GIMP :: How To Put Two Colors In Image

Jul 12, 2012

I have a blank "shield" image:

and I want to color this image with the the upper crown-like part yellow, the left-half blue and the other half red, just like this one.

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GIMP :: View All Colors In Image At Once?

Jan 29, 2013

Is there a way to view all the colors in an image at once in GIMP? If not is there a place I can suggest it?

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GIMP :: How To Extract Colors From Image

May 26, 2012

I am doing a head start in GIMP. That means i am pretty new to GIMP. I have a bunch of tasks to do.

At the moment - i have a special task. i have a image that has got some arrows - i want to extract the colors (that are the exact colors of all the arrows.) After this i want to draw in a new image a bunch of balls - exactly with these colors. Is this doable!?
Question: how do i do extract the exact colors - can i get the exact color scheme - some hexa-code or how would you do that!?

Attached File(s) pfeile_ausschnitt_.jpg (40.75K)
Number of downloads: 3 
crazy_balls_only.jpg (67.61K)
Number of downloads: 3

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GIMP :: Making Gradient Image - Two Colors

Aug 9, 2011

I am having trouble making a gradient image. I know the two colors I need, but the gradient isn't working for me.

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GIMP :: Coloring B&W Image With Gradient Colors?

Jan 20, 2013

I'm designing a banner for my gaming guild's forums. I have draw the logo/banner and textured it. After Desaturating the image im left with a nice B&W image.

I know of many ways to color the image but everytime that I do the color doesn't match the other colors we have on the forums.

What I want to do is color the image according to a color gradient that we use on the forums.

I would like to have the whitest pixels of the banner be the lightest color from the gradient(#c0a864) and the darkest pixels of the banner be the darkest color from the gradient(#917341). And have GIMP interpolate between those two colors for the other pixels in between the lighest/darkest.

Similar to how a Bumpmap works, only instead of simulating depth based on the range of colors from Black to White, I want it to colorize the banner.

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GIMP :: Make Colors In Image More Solid

Apr 21, 2013

This appears to be colored by crayon, how to I make the colors in this picture more solid so it doesn't have coloring gaps in it?

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GIMP :: View Palette Of Colors In Image?

Feb 10, 2013

is there a way to take an image opened in Gimp and display the palette of colors in the image or convert the image itself into a palette of colors that are in the image?

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GIMP :: How To Set 64 Colors To Same Position In Colormap For Each Image

May 17, 2013

Situation Basically I have a series of 8-bit bitmap images which all use different palettes but have around 64 colors in common.

This will allow them to be combined with another graphic which uses only those 64 colors in a 3D engine, thereby allowing that graphic to be used with the images with no color misassignments.

I need to be able to set those 64 colors to the same position in the colormap for each image. I could just limit the images to 192 colors, but the loss of information is unacceptable to me.

The task I'd like to manually drag those specific colors to the bottom of the colormap in a set order, but the "Rearrange Colormap" dialogue does not show me what their RGB values are, so there is too much room for error. (Tried in Gimp-2.6 and 2.8)

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GIMP :: Change What Colors Make Up Image?

May 8, 2011

Any way to change what colors make up an image. I have a palette of 400+ colors that I'd like the image to be composed of but I can't find a way to convert it to only use those colors. Changing the mode to indexed mode doesn't work since you can only index 256 max colors.

Is there any plug-ins or tools I am missing that can do this? (Basically it will change every pixel in the image to the closest matching pixel from a large [400+ color] palette.

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GIMP :: How To Convert Image To 65000 Colors

Jan 26, 2013

I want to create a theme for a nokia phone with a 65000 color display. I cannot find a way to limit the images to 65000 colors. The maximum amount I can select is 256 by converting the image to an indexed display.

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GIMP :: How To Make Lines / Colors In Image

Dec 10, 2013

So I am creating this website, and my customer wants a header banner similar to this:

(I don't know if it's clear enough, but there are multiple lines going through the image, with different gradient colors and so on)

Now I can't use this image, since it belongs to another website, but I want to make my own. So, I have no clue about how to make these lines in GIMP. I know GIMP's interface very well (been cropping, coloring for years), but not advanced features like this.

And it's not only the lines, but also the shadowing/coloring in between the lines that I seriously have no clue about how to make.

What is the tool called used for making this? Is there a video tutorial on how to make something similar?

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GIMP :: Restoring Colors In Drawn Image?

May 25, 2012

i play around with a gimp-image. i want to "ERASE" the text in the balls.

Well i guess that this is a bit tricky - since the background of the circles/balls is somewhat different and has sometimes multiple "(!!!) background-colors. So if we try to get the original - color of the circles then this is somewhat tricky.

