Photoshop :: Creating Terrain Grayscale Image From Height Field Contours
Jul 18, 2009
The starting point:
I have a JPG image of a battlefield wherein the height contours in feet are marked as faint lines (like a closed contour line for 390 feet, another for 420 feet, etc etc.)
The desired final product in Photoshop:
A grayscale RAW document that shows the height variations in gray tones.
Low lying troughs need to be darker and higher elevations need to be lighter.
See picture below for example:
I am ignoring the roads and other features in the battlefield.
All I am interested is the technique of converting the height contours into a smoothly varying grayscale image.
I am a complete Neanderthal when it comes to Photoshop. I do have a copy of Adobe Photoshop CS3 on my PC.
I have been toying around with the package on and off. But nothing useful has come out yet.
Now to my specific questions
*How do I bring in the height contours into Photoshop? I have tried the magnetic lasso tool and able to trace a height contour with good fidelity.
I am kind of stuck at this point. Do I save the selection to a new layer? Do I thus create one layer for each of the height contours?
Say one layer for the all the 390 feet contours, another layer for the 420 feet contours, one more for the 360 feet contours etc etc?
*Assume that I have somehow brought in all the height contours successfully into a new Photoshop document.
How do I create a gradient effect between the contours?
The lowest height in the map is 300 feet and the highest areas are at 480 feet.
Thus the area enclosed by the 300 feet contour lines needs to be darkest (pitch black) and the area enclosed by the 480 feet contour lines needs to be lightest (pure white).
The areas in between need to go progressively from dark to light shade.
How do I achieve this?
*Assume that I have created now a PSD document that has these smoothly varying grayscales. How do I convert this to a RAW image?
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Jan 26, 2011
My goal is to make a terrain from a height map. The terrain shall be used in a 3d game on the Xbox360. Since I don't want the game to render more polygons than visible by the game camera the terrain needs to be divided into a number of tiles for culling purposes.
So what I've done so far is to create a plane (10x10 with 10x10 subdivisions). I then clone the plane into an 2d array with a total of 100 planes. I then group the planes into a single group. This gives me a terrain object consisting of 100 planes and a size of 100 X 100 units.
Now, here is my question: Is it possible to apply a displacement modifier to this group/planes so that a heightmap will modify the planes and thus create a terrain where each tile is only affected by its "part/area" of the heightmap?
I've tried by adding displacement modifiers to the planes but when applying a heightmap each plane is affected by the whole heightmap and thus the result is that the terrain group consists of a number of identical "mini terrain" planes.
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Jun 14, 2012
We are trying to find a way to produce a Greyscale BMP/PNG/ tiff file Height map, is this possible to do in C3D? Like the one attached.
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May 14, 2012
how to use GIS maps, and LIDAR (etc) information to create terrain, and man-made features within Max2012/3.
I have a long history using MAX but not importing this kind of data, with any success.
Generally, I know that Global Mapper is the good source for hirez imagery based on geospatial coordinates. Not sure how to use GM, but I bet they have tutorials. Mapping GM data onto a Max mesh is possible.
But when it comes to creating realistic terrain from DEM, or Lidar data, I'm not sure where to start.
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Nov 24, 2011
I'm currently facing this problem of lofting/elevating the drawing.
The drawing had all the 3D polyline and I need to join them. I have no problem joining a 2D polyline, but now i'm facing this problem.
see attached. Capture.jpg
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Jun 11, 2013
Illustrator CS6. Is there a script that inputs in a text field the width and height of an object. I do proofs and for a printing company and we always have to write the size of the artwork for the customer to approve. It's easy to do, but when you do 100's a week, it gets old and annoying. I do scale the image down to be visible on 11x8.5. I would think if there is a way to input the size of artwork, there would have to be a way to write the script so it can multiply the scaled down artwork for proofs to the actual W and H of the object. If the art is 13"W x 20"H and I put it on the proof at 10%, I want the script to input in a text field the 13"W x 20"H.
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Jan 25, 2011
so I am trying to figure out how best to create the terrain for this mine site. I thought maybe I could do this with vue, but it proved to be very difficult. I was thinking of using contour lines but that in itself can be messy with some very ugly triangulation. I posed a picture of what it is I am trying to atchive.
