Photoshop :: Down Image To 8 Colors

Dec 4, 2008

I have real life picture that I will be editing to make into a t-shirt design. I am only allowed to have 8 unique colors. Is there a quick/easy way to do this? Or down I need to start from scratch and make my own cartoon similar to the picture?

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Paint.NET :: Gather All Colors In Image And Save To Palette In Another Image

Sep 7, 2011

Any plugin or something that gathers all the colors within a given image and allows you to save the pallete in another image...If you seen a sprite sheet thats pretty much what Im asking for.It'd be cool if the colors were sorted by how dark it was and by RGB.

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Photoshop :: Get Colors From Image

Jun 1, 2008

Is there any way to get the colors from an image in photoshop? Ideally, I would like a simple process to get a swatch collection from an existing image.

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Photoshop :: Colors Os Image Within PS Look Different

Mar 7, 2006

There is a noticeable difference in color (and gamma?) in my work images when I view them within Photoshop versus when I view them outside of Photoshop, say, with my Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.

When I attempt a 'Save for Web' the images look differently, too. What can I (what should I?) do to make my images look the same within Photoshop as when I view them from without. This info would save me a lot of wasted time previewing outside of Photoshop to adjust and make corrections within Photoshop. I know there are some color (gamma) adjustments that I haven't set yet.

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Photoshop :: Seperating Image Into Only Two Colors

Jun 26, 2009

I'm designing some tshirts and I need to make the image I'm working on COMPLETELY black and white with absolutely no grey, but I can't seem to work out how to do it.

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Photoshop :: Improving Colors And Contours Of The Image?

Dec 17, 2012

How can improve the colors and contours of the image?

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Photoshop :: Why Have Colors In Merged Image Changed

Nov 12, 2012

Why have colors in my merged image changed?  I am running Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7  and I'm viewing 3-channel RGB images.  Something has changed and the blue channel doesn't appear in the image and the green channel is now blue.  Everything looks perfect according to the thumbnails in the channel window. But when I looked at the merged image in the central view, again, blue is gone and green is now blue. 

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Normalize Colors Across Entire Image

Apr 13, 2012

So here's what I've got. I've got a scanned image of the unit patch...the problem is the image shows the thread lines, which equate to different colors. I need to normalize the colors across the entire image...i.e the helicopter should be solid black and the background solid red etc.

Not much of a Photoshop guy but I'm learning OJT it seems. I have both Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator so whichever works best I'm game to use. I've attached the image in question.

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Photoshop :: Neutralizing And Changing Colors On Image

Jun 1, 2013

I've been having trouble with this render I've created, in that I'm trying to change the colors on this character's hand from the orange tint that some of his fingers have due to firearm discharge, to a more neutralized color that matches another part of his hand, particularly his lower pinky finger. The reason why is I've changed the original color of the gun he's holding to something darker, and I want his hands to reflect the change in color as well.

I've tried everything from painting over the fingers, clone stamping, adjusting the curves, the shadows, the tones, the highlights, and even adjusting the hue and saturation, yet I'm still not getting the results I desire.

Attached are pictures illustrating what I mean, with circles around the problem areas, and a PSD of what I've tried to accomplish so far.


And again, to clarify, I want to change the colors of the subjects fingers that have an orange glow to them to a more neutral tone and to have them have the same color as the subject's pinky finger, which is also circled in blue.

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Photoshop :: Make Swatch From Image Colors

Jan 8, 2004

I knew how to do it, but I forgot! Really did.

What I want to achieve is have a swatch of the colours/hues of an image. Of course, the number will be limited, but is offers a great starting point to use for painting etc.
I remember that .aco files had something to do with it, but even Help can't teach me.

Any ideas are more than welcome!

I rememebr from my Photopaint days that in that app it was only one click on a button, but that in PS it was more complicated.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Colors/Areas Of An Image...

May 19, 2008

I have a question about selecting sections of an image to copy or edit, and the best/easiest way to do it. I've been using the Pen to draw a line around the edge of the section(s) I want to edit, than tidy up the lines, convert it to a selection, and go from there. But this can often take a very long time.
if there was a better, faster and/or easier way to do this, or if using the Pen tool is probably the best way?

