Photoshop Elements :: What Does Asian Characters In Custom Shape Tool Mean
Nov 29, 2012What does the Asian characters in the CUSTOM SHAPE TOOL mean? Where can I find the translation?
View 1 RepliesWhat does the Asian characters in the CUSTOM SHAPE TOOL mean? Where can I find the translation?
View 1 RepliesPhotoshop Elements 12 > In the custom shape tool, the pop up menu does not stay in place. Is there some key to press or is there a flaw in the software?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create 3d text of asian characters. I do:
Set Font to: Meiryo
Set Writing System to: Japanese
Set Text to: イ
Press Create Button
but any Asian character I enter in the text field get converted to a "?" question mark when I press "Create". Is it possible to create Asian text in Maya?
I'm trying to fill a shape with the pen tool as I have plenty of times, but I must've accidentally hit something, because now when I tell it to fill, nothing happens. It says it's filled, but no change is visible.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have photoshop CC (CS7) and when i want to draw a forme or a shield they told me :" impossible d'utiliser l'outil de forme personnalisé en raison d'une erreur du programme" i can't do anything with potoshop
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was using the custom shape tool (say I want to make a star) and in my other version of PS (7), it would automatically create a new shape layer, linked where you could click and change the color, etc.
When I try it in CS2 it draws the shape on the background directly. Now I am able to create a new layer, draw the shape and then fill it with a color to get the same result - but it was much easier the other way. I'm assuming it's just a setting (much like the changed linked layers setting)
I want to create a Custom Shape tool of the image above. The image must be in Black.
View 3 Replies View Relatedsince yesterday I have this message : "Unable to use custom shape tool because of a program error"
I use CS6
I installed photoshop cs3, and I'm missing the autofill tool and teh custom shape tool?
Is there a .dll that maybe someone can upload, or could someone talk me through it?
also, im reading a photoshop tutorial and it says go into web eidtor - how do i do this?
The brush tool shape changes when zooming into an image. Instead of the normal circle to indicate the area that will be affected by the brush, it turns into a large curved X, or a large half moon. Sometimes there are two, three or four horizontal ovals (instead of one circle) going across my image. When I continue to zoom in further, it returns to a circle. Caps Lock and is off. I discovered that when this happens, if I press the CTRL key, it returns to a circle
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was checking out the styles in the shape tool tool box, and now I can't figure out how to reset it to no style. There is no option for this that I can see in the drop box menu, and I've tried right clicking.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to make a shape from a photo using the Cookie Cutter Tool. I duplicated the photo. Clicked on cookie cutter icon. Created shape. Clicked on green check mark. The new layer is transparent. I cannot make the shape appear.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a small custom set of extended uppercase characters for a company logo.
I am starting with H&FJ's Idle wild and then extending it even further. I'm initially squashing it vertically to 75%. This looks as bad as you'd imagine - the contrast of the letter forms is distorted (the horizontal lines look too thin compared to the vertical lines). However my earlier rough attempt to mimic the original contrast (ratio of width of vertical lines to horizontal lines is approximately 7:6) created something that I'm fairly happy with.
(Note that whilst I have now purchased Idle wild, I initially copied sample text from the H&FJ website and used Illustrator's trace function to create what is shown below, which explains the rather random bezier point placement. Incidentally I actually quite like some of the quirks this introduced to the letter forms - in particular the terminals of the S and the top of the A)
The word has only seven characters - ACHORST
Some of these (HT) are easy to fix manually. But in particular the round letters (COS) require a bit more thought.
I'm pretty sure back 15 years ago I could have got most of the way there quickly with CorelDRAW. From memory there was an option to use strokes ('outlines' in Corel terminology) which weren't uniform height and width. So in this instance I'd create a 'nib shape' for the stroke which was much taller than it was wide, and applying this to the letterforms would restore the contrast to roughly that of the original. (I know that typographers don't simply do something like this to create different weights of a typeface, but for my purposes I suspect it would get me most of the way there and then I could tweak it visually.)
The only wasy I can see to alter the stroke shape in Illustrator is via the Profile dropdown in the stroke dialog options, but this seems to be purely for 'artisitc' effect and entirely inappropriate for my purposes.