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Apr 1, 2013
I encountered a problem while creating contours from the points. what actually is the problem with the points or tell the steps once again that would be great. I'm attaching the points file.
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Dec 10, 2013
This is the first time I have imported a .dgn file into Civil. The drawing contains contours lines with Z elevation data. When I create a surface using this geometry (polylines + some lines) the surface seems to be scaled in the Z axis by 12.
For example pline (from dgn) is at elevation 46' but the Civil3D surface is 552'
I assume this is a setting in the Surfaces dialog box, but I cannot find it.
Also the elevation field in Properties from the dgn contours is weird. For example, in one area the (pline) contours display -28', 26', -24', -22', -20', -18' in Properties but Civil3D interprets this as a downward slope - which is the actual field conditions. I don't understand the conversion going on here.
The geometry of the pline and contours generated from the surface seem to line up in a side or isometric view (see attachment).
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Mar 3, 2013
I have been trying to create a contour map from survey data my group collected for a project but have not had much luck. I have all of the data in a text file (that is set up correctly) with the northings, eastings and elevations. I can get that to import the points and it is correct but I cannot get the contour lines to draw. I need the intervals to be .25ft with a major line every 4. there is about 1600 different data points.
Steps to create them from a text file? To get the points in the file i used "_MAPIMPORT"
also, the data is in an L shape so how to create a boundary condition to only contour that L shape and not try to connect points on opposite ends of the area?
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Oct 25, 2013
I am creating a surface from polylines and the surface is not being created per the what the polylines represent. These are simple 5:1, 3:1, and 3.5:1 slopes. The surface wants to create curves instead of straigtlines (see attached).
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Sep 27, 2013
I have an existing surface and I need to creat a surface using contour lines of a at the high point on a spillway to the bottom of my pond to calculate volumes. How do I do this?
AutoCAD/Survey Tech
Merritt LS L.L.C..
743 Horizon Ct. Suite 100B
Grand Junction, CO 81506
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Nov 8, 2013
The engineers at my company digitize proposed contours in a drawing and then they want me to create a surface out of the contours....the contours usually are 2 foot contours with areas that the software tends to translate based on the contours that I selected to create the surface.....I then usually need to create a profile, which does not look accurate compared to the contours, such as low spots etc...............
My question is since the engineers at my work do not how to use the software, and I am not an engineer, making the profile look a certain way sometimes needs to be tweeked by me.... How to alter the proposed surface?I am pretty sure that feature lines cannot cross contours that I have selected to create the surface?
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Feb 16, 2003
I want to write the words HAPPY and BIRTHDAY underneath each other so that the word HAPPY takes up the the same width as the word BIRTHDAY. I also want to make the HAPPY twice as tall as the word BIRTHDAY.
Do I need to adjust the spacing and/or width for each individual letter? I'm guessing I can make the HAPPY taller by some kind of stretching tool?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have created 2 surfaces of a matierial that is buried, using drill hole data. I have a surface for the top, and then a surface for the bottom of this material. I then created a 3rd suface comparing these 2, creating an isopac contour showning the thickness of the material. My question is there a way to make the zero (0) contour show up? I have a .5 contour interval, but 0 doesn't generate. Could i be missiing something in the settings?
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May 30, 2012
trying to create contours from an exiting survey file. I am new to Civil 3d 2012. What I need to accomplish is create a 3d topo from the points with contours and then create a 3d model of the area.
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Jul 13, 2011
I am using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I plot to PDF using a monochrome ctb mydrawinghs look as intended, black and white with different lieweights, but when I publish the same drawings to PDF they turn into grayscale PDF images
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Dec 17, 2012
How can improve the colors and contours of the image?
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Apr 23, 2012
Basically I want to create a heightmap from a colormap (a game texture). Heightmaps are used by my shader to add additional detail to surfaces (see herefor a such a surface). This technique is called Relief Bump Mapping and produces pretty cool result if the shader gets a decent heightmap.
My problem is that I only have colormaps and want to create the heightmaps in Paint.Net. So far I simply played around with the contrast and and brightness of the picture, but the results are not perfect...
I uploaded some scaled down pictures which illustrate my problem a bit better:
This is my colormap texture:
If I am using my technique (changing contrasts and brightness) I don't get good results.
