Photoshop :: Type Tool Quotation Marks Display Like Greater-than Symbols
May 23, 2012
I'm having trouble with getting quotation marks to display correctly, they look like 2 stacked >> symbols. They change slightly depending on what font I'm using, but they all ride at the base of the text. I cannot acheive normal looking curly or straight quotes at all.
I have tried switching smart quotes on and off in the preferences, restarting, etc. I've noticed this problem in the past, but I thought it was the font I was using. The same thing happens with Times New Roman. I'm running an up to date version of PSextended CS5, 64bit on win 7 64.
Often there is a need to make a search & replace for single or double quotation marks since the text might have ordinary (inch and foot marks) and not the prettier "typographic" quotation marks.
A search and replace for this corrects this fast and accurately in version X4, but now in X5 nothing happens. If I change the search to some word, it finds it instantly, but not any quotation marks.
Illustator CS6, my quotation marks are coming up either pointing in the wrong direction, or sitting on the baseline. I've restarted. I've changed the font. Tried pasting from another program.
I want to show text on selected individual slides in a slideshow . I know that I can use caption or title for this ( can I use either one or is there a preferred one ? ) .
However , not all the photos in the slideshow have captions, so for those without, it shows " < empty >" respectively 2 " ". I want that there is nothing on the slide if there is no caption. How can I do this
In Word you can do a search for an indefinite number of words between quotation marks. I don't see a way to do that in indesign. If I choose a wildcard character it'll give me only one character between quotation marks. I need to find anything I've put between quotes. anything from a word to a paragraph. Is there a way?????
I've found this grep code that will find any text between parentheses and it works, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to change it to quotes.
I can't insert certain symbols with the text tool. When I type "&" it inserts a "/" and when I type "/" it inserts a "-". I know for a fact it's not my keyboard because it works in any other text editor or text field. Is this just some new weird setting in photoshop cs6?
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.
After converting and .dgn file to autocad, the diameter symbols have turned to question marks, and some of the fractional inches turned to f. The text styles are listed as dgn003.shx which is missing? What is the best approach to fix this problem?
every time I try to type a number or symbol, the blinking line suddenly switches over to the left side of whatever I'm type, and it's like everything is in reverse. I can't type numbers on symbols with the text tool normally at all.I literally just installed it and this problem appeared.also, unless, I make the switch, the blinking line will stay on the left side of the text no matter what. this is really weird. everything I type is in reverse.
I'm trying to create a certain effect that is probably best illustrated with pictures
created by varying the thickness of lines, whether horizonal or part of letters or even symbols.
I don't know if this is even possible using photoshop to be perfectly honest. If that's the case, does anyone know the software that would be required?
What are the steps I should do if I want to use Object Data, the Display Manager, and digitize RUS Imperial? How do I use the Display Manager so that symbols are reasonably visible at Zoom Extents? (FYI: Trying overhead design in AUD. Symbols are different in model-based design compared to regular AutoCAD.)
I'm wondering if there's a way in AutoCAD Map 3d 2010 to bring in a points shape file and display it along a pipeline but not have the symbols overlap...I see where it automatically has conflict detection for the labeled features I bring in, but somehow want to have control over how the symbols are display on the alignment sheet. Is there a way to stairstep or offset two symbols that overlap or land on top of each other. I have several datasets like metal loss and growth rate I need to show but can't get the data not to overlap...I could do a larger scale but would just end up with tons of sheets.
We have a Revit Ar 2011 project that is well along in the modeling process and we have noticed that recently elevation symbols do not display on the cursor while placing. Once the elevation tag has been placed it displays normally. Basically, you are operating somewhat blind until the item is placed. Then you can see it in order to modify the orientation and such.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.
I have an alignment for a proposed steel gas pipeline that is several thousand feet long. The alignment is stationed and set to display PI symbols (triangle) at each change of direction. However, steel pipe is relatively flexible so small changes in direction (a few degrees) are irrelevant and I do not want the PI symbols to display in those areas. Is there a setting (a tolerance so-to-speak) in Civil 3D to edit when PI symbols are displayed for an alignment. For example, I want to set it such that PI symbols are not displayed unless the alignment changes direction by more than 10 degrees at a given PI.
I have like 12 symbols on the stage. They al have images in them in JPG format, saved at a quite low percentage in quality.The symbols are being animated seperately but it looks very sluggish.
I am recreating a whole Flash site in Edge. Everything works (amazing) fine except I am missing the function like it exists in Flash:“Display/ Render/ cache as bitmap”. (see image) This function used to BIGTIME in Flash too.Now how can I do something similar in Edge?I do not want to animate all symbols as 1, it is essential they are animated separately.Is this possible in Adobe Edge Animate? Is there something similar in Javascript/ Jquery?
My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists.
Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it. Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it. Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.
Working on a poster in Illustrator. Have added area type, using the type tool. Now I'd like to increase the size of one line. I can't select or edit any of the type with the type tool. I moved the type to a new layer, saved, closed Illustrator, restarted my Mac (OS X 10.7.4). Looked in preferences, in case there's an issue there. No luck.
By the way, I also don't see handles when in the selection tool any more. Don't know if that's related.
Whenever I use the text tool the cursor and symbols and so on are always on the left and when I try and use a symbol they are put at the start of whatever I type.
- Reset Text tool. - Make sure type preference is on default.
the type tool won't let me insert any type whatsoever in JPG or PSD files. I click the type tool and then click somewhere on the image and all it gives me is a dot but no flashing cursor.As I said, resetting my prefs/settings while starting up Photoshop did not help.Another weird thing it does is that when I go to Canvas Size for a medium sized image, it says that the width is 588 inches and the height is 288 inches.
I created an interactive form in InDesign CC and do not like the check marks as they are not visible enough. Can I globally change the check marks to "X" marks?
Okay I'm having a serious issue with the Symbols Sprayers Tool. Whenever I spray Symbols on the screen they keep on moving apart from each other. I want to continuously spray a Symbol on the screen and have them stick in one spot, not continuously move apart. As a result of this, I have to keep on locking one Symbol on one layer, then making another Symbol on another layer and lock it, and continue in that pattern. Is there anyway to stop the Symbols from moving?
I'm having trouble with the line type dissappearing or showing as Continuous when I print. It also does not appear to be the same size on different lines, even though the type, scale etc. are all the same.
I choose the vertical type tool or the vertical type on a path tool or the vertical area type tool...and all I get are letters that are rotated 90 degrees clockwise that go down in a vertical line. The effect is the same as if I took one of these lines that I am typeing here and rotated the entire line 90 degrees clockwise. That is not the effect I want. I am tying to get vertical letters stacked on top of one another in a line going vertical. I watched videos and they simply pick the tool and it functions this way, but when I pick the same tool I do not get this vertical orientation of the individual letters, but the 90 degree rotated letter.