Photoshop :: Layers..... Animated Glittering Text
Dec 18, 2005
how to make glittering animated text (or images)
and *I know this sounds dumb* but I accidentally got out of the layers toolbar i guess it was, and i can't get it back. Or rather i don't know how.
You know... how there's toolbars for color and stuff on the right, i got out of the layers toolbar and need it back. It's a little confusing to make the animated text with layers etc.
Basically i was adding *noise* in one layer and adding noise in another layer but with a different number. I was supposed to click on the image ready button and have it be animated but it wasn't working.
i'd really like my layers toolbar back.
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Dec 18, 2005
i have photoshop 6.0 and I was trying to follow a tutorial on how to make glittering animated text (or images)
and *I know this sounds dumb* but I accidentally got out of the layers toolbar i guess it was, and i can't get it back. Or rather i don't know how.
You know... how there's toolbars for color and stuff on the right, i got out of the layers toolbar and need it back. It's a little confusing to make the animated text with layers etc.
Basically i was adding *noise* in one layer and adding noise in another layer but with a different number. I was supposed to click on the image ready button and have it be animated but it wasn't working.
i'd really like my layers toolbar back.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am creating a rotating animated gif in PS. Now I have about 37 layers, where I increment the angle of each layer with 10 degress relative to the previous one. But even when aligning all my layers with the aligning tools the layers still not align...How can I align them perfectly?
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Jun 14, 2013
Frame animation plays fine when played from timeline but all layers are exported stacked on top of each other for the duration of the whole animation. I'm able to see that because the layers have transparency.
About animation - 8 frames with in endless loop, imported into a timeline via 'Make Frames from Layers' command in a fly-out menu in the Timeliine window. Tweens for animation are off, 01.sec delay for all frames
I was able to export animated GIF before, wondering if this issue is tied to the latest update.
Photoshop CS6 Extended
Windows 7x64 SP1
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Sep 8, 2012
I'm trying to adjust brightness/contrast and saturation over about 30 layers on an animated GIF. Everything looks great until I do a save for web and click on the animate box. At that point, the color/changes drop off completely. It shows up fine when it's just the one layer being shown. And it seems to be showing up on all the layers when I'm in the main edit window. I keep looking and making sure I have the 'this adjustment affects all layers below,' and I do. I even tried saving a GIF with the other setting turned on and I got the same thing.
Anyway, I exported a few GIFs, thinking maybe the adjustment layers would kick in as it saved, but nope. Neither layer saved into the exported GIF.
I'm sure this is just a simple setting I'm missing, but I'm banging my head against the desk at this point.
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Apr 15, 2013
How can I import screencaps from my desktop to create layers for an animated gif?
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Dec 29, 2008
I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.
However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.
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Jul 19, 2011
So I have this gif animation and I want to add a background to it. when I add a new layer (the background layer) and draw something on it (like as an example: a field of daisies) and save the layers as an animation guessed participates in the animation.
So how to add a background without harassing the animated layers?
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Apr 20, 2011
I am still getting use to X3 and I am doing a project.
I want the text to scroll from the bottom, then stop when it gets on the screen about midway. I use the moving path to come from the bottom, but it won't stay. I try pop up, but it starts from the middle.
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Jan 9, 2005
I want to animate the aura around the text, to make it appear that the aura is blowing in the wind, in random directions.
I want to make the white longer and the blue shorter.
The enclosed file is not animated. Could not find one.
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Aug 10, 2004
I allways want to animate some text on my sigs...animate then as in it looks like your watch the text being type right in front of for instance what you see on ur screen when u type...I haven't found any good tutorials for it in image ready, well I really haven't found ne tutorials...if ne1 wants to nudge me in the right direction it would be apreciated...maybe a lil hint on how toget moving with it....I am not good in image ready
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Nov 18, 2013
I often will borrow groups and layers from one document and drag them into a new or a different PS document to borrow the layers and formatting so I am not starting over from scratch with a design that I just need to re-work into a different size.
But in the last two weeks, when I drag the layers over, they start mysteriously changing into other layers that I did not drag over. What is causing this bug? It wasn't there before as I have performed this action many times in various projects. I am using PS CS6 on a Mac Book Pro.
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May 13, 2012
I'm a photoshop newbie and i'm dealing with animated gifs. Lets say I create a new text layer on this animated gif and I want to move it to the last frame. Is there an easier way than what i'm doing now: clicking and holding the layer with my mouse and dragged it to the last frame. I'm asking because sometimes these animated gifs have like 500+ frames and want to know if there is a faster, easier way
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May 9, 2013
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
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Oct 1, 2013
Everything looks fine on the screen but when I render the frame I get some kind of strange ghosting, like it can't decide which number(text) to render.
I'm attaching the file and a script that rounds my numbers. You will need to run the script ( before playing the animation and rendering.
The text is manipulated from a script controller. You will find it when you open the Curve Editor in the kerning property of TextCycle001.
The render works only on the first and last frame of the animation and . If I check Manual Update in the Text Property it behaves properly but then I can only render one frame at a time.
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Sep 12, 2007
Using CS 2 on Win XP
Simple question:
am trying to edit a text layer but i am unable to open the text box to change text.
It creates a new text layer everytime i click on the layer.
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Nov 11, 2010
I'm working with banners and I've made the banner I want. When I put the text on there and add an animation to the text, it always goes to a different screen and won't show with the original background. Is there anyway to get the animated text to work on a still background?
