AutoCAD Civil 3D :: First Time User Creating Contours From An Existing Survey File
May 30, 2012
trying to create contours from an exiting survey file. I am new to Civil 3d 2012. What I need to accomplish is create a 3d topo from the points with contours and then create a 3d model of the area.
Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client. We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that. We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface... only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.
We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work. We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.
Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive? (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)
I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces. The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing. The outer red line is offset 0.25'. As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.
I have an existing surface and I need to creat a surface using contour lines of a at the high point on a spillway to the bottom of my pond to calculate volumes. How do I do this?
AutoCAD/Survey Tech Merritt LS L.L.C.. 743 Horizon Ct. Suite 100B Grand Junction, CO 81506
I am fairly new to the Civil side of AutoCAD, as I used to work primarily in Map. I am working on a street rehab project in which I need to take survey points showing existing elevations (centerline, flowline, and top of curb) and show existing profiles in a profile view. I have no problems setting up the profile view(s) or the centerline alignment, but I am having problems with creating the profiles themselves, and I have a two part question about them
Question 1: According to the user's guide, the correct way to set up an "existing" profile is by extracting it from a surface, but I don't have a surface to use. In reading through the various profile types, the best way to set up what I want seems to be by using the profile layout tools, but the help says that a profile layout is supposed to be for a final "proposed" profile, not the existing. Does this actually matter? Will I be breaking Civil functionality by creating an existing profile using the profile layout tools?
Question 2: In reading through the profile layout tools, everything seems to be centered around PVI's. Even using the "tangent tangent" method to add in points seems to only use the first and last point as controls, with everything in between treated as a PVI. If you look at the documentation here, points one and four are treated as actual elevations, while curvature occurs at points 2 and 3. In my case, since what I have is a series of actual points on a surface, each point should be an actual surface elevation with curvature occurring between points and not at them. What method should I be using to input the points in the profile?
I have defined 3 user-defined contours for various elevations in my pond. I would like to disply them differently from one another, so I set their display styles in the analysis window where I created them. Unfortunately, the are only displayed per the settings in the surface style which is 1 - not what I want and 2 - all identitical. I have tried various settings in the surface style, but the contours will not display the way I have selected in the analysis window.
trying to create a model from existing polylines (at elevation). I have created a surface, went to definiltion, drawing objects, but there is no "polyline" option there. I must be missing something. How can I create a c3d model from existing polylines?
In the surface styles dialog under analysis you can edit elevations, colors, etc. EXCEPT for user contours. What I would like to do is edit these for user contours, then when I created it there would be a default of sorts.
is there any way to set a default for user contours in the style?
I know 2013 are more exposed and the .net can extract contours. However using 2012 at the moment. so my plan is using .net to add the user contours and then use com object to extract.
so far i can get the surface object and assign to two different surface variable one is .net and one is com. I am looking at the surface analysis object and can't figure out how to add contours at user elevation. it is also read only in the surface object. but i find this:
SetContourData (analysisData()
which is obvious not read only. so any sample code of the procedure of assign user contours?
I have a existing ground surface drefed into a model and am trying to get a user defined contour at a set elevation but nothing appears. I have userdefined layer on in the surface style and other ideas why it will not appear?
It seems to happen randomly and I can't tell what triggers it. Everytime I regen or autosave/save the status shows "displaying contours" and a load bar that takes way too long and slows me down...
i am following the new feature of CIVIL3D 2013. i have some problems with making user defined properties.
when i make a lable style for figure, lable style should be selected.
But i don't know how to make a properties for text of lable style.
see image below. i select the add labels of annotate ribon -> figur -> add figure labels -> edit section of line label style -> layout tap -> contents below text -> you can see the owership which is user defined to make that properties?
Every week I recieve new survey data (typically around 20 points) to insert onto an existing surface of our local landfill.
The surface is displayed as minor and major contours. The new survey data typically always has higher elevations then the exist surface and shot roughly 2 meters apart.
Here's my issue...when the survey data is inserted and the surface is rebuilt, the contours seem to turn into little cones at each new point. see attached...
how to eliminate these 'cones' so the surface contours seem more relistic?
I encountered a problem while creating contours from the points. what actually is the problem with the points or tell the steps once again that would be great. I'm attaching the points file.
This is the first time I have imported a .dgn file into Civil. The drawing contains contours lines with Z elevation data. When I create a surface using this geometry (polylines + some lines) the surface seems to be scaled in the Z axis by 12.
