Photoshop :: (music Symbols ) Shape Tool

Jan 5, 2007

I'm looking for some forms related of music symbols notation and instrument to add them to the shape tool

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Illustrator :: Creating Shape From Symbols

Jun 20, 2012

Alright I am trying to create a shape made up of tons of instances of a symbol (best example of what I am trying to achieve is here )
I hoped I could just use draw inside mode and the symbol sprayer however I am not able to ensure the instances don't colide and that they actually completely fit inside the shape without being cut off.
I am obviously going about this the wrong way but have searched for unsuccessfully for any instruction on how this could be achieved.

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Photoshop :: Use Text Tool Cursor And Symbols

Sep 23, 2013

Whenever I use the text tool the cursor and symbols and so on are always on the left and when I try and use a symbol they are put at the start of whatever I type.

- Reset Text tool.
- Make sure type preference is on default.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Symbols Not Working In Type Tool?

Jul 27, 2012

I can't insert certain symbols with the text tool. When I type "&" it inserts a "/" and when I type "/" it inserts a "-". I know for a fact it's not my keyboard because it works in any other text editor or text field. Is this just some new weird setting in photoshop cs6?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Can't Marquee Select With Rectangular Shape With Shape Tool

Jul 30, 2013

I just installed CD on my daughter's computer and her shape tool only allows for a free form selection by following the cursor in a free form way. My install allows for a rectangular click-and-drag type of selection. I see no options for this tool Is her install bad?

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Photoshop :: Type Tool Quotation Marks Display Like Greater-than Symbols

May 23, 2012

I'm having trouble with getting quotation marks to display correctly, they look like 2 stacked >> symbols.  They change slightly depending on what font I'm using, but they all ride at the base of the text.  I cannot acheive normal looking curly or straight quotes at all. 

I have tried switching smart quotes on and off in the preferences, restarting, etc.  I've noticed this problem in the past, but I thought it was the font I was using.  The same thing happens with Times New Roman.  I'm running an up to date version of PSextended CS5, 64bit on win 7 64. 

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Illustrator :: Symbols Sprayers Tool

May 9, 2013

Okay I'm having a serious issue with the Symbols Sprayers Tool. Whenever I spray Symbols on the screen they keep on moving apart from each other. I want to continuously spray a Symbol on the screen and have them stick in one spot, not continuously move apart. As a result of this, I have to keep on locking one Symbol on one layer, then making another Symbol on another layer and lock it, and continue in that pattern. Is there anyway to stop the Symbols from moving?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To See A Selection For Weld Symbols In Annotate Symbols?

Nov 18, 2011

When working in a drawing, I don't see a selection for weld symbols in Annotate - Symbols.  Are they not available in LT?  Is there something I need to do to activate them?

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Photoshop :: Can A Shape Act As Selection Tool

Aug 3, 2012

I want to use the Burn and Dodge tools to create Shading and Highlights...However, I need a Rounded shape selection for the ... uhhh "grooves" between the prongs in order to dodge and burn precisely
To my dismay the Marquee tools don't have a Rounded Rectangle nor could I find a way to set the corner radius of the Marquee Rectangle..The Lasso doesn't allow me to create what I need and even if I could use it to make it just right I couldn't make it exactly the same three different times.

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Photoshop :: Pen Or Custom Shape Tool

Mar 12, 2013

I'm trying to fill a shape with the pen tool as I have plenty of times, but I must've accidentally hit something, because now when I tell it to fill, nothing happens. It says it's filled, but no change is visible.

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Photoshop :: CS7 - Can't Use Custom Shape Tool

Oct 21, 2013

I have photoshop CC (CS7) and when i want to draw a forme or a shield they told me :" impossible d'utiliser l'outil de forme personnalisé en raison d'une erreur du programme" i can't do anything with potoshop

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Photoshop :: Color With Shape Tool

Apr 4, 2005

have a layer, i used shape tool to create an ellipse

i am trying to get color in that shape

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Photoshop :: Custom Shape Tool In CS2

May 17, 2006

I was using the custom shape tool (say I want to make a star) and in my other version of PS (7), it would automatically create a new shape layer, linked where you could click and change the color, etc.

When I try it in CS2 it draws the shape on the background directly. Now I am able to create a new layer, draw the shape and then fill it with a color to get the same result - but it was much easier the other way. I'm assuming it's just a setting (much like the changed linked layers setting)

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Same Opacity To Vector Shape Using Pen Tool In CS6

Aug 27, 2013

I have been using the pen tool for more than 2 years already, but when I started using CS6, I have lots of difficulties using the pen tool. I use the pen tool for vector portraits and I need to use opacity 8 for every vector.

But when I add another shape on top of it, it gets back to 100% opacity, so I have to change it to opacity 10 again. This has caused me to spend a lot of time on something else than trying to make my work quick and fast.

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool / Shape Not Evident On Any Layer

Aug 4, 2013

I made a line with the pen tool but now I can't find out which layer it is on, and I can't stroke it as I wanted. All of my layers are turned off and the shape still appears. However on searching through the layers there is no vector layer which contains my line. Also, I can't stroke the line as the stroke and fill options are greyed out on my paths panel.

I am using CS2 on Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: Shape Tool Size Limits

Nov 20, 2013

I want to add a Rectangle with a specific size in CM but Photoshop won't allow me to enter a value above 25.4 cm (my canvas is 300cm x 300cm). 

I can manually draw the shape as big as I like, which is annoying and I need to know why it's doing this, plus it would really speed up drawing accurate shapes.

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Photoshop :: Use Pen Tool For Quick Shape Paths

Nov 13, 2013

I used to use the pen tool for quick shape paths - like a circle, but can't find anyway to do it in CS6.

