GIMP :: Background Without Adding Into Animated Layers
Jul 19, 2011
So I have this gif animation and I want to add a background to it. when I add a new layer (the background layer) and draw something on it (like as an example: a field of daisies) and save the layers as an animation guessed participates in the animation.
So how to add a background without harassing the animated layers?
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Jul 5, 2013
How to add an extra background to the animated gif?
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May 17, 2012
I have a 25 layer animated gif done. I also have a png of the same size with a transparent background. I want to run that png image on each layer so the background is animated while the foreground is not.
How do I add that layer to each one of the 25 layers of the gif so that the background looks animated while the foreground looks still? Version 2.6.11
I have attached the 25 layer background and the single top layer.
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Nov 19, 2013
Just wants to get some simple "animated words" traced with a white background (instead of the background being "dimmed" looseleaf paper)
To explain, here's a comparison example of what I'm trying to achieve:
Imagine the phrase:
Where the letter E is:
The vertical part of the E is a stalk of Celery
The horizontals of the E are cartons of Eggs.
Where the "P" of Pace looks like a basic line drawing of a "pacing shoe"
...with perhaps "anxious" looking eyes drawn inside the shoe
...yet still look like a P
...and the remainder is [roughly] like my attached letters on Dim looseleaf background. (see attached)
How would you achieve the EGG-CELERATING phrase? I bet an expert could achieve this within 1/2 hour or less, can't they? So I'm trying to achieve the same as the above:
...albeit it's a different phrase, and different BASIC pics. other words, it's mostly outlined-alphabet, but including 4 basic pictorial-letters, and some more letters containing "eyes"
P.S. Regarding the attachment, note that I placed that in a Layer which I called Layer1
Then tried selecting it & changing background to White But was unsucessful.
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Jul 29, 2013
how to place an gif between two layers (or add text, brushes, images over it) without screwing up the animation. I've experimented with it, and the results tends to be that one of the layers (pictures) go missing in the animation or the animation just does not animate.
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Apr 16, 2013
To add image to a background am using the brush tool to clean the image to expose some part of the background . for this to work, i must use the scale too on my image first then i an start applyin the brush tool to clean the image to expose the background.if i dont use the scale tool.. the brush tool will the image white intead of exposing the background. pls i want to know, it there any other way i can achieve apart from using the scale tool?
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May 5, 2013
I know how to create text with a background picture inside the text. I want to put this text onto another image. So the text with the background inside the letters, will be superimposed on new image.
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May 9, 2012
How can i get such effects like in the attached image;
- first of all; the image has no background - the grapes are shown on a plain white background.Note; there is another nice little thing that we have to mention; the image of the grapes are somewhat with a kind of a overdose of light - i think that this is a nice effect - perhaps added with gimp!? The grapes look very interesting.
- the next effect that i like is the adding of the circles that are seen in the image. How did they add those pastel colored circles.
see this image here
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Sep 23, 2011
Basically just want to make the middle separating line in the following image:
Identical to (same degree of horizontal fadeout into transparency):
I have spent hours on it trying to edit the original layer below the alpha transparency or adding layers, getting nowhere.
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Mar 10, 2012
I need to move layers exactly on the very corners of a background, without going over them. How do I do it?
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Aug 9, 2011
However, I am not quite satisfied: whatever I try, the background never seem to match with the characters (I know most of you will find it awful, but my goal is to get it to be somewhat plausible, now it seems just too fake).
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Jun 10, 2009
how to do it had taken an animated gif (butterfly) and placed it on her breast in a still photo of herself. I know that she used Image Ready and as I recall, she created the same number of frames of the still image as the animated butterfly and then she somehow merged the two together. Can someone help, is there a tutorial somewhere? I'm using 7.0.
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Aug 3, 2013
I want to add the same 3 adjustment layers to about 20 photos and then in scripts, export layers to files, so that each photo includes the adjustments.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am creating a rotating animated gif in PS. Now I have about 37 layers, where I increment the angle of each layer with 10 degress relative to the previous one. But even when aligning all my layers with the aligning tools the layers still not align...How can I align them perfectly?