I'm trying to write a simple Custom Command that sets any layer that matches "$-*" to a specific color. But as soon as AutoCAD sees the $, it thinks I'm trying to do a DIESEL expression. Supposedly, the quote marks specify that the enclosed characters should be treated as plain text, but that doesn't happen.Here's what I've got:
And this is what I get:
Command: -LAYERCurrent layer: "$-HATCH-00-002-PW-BOAT"Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]: CNew color [Truecolor/COlorbook] : 252Enter name list of layer(s) for color 252 <$-HATCH-00-002-PW-BOAT>: "No matching layer names found.Enter an option [?/Make/Set/New/Rename/ON/OFF/Color/Ltype/LWeight/MATerial/Plot/Freeze/Thaw/LOck/Unlock/stAte/Description/rEconcile]:
It stops, hanging at the incompleted -LAYER command prompt.
Windows 7; Photoshop 13 (CS6).I am typing some text in a new layer; no problem so far. I need to insert some special characters that are not on the keyboard, e.g.TōkaiThat also was not a problem; I copied the character from the Windows Character Map.
Now I want to copy/paste more special characters from the Character Map, e.g.
☏ (U+260F) or
✉ (U+2709)
Now all of a sudden this does not work; the pasted characters appear in Photoshop as a boxed X.The font I have been using was Arial, but when I pasted these Unicode characters, the font automatically changed to Myriad Pro. Changing the font back to Arial does not alter the boxed X.
I took these Unicode characters from the Character Map using font Arial Unicode MS. That font does not appear in Photoshop.Questions:are there any Unicode fonts available in Photoshop?is there any other way to paste such characters into Photoshop?
I want to select only one word of a group of characters. The problem that I'm having is, when I go to click one of the letters it selects all the characters in that word. How would I only select one character at a time?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere is a plugin that can solve the edge problem when using the tool redraw characters?Sure I can write each character in its own layer with its own color but maybe there is a simpler solution.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just installed CD on my daughter's computer and her shape tool only allows for a free form selection by following the cursor in a free form way. My install allows for a rectangular click-and-drag type of selection. I see no options for this tool Is her install bad?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I drag a previous custom command into an existing custom tool bar and edit the custom command (then rename the command in the Name and Command Name) it also changes the previous custom command that I originally drug into the toolbar. What am I doing wrong?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get rid of all funky foreign fonts in the drop down in CS2.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe are a firm using ACAD 2011 w/ a custom toolbar that has an Auto Purge "tool" it currently deletes duplicated layers, reg ops, duped scales etc. we are wondering what else it can do (or any other tools that may be of use) or how can we get it to do more for us, like restrict referencing files from "unwanted" locations and any other tools that are essential to reducing the size of a drawing so its now so slow
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have defined a custom shape. It shows up in the shapes in Photoshop but I want to take it home with me... I.E. email it home or put it on a stick.
Where did it get saved?
I have the think bubble custom shape on it's own layer, when I click on my photo layer the custom shape dissappears. How do I keep the custom shape on the photo layer. The custom shape layer, has a layer thumbnail and a vector mask thumbnail next to it. I am new to using layers please explain in baby steps.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded some Korean Asian fonts, but I cannot use them in Photoshop. I can see them in the list of fonts, but whenever I try to write in Korean, it defaults back to a default korean font. The weird thing is, I can use the font perfectly fine in Microsoft Word...
What can I try? I have other Korean fonts that work fine..
I'm using Photoshop Elements 8 and wondering if there's some way to adjust the space between the characters in a text?
View 2 Replies View RelatedA friend just called and said that she had done something in Photoshop Elements 5.5 that turned on hidden charaters when she uses the type tool. She's seeing the Pargraph symbol etc. and wants to turn it off.
I've looked and looked for somehing that has a shorcut key or a way to turn it on and off but I can't find anything.
The pen tool option has changed. It no longer has the custom shape squiggle?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a small problem with my version of photoshop and wondered if any one else has come across this before:
Whenever I create a custom shape or use the custom shape tool the outline will appear but it won't create the shape no layer nothing just an outline that can't be edited only deleted!
I have an image, I did a magic wand selection and want to make a custom shape of it. I realize it is not a vector shape.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am playing with the custom shapes. If for example I use a paw print custom shape is there a way to change the direction of it on the page. It seems if I want to have maybe 20 paw prints on graphic they will all be facing the same way. Is there a way to move them individually so they don't look all the same? I hope that makes sense.