AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Surface From Polylines / Contours
Oct 25, 2013
I am creating a surface from polylines and the surface is not being created per the what the polylines represent. These are simple 5:1, 3:1, and 3.5:1 slopes. The surface wants to create curves instead of straigtlines (see attached).
This is the first time I have imported a .dgn file into Civil. The drawing contains contours lines with Z elevation data. When I create a surface using this geometry (polylines + some lines) the surface seems to be scaled in the Z axis by 12.
For example pline (from dgn) is at elevation 46' but the Civil3D surface is 552'
I assume this is a setting in the Surfaces dialog box, but I cannot find it.
Also the elevation field in Properties from the dgn contours is weird. For example, in one area the (pline) contours display -28', 26', -24', -22', -20', -18' in Properties but Civil3D interprets this as a downward slope - which is the actual field conditions. I don't understand the conversion going on here.
The geometry of the pline and contours generated from the surface seem to line up in a side or isometric view (see attachment).
I have an existing surface and I need to creat a surface using contour lines of a at the high point on a spillway to the bottom of my pond to calculate volumes. How do I do this?
AutoCAD/Survey Tech Merritt LS L.L.C.. 743 Horizon Ct. Suite 100B Grand Junction, CO 81506
The engineers at my company digitize proposed contours in a drawing and then they want me to create a surface out of the contours....the contours usually are 2 foot contours with areas that the software tends to translate based on the contours that I selected to create the surface.....I then usually need to create a profile, which does not look accurate compared to the contours, such as low spots etc...............
My question is since the engineers at my work do not how to use the software, and I am not an engineer, making the profile look a certain way sometimes needs to be tweeked by me.... How to alter the proposed surface?I am pretty sure that feature lines cannot cross contours that I have selected to create the surface?
They send me a file that has polylines as contours and when I try to do the surface adding contours an error appears saying that the breaklines couldn't be added because they crossed a breakline, I don't understand why.
trying to create a model from existing polylines (at elevation). I have created a surface, went to definiltion, drawing objects, but there is no "polyline" option there. I must be missing something. How can I create a c3d model from existing polylines?
Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client. We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that. We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface... only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.
We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work. We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.
Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive? (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)
I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces. The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing. The outer red line is offset 0.25'. As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.
I know 2013 are more exposed and the .net can extract contours. However using 2012 at the moment. so my plan is using .net to add the user contours and then use com object to extract.
so far i can get the surface object and assign to two different surface variable one is .net and one is com. I am looking at the surface analysis object and can't figure out how to add contours at user elevation. it is also read only in the surface object. but i find this:
SetContourData (analysisData()
which is obvious not read only. so any sample code of the procedure of assign user contours?
I have added contours to my surface (the blue lines). For some reason the surface generated contour (the orange line) is jumping across the contours I've added.
My TIN surface either did not generate contours or did not display them on my drawing. I created and tried surface styles of many contour intervals(from 0.5' and 4' to 2' and 10') without success. I made sure my contour layers on both the Style Dialog box Display Tab and Layer Properties Manager were turned on, still no success.
Often I've found myself dealing with some pretty complicated surfaces that have a lot of nooks and crannies, and many of the contour lines are only in a corner of the surface or are small and closed, and thus when I find myself wanting to have contour labels on all of the contours, there's not really one line I can draw using the "Create Multiple Labels at Interval" option to ensure that every contour is labeled. Thus I end up doing "Create Multiple At Interval" with a few different lines intersecting contours, but I often end up hitting some of the contours multiple times and I get a mess of labels.
I haven't been able to find a way to automatically just multiple labels on all of the contours at an interval in one fell swoop, so I started trying to program one...but then I got stuck with that, too.
Does any built-in method of doing what I want to do, or do I need to continue pursuing a programmatic solution?
I have a surface with 1' and 5' contours. In model space the surface behaves normally - I can select it, add labels, change the properties, etc.
But...I have several paperspace layouts and in some of them the surface is not 'selectable', it is visible but I cannot select the object (as though it didn't exist). It does not show up in the print preview or the actual plot either. (Oddly enough, the contour labels are selectable and do print out just fine...)
The paperspace layouts are pretty much identical (plan and profile sheets of a road). There are no layout overides of any sort as far as linetype, visibility, etc.
Ok we have 6 identical PC's all with the same drivers, same support paths, same plotter paths. Only one PC will not print surface contours. I can open the same file(s) on any other PC and the things print w/o issue. This one PC will not print the srf contours on only a few files. Most files there is no issue...
Quite odd that it's only one machine messing up with a few files that another machine has no issue with.