I'll use

this image
as an example (for lack of a better example image). Perhaps I want to take the dark blue area of the skirt, chest and feet and edit them to a different color (maybe I want to turn them red, for instance). Obviously the image has shading so not all of the colors are exactly the same, so the Magic Wand wouldn't help much.

To edit these sections, would using the Pen tool to drag a line around the edges and convert it to a selection be the best way, or is there another better way to do this?

It may be a stupid question, but I just thought I'd ask just in case there was a simpler way for me to go about editing my images.
And if it makes any difference, I have Photoshop CS2.

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Photoshop :: Changing Colors On A Jpeg Image

Apr 29, 2009

I am currently unable to access the color table in the mode image section.  It is blank so that I cannot select it...any pointers?  Also, I am having a hard time changing the colors on my jpeg image and changing the white part of the image transparent. 

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Photoshop :: Image Colors Changing When Saved?

Sep 5, 2006

I've been having this problem for some time now. I edit my images and save them but the saved copies in their folders are always 1) darker and 2) with less color. However, when I put the images back into photoshop, they look as they did just before I saved them. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or what might be causing it?

Also, when I do a lot of editing in one go, I get a message that I'm running out of memory on my C drive, even though photoshop is installed on my much larger D drive.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Colors From An Old Image (Illustrator)

Apr 17, 2007

I can bing up the color picker right? then hover over the brush or what ever you call that over the old image on a certain color to try to get its hex value.. Now how would I do this on Illustrator?

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Photoshop :: Matching Colors Of Stitched Image

Jul 22, 2007

I have three photos I'm stitching together, a somewhat panoramic end image.

I have done many of these before, with various techniques, however, I'm wondering what techniques any of you would use to make sure the seam between the photos blends perfectly in regards to color.

You can see below that the blue of the sky is slightly off, producing a visible seam. I can tweak the levels to get it looking better, but then other parts of the image get tweaked the wrong way, as in, if I fix the color in the sky, the color of the rocks below go way off.

Am I just better off merging the layers, and using the heal, dodge, burn tools to paint it together, as I have done before?

Should I use selections in specific areas to fix the color?

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Photoshop :: Restricting The Number Of Colors In An Image

Jul 19, 2005

I have Photoshop CS and I'm trying to make a background for my cell phone, but the screen is 18-bit and has only 262000 colors so I know if I make an image regularly it will be butchered once it gets to my phone. Is there a way I can limit the image I'm working on to 262000 colors?

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Photoshop :: Transfering Image Colors To Web Safe

Jul 16, 2006

I just made a multilayered logo for a website. I forgot to make sure that the colors were web safe on the first couple of layers. Is there a way to go through and make sure they are safe or is there a way to make the entire image websafe in one step?

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Photoshop :: Generate Image Based Of All Colors Currently In Swatch

Nov 8, 2013

Any method or script that enables generation of an image based of all the colors currently in the swatch? I would want it to fill a grid, with a patch of the color with the colors name underneath it, and with the name of the swatch as a header on a black background. Maybe even with the lab, cmyk and rgb values underneath each color.The colors need to be arranged in the same manner as in the swatch.

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Photoshop :: How To Change All Colors In Transparent Image Rather Than Using Fill

Apr 25, 2013

I have a transparent logo.  I've conferted it to RGB and tried using fill (it's primarily a single color except for some fading at the edges) but the results were not 100%.  Rather than using Fill and leaving some scruff around the edges, can I just tell it to change ALL image bigs to a single color?  How?
I am new at Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Replace Range Of Colors With Single Color In Image

Oct 30, 2013

I would like to replace a range of colors with a single color in an image.

I know there is the replace color adjustment, but this replaces a single color e.g. 190,190,190 with another color e.g. 200, 200, 200. I would like to replace a range of colors e.g. from 185 to 195 with 200, 200, 200.

