Photoshop :: Matching Tonality Of A Cutout To The Image It Pasted In
Feb 27, 2009
I am getting a hold on using various meathods to paste a selected object (a person) into another image....
but the issue i have is matching the color tonality (i hope i am using the correct word) of the pasted person matching the image i pasted into!! ...
I have tried, the hue and saturation and curves, dodge and burn, brighness and contrast, and a couple of others on the selected person/object it still looks unnatural ..
I'm working on a project in photoshop for an art class and I'm wondering, does anyone know how to paste an image into an existing one and get it to look like it was psychically cut out of a magazine and pasted on to the image? It would need to have the edges you get when you cut something out. Any suggestions?
Have a question regarding setting up a file for printing 2-color images...Similar to an earlier thread, I am starting off with a CMYK file, which I've changedf to a grayscale file. However, this grayscale file is a layered photographic pattern, one layer has a crossstitch-like scanned-in pattern, another layer has a textured background pattern with little dots. I would like to convert this image to a 2 color image, where the different colored areas do not overlap(one color being the crossstitch pattern and the small dots, the other color the textured background). I've tried using the duotone function in photoshop, but keep on getting color blending of these two colors where they overlap. Is there any way using this duotone function to specify that the 2 colors don't overlap/overprint each other? I am planning to use 2 pms colors (7509 and 259 while I test out ways until I get my 2-color idea working).
I also tried doing spot channels, and even though this makes it easy to indicate which parts of the image are specifically one color or the other, the colors are flat colors, and I lose the texturing and "3-d" effect the grayscale pattern has right now.
I used Acad 2009 way back and just used Acad 2011 recently and I'm having trouble with the changes.
how to set a cutout image in Acad 2011, in a regioned rectangle and render it without seeing the rectangle and the background color, only the cutout image e.g tree,person.
I'm trying to cut out this image (dragon 1-1) out of the solid (blade type 2). I've tired everything and every program and I can't do it, mostly because it always crashes. I cut need the black parts cut out all the way through the design.
The project involves me cutting out pieces of various images, and pasting them into one main image. It was going fine for the first ten or so image pieces, but the last time I tried to do it, something very strange happened.
When I pasted the piece of an image into my main image, it came out red and transparent.why it's doing this because I didn't change anything or do anything differently. What can I do to fix this?
I am snapping from Nikon Coolpix L1 camera into 6.2 MPixel mode. When It comes to photoshop, I can see that the normal document size is, Width : 9.387 in and Height : 7.04 in (I am giving this reference from menu Image->Image Size).
Now, I am reducing this document into a size of W=5.347" x H=4.01" size for printing. Taking four nos. of similar documents and trying to paste all four documents into a single sheet of size 12"x8". This is because that the printing cost of a 12"x8" paper will be least, and that is why I am trying to compose four 5.3"x4" photographs into a single 12"x8" paper.
But the problem is that, when I am trying to paste (using copy-paste or drag-n-drop) any of the source pictures into destination sheet, the picture in the destination sheet is expanding and filling all the space of 12"x8".
I am trying to use Pathfinder>Minus front to create transparent rays over text outlines, but am having trouble. how it should appear: URL.. It's nearly exactly how I'd like it to look but i just want it so that when I put the graphic on an image the rays don't show up as white but are instead transparent.
I have an image I have created on 3D studio max, I have 2 versions of this amge and one is under exposed. How can I match exactly the under exposed image to the correct image?
I have stitched together a picture and cropped it to by 21"x7" so that it can be printed as three separate 7x5 photos and framed together to make a pano. Right now the "master" image is perfectly sized at 21x7. When I try to cut out the first 7x5 portion, it resizes to 5.25x3.75 when I paste into a new image. If I resize it from there it becomes distorted. I've been using the rectangle selector set to fixed size (7x5); and selecting cut from then paste into new image from the edit menu.
How can I get the pasted image to be the same size as the one that is cut?
I have three photos I'm stitching together, a somewhat panoramic end image.
I have done many of these before, with various techniques, however, I'm wondering what techniques any of you would use to make sure the seam between the photos blends perfectly in regards to color.
You can see below that the blue of the sky is slightly off, producing a visible seam. I can tweak the levels to get it looking better, but then other parts of the image get tweaked the wrong way, as in, if I fix the color in the sky, the color of the rocks below go way off.
Am I just better off merging the layers, and using the heal, dodge, burn tools to paint it together, as I have done before?
Should I use selections in specific areas to fix the color?
I am having problems copying/pasting an image into Gimp. Instead of the image itself being pasted, it pastes the mac symbol for Jpeg (the photo of the little Asian boy by the sea with the camera lens on top). The same happens pasting an EPS file. I don't understand as I have managed to paste an image before. I have tried pasting into selection/pasting as new image/pasting as new layer. All the same. Neither will Gimp let me drag an image into it from finder or the desktop. I've tried opening a new file from scratch too. Same problem.
I have a still image of a view looking up at a complicated building (no ground in shot). There are lots of square features so I know where the right angles are but I have absolutely no information on any distances/dimensions at all and no info on the camera (focal length etc…).
I can get close by eyeballing it in 3D Max, tweaking cam position and focal length and proxy geometry but I’m sure there is a way to do this more automatically in Matchmover (which now ships with Max).
In Matchmover 2011 I created 4 track points on my image in 2D mode, 1 on a vertical corner as the origin, 1 directly above as Z, and 2 either side of the origin using the mortar lines to keep them level (all are as far away from each other as possible to increase track accuracy). I then make a new coordinate system and snap the origin, then Z and finally the X,Y nodes to the corresponding track points.
The last node I snap whichever one it happens to be, wont snap like the others. It just pings back.When I “solve for camera” it complains that it needs at least 2 images with 7 points in common or 4 points with known 3D coordinates.
There is visible lens distortion and I think this needs correcting somehow, other than the distortion parameter for the camera but this feels like stabbing in the dark as I have no way to know what distortion to apply.
I'm using CAD 2009. I've inserted a Bitmap image (a company logo) and I want to insert text with the same colour as the logo.
Can I sample the colour in the logo and apply it to the text? NB - I really don't want to go through all the colour options in CAD to find the nearest match.
I want to do something like the Microsoft Paint 'Pick Color' option.
I cut out the sky in the top layer of the timeline and the sky still beneath it is showing through. I need to color match the two shots. How can I see both shots in the CC effect so I can match the two?
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
Why does this filter take so long to do and not give me good results as compared with same file size etc in Photoshop 7? Photoshop 7 Cutout filter is awesome; the CS one is a real drag.
i'm trying to edit the contrast and brightness of my greyscale image, after using the cutout filter. Is there any way that the cutout filter can be applied on the fly while i'm changing the contrast and brightness/shadow and highlight options so that the changes i make get applied through the cutout filter? As at the moment i am having to guess when setting my contrast, shadow and highlight settings before applying the cutout filter.
Anytime I try to cutout a piece of an image and paste it into another image, the final result always turns out bad. It looks exactly like what it is...a cutout pasted onto another image.
I have a smaller picture with a larger cutout of one object and I'm wanting to add some trails or something from the small one in the original to the cutout and I'm not sure how to do this. I've tried the shooting star trails tutorial I found but it just didn't work right for the motorcycle.