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Dec 18, 2005
how to make glittering animated text (or images)
and *I know this sounds dumb* but I accidentally got out of the layers toolbar i guess it was, and i can't get it back. Or rather i don't know how.
You know... how there's toolbars for color and stuff on the right, i got out of the layers toolbar and need it back. It's a little confusing to make the animated text with layers etc.
Basically i was adding *noise* in one layer and adding noise in another layer but with a different number. I was supposed to click on the image ready button and have it be animated but it wasn't working.
i'd really like my layers toolbar back.
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Jul 22, 2012
i have revoling rings animated gif file, i want remove its blackgroung and want add plain white backgroung. how to do that? i use PS cs 5
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Feb 5, 2005
Is it at all possible to change the background color of an animated gif,to make it blend in with the rest of a page please?
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Aug 25, 2004
I have PS 6.0 along with Image Ready 3.0. What I want to do is take an animated space background with stars in motion from left to right or visa versa and overlay a space craft photo onto it?
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Jun 14, 2013
Frame animation plays fine when played from timeline but all layers are exported stacked on top of each other for the duration of the whole animation. I'm able to see that because the layers have transparency.
About animation - 8 frames with in endless loop, imported into a timeline via 'Make Frames from Layers' command in a fly-out menu in the Timeliine window. Tweens for animation are off, 01.sec delay for all frames
I was able to export animated GIF before, wondering if this issue is tied to the latest update.
Photoshop CS6 Extended
Windows 7x64 SP1
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Dec 18, 2005
i have photoshop 6.0 and I was trying to follow a tutorial on how to make glittering animated text (or images)
and *I know this sounds dumb* but I accidentally got out of the layers toolbar i guess it was, and i can't get it back. Or rather i don't know how.
You know... how there's toolbars for color and stuff on the right, i got out of the layers toolbar and need it back. It's a little confusing to make the animated text with layers etc.
Basically i was adding *noise* in one layer and adding noise in another layer but with a different number. I was supposed to click on the image ready button and have it be animated but it wasn't working.
i'd really like my layers toolbar back.
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Sep 8, 2012
I'm trying to adjust brightness/contrast and saturation over about 30 layers on an animated GIF. Everything looks great until I do a save for web and click on the animate box. At that point, the color/changes drop off completely. It shows up fine when it's just the one layer being shown. And it seems to be showing up on all the layers when I'm in the main edit window. I keep looking and making sure I have the 'this adjustment affects all layers below,' and I do. I even tried saving a GIF with the other setting turned on and I got the same thing.
Anyway, I exported a few GIFs, thinking maybe the adjustment layers would kick in as it saved, but nope. Neither layer saved into the exported GIF.
I'm sure this is just a simple setting I'm missing, but I'm banging my head against the desk at this point.
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Apr 15, 2013
How can I import screencaps from my desktop to create layers for an animated gif?
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Mar 14, 2007
how to unlink my "background" in the layers pallete from the other layers.
I am using photoshop CS2. on a mac OS X.
When i make changes to other layers in the layers pallete, it changes my 'background' as well. I know that i can duplicate it but regardless, the 'background' changes according to what i do to the other layers even tho it is locked.
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Jul 25, 2011
I told GIMP not to add a delay to my animated gif but GIMP did anyway and now my animated gif is really slow. How can I prevent GIMP from adding a delay to my animated gif?
Edit: How can I save my project without losing my layers so I can work on it again later?
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Mar 15, 2013
I've never been into animation very much but recently, while making an avatar, I couldn't make up my mind which of the three chipmunks from Alvin and the Chipmunks I should put into it. I decided to try an animated gif and put them all in a constant loop one-by-one. How hard can it be, I thought.