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Photoshop :: Shape Tool - Unable To Select?

Nov 26, 2013

Why would the 'define shape' menu selection bar be grey (so I can't select it)? 
What is the quickest way to make an arrow in photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Shape Tool Compatibility CS6 And Lower?

Apr 13, 2013

I'm attaching a document, created in CS6 that is giving me grief when trying to open and use in lower versions.  (have created documents for a group of people with various versions)
Have created two rectangle shapes,(white stroke, no fill, shape tool not path) each living on it's own layer, have added ancor points to then delete a portion of the rectangle creating needed opening at the top.
I would like the end user to be able to use his direct selection tool, to be able to increase or decrease the size of the opening as he needs. (imagine if you will, typing a name in the provided opening... different length names need different size openings)
When saved (maximim compatibility on) and opened in CS2 I receive this message:  unknown data has been encountered reading layer (layer xxxxx) will be discarded... continue?
The artwork is all still there, but I loose the ability to direct select (ancor points) the shapes.  Can move it around as a whole, but that wasn''t the perk.


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Photoshop :: Shape Tool Edge Crispness

Mar 25, 2008

I have long used the shape tool for creating graphic elements in my web designs. For some reason the current document I am working with has decided to draw the paths of my shapes from the center instead of on the precise outer edge. This results in all of my shapes having a soft edge instead of a clean crisp one. I'm not sure what I could have done to change PS to draw them like this and I've looked through most of the options I can think of and can't find where to change it back. Nor do I know if this even makes sense.

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Photoshop Elements :: Brush Tool Changes Shape In 11?

Nov 8, 2012

The brush tool shape changes when zooming into an image.  Instead of the normal circle to indicate the area that will be affected by the brush, it turns into a large curved  X, or a large half moon.  Sometimes there are two, three or four horizontal ovals (instead of one circle) going across my image.  When I continue to zoom in further, it returns to a circle. Caps Lock and is off.  I discovered that when this happens, if I press the CTRL key, it returns to a circle

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Photoshop Elements :: Custom Shape Tool

Nov 22, 2013

Photoshop Elements 12 > In the custom shape tool, the pop up menu does not stay in place.  Is there some key to press or is there a flaw in the software?

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Photoshop :: The Crop Tool Is Stuck In A Fixed Shape?

Mar 15, 2012

The crop tool is stuck in a fixed shape? How can I make it work properly?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Shape Tool Hexagon Corner Smoothing?

Apr 8, 2013

how to change the "corner radius" for the shape tool's polygon tool.  I set it to 6 sides and with SMOOTHED CORNERS off, it creates a hexagon as expected.But if I turn on SMOOTHED CORNERS, it almost makes a circle, the corners are excessively rounded.  I see no option to control how smoothed/rounded these corners are.
When I lower this to 3 sides, I can see PS is heavily rounding the corners.  At this point, I simply don't think there's an option to do what I want here.  I know in AI, you can hold the arrow keys to add/remove corners and increase/decrease rounded corners, but PS CS5 doesn't seem to support that.

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Photoshop :: Shape Mode Shortcut Keys On Pen Tool?

Mar 9, 2013

For the longest time I've used both the Shape and Pen Tools for drawing vectors in Photoshop, but with CS6 I noticed a lot of weird behaviours. The one that is really getting to me is the lack of 'Shape Mode' shortcut keys when using the Pen Tool. When on the 'Shape Tool', fo example Cirle or Rectange, you can press the Shift to change the Shape Mode to 'Add', Alt to change it to 'Subtract' or both together to get 'Intersect'. This functionality used to exist on the Pen Tool too, but in CS6 I can't seem to get it working.
A collegue suggested to move over to Illustrator for all my Vector needs, and I know that this is good. However the lack of quick/integrated changing between 'Shape Modes' in either product (now) makes drawing things alot slower (for me).
Am I missing something, or is this feature now ommited in Photoshop CS6. If it ii, its possible to script something to allow this kind of behviour in Photoshop or Illustrator?

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Photoshop :: How To Get Circle Shape Back On Brush Tool

May 25, 2013

My brush tool has become a small cross hair and cannot get back to a circle. How do I reset?

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Photoshop :: How To Make Image Appear In Custom Shape Tool

Aug 2, 2013

I want to create a Custom Shape tool of the image above. The image must be in Black.

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Photoshop :: Equivalent To Shape Builder Tool That Illustrator Has In CS6?

Sep 26, 2013

1. Is there an equivalent to the Shape Builder tool that Illustrator has in Photoshop CS6?  I want to rasterize some text and combine a couple letters into one shape.
2. If you want to embed text into a .PSD or .TIFF, do both Convert to shape and Rasterize text result in the font/text being embeded in the file the same way?

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Photoshop :: Fixed Sized Shapes From Shape Tool

May 12, 2004

It might just be my coppy of Photoshop (7), but whenever I use the shape tool (round, rectangle etc) I always get a small fixed shape, and can't seem to draw the shape to the size I want. I can't do a free-transform after creating the shape, but I don't wanna do that as it alters the overall look.

Does anyone know what may be doing something wrong? Do I have to change a setting somewhere? Unlike the marquee tool, I m not able to select from a dropdown box for its constraints.

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Photoshop Elements :: Reset To No Style In Shape Tool In 11?

Nov 8, 2012

I was checking out the styles in the shape tool tool box, and now I can't figure out how to reset it to no style.  There is no option for this that I can see in the drop box menu, and I've tried right clicking.

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Photoshop :: Rectangle Tool In CS5 - Graph Appears In Shape - Turn It Off?

Apr 14, 2012

When using the rectangle tool in CS5, a graph appears in the shape. How do I turn the graph off?

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