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GIMP :: Way To Repeat Exact Same Colors On Separate Image

Jan 20, 2012

I am working on tiny comic-strip frames that are being drawn as seperate images and when it comes to colouring, there is a time-consuming snag where I forget the exact colours of the finished frames which I need to keep checking and seeing earlier single images in order to compare and then reproduce the colours accurately in a consistent sequence.

Believe it or not, I get around this problem by taking digital still camera shots direct off the screen and consulting them afterwards! This does work, but it's hardly practical------is there an easier way to repeat the exact same colors on a separate image, without having to constantly refer to pre-existing images within GIMP? If I can reproduce the exact colours on different images automatically without having to recheck earlier images, this would save me a lot of time!

[Ideally, does every shade of colour have a code number or similar method I can enter and it will come up again accurately? This way, I could write down the shade number and repeat it exactly later on a new image where the exact same colour is required.]

The sheer number of shades of colour and tones make it very difficult to remember the exact colours accurately.

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GIMP :: How To Change All Non-white Colors On Image To Same Color

Feb 4, 2013

I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.

For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.

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GIMP :: Indexed Mode Is Reducing Image To Only 2 Colors

Jul 13, 2012

I created a new palette in gimp using my original RGB image (containing shades of yellow and black) which gave me about ~200 colors (with interval=2 in Import dialog). Then I changed the mode from RGB to Indexed using the palette I created above, but the resulting image contains only 2 colors - black and yellow. All the dark-greys, light-greys and different yellows are absent.

I want my indexed image to resemble the RGB as much as possible but the result looks disastrous.

Visual illustration of my problem : [URL].......

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GIMP :: How To Copy And Paste Image Without Changing Colors

Jun 20, 2013

So I am trying to work with a web page template in dreamweaver. I am attempting to open the background image in this template with gimp, then paste over top of the Original image with a new image. Every time I paste the new image in it takes the color style of the original.

I.E. The original image is in shades of brown while the new image is in many different colors. Whenever I paste the new image (the image with many colors) it changes to shades of brown like the original image.

The same thing happens if I open the new image as a new layer or just simply copy and paste the new image in.

How do I bring the new image in without it changing colors?

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GIMP :: Dissolve Surrounded Colors Of Cropped Image With Background

Apr 17, 2013

I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...



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GIMP :: Dissolve Surrounded Colors Of Cropped Image With Background

Apr 17, 2013

I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...

[URL] .......


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GIMP :: Simplify Cartoon Image - Reduce To Maximum 10 Colors

Jul 1, 2012

I'm using gimp 2.6 on ubuntu. i have some pictures i would like to enhance.

There's that image image 1
and i would like to make it look like image 2

As you can see the second image uses only about 7 or 8 different colors and the outer lines are nice and smooth not stuttering.

Is there a way how i can change the first image to something like the second one, maybe something like replace 10 different colors which are similar to each other with only 1?

I tried and played with the options (bucketfill, posterise, or the cartoon option from artistic menu, increase contrast, brightness etc...

Is there an option to smoth the outer lines etc? i just want the dog, the rest of the background is not so important.

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Paint.NET :: Gather All Colors In Image And Save To Palette In Another Image

Sep 7, 2011

Any plugin or something that gathers all the colors within a given image and allows you to save the pallete in another image...If you seen a sprite sheet thats pretty much what Im asking for.It'd be cool if the colors were sorted by how dark it was and by RGB.

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GIMP :: TIFF With No Colors

Jun 16, 2012

I have many many files earlier scanned using ABBYY Fine reader in colors 300 dpi, but now using any programs I only get the images back as black and white. If I upload to one of their online processors I get it back in colors, all images are nice and colorful.

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GIMP :: Take Several Colors And Merge Them

Mar 14, 2013

what i want to be able to do is take several colors and merge them so that it kinda looks like black fading into say blue the back to black again if you look at the background of this website you'll see what i mean [URL]......

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GIMP :: Imported GIF Changes Colors?

Mar 5, 2011

How do I keep my GIFs the same colors as I created them? When I import the GIFs into GIMP the colors are changed on some of them. Are there different types of GIF (color resolutions)?

The attached GIF should have a gray border but in GIMP the border is yellow, other colors are changed too. The "PS" letters should be purple-pink but GIMP changes them to black, basically all the colors change.

I am trying to create an animated GIF and the GIFs are imported as layers

I've noticed the problem GIFS have a lower case file extension (.gif) whereas the OK images have an upper case file extension.GIF

It's OK I can simply open the lower case .gifs in MS Paint and then "save_as" which saves them as an UPPERCASE .GIF file extension and then GIMP doesn't change the colors. Problem solved but it is odd that it occurred in the first place. I wonder what was happening?