Well, turns out it wasn't and here it is:
On paper, it works fine but in practise, it doesn't for reasons I can't fathom. I've tested it on three forums and on every one of them, it occasionally freezes in the last frame and refuses to execute the animation while other people's animated signatures and avatars animate just fine so it's safe to assume that there's something wrong with my gif.
Here are the settings I used while exporting:
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Feb 12, 2010
How to create an animated route along a map. Here's the final image...
While these steps will only show how to add a single route to a map, you can add as many routes as you would like and even instruct the script to start on any layer or have any number of frames.
I'm using GIMP 2.6.6 for the tutorial. You will need the following script installed to complete the tutorial ->Animated Path Stroking Script Suite. The script zip file was updated today (December 26, 2013) to include brushes from GIMP 2.6. GIMP 2.8 no longer uses them, but in order to run the script effectively without having to modify the script itself, please add the brushes to your GIMP brushes folder here: C:/Program Files/GIMP-2.0/share/gimp2.0/brushes There have been no changes to the script, so if you have the previous version, there is no need to install it.
It's probably a good idea to have the animation settings script installed on your computer so you can quickly adjust the timing of the layers. That script can be download here-> saulgoode's animation settings script
Let's begin.
Step 1
Open up your desired map in GIMP. I'm using one from Google that's near my house in Central Florida and I'll show you how to get to Disney World.
Step 2
Create a duplicate of the map so you have two layers. Here's a screenshot of the layer dialog window.
Step 3
Grab your path tool and start creating your path on the image. Here's what my path looks like. I started near the green dot and finished at the red dot. The path will be painted in the direction you draw it.
Step 4
With your path now drawn, make your top layer active by clicking on it in the layer dialog window...(It's highlighted in blue in my screenshot.) This is the layer we will start drawing on. The bottom layer will be left untouched.
Step 5
Choose the brush you want to paint with. I chose the Circle Fuzzy (07) and set the spacing to 1.0
Step 6
Click on the Paths Tab in GIMP and it will show the path dialog window and all of the paths you have for that image. Right now, we should only have one. Right-click on that path and choose Animated Path Stroking.
Here's the settings I picked...
Click OK and script will do the rest and your animation should look something like so:
Step 7
If you want to alter the speed of the layers, make sure you installed the Animation Settings script I recommended at the beginning of the tutorial and go to Filters > Animation > Settings... Under delay you set the timing. The larger the number the longer the delay. I picked 100 and set the mode to Replace. I then added a longer delay (1.5 seconds or 1500 ms) to my first and last frames. To do that, I double-clicked on the layer name changed the timing number to (1500ms), and then hit the <Enter> key. Make sure you hit the <Enter> key so that GIMP will know to make the changes.
That's it! Give it a shot and see what you come up with. Try adding more routes to the map, changing brush size, colors, and altering the number of frames they are drawn over. Don't be afraid to experiment with the settings. Undo is your friend!
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Jul 6, 2013
How to add an animated gif on top of an image?
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Jul 6, 2013
I want to add a top image to an animated gif, an image that is like the background image which will appear together with each frame, but appears on the top of the frames instead.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have about 350 images I am trying to turn into an animated GIF so I can stick them in Flash rather than importing 350 images. When I click "Optimize for GIF" it works, but strips the quality way down. I would rather use a PNG, so if there is a plugin, I would love to hear about it OR if you know a way for the animated GIF to be created without losing quality, that would be awesome.
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Jul 9, 2013
GIMP can preview my animation at 25 fps but when I export the animated GIF I can't seem to get it to run fast enough. I reduce the amount of time between frames to 0 and tried experimenting with the 'use delay entered above for all frames' but it's just way too slow.
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Oct 31, 2013
I would like to edit an animated GIF. I can open it in GIMP and the various frames appear as layers - all good so far. I would like to paste in an object into each frame then re-export. The problem is, many of the frames have large transparent sections in them. I'm guessing this how the original program saved some space in the GIF file - by using transparency in areas that don't change from the first few frames. Is this going to cause issues, and if so, is there a way to export all the frames as images with the full detail rather than looking like a series of cheese-graters?
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