Photoshop :: *Saving Text Colors For The Web (gif)

Feb 1, 2006

I have a psd file that i had modified the text color of a text to red and saved it for the web. Default on output settings, tried other output settings, but the red just doesn't save?! The text turns to black in gif format.

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GIMP :: Colors Getting Juiced When Saving As JPG?

May 25, 2011

I've decided to give GIMP a serious test drive after using Photoshop for many years. However, I've run into what I consider a fatal flaw, and after much searching can't seem to find an answer to it's probably something dumb that I'm doing. As a photographer, I shoot in RAW. Of course when I want to post pics on the web I save as a low res .jpg. Thing is, when I get a picture looking how I want (usually I'm saving the files as .psd when working on them) and then go to save it as a .jpg, when I look at the jpg saved it is VERY noticeably different from the file I'm working on. Specifically, the colors and hues get juiced to the point where it looks terrible. It almost seems like GIMP is putting it's own color curve to the files. Same thing happened saving as .png. Saving as .psd seems to save 'correctly' - i.e. no color changes or other weirdness.

After multiple searches,there be a 'feature' that I need to deactivate?

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GIMP :: Why Such Dull Colors When Saving As JPG

Sep 21, 2013

I'm making a bright montage for a friend and when I save it as a jpg, the colors turn dull. Can you tell me why? Is there a way to keep the bright colors as a jpg?

I'm new to gimp and used to photoshop. I cannot remember having this trouble with photoshop, but I was also working on a PC... so is it a gimp issue or a mac thing?

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Illustrator :: Saving PDF Seems To Change Colors

Aug 28, 2013

when I save the PDF the colours and blending modes seem to completely change.

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Illustrator :: Colors Dull When Saving EPS?

Mar 22, 2013

I created an RGB file in Illustrator CS5. I saved an .eps, also RBG, and the colors are much duller. I've tweaked the color settings and tried using Pantone colors to no avail. Not sure what else to do?

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Illustrator :: Colors Changing When Saving AI To EPS

Oct 3, 2012

I've been designing weekly large banners in Illustrator for the past month.  I am on banner #5 and have had no problems previously.  Everytime, I open the previous banner AI file, make the design changes, and save it as the new banner, and then do a Save As to an Illustrator EPS file for easy printing on our large format printer.  It has been easy and routine.
This time I went through the same process, but when I save the Illustrator EPS file, the colors are coming out incorrect - particularly darker.  My medium dark blues in the design look almost black in th EPS file.  I tried printing, thinking maybe it was just how the file was displaying in Preview on my screen, but nope.  The colors print incorrectly too.
I was able to solve the problem by switching the color setting to RGB, but I would like to understand what happened and why the change?  Everything was working great in CMYK for the past 4 weeks, but it's not working now.

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GIMP :: Saving Images For Web Without Colors Changing

May 1, 2011

I probably overlooked something in the documentation, but I have a hard time saving an image with the exact colors I want:

1- I have created an image with a specific shade of blue in background: #e4eaef.
2- If I use the GIMP color picker, I can see that the background is exactly #e4eaef.
3- I save the image as a png.
4- I open the png in the browser (Firefox), and I measure the color of my background with a system tool (Digital Color Meter), and it has changed to #dde5ea, which is not cool, because it doesn't blend on my web page.

I also used Digital Color Meter to measure the color directly on Gimp, and I have also #dde5ea.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Colors Not Saving Correctly As Shown In Program?

Apr 9, 2012

Using X6 and for some reason when i save a document as a jpg or pdf and then upload it via email attachment and or forum attachment it shows up COMPLETELY different than what the program file looks like. I design in CMYK and know monitors show RGB but i have NEVER had a issue like this when using Adobe programs but i have switched to Corel and am having this issue.What i end up having to do is take a screen shot then paste it into MS PAINT, yes PAINT and then save it as a jpg there for it to display correctly colorwise. This works for jpegs but not pdf's with multiple pages that need to be sent to my designers and printers.

The saved file looks like it should on my desktop and laptop and looks like crap on my iphone, ipad and email attachments etc on the customers end.

I have embedded the cmyk profile, tried proof colors on and off. Nothing changes it except for saving in RGB mode which throws the pdf's off as they often go directly to my printers for production.


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Pantone Colors When Saving Down To X4

Aug 31, 2012

I just upgraded to X6 from X4 about 2 weeks ago. I do all of my work in spot colors since i'm in the screen printing industry. Since not all of my clients have upgraded I still have to save down my work to X4. This is where the problem begins. When its been saved down it's creating a LOT of extra colors in the print separations. It's a lot of the same color. For instance I used black, Pantone Rhodamine Red and Pantone Yellow...when I save it down to X4 it's giving me 2 blacks, 3 Rhodamine Reds and about 10 Pantone Yellows. When I export to pdf and open in Corel X4 it doesn't do this...only when I save down. I don't want to have to export and open each time I have to send a file.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Saving As EPS Turns Colors To Black White And Grey?