I built a corridor, then corridor surface. Then I changed the corridor onto a different profile. I noticed that the contours at the end were going crazy: the new profile ended before the corridor and everything was going down to zero elevation. So I went to edit my corridor region. I enter the required station, and my contours disappear.
Observations so far:
If I set the end of the corridor region to 2+377.91 to 2+384.54 inclusive, the contours on the surface disappear. The triangles and boundary still display, and the surface gives a Z reading when I hover the mouse over it. If I set the region end to something above 2+384.54 or something below 2+377.91 the contours reappear.
My profile ends at 2+383.00, and I would like the corridor and the surface to end there too!
I've created a surface using Civil 3D 2013. I made a boundary around the perimeter of the site and I've also made some boundaries inside the site where there are no survey points. I assigned "Hide" to these boundaries when I made them in order to not have contours projecting into these areas.
However, with the exception of one of the inner boundaries, some contours are showing up inside the boundaries as well as partial contours. Why are the contours visible and how do I stop them from showing up?
I want to extract contours with elevation labels from a C3D 2011 surface for use in another 2011 drawing without the surface, as polylines and labels. Is there a way to do this?
I created a new surface, pasted my OG surface into it, set the build to exclude elevations less than and greater than but my surface still is showing every contour range. I want to only show contours at elevations of 371.5 and 370.5
I have a surface that shows perfectly when restoring the PCSM layer state (Old LMAN function). When I restore the Grading layer state - the surface contours show incorrectly.
It is like a hide or mask feature turns on and off.
Any way to evenly space contours around a curve in a surface.
Many times I have a steep area in a surface that needs to be displayed using 1 foot contour intervals, and in certain areas the contours are crossing each other around curved areas, like a curve in a ditch. In the past i have had to "fudge" the surface a little to get the contours to look correct.
So I received a whole bunch of contours from an architect. They are lines and arc. big sweeping arcs. Whats the best and fastest way to create a good surface. I can change them globally to a polyline but I need to add vertices like every 5 or 10 feet to get a good surface. Can I select multiple feature lines (after converted) to add vertices?
I need to output the contours my surface model to a genio for use in Mx. I have the Genio exporter tool installed but when i output the genio all that appears is the Boundary line without the contours, which when i think about it makes sense as the surface contours is more a display option rather than actual contours. Is there a way of exporting the contours via genio.
I have tried multiple types of hide boundaries,etc. for this, and cant find a solution. I'm sure it is very simple, but..
I need a corridor that transitions from 2% sideslope to 0% sideslope. This transition occurs in a horizontal AND vertical curve. I understand I could use EOP alignments, profiles, etc to achieve this. I dont have the time or civil3D knowledge to figure this out on a friday afternoon...
So... my plan is to not apply the transition, and just hide the contours in the transition area and sketch them in by hand. I want to corridor surface to remain so that when other profiles are created from this surface it is still somewhat accurate (instead of removing this portion of corridor surface, and adding simple contours to the surface). I just want the surface hidden for +/- 50'.
Everything I have tried hides the surface everywhere, including new profiles from the surface.
I encountered a problem while creating contours from the points. what actually is the problem with the points or tell the steps once again that would be great. I'm attaching the points file.
I have a existing ground surface drefed into a model and am trying to get a user defined contour at a set elevation but nothing appears. I have userdefined layer on in the surface style and other ideas why it will not appear?
I have created 2 surfaces of a matierial that is buried, using drill hole data. I have a surface for the top, and then a surface for the bottom of this material. I then created a 3rd suface comparing these 2, creating an isopac contour showning the thickness of the material. My question is there a way to make the zero (0) contour show up? I have a .5 contour interval, but 0 doesn't generate. Could i be missiing something in the settings?
trying to create contours from an exiting survey file. I am new to Civil 3d 2012. What I need to accomplish is create a 3d topo from the points with contours and then create a 3d model of the area.
I need to create a sub-set surface from my main surface. not sure what the vernacular is for a "subset surface" in c3d but i do have a feature line that bouinds the desired area, but that is as far as i can solve.
i did try creating a new surface - pasted the main surface in the edit definition, then deleted triangles until the boundary alighned wiht my featureline. This seemed to work, but when i view the properties of the smaller subset suface, it shows a mimum and maximum elevation that is incorrect.
Trying to create a surface with an exisitng drawing with 3D polylines. Trying to change the suface style with no luck, the only style available is Standard?
I drew a cube using polylines by changing ucs. I want to join the polylines so that the cube contour becomes one single object.
Since the lines are in different planes I can not join them. How could I unite those 12 lines so they become a cube non solid(I plan on placing a sphere inside some of the cubes and then use "shade" for visualization so if the cube is solid I won't see the spheres).