Photoshop :: Improving Colors And Contours Of The Image?

Dec 17, 2012

How can improve the colors and contours of the image?

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Photoshop :: Improving Image DPI And Resolution Quality?

Jan 2, 2013

I have an image that is about 72 DPI, but I want to increase the quality of it. I also have another image that is 300 DPI, but looks the same in quality to the 72 DPI one. Is there a way to improve the resolution on the latter image as well?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Select Colors For Contours?

Nov 13, 2012

I have an object that I would like to create an inside contour.   Just 4 inside contours.  However, how can I pick what colors I want for the individual contours?

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Photoshop :: Creating Terrain Grayscale Image From Height Field Contours

Jul 18, 2009

The starting point:
I have a JPG image of a battlefield wherein the height contours in feet are marked as faint lines (like a closed contour line for 390 feet, another for 420 feet, etc etc.)

The desired final product in Photoshop:
A grayscale RAW document that shows the height variations in gray tones.
Low lying troughs need to be darker and higher elevations need to be lighter.
See picture below for example:

I am ignoring the roads and other features in the battlefield.
All I am interested is the technique of converting the height contours into a smoothly varying grayscale image.

I am a complete Neanderthal when it comes to Photoshop. I do have a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS3 on my PC.
I have been toying around with the package on and off. But nothing useful has come out yet.

Now to my specific questions

*How do I bring in the height contours into Photoshop? I have tried the magnetic lasso tool and able to trace a height contour with good fidelity.
I am kind of stuck at this point. Do I save the selection to a new layer? Do I thus create one layer for each of the height contours?
Say one layer for the all the 390 feet contours, another layer for the 420 feet contours, one more for the 360 feet contours etc etc?

*Assume that I have somehow brought in all the height contours successfully into a new Photoshop document.
How do I create a gradient effect between the contours?
The lowest height in the map is 300 feet and the highest areas are at 480 feet.
Thus the area enclosed by the 300 feet contour lines needs to be darkest (pitch black) and the area enclosed by the 480 feet contour lines needs to be lightest (pure white).
The areas in between need to go progressively from dark to light shade.
How do I achieve this?

*Assume that I have created now a PSD document that has these smoothly varying grayscales. How do I convert this to a RAW image?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Composite Surface Of Existing Surveyed Contours As TIN Pasted Into Existing Aerial Contours

Nov 15, 2012

Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client.  We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that.  We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface...  only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.

We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work.  We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.

Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive?  (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)

I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces.  The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing.  The outer red line is offset 0.25'.  As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.

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GIMP :: Make Layers Of Image Follow Contours Of Book?

Dec 3, 2012

how do I make the layers of the image follow the contours of the book background to make it look more realistic like it is text in the book? I have an open book background and I want all my layers in the xcf file follow the curves of the book, how do I do that?

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Photoshop :: Improving Text

Dec 28, 2006

to improve a logo i found on the internet...

I simply want it to look high quality, right now its kind of blurred and low quality looking... I want it to look like I just made it, like it should at high quality.

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Photoshop :: Improving Photograph

Jul 3, 2004

This is a photograph that was taken about a year ago with a standard point-and-shoot Kodak CX4230. The problem, as you can see, is bright sunlight behind the subjects, and therefore they are very dark. I've tried, but can not seem to improve it much, maybe it's impossible, I don't know. But I was wondering if some of you guys would take a stab at improving the photo.

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Photoshop :: Improving 3d Effect?

Nov 4, 2004

currently work on a large (30.000x5.000 px) image, that is supposed to go to print soon. still i am not happy with its "fake" 3d appearance. the below link shows two cut outs. i would like to get this thing a little "rounder" - a little more floating above the surface. i already tried inner shadow, yet with no success. is it maybe the shadow, that should be made a little more realistic?

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Photoshop :: Improving A Logo For My Dvd's

Apr 10, 2005

I'm trying to emulate the 'Fox Studio' logo to add to my dvd covers I make from tv captures.

I'd also like to something similar with the MGM and Republic logos too.

These are for my own personal use...don't want any problems with trademark issues.

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Photoshop :: Improving Resolution Of Picture

Sep 21, 2011

How to increase the resolution of the picture.

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Photoshop :: Improving Picture Resolution?

Jun 14, 2011

improve this picture resolution? Is it possible?

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Photoshop :: Improving Quality Of A Text

May 29, 2012

I have 5 images in png format and I need to take license plate of a taxi from them. I tried a few techniques but couldn't improve the quality enough. The images are on the attachment and license plate is written on front door of the taxi.

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Photoshop :: Improving Picture Quality

Nov 26, 2012

I was at an event a few months ago that Kal Penn was at and took a picture with him but unfortunately only had my Blackberry to take the picture. I've tried to improve the picture quality in Photoshop 7.0 myself but I just can't seem to get this picture to look any better.

How to make the picture better quality? There is a lot of noise and it's just all around low quality. I've attached the full size picture but feel free to resize it if that makes it easier to edit.

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Photoshop :: Improving Magazine Cover

Feb 4, 2012

I'm working on this fake magazine cover

and I'm just trying to tweak so it looks 100% legit. Specifically what font to use, text color and text placement. I know some of the white text is hard to read...what color could I change it to without messing up my color scheme?

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Photoshop :: Improving Foto Lighting, How Is It Done?

Mar 26, 2006

how to increase lighting in (say room) photos as seen in the attachment.

Basically I would like to improve on the lighting in my room photos so they actaully appear as if the room is well lit.

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Photoshop :: Improving A Dark Picture

Dec 6, 2007

which affects and filters do you recomend i use to improve the quality of this photograph, it was taken with a phone in the dark so is terrible quality.

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Photoshop :: Photo Editing - Improving The Lighting...