For example pline (from dgn) is at elevation 46' but the Civil3D surface is 552'
I assume this is a setting in the Surfaces dialog box, but I cannot find it.
Also the elevation field in Properties from the dgn contours is weird. For example, in one area the (pline) contours display -28', 26', -24', -22', -20', -18' in Properties but Civil3D interprets this as a downward slope - which is the actual field conditions. I don't understand the conversion going on here.
The geometry of the pline and contours generated from the surface seem to line up in a side or isometric view (see attachment).
I have been trying to create a contour map from survey data my group collected for a project but have not had much luck. I have all of the data in a text file (that is set up correctly) with the northings, eastings and elevations. I can get that to import the points and it is correct but I cannot get the contour lines to draw. I need the intervals to be .25ft with a major line every 4. there is about 1600 different data points.
Steps to create them from a text file? To get the points in the file i used "_MAPIMPORT"
also, the data is in an L shape so how to create a boundary condition to only contour that L shape and not try to connect points on opposite ends of the area?
I am creating a surface from polylines and the surface is not being created per the what the polylines represent. These are simple 5:1, 3:1, and 3.5:1 slopes. The surface wants to create curves instead of straigtlines (see attached).
The engineers at my company digitize proposed contours in a drawing and then they want me to create a surface out of the contours....the contours usually are 2 foot contours with areas that the software tends to translate based on the contours that I selected to create the surface.....I then usually need to create a profile, which does not look accurate compared to the contours, such as low spots etc...............
My question is since the engineers at my work do not how to use the software, and I am not an engineer, making the profile look a certain way sometimes needs to be tweeked by me.... How to alter the proposed surface?I am pretty sure that feature lines cannot cross contours that I have selected to create the surface?
I have created 2 surfaces of a matierial that is buried, using drill hole data. I have a surface for the top, and then a surface for the bottom of this material. I then created a 3rd suface comparing these 2, creating an isopac contour showning the thickness of the material. My question is there a way to make the zero (0) contour show up? I have a .5 contour interval, but 0 doesn't generate. Could i be missiing something in the settings?
I was curious what the basic workflow is for creating an EG from a survey. The catch is that we don't have a point file or elevated points on the drawing. The drawing is just that a drawing with spot elevations and linework. The lot is 100' long and 30' wide. An existing house takes up most of the lot with a street on the front and back. The idea is to try making a grading plan after I figure this first part out. Where would I begin with something like this to figure out the next step of grading a small lot?
I was wondering if it is possible to develop noise contours such as seen in noise contour mapping. I understand one could just hand draft some polylines in but the degree of accuracy I would like to obtain would then not be sufficient. I have a grid based structure
currently on a topo map and have the measurements for each block (the blocks are a 10' by 10' area). From here I am lost to how one
would approach creating noise contour maps. Noise isopleths or in general creating measurement based contours?
It started happening whenever I try to "create a new local surveydata base" in Civil 3d. After clicking OK the folder for the database gets created, but does not show up in the toolspace window. It does show up in windows explorer in the place which I had specified on the pc. I have just installed Civil3d 2014 on my pc and I still have Civil 3d 2012 on it as well. I get the same problem from each version.
I'm a relative beginner with AutoCAD and was looking to find a way to quickly import a selection of survey points (X & Y coordinates) and their labels from an excel spreadsheet using a script file.
two of my colleauges opened a photoshop file at the same time and both could make changes. Saving the file kills one person's changes, which actually shouldn't be possible. How can this be avoided?
I've an old countour map (hard copy drawn ages ago) which now I want to digitize.
I've scanned this map (can be saved in JPEG, PDF etc format) however I don't know if there is an easy way to create contour lines from this JPEG image.
I have been given a survey on AutoCAD which was orginally 2D with the levels written in text next to it. I changed each point (690) to include the level in the Z-direction. I am trying to calculate volumes of topsoil removal and then cut anf fill volumes.
So I opened up Civil3D in metric template and imported my drawing as I have not been given a ddata file with the co-ordinates. Unfortunately I am having trouble creating a surface between the existing points.
I am having some trouble creating a TIN from a point layer in Civil 3D 2011. Would the best course of action be to extract the points from the drawing and creating a surface from there, or is there a way to create the TIN around the existing points in Model space?
I'm much better versed in AutoCAD, but excited about furthering my understanding with Civil3D.