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Apr 3, 2014
I am animating text so that it appears after a 3 second delay on page load. However, it does not seem to work at all. It worked for a paragraph of text, but it won't work for text that seems to be surrounded by other objects. I tried moving the animated object to the top-most layer, but that did not work.
Animating seems to be quite buggy in InDesign?
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Aug 12, 2013
We use AutoCad to name our dxf files for our Burn Table and whenever we get a new part it is a repetitive task to input layers and common text. So what I am curious is can AutoCAD input the layers and text automatically using a Macro?
I want the Macro to put in 6 layers and choose the layer color and title then input text boxes with word in 3 different layers. There will be about a total of 10 different text boxes with text already put in the boxes by the Macro.
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Jul 2, 2013
my gimp 2.8.6 makes majority normal layers turn into text layers..
Even if i "discard text information" from layer..and then save it as .xcf it doesnt work! Same layers appear as text layers when i open that .xcf Its not a big deal but it really slows me down when im working with layers..
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Oct 4, 2011
I am creating a layered marine chart with reference points. I've imported the chart and am creating text layers with a reference number in them.
I have about 700 of these to add - a daunting task - but it's for a NZ coastguard unit, so is worthwhile.
The idea is to have a layer with all our reference points on it, so when a chart is updated, we can just import the chart; add back the reference points layers and print it out.
(Why? NZ baynames, danger spots etc usually have 2 names; an english name and a maori name - sometimes we have to cross reference when on the water to find the correct place).
Is creating text layers the best way of doing this?
Is there any way of increasing the size of all the text - instead of having to edit 700 text layers?
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May 5, 2012
Installed Photoshop CS5.1 most recent version.
When opening PSD files from previous version none of my text layers will update. In addition I cannot select them with my text tool, I get a 'Could not complete your request because of a program error'.
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May 22, 2009
I've been using PS7 for a long time and this has never happened before. One minute things were fine and then something changed. Maybe I hit a combination of keys .... well here's the issue. I type text onto a blank layer. I try to move the text. In the pallette, the cursor drops off the text layer, and onto the background, instead. In order to move the text, I wind up clicking on it numerous times, or if I click on it very slowly, I can grab it to move it. This is not how it was working just yesterday. I'm sure this sounds confusing, I'm just not sure how to describe it any better. (It's not my mouse, I tried a different one.) I tried Adobe's help site and saw this:"Clicking in an image with a type tool puts the type tool in edit mode. You can enter and edit characters when the tool is in edit mode; however, you must commit changes to the type layer before you can perform some operations. To determine if a type tool is in edit mode, look in the options bar--if you see the Commit button (a check)Â and Cancel button (circle with slash), the type tool is in edit mode."
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Sep 26, 2004
I'm sending a PS document to a printer and to avoid the problem of the printer possibly not having a specific font I'd like to turn all my text layers into shape layers.
Is there a way to turn all text layers in a single document into shape layers easily? I know I can do it individually layer by layer but that just seems too tedious.
I do not want to rastorize the text, just turn it into vector shapes.
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May 6, 2013
I frequently save layouts I do in Photoshop as PDF's. Lately I very often will discover the text does not display correctly in the PDF. One or two lines of text will display as white with a thin black outline, rather than as the basic solid black I'd specified.
I work on a Windows 7 machine with the current version of PS. The text is on layers when I save the file to PDF (from PS), but I do not include the layers in the PDF, so they should be flattening down.
I noticed a few weeks ago when it was also doing this that I updated the program a day later and the PDF's were not exhibiting this issue. But, now it's starting again.
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Jun 6, 2013
I run PS CS5 with Windows 7 on a Bootcamp Macbook.
About 40% of the time when I want to nudge slices, layers or text fields nothing will happen until I hit space (hand tool) and shift the canvas. It's as if moving it wakes Photoshop up and it re-renders the screen with the newly positioned element.
This gets quite tedious and like I say, strangely doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I can shut the program down and it will go away when reopened and sometimes not. Other times, this bug won't happen for a day or two then rear its head again for no apparent reason.
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Aug 29, 2012
I've got a serious issue since the begining of my Photoshop CS6 installation.It's not happening to all my files but few are enough !
I explain myself : When I open a file with many text layers and when I try to edit one of them the text is instantly remplaced by another random text present in this same file.Then the file seems to be corrupted because when I open it with CS5 it does the same thing.
I can't re-edit those files and I must rewrite all those text layers, this is not possible to handle that in a professional way.I tried to launch the script for texts crashes but nothing works.
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May 8, 2012
I have Photoshop CS5 for Windows (version 12.1 x32), and I'm trying to open a CS6 file that was sent to me. When I do, none of the text layers are editable. Is this expected?
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Nov 20, 2003
I have 5 text layers for the different sections (home, news, contact etc.) and I have them all aligned horizontally. I position the far left text layer where it needs to be, then the far right text layer where it needs to be, link all the text layers and hit 'Distribute Horizontal Centers' to have them fill out the space between evenly.
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Aug 14, 2009
I have created a photoshop file with around 20 different text layers. The sizing and the location of the layers is essential. When my editor imports the file the text layers lose their properties (sizing and placement). Is there something I should be doing to help solve this problem? Can you use text layers between photoshop and final cut?
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Aug 5, 2007
how do I keep a layer of text from blending into the layers below?
I'm trying to add a layer of white text to a template and it's coming out pale blue.
This is in CS2.
I'm sure there's a layer effect or blend somewhere in there but I don't know how to work with these things.
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