The red parts show the most problematic zones of the heightmaps. Since black means no height and white means height, these regions don't contain any height informations...I already thought about using a edgre filter, but the built in one doesn't seem to be very good.
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Oct 14, 2007
How do I make a color image grayscale in photoshop?
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Oct 31, 2012
I use some graphics software that accept the image in the form of grayscale as follow :the software then convert this grayscale to a 3d there a method to convert any image to such format with there details ?
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Oct 12, 2008
I happened to download a rather dark black and white entry into Photoshop and noticed it was several shades lighter in Photoshop than in my browser. It loaded in Photoshop in Grayscale mode. So I tried this:
1. Open Photoshop.
2. Set the background colour to 53 Red, 53 Green, 53 Blue.
3. Select File - New, set the Width to 800 pixels; the Height to 600 pixels; leave Resolution at 72; set Color Mode to Grayscale - 8 bit; set Background Contents to Background Color; and click OK.
4. Save as a jpeg (maximum quality).
5. Open the jpeg in your browser.
When I do this the browser image (I tried both IE and Firefox) is a shade or two darker than the Photoshop image. I used the Colorzilla extension in Firefox to measure the actual color displayed and it comes out at 37 Red, 37 Green, 37 Blue.
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Nov 11, 2006
I have a creative director who loves to bring grayscale tiffs into quark xpress, set the color of the tiff to one color and then select the image background "box" and set it to another color.
The result is visually ok, but it all has to be recreated in photoshop to print well. I have been using photoshop for years, and a duotone is not the answer, at least with the curves i have played around with.
What is the best way to recreate this effect in photoshop?
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Sep 27, 2012
I am creating a drawing template that everyone in my office will use, stored on a shared location. I want the label "Drawn by ...." in the title block to be filled automatically with the drafter's name who created the drawing. It would be easy to just add the field "Author" or "LastSavedBy", but my situation is more complex. Our workstations are identified by a code that consists of first two letters of given and last name, for example John Smith's computer is named JOSM. So if I use "Author" field, then I would get "Drawn By JOSM", but I want to get "Drawn by John Smith".
I would like to some how create a field that contains function:
IF author=JOSM, value=John Smith
IF author=MAST, value=Mary Stuart
Is it possible to create such functionality? I found out something about Expressions and Diesel Expressions, but didn't understand much.
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May 10, 2013
how to go about creating an Ingress like field effect.
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Aug 17, 2003
Lately I have been experiencing this weird problem. Every time I try to convert my image to grayscale mode, instead of just being black and white the image turns purple. Is there anyway to fix this problem? ....
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Sep 6, 2004
I will submit the Black and white ad created in Photoshop to the magazine. The requiment is that for grayscale images, the shadow density should be no darker than 90% and highlights should be no lighter than 3%. I don't know how to check the percentage on the document I made. I checked HELP in Photoshop and website. But I couldn't really get answer from them. I have little knowledge of printing. Please give me advice or helpful website.
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Nov 23, 2007
I have a grayscale image that I want to apply color to. I know how to do that by just colorizing it, but instead, I want to apply a color for the whole document. I know how to do this if I want it to be, say, blue (where black is 100 percent of my blue and 50% gray is 50% of my blue, etc.). But, what if I want a unique gradient across the image (where 100% is blue, 50% is 50% red, 10% is yellow, etc.)? How would I do that?
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Apr 2, 2013
I'm trying to create a soccer field. I searched on google images for examples to learn from and I found this one really good one. The grass looks great and is just what I'm trying to do. [URL] .....
I loaded it into to gimp to have a closer look, and all the artist has done really has used lots of different greens, usually a different color on each pixel. How do you think this person went about creating the grass? Do you they colored each pixel individually then saw what they had done and adjusted it until they got it right. Which would probably take a really long time. Or do you think there is a quicker way?
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Sep 19, 2013
Our company logo exists as an outlined .eps file. Wouldn't I simply send the logo to the printer and have them resize it as needed? How do you set up a file with no height designation?
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Apr 12, 2012
I have an image that is in grayscale and I need a table that displays each pixels grayscale value. Is there a way to save the image in some tabular format or can I convert it any other way in photoshop?
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