For some reason, when I add type to a document sometimes CS6 is adding `a kind of fake stroke to the copy and thickening it. I know I've not got a stoke on the type and I've tried changing the aliasing. If i click on the type it disappear... click off... it appears again. It even printed on something the other day.
Up until now Stroke on text seemed pretty straight forward.But now it doesn't work. Is there some magical shortcut that could have made it not possible to appear? It's showing up in the Appearance panel, but not onscreen.Â
ive been PShoppin since PS5.0...and ive also been manually adding my 3D effects to lettering by using drop shadows at 100% opac.then filling in the gaps.and adjusting the direction to to give me the perspective i need.
im using PS CS3 EXTEND,FIREWORX CS3,ILLUST CS2.FONTFOLIO 11, i gots the tools,just no skills to make this move more efficiantly
is there a method,plug in or filter that will do this for me?
My Type tool is adding punctuation to the beginning of a sentence. Checked the only thing I could think of (type preferences) and these are the options..
I'd like to create a circle with no fill but a stroke of arrow heads, so that the arrow heads appear to be following on, one after the other around the circle. Â What would be the best way to do this?
Does Mudbox 2011 have anything comparable to the radial symmetry function in ZBrush? Specifically, the ability to designate N number of points along a mirrored axis, not just mirroring a single stroke along one axis. I thought perhaps this was called something else in Mudbox and that was why I have not been able to find it.
I want to add a black border around the text so it accentuates the text. Â I have made a rectangle and added black text on top of the rectangle and applied a mask and inverted and clipped the rectangle and text. Â I tried to release the mask and apply a black stroke on the text but when I remask and apply clipping and invert the stroke turns the same color as the text.
My illustrator has been really wonky lately; Mainly just not keeping lines where I put them. Is there an invisible pixel grid that I accidentally turned on at some point, and now everything is trying to snap to it?
I'm working at very large sizes, and I already tried reinstalling Illustrator. I can't seem to find anything on the Adobe forums, but I'll admit I'm bad at finding info I need online.
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it? Â Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
Any way to do this using strokes, but everything I've tried so far has been unsuccessful. I'm starting to realize that this may actually be impossible, but maybe there's a trick I'm unaware of. Pic should explain what I'm trying to do.
I am trying to add LEED parameters to a floor type in the Type Properties. That can be seen when I create a schedule? I am unsure if this is possible but it is something we would like to incorporate in our models.
how to add, in this case the "Dashed2" Linetype, to my drop down selections and have it stay there pernamently? I know how to add it but every time I start a new drawing it is missing again.
Using Illustrator CS6. Created type and applied an effect (Graphic Pen) and the yet I could not get it to do anything but come out as black. How do you apply color to the effect?
I added a new "Standard" and "Fastener Type" to the Clearance.xls file for my Inventor 2013. This was done in an effort to create a standard set of dowel hole sizes in our design department. So far it is working, however I have a few improvements I need implementing.
Changing the "Fit" name from "Close/Normal/Loose" to "Press/Nominal/Slip" to make it more user friendly in the hole wizard.DeterminE how to create a custom hole callout in .idw drawings for this new hole type. I would like to use the Hole Callout feature and have it automatically place our specific hole information/text for the machine shop to create the hole.
Ex.. Drill and ream for 1/4" Dowel hole Press Fit .2495 +0 -.0005 Â I have attached the clearance.xls file we modified to get this new fastener type to show up in our hole wizard.
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width? Â For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
I have a shape with a black stroke and green fill. I have a white line segment over it. How do I get it so that the end of the line segment doesn't show over the black stroke of the object? If I try to put the line segment behind the object, then the object fill hides it completely.  I'm new to illustrator and I've tried to search for an answer but I don't know the best way to accomplish what I want to do. Seems like some combination of transparency or knockout groups and I've read a bit about this and can't figure out what I need to do.
I need an outline on a stroke that i drew but when i apply object>path>outline stroke i keep getting my initial stroke applied as well. I only need the outline, not the initial stroke. I use Illustrator CC.
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow. Â I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe. Â While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value. Â I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.
My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists. Â Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it. Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it. Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.
the type tool won't let me insert any type whatsoever in JPG or PSD files. I click the type tool and then click somewhere on the image and all it gives me is a dot but no flashing cursor. As I said, resetting my prefs/settings while starting up Photoshop did not help. Another weird thing it does is that when I go to Canvas Size for a medium sized image, it says that the width is 588 inches and the height is 288 inches.
Working on a poster in Illustrator. Have added area type, using the type tool. Now I'd like to increase the size of one line. I can't select or edit any of the type with the type tool. I moved the type to a new layer, saved, closed Illustrator, restarted my Mac (OS X 10.7.4). Looked in preferences, in case there's an issue there. No luck. Â By the way, I also don't see handles when in the selection tool any more. Don't know if that's related.
I have an image that has a black stroke around it. I'm wanting to make that transparent and add a stroke to the outside of the black stroke, so it will basically be an invisible space there. Is that possible or is there an easier way?
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer. Â I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
I choose the vertical type tool or the vertical type on a path tool or the vertical area type tool...and all I get are letters that are rotated 90 degrees clockwise that go down in a vertical line. The effect is the same as if I took one of these lines that I am typeing here and rotated the entire line 90 degrees clockwise. That is not the effect I want. I am tying to get vertical letters stacked on top of one another in a line going vertical. I watched videos and they simply pick the tool and it functions this way, but when I pick the same tool I do not get this vertical orientation of the individual letters, but the 90 degree rotated letter.Â
I was wondering if the is a way to go from a Inventor file type to a Solidworks file type. One of our customers is asking for one or the other following file types: .asm or .prt. Â Â
They also mentioned something about "shrink wrapping" the file to all the surfaces.