Sep 14, 2012

I am trying to save a red and white and black logo to an eps file to use with a vinyl cutter but when it saves it changes it to a greyscale picture and the red color is removed. I tried resetting to factory settings and that didn't work.

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Photoshop :: Why Would Not Want To Blend RGB And Text Colors

Aug 27, 2012

Shapes and text are anti-aliased visibly better with the blending settings in the Advanced Controls section of the Color Settings set as follows: Just as an example, consider the appearance of the edges of this text and circular shape layer in an sRGB document with those settings set vs. cleared:

The difference is subtle, but significant in my opinion, marking the difference between okay quality and good quality.  You can see the difference in the partial pixel shading at the curved edges in this enlargement of a portion of the above:
 Is there any reason I wouldn't want to just set the above values and use them all the time? I fully understand the concepts of gamma and pixel blending (and I think it's great that Photoshop has this feature), but I ask this question here because there may be subtleties of how Photoshop uses these settings I'm not aware of, and notably they are NOT set this way by default with Photoshop CS6.

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Photoshop :: How To Blend Colors Of Characters Of Text With Each Other

Oct 12, 2013

I want to create an image like this:


I created text, 2 characters on first line, and then 3 characters on second line. I changed the vertical spacing, so that the characters are overlapping a little. But when I change the blending options for the layer style, I can't get it to look like the link above. I don't want to seperate each character into its own layer.

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Photoshop :: Text Getting Cut Off When Saving PDF From CS6

Jan 28, 2013

I've begun to run into an issue quite frequently that I just cannot find a work around for. The first image shows what it looks like in Photoshop:
Then this is what it looks like in Adobe Acrobat after it's saved from PS:
You can see a whole swath of text is just missing. I've tried everything I can think of to get it to save correctly. This is a high resolution image, exported at press quality.

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Photoshop :: Saving Text For Web

Feb 15, 2007

When I design a website template in photoshop. is there any way to save it in a manner that would allow me to edit the text using HTML? When ever I "Save for web," I end up with text being converted to image files.

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Photoshop :: Saving Text

Jan 22, 2003

I am working with a scanned image. Added lots of text over the image. How can I save and print just the text? I want to print it on transparent paper as an overlay. The only way I can see how it lines up with the image is to scan the image in 1st. someone else told me to go back to the layers palatte and delete the layer I don't want. How do ya get back to all the previous layers? Once the image is saved to the desk top the history palatte disappears too.

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Illustrator :: CS4 - 3D Text Saving As EPS / Lines All Over Text

Oct 21, 2012

I am creating 3D text in illustrator but when I go to save it as an EPS it saves with lines all over the text, I'm wondering why its doing this !!

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Photoshop :: Create Extension Of Text Using Path But Colors Mismatches

Jun 27, 2013

I want to create an extension of the text using a path but the colors mismatches even though I selected the same color. i guess something's wrong with the brush settings but the opacity and flow is 100% but still it seems to be transparent?

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Photoshop :: CC Messes Up Text Colors / Layer Effects And Whole Layers

Jul 9, 2013

I was just working on several documents when something strange happened - out of nothing the appearance of fonts,layers, backgrounds etc changed. white color turned black. some layers had total different colors ( bitmap layers, no shape layers) - everything looked really messed up. I thought its some display bug in Photoshop cc so I saved my document and restart everything - fun thing -> it did save with these alterations.
Whatever happened, I have the problem in 2 documents, i can't reproduce it - one was a pretty big psd file - the other one was a fairly new one. Because of Time machine i was able to recover my file.
Retina Macbook Pro 15, OSX 10.8.4 and newest photoshop CC via teamcloud.

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Photoshop :: Changing Colors Of Rasterized Anti-aliased Text

Jun 9, 2009

I have a set of images of complex text that has already been rasterized into pixels. My client would like the images transformed with a different background color and different foreground (text) color.

Just replacing the 2 colors of course does not preserve the antialiasing which provides the smoothness. And when I try hand-editing the aliased pixels it takes forever and always looks pretty bad.

Ideally there would be a way to transform the color schema globally so that the 2 foreground and background colors are changed as directed, and all "intermediate" antialias pixels adjust "accordingly". Does such a transformation exist -- can you specify a color transformation that adjusts 2 colors at once?

Or is there a more painstaking process of masks and such? I've tried several versions with masks, selects, feathering etc. but haven't found anything yet that gives professional antialias quality to the final recolored result.

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Photoshop :: Text Missing When Saving GIF

Sep 28, 2013

When saving a GIF the white text is disappearing from the dark background. All other layers are visible still. I have saved GIF's without text and have had no problems. I'm using the latest build of PS CC only, no plugins, on a Windows 7 based machine.

