I'm trying to fill a shape with the pen tool as I have plenty of times, but I must've accidentally hit something, because now when I tell it to fill, nothing happens. It says it's filled, but no change is visible.
I have photoshop CC (CS7) and when i want to draw a forme or a shield they told me :" impossible d'utiliser l'outil de forme personnalisé en raison d'une erreur du programme" i can't do anything with potoshop
I was using the custom shape tool (say I want to make a star) and in my other version of PS (7), it would automatically create a new shape layer, linked where you could click and change the color, etc.
When I try it in CS2 it draws the shape on the background directly. Now I am able to create a new layer, draw the shape and then fill it with a color to get the same result - but it was much easier the other way. I'm assuming it's just a setting (much like the changed linked layers setting)
Photoshop Elements 12 > In the custom shape tool, the pop up menu does not stay in place. Is there some key to press or is there a flaw in the software?
I want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
I just installed CD on my daughter's computer and her shape tool only allows for a free form selection by following the cursor in a free form way. My install allows for a rectangular click-and-drag type of selection. I see no options for this tool Is her install bad?
When I drag a previous custom command into an existing custom tool bar and edit the custom command (then rename the command in the Name and Command Name) it also changes the previous custom command that I originally drug into the toolbar. What am I doing wrong?
We are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
I have the think bubble custom shape on it's own layer, when I click on my photo layer the custom shape dissappears. How do I keep the custom shape on the photo layer. The custom shape layer, has a layer thumbnail and a vector mask thumbnail next to it. I am new to using layers please explain in baby steps.
I have a small problem with my version of photoshop and wondered if any one else has come across this before:
Whenever I create a custom shape or use the custom shape tool the outline will appear but it won't create the shape no layer nothing just an outline that can't be edited only deleted!
I am playing with the custom shapes. If for example I use a paw print custom shape is there a way to change the direction of it on the page. It seems if I want to have maybe 20 paw prints on graphic they will all be facing the same way. Is there a way to move them individually so they don't look all the same? I hope that makes sense.
My question is about gradients and anti-aliasing. I'm using PS 7.0 and what I want to do is use the custom shape tool, and fill the shape with a gradient. Not difficult, but here's where I get caught. After the shape is filled, I'd like the edges to remain anti-aliased.
For example, if I use the custom shape tool to create a hand print with anti-aliased edges, then use the magic want to select it. Next I grab my fore and back colors, choose a linear gradient and drag it in the appropriate direction. The selected shape is filled the way I want, but when I deselect, the edges have become pixelated. Is there a way to avoid this and keep them smooth? I tried using the blur tool and blur filter, but they don't quite have the same look.
is there any way in photoshop cs to create a gradient mask inside of a certain shape, so that the gradient is black on the edges and turns white when it reaches inner parts of the shape?
I want to shape a banner i did into a curved rectangle, how would i do that without the edges of the image showing? I've tried it before but i had to erase the image part that overlapped the custom shape.
I have drawn a shape using several layers. Is there anyway I can save this as a custom shape? If I go to 'define custom shape', it only saves one layer.
Is it possible to combine several custom shapes stes in to one set? Because i have a lot custom shapes sets and instead of seeking a shape that i need in different sets, i want to combine some of them.
How can I get it so that the photograph wraps into the custom shape and also looks like a bubble? So really, it becomes the background of the custom shape.
My husband bought me PS CS4 Extended. That said, I have never used PS at all. I have always used PSP. Please don't hate me! I have figured out that one loads actions and presets. OK, got that. The question I have is if I can have my Custom Shapes and Actions on a completely different partition? I ask this because there is not enough room on the partition for me to continue adding shapes and such to PS in the program itself.
I am figuring that I can since I have tio load them into the program anyway, but am asking to be sure so that I don't screw anything up.Another question I have is if I am able to point PS to where all of my plugins are that I already have installed in PSP, which also happen to be on a different partition. In PSP all one has to do is to point the program to where they are and all is good and they can be used within said program.
Does PS allow for this also? If not, do I have to re-install all of the plugins into the PS program itself? I just don't have that much room on the partition that my PS resides on because of all of the other pregrams that I have. Also, does everything I load into PS just stay loaded or do I have to reload each time I want to use that particular preset?I do hope that ya'll can understand my questions and thank you for any help in advance.
I can't seem to figure out how to change a custom shape. Shape: 35px H x 700px W rectangle with vertical gradient. What I want to do: I am wanting to reshape the left 100 or so pixels so that the left side curls up and comes to a point approx 50px above. Best way to describe would be the shape would look like a candy cane laid on its side.
NOTE: I don't have a problem creating the shape. I have a problem with getting the gradient to follow through with the shape - the gradient wants to change according to the heigth of the curl. So far the only "attempted" way was using the liquify feature but I can never draw a good circular shape by hand.