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Photoshop Elements :: Measure Density Of Red And Blue Colors Of Image?

Aug 9, 2013

How can I measure the density of Red and Blue colors of an image?

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Photoshop :: Drag Image Off Web - Some Colors Gets Pixels / Large Black Areas Inside?

Apr 21, 2013

Whenever I drag an image off the web into Photoshop it seems like some colors gets pixels, large black areas inside the image. This only occurs in 8-bit mode, when I turn the image to 32-bit it show all colors correctly. But in 32-bit mode I cannot save to web. If I finish the image in 32-bit and then downgrade it to 8-bit, the black parts return.

What I see in 8-bit mode:
What it should look like, and does in 32-bit mode:

If you need any technical specs apart from knowing that I use Photoshop CS5,

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Photoshop :: How To Take A Grayscale Image, & Automate The Match Color Process W/multiple Colors

Jul 15, 2009

how to use the match color tool to automatically convert one grayscale image into multiple output images based on a collection of color swatches? Or a better process to achieve this automated?

I have all the swatches in psd files in one directory. I can do them one-by-one but I was wondering if there was a way to automate this process and have it spit out and save the different images automatically based on the saved swatch colors.

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GIMP :: How To Put Two Colors In Image

Jul 12, 2012

I have a blank "shield" image:

and I want to color this image with the the upper crown-like part yellow, the left-half blue and the other half red, just like this one.

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GIMP :: View All Colors In Image At Once?

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a way to view all the colors in an image at once in GIMP? If not is there a place I can suggest it?

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GIMP :: How To Extract Colors From Image

May 26, 2012

I am doing a head start in GIMP. That means i am pretty new to GIMP. I have a bunch of tasks to do.

At the moment - i have a special task. i have a image that has got some arrows - i want to extract the colors (that are the exact colors of all the arrows.) After this i want to draw in a new image a bunch of balls - exactly with these colors. Is this doable!?
Question: how do i do extract the exact colors - can i get the exact color scheme - some hexa-code or how would you do that!?

Attached File(s) pfeile_ausschnitt_.jpg (40.75K)
Number of downloads: 3 
crazy_balls_only.jpg (67.61K)
Number of downloads: 3

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Paint.NET :: Change Colors In Image

Jan 1, 2014

I want to be able to change colors across my entire image. Kind of like the bucket tool when it is on universal, but with a few changes. It would be able to change dark red into dark blue and also light red into light blue at the same time when the tool is used. It would scale based on the lightness of the color throughout the entire image.

I could basically choose blue, click on any red part with the tool, and then every red color (with a certain tolerance) would change into blues of the same lightness and darkness as red. I was thinking that this would be useful for changing the colors of objects that have certain shading effects or shadows in them.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Paint Bucket Colors Do Not Match Selected Color Picker Colors

Jun 28, 2012

I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.

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Photoshop :: Colors In Print Preview Not Matching Colors In Soft Proofing

Jul 7, 2013

Just wanted to print a new photo and realized that the colors in print preview do not match the colors in soft proofing. In both cases I selected the same icc profile and rendering method. The print colors matched the colors in print preview. I never had a problem so far. All new prints will be checked with soft proofing and adjusted when necessary. I never paid attention to the color rendition in print preview and all prints perfectly matched the colors from the soft proofing. I was surprised when my print came out of the printer and the colors weren't matching the soft proofing colors, but that of the print preview.
I don't understand why Photoshop renders the colors differently in the first place. See attached screenshot for the difference in the blue/cyan colors. I don't care if the print view colors will match the print, but I do care when soft proofing is not working.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Change RGB Colors In Image To Pantone?

May 18, 2012

Is there any way to change the RGB colors in an image to Pantone without having to select each individual part of the design? Basically what I am hoping to do is change certain parts of an image that are let's say R:0, G:0, B:0 and change them to Pantone Black C without having to select each section one by one.

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GIMP :: Making Gradient Image - Two Colors

Aug 9, 2011

I am having trouble making a gradient image. I know the two colors I need, but the gradient isn't working for me.

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