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Photoshop :: Saving PSD As PDF Text Box Error

Jan 10, 2013

I have been using Photoshop to create multi page pdf documents, using psd files with layers so that the text is selectable. A few months ago, this worked fine. Having not used this function since, today I tried to design a new brochure only to find a block of text was not appearing in the pdf document. Or it was appearing but messed up - mostly missing but some is there, some is invisible. Single line text is fine. Through trial and error I discovered text box text is fine, as long as the text doesn't go over two lines.
I tried an old document, which I have already made a brochure with so I know it used to work, and it now has the same error. I also tried simply saving the file as a single pdf doc and it has the same problem, so its not only the multi page function. I've tried different fonts and different size fonts.
I have updated Photoshop, but that hasn't solved the problem.

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Photoshop :: Text Distort When Saving In CS6

Apr 17, 2013

When i save a document in Photoshop cs6 to use on indesign the text seems to distort somehow? (parts of it are missing also).

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Photoshop :: Saving A 'text' Layer

Sep 12, 2006

trying to navigate and learn some of the basics in PS. So forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but what is the best way to quickly label pictures as 'proofs' or with your logo, if you have one? Can you make a text layer and just access it everytime you want to put it on an image?

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Photoshop :: Saving Text In Illustrator

Jun 28, 2005

This is a question about Adobe Illustrator, not Photoshop, so I hope this fits under this topic category. I've been given some floor plans done in Autocad and they need to be converted to PDFs. Autocad does not save as PDFs so what I have to do is open the files in Illustrator and then save as PDF. The problem is that, for some reason, Illustrator won't save the text that's included in the plans. I can open it and see the text just fine (labels, dimensions, unit numbers, etc.), but when I save it and open up the PDF file, all the text is gone. I'm getting around this by transfering it to Photoshop since Photoshop does preserve text when saving as PDF. But even this is more difficult than it sounds. In order to transfer it to Photoshop, I have to first open it in Illustrator, copy and paste it into Photoshop, and then manually retype all the text because even when copying and pasting from Illustrator, the text dissappears. Does anybody know how to preserve text when saving as PDF in Illustrator, or at least how to preserve text when copying from Illustrator and pasting into Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: History Brush Only Painting White On Picture Instead Of Colors From Text File?

Jul 2, 2013

I am working on a project for my online class and am having difficulties with the History Brush.  Note that both files are identical in size etc.
1.  I created a color text file and saved it with a specific name.
2.  I copied an existing photo from iPhoto, as I couldn't import into PhotoShop,  and pasted it in a new file.  I then removed the white background layer and then saved it with its now specific name and closed the file.
3. I re-opened the Color Text File.
4.  I then re-opended my photo.
5.  I performed a "Select All" from the menu bar of my active Photo then selected Edit - Copy and then closed my Photo file.
6.  From my Color Text File I selected Edit and then Paste from the menu bar.
7.  I selected Layer and Flatten Image from the menu bar.
8.  I right clicked the background image from the Layers Panel and created a snapshot (which is my photo)
9.  I selected the History brush and verified that this also displayed in the gray box associated with the Color Text file within the History Panel.
10.  I verified that my photo image was displayed in my work area.
11.  I start to fill the photo with my History Brush and the only color I get is White.

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Photoshop :: Adding Text Outside Document Name When Mass Saving

May 31, 2013

I have 300 photos that are being saved as thumbnails for my online store. I am looking to see if I am able (in automated batch saving) to add "-TN" after the document name, before the extension. It will let me add the dash but not "TN."
An example of how my document name needs to be is "MyFile-TN.gif".

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Paint.NET :: Scrolling Different Colors Through Text

Jan 16, 2013

It's been a while since being on PDN and I can't find the tutorial where you have different colors scrolling horizontal or vertical within the text. Think you created a .gif file to do this.

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After Effects :: How To Color Text In 4 Colors

Dec 10, 2013

since i didnt find a way to color text in 4 colors in After effect but i did found it in premiere pro- (called 4 color gradient) so i create the Title in the premiere pro...but i still want to make on the text some effects from after effect how can i do that?

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Photoshop :: How To Go Back And Remove Text Layer After Saving Image As JPEG

Mar 5, 2013

How do I go back and remove a text layer after I have save an image as jpeg?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Alternating Different Colors In Text - X2

Nov 30, 2011

I have a picture, and I'm putting a circle around it on that picture I want to write Merry Christmas. I thought it would be cute to have the letters alternate between red and green, so the "M" would be red , then the "e" would be green and so on. I also thought this would be easy, but it's not,

First I tried 2 layers the following way. Layer 1 had M r y h i t a and layer 2 had e r C r s m s with layer 1 being red and layer 2 being green, that didn't work.

Now I have a a top layer of "M" in red and the second layer "Me" in green, and it works as long as long as I use a fixed font this seems to work, but I'm wondering if there is an easier way.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Paint Bucket Colors Do Not Match Selected Color Picker Colors

Jun 28, 2012

I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.

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