I've downloaded some Korean Asian fonts, but I cannot use them in Photoshop. I can see them in the list of fonts, but whenever I try to write in Korean, it defaults back to a default korean font. The weird thing is, I can use the font perfectly fine in Microsoft Word...
What can I try? I have other Korean fonts that work fine..
How to export the .dwg file to Microsoft WORD as a base/background for further word processing on top? Is there any direct way to convert the file that can use in WORD?
I'm trying to create 3d text of asian characters. I do:
Create->Text Set Font to: Meiryo Set Writing System to: Japanese Set Text to: イ Press Create Button
but any Asian character I enter in the text field get converted to a "?" question mark when I press "Create". Is it possible to create Asian text in Maya?
Is there any way to convert a drawing using the Asian Bigfont.shx font back to English? The font can be changed, but the characters remain un-readable. Mostly ? and letters and symbols but no words. It seems like it needs to be translated, and not just converted, but it is not displayed in any form that could be translated.
I was wondering why Batang and Arial were appearing in the Fonts under Document Properties when I had not actively used them in my "New" document.
When I looked at the Default text files, I believe I see the reason. I find Batang listed as the default Asian Text font for both Artistic and Paragragh Text. The options for Asian Text don't seem to include any fonts that I have on the old machines.
Similarly, the Middle East Default Text style would seem to generate the Arial(Arabic) entry in the required fonts.
Is there a way to completely eliminate the default Asian Text and Middle East entries from the default text styles?
I want to see "resent" fonts when choosing, be able to type letter to get down the list quickly, group similar fonts, etc. Maybe have a magnifying glass attached to cursor to see fonts better.... Why have this not been done?
Once I installed windows 7, while I WAS using PSE 9, I had the tiny font problem. I stopped using PSE for 2 years. I just installed PSE 11. Though better, the Font is still way smaller than I would like. Maybe it's just tougher for seniors? Can they not make the font adjustable? I was told there is no way to increase the size of the font?
It used to be that I very rarely used fonts within CS5 but recently I have. I realized that all of the fonts supposedly included with CS5 are not available via my drop down menu.
I then found these fonts in Windows/fonts so I copied all of those fonts into Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts. These unavailble fonts are now listed in that folder but are still not available via the dropdown menu in PS CS5.
I've recently read that the fonts don't really even NEED to be in the Program Files/Common Files/Adobe/Fonts folder and that PS should actually make all of the fonts in Windows/Fonts available via the dropdown menu. Yes, I have restarted PS after copying the files and also tried rebooting my PC after copying the files. The fonts are still not available via the drop down text menu within PS even though all of them are now in both locations.
I have put some new fonts into C:/windows/fonts and they have come up in other programs e.g. Microsoft office but they are not showing up in photoshop.
i am using vista home premium with SP1 and it is 32bit and photoshop cs4.
never knew there has a font folder in the user profile for Gimp until I wiped my user profile and moved all patterns, gradients, brushes, etc I have been putting in the program folder to the user profile folder because I read on here that it is better to keep all that stuff in the user profile folder of Gimp... my question is, what is the difference between installing your fonts into the system and placing them into the fonts folder in Gimp (besides all programs being able to use them)?? I've been installing all my fonts into the system I wanna use in Gimp... is it better to use the font folder in the Gimp user profile or to install them into the system?
how to get Gimp to only showfonts from the user/fonts file rather than the vast amount of system fonts.
I think you should read the original mail again. Hint: "system fonts not shown" is not the problem, but the desired outcome.I have accidentally read a "not" into the original mail, thus it became "to get Gimp to *not* only show fonts from the user/fonts file"
The configuration to check is the fonconfig settings then, for example the the global, system-wide fonts.conf file. It may contain references to the global font directories, for example /usr/share/fonts/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. URL....
If you comment those out, then you can (and have to) add all font directories in GIMP's settings, for example.
What I want to do is, make a roll-over button the will take me to the website of my choice, I went into Photoshop 7 and then went to
( SAVE FOR WEB ) and went thur all the steps to save it as a .HTML . Then went into MICROSOFT WORD to use the roll-over button.
This is were my problem starts, I go into INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE and then find my roll-over button that I just made, Then I go to INSERT the .HTML roll-over button,, and A ERROR comes up saying....A ERROR HAS OCCURED WHILE IMPORTING THIS FILE.
What am I doing wrong. It has a number of files to choose from, but none of the seem to work..some of them are..( ENHANCED METAFILE, WINDOWS METAFILE,JPEG FORMAT,PNG,WINDOWS BITMAP,GIF,COMPRESSED WINDOWS ENCHANCED METAFILE.......)
Like I said ,it`s my first webpage and not sure where the problems is, I would like to have a roll-over button, so that
I can't figure this out... and I've tried everything I know / have been able to find on Google.
I'm using Microsoft Word 2010. When I save the document I use Save as > PDF
I created a few images for headers inside of Photoshop CS6. I've tried quite a few resolutions (600, 300, 220, 150, 96, 72) and I've also done all of the tips out there for preventing compression (going into settings > advanced > turning compression off, clicking image going to format preventing compression, and also the save as > tools > 220 dpi/use document compression).
I've also tried a ton of different file types: Jpg, png, gif, tiff, and pdf.
None of this works and my images keep getting compressed when it comes out in PDF.
How do I get this to stop compressing my images?
P.S. The image looks TOTALLY fine inside of the document. But as soon as I export it looks compressed and choppy.
I have inserted (Object) a Photoshop PDF into Word documents. The results is TERRIBLE!
I had a professional photographer photograph drawings in RAW. He gave me a DVD with TIFF images he created in Photoshop. I opened these TIFF files in Photoshop CS6, cropped, sized and rotated to landscape. I saved it as a PDF. I then opened Word (Windows 7). I inserted the Photoshop PDF. It looked terrible! Lines are missing or gray. If I print them out directly from Photoshop (not as PDF) they come out perfect. But my publisher wants everything in ONE document (Word).
I am trying to create a clip art for word. I have an image which i open with photoshop. I select the truck wanted from the photograph, I want to save the image of the truck only (subtracting the background such as sky, pavement, other cars and ect.) so that I may insert it into a word document wraping text around the jagged edges of the truck, not a bunch of squared off white or transparent space for a brochure. I have CS5.5 version.
I need to convert a PDF file to Word 2007 in an editable format. Is this possible and how do I achieve it?
I want to be able to preserve the formating as well as all the text. I want the text to be in the same format and editable in word along with all the objects and images.
When I import a photo file from CS6 for MAC, 1x2" at 300 ppi, into Word 2011 for MAC on my new MacBook Pro, the file is importing to fill the page width. When I import a similar file from my old CS2 on the same new computer, the file imports at the correct 1x2" size. I think there is some setting I need to change in CS6, but have been through every place I can find to look.
I am trying to do something but it doesnt seem to work.
I have made a background paper in Photoshop. I want to copy a text from a word document and paste it into the paper in PS.
I have tried several things, but nothing works. Then I tried to make the paper a png, and insert it into word to copy in the text there instead, and I couldnt get that to work either.
when I type out an equation into word equation editor and want to copy and paste it into photoshop, nothing appears in the text box in photoshop. I don't think my photoshop recognizes the symbols and stuff.
This happens only when I use an image that was taken with my new Nikon Digital Camera in jpeg mode. I am using Photoshop 6 running in microsoft xp. I can do some minor work on the image in photoshop and print the picture from photoshop and the outcome is fine. If however, I insert the same image in Word or Publisher, when I do a print preview and a subsequent print of the image , the colors get changed radically. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Again, this only happens with images taken from a particular camera. All other images from other cameras, work fine.