OH NO... it is still changing the colors. I think I will just do a screen grab and save that as a completely new GIF which stops the colors changing but it is a big hassle because I have about 9 images to change.

NO I STILL CAN'T FIX IT How can I stop GIMP changing the colors of imported GIF layers in a GIF animation?

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GIMP :: More Than 12 Colors In Palette?

Jan 10, 2012

Is there a way to have more than 12 colors contained in my color palette in GIMP?

In the image seen below, I see that it can remember 12 colors in the main palette on the left, but with the color dialog palette on the right, there seems to be no way to add or change colors there, but it has more room than for 12 colors.

Is there a plug-in that allows GIMP to remember more than 12 colors? I did a search in the plug-in registry but I didn't find one.

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GIMP :: Count Colors Used?

Jan 22, 2014

There's really only one, well, one-and-a-half features that I still miss since I move from PaintShop to Gimp.

Count colors used.

It was a simple command in the color menu that would tell me how many unique colors were in the image I was working with. I clicked it and I got a dialogue box that told me.

Is there any feature like that in Gimp that I simply never found? Or is there a plug-in or something that I can add to give me this functionality?

Another feature I only kinda miss was an extended way to reduce colors. In Gimp I'm wither working in RBG (full color) or indexed, which is 256 colors. (And greyscale which is just a form of indexed.) But in Paintshop I recall being able to reduce the color count to larger numbers, like 1k and 4k and 10k or the like. I never actually found a practical use for this feature, so I only half-miss it. But even so, I might as well ask about it as well. Is there any way to add that functionality into GIMP?

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GIMP :: 2.6.11 - Exchanging Two Colors

Mar 9, 2012

I am trying to exchange two colors. However when I used 'Colours -> Map -> Colour Exchange' and specify the 'from' and 'to' colors appropriately... the original color does not change. e.g. I have a blue solid circle. I want to make it green (it is anti-aliased so can't use fill). The 'from' color is set to blue (using the color picker) and I specify a color green. However the circle remains the original blue.

I have definitely selected the correct layer, however maybe this is the wrong tool to use? I have already looked a tutorials and it doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using GIMP 2.6.11.

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GIMP :: How To Choose Colors From Gradients

Mar 24, 2013

Rectangular Selection > Blend tool > Gradient >then pick oh, maybe Burning Transparency for example,or Tube Red -- Is there any way to choose the colors forthose gradients? To make them FG & BG Colors forexample?

Using GIMP 2.6.11 on linux, Suse 12

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GIMP :: How To Make A Picture Of Two Colors

Dec 7, 2013

Is there an easy (or not) way to make a picture of two colors? I mean instead of black and white an image in yellow and blue or red and blue.

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GIMP :: Colors Getting Juiced When Saving As JPG?

May 25, 2011

I've decided to give GIMP a serious test drive after using Photoshop for many years. However, I've run into what I consider a fatal flaw, and after much searching can't seem to find an answer to it's probably something dumb that I'm doing. As a photographer, I shoot in RAW. Of course when I want to post pics on the web I save as a low res .jpg. Thing is, when I get a picture looking how I want (usually I'm saving the files as .psd when working on them) and then go to save it as a .jpg, when I look at the jpg saved it is VERY noticeably different from the file I'm working on. Specifically, the colors and hues get juiced to the point where it looks terrible. It almost seems like GIMP is putting it's own color curve to the files. Same thing happened saving as .png. Saving as .psd seems to save 'correctly' - i.e. no color changes or other weirdness.

After multiple searches,there be a 'feature' that I need to deactivate?

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GIMP :: Make Exact BG By Using Different Colors

May 15, 2013

I want to make this same exact BG but using different colors than what is in this (my own colors) gradients won't work as the colors are not completely across the image, they are mixed up a little... doesn't look like a gradient was used in this because of the varyness off the colors that go across... I cannot think of a good way to explain the color layout in this image, but I'd like to know how to make this using colors I want.

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GIMP :: Selecting / Recoloring Only Certain Colors?

Jul 21, 2012

Using it to design minecraft textures. The textures are quite small, each block being 32x32 pixels and arranged in a 512x512 pixel sheet. Basically, I'm making a lot of small icons. Now, what I want to do is select an area, and change just some colors within it - like changing all greys for green or all reds for blue. I cannot find how to do this, apart from using the Wand to select the parts by themselves and change - it is possible, but veeery time-consuming (due to low resolution, every pixel that goes wrong will be noticed).

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