I have to click back on the layer I want to edit between changing tools. Is it something to do with the Esc key?
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
Just downloaded from adobe the help centre zip with the following insructions:
1. Exit photoshop
2. Copy zip to AdobeAdobe helpcentreAdobe helpdatapackages
3.launch Adobe Helpcentre.exe. in Adobe helpcentreAHC.exe.
4. Exit Aobe Help Centre.
The above instructions are very clear.The problem is: I cannot find any Adobe Help centre file.I have searched throuout the Adobe system without success.
Ok I have been trying to figure this out for about half an hour now and its getting me mad because I can't do it.
I have an object on a layer and I want it aligned to the centre of the canvas how the hell can this be achieved I have tried everything surely there must be an option to align it?
The DVD is a music DVD and thus I have text for each song name in the chapter list. I have created each song title on a different layer, but wish to align each of those texts in a position that is central (horizontally) on the page. Is there a quick way to do this?
Is there a way to zoom out without being panned towards the centre? I'm working on the corner of an image and occasionally zoom out to see it in context but the view flies towards the centre so I have to pan back again.
Using Elements 8. The cursor for Clone Stamp freaquently appears as a cross with a dot in the centre rather that the circle. what is (am I doing) wrong?
I managed to move the home screen on my Mac to the left but now it will not return to centre, so that I can access the controls. A two fingered drag does not seem to work.
when I create a pattern using the new pattern maker and I apply it to say a rectangle, how can I make sure that the pattern is centred? For example I have a chevron pattern that I want to fill a rectangle, but I want to make sure that the chevron pattern is dead centre.
I want to do the centre akignment of text fiit to path. when i m selecting the text , the alignment is already showing the left aklign as default. it dosent work.
All options relating to the content centre seem to have disappeared. When i try and add a structural shape via manage tab / author - I get the following message Structural Shape Library cannot be found or Content Centre isnt logged in, please check it and try again. i have checked the active project and it includes the content centre location. Also in an Assembly I do not have the option of placing from content centre.
We have just updated to Inventor 2013 (from 12) and none of our models which contain BSi libraries are working. I understand BSi is within 'Other' CC library.
I have tried copying the idcl files from 2012 CC libraries into into 2013 but Inventor 2013 is not recognizing them. Within the 'update libraries' dialogue box the are listed in red and 'not available'
I've been floundering around for a few days now trying various fixes from the net without success.
For a while now whenever I open a new assembly the default is place from content centre, I use the drop-down and select place.
Today I needed place from content centre and it just doesn't come up.
It is loaded/automatic in the addins.
If I open my projects, in the bottom right corner where I would usually click to acess my installed libraries, I click but it does nothing!
I also noticed studio and BIM are greyed out, but I have started to play with Showcase so not really a problem. I need to set up a read/write library soon, so it's going to be a problem.
I'm using illustrator (CS6) to animate a simple marionette type figure.
I'm using the Rotation tool to turn body parts around their usual connection points, moving the transform centre point each time. I'm wondering if it's possible to "lock" the centre point for any individual object to a certain offset from the object's actual centre, so that every time I reselect an object to move it I'm always rotating it around exactly the same place. I find that if I have to move the centre point from the real centre to where I want to rotate around every time, I'm not getting the exact same spot in relation to the object's bounds, which makes for some weird movements.
For example, the rectangle that makes up the upper arm should have its rotation point always about ten pixels down from the top and in the horizontal centre of the object. The elbow right at the top edge, but also in the horizontal centre, of the lower arm. etc.
How would you create a path which traces the central path of text. Not an outline path..Or the fill when you create outlines
If you imagine a single line following the middle of text. This would then allow me to place circles on the path to allow me to use for making rhinestone tshirts.
When using Content Centre, in the Favourite’s section, the Tree View will not default to Thumbnail View. Every time I close the Content Centre it reverts back to Tree View.
Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz Win 7 Pro 6.7 System Rating NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800
We are working with Inventor Professional 2014.Since switching every time we create a bolted connection using content center files inventor will not let you proceed without checking the bolt/washer/nut out from vault.
This causes issues as other operators are constantly out of date.Also we have custom properties created in our files to tally up with our descriptions on drawings.Every time it is checked out it clears the info and creates new version.