Sep 25, 2007

I've taken a picture on a digital camera in a dimly lit room. Having downloaded it to PC, the picture has a horrible yellow/orange tinge from the light bulb. How can I correct this using Photoshop CS and improve the colours without washing them out or introducing image noise.

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Photoshop :: Improving Photo - Replacing Part Of Object

Aug 28, 2011

replaced the head on the attached photo and would like to use this for an employee presentation. How I can make it look a little more real? The employees are going to know that it was photoshopped, but still would like to make it better if possible. I still feel the head is a little too bright.

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Paint.NET :: Gather All Colors In Image And Save To Palette In Another Image

Sep 7, 2011

Any plugin or something that gathers all the colors within a given image and allows you to save the pallete in another image...If you seen a sprite sheet thats pretty much what Im asking for.It'd be cool if the colors were sorted by how dark it was and by RGB.

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GIMP :: Improving Quality In Photo For Print?

Jan 2, 2012

Any way to improve a photo in GIMP so that it can be printed in larger formats? Enlarging seems to be okay, adding a black bg and setting layer mode to overlay also seems to have worked, but as I am aiming at selling my photos, I want to be 100% sure I deliver a good enough product!

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Photoshop :: Down Image To 8 Colors

Dec 4, 2008

I have real life picture that I will be editing to make into a t-shirt design. I am only allowed to have 8 unique colors. Is there a quick/easy way to do this? Or down I need to start from scratch and make my own cartoon similar to the picture?

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Photoshop :: Get Colors From Image

Jun 1, 2008

Is there any way to get the colors from an image in photoshop? Ideally, I would like a simple process to get a swatch collection from an existing image.

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Photoshop :: Colors Os Image Within PS Look Different

Mar 7, 2006

There is a noticeable difference in color (and gamma?) in my work images when I view them within Photoshop versus when I view them outside of Photoshop, say, with my Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.

When I attempt a 'Save for Web' the images look differently, too. What can I (what should I?) do to make my images look the same within Photoshop as when I view them from without. This info would save me a lot of wasted time previewing outside of Photoshop to adjust and make corrections within Photoshop. I know there are some color (gamma) adjustments that I haven't set yet.

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Photoshop :: Seperating Image Into Only Two Colors

Jun 26, 2009

I'm designing some tshirts and I need to make the image I'm working on COMPLETELY black and white with absolutely no grey, but I can't seem to work out how to do it.

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Photoshop :: Why Have Colors In Merged Image Changed

Nov 12, 2012

Why have colors in my merged image changed?  I am running Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7  and I'm viewing 3-channel RGB images.  Something has changed and the blue channel doesn't appear in the image and the green channel is now blue.  Everything looks perfect according to the thumbnails in the channel window. But when I looked at the merged image in the central view, again, blue is gone and green is now blue. 

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Normalize Colors Across Entire Image

Apr 13, 2012

So here's what I've got. I've got a scanned image of the unit patch...the problem is the image shows the thread lines, which equate to different colors. I need to normalize the colors across the entire image...i.e the helicopter should be solid black and the background solid red etc.

Not much of a Photoshop guy but I'm learning OJT it seems. I have both Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator so whichever works best I'm game to use. I've attached the image in question.

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Photoshop :: Neutralizing And Changing Colors On Image

Jun 1, 2013

I've been having trouble with this render I've created, in that I'm trying to change the colors on this character's hand from the orange tint that some of his fingers have due to firearm discharge, to a more neutralized color that matches another part of his hand, particularly his lower pinky finger. The reason why is I've changed the original color of the gun he's holding to something darker, and I want his hands to reflect the change in color as well.

I've tried everything from painting over the fingers, clone stamping, adjusting the curves, the shadows, the tones, the highlights, and even adjusting the hue and saturation, yet I'm still not getting the results I desire.

Attached are pictures illustrating what I mean, with circles around the problem areas, and a PSD of what I've tried to accomplish so far.


And again, to clarify, I want to change the colors of the subjects fingers that have an orange glow to them to a more neutral tone and to have them have the same color as the subject's pinky finger, which is also circled in blue.

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Photoshop :: Make Swatch From Image Colors

Jan 8, 2004

I knew how to do it, but I forgot! Really did.

What I want to achieve is have a swatch of the colours/hues of an image. Of course, the number will be limited, but is offers a great starting point to use for painting etc.
I remember that .aco files had something to do with it, but even Help can't teach me.

Any ideas are more than welcome!

I rememebr from my Photopaint days that in that app it was only one click on a button, but that in PS it was more complicated.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Colors/Areas Of An Image...

May 19, 2008

I have a question about selecting sections of an image to copy or edit, and the best/easiest way to do it. I've been using the Pen to draw a line around the edge of the section(s) I want to edit, than tidy up the lines, convert it to a selection, and go from there. But this can often take a very long time.
if there was a better, faster and/or easier way to do this, or if using the Pen tool is probably the best way?

I'll use

this image
as an example (for lack of a better example image). Perhaps I want to take the dark blue area of the skirt, chest and feet and edit them to a different color (maybe I want to turn them red, for instance). Obviously the image has shading so not all of the colors are exactly the same, so the Magic Wand wouldn't help much.

To edit these sections, would using the Pen tool to drag a line around the edges and convert it to a selection be the best way, or is there another better way to do this?

It may be a stupid question, but I just thought I'd ask just in case there was a simpler way for me to go about editing my images.
And if it makes any difference, I have Photoshop CS2.

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Photoshop :: Changing Colors On A Jpeg Image

Apr 29, 2009

I am currently unable to access the color table in the mode image section.  It is blank so that I cannot select it...any pointers?  Also, I am having a hard time changing the colors on my jpeg image and changing the white part of the image transparent. 

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