I'm running Photoshop CS4 on Vista with 4G RAM. Even when working on a relatively small picture (34M/69M), I get an error when trying to use Quick Select. The message says "could not complete your request because there is not enough memory". I am not running any other applications and I am allowing Photoshop to use 80% of my RAM. I have a 700G scratch disk. What gives?
I remember being able to select anything on the canvas with my Quick Select tool in CS5.5 Photoshop Extended. Recently, making the switch to CC, the Quick Select tool will show my slection as I drag along the canvas, but once I release the mouse, the selection seems to be reduced to the visible pixels. I was intentionally trying to fill the transparent sections with my effects as well. Â Mind you, the magic wand will select transparent pixels just fine, but it also adds unintentional sections which is irritating. I should probably also pint out that I already looked into the "lock transparence" option in the layers, but I did not activate anything of the sort.
The Quick Select Tool is great at selecting irregularly shaped objects with well-defined boundaries, and the Refine Edge dialogue box is good at making small, important adjustments to complex "soft" borders like a person's hair. But what I most often need to do is isolate a figure that has good contrast against part, but not all of its background. Imagine a person in a tan shirt standing partly in front of a dark green bush and partly in front of a tan house. The QST will be great for the bush, but it always explodes the selection to the house or cuts the guy's arm off.
Is there a way of getting more or less the selection I want, and then using the plain old lasso tool to add or subtract finer manual selection?
I'm trying to cut out a selection using Quick Select (all refine edge settings off) and then paste into a new layer. However, I can't get a 100% pixel perfect alignment once I paste. Cut/Paste using the rectangle select does match 100%. The quick select tool should allow for 100% pixel perfect alignment, correct? Â This is before cutting (note middle circle) Â This is after cut/paste and aligning
Every time I use Quick selection tool it selects the area which I don't want to use. I have a website called JoGuru Social Travel Network for which I need to edit it's logo. Now since the logo has many green and blue variation I can't select the area I need.  I thought of changing the color of logo so that it looks refined but green color signifies travel and i can't think of using any other color. It would have been easy to pick other color. For me Green is God. I must use that only. I also need to encorporate small road in it that defines journey to infinity. This tool use to work well before. It's giving me problem for the first time.
On one computer when I select my selection tool I have a circle with a + inside or - whichever I choose to select or deselect an object. BUT, on my other computer I have a large cross hair type thing and I can't tell whether I am selecting or deselecting... what the heck is going on!!
I have a drawing containing over 100 blocks with 8-10 attributes each. I want to align all the attribute text without rotating the associated blocks. I can select individual attributes by holding down the Ctrl key while I select each attribute. Then I can change the text angle in a pop-up dialog. Is there a quicker way to select all the attributes without having to click on each one? Remember that I do not want to rotate the whole block, just the attribute text.
I just tried to use the quick select feature by right clicking in my drawing but it is not selectable as the words "quick select" are greyed out. I tried restaring my PC but this hasn't fixed it.
If I type QSELECT the quick select box pops up but I don't want to have to type this every time I want to use this feature
I am having problems with quick select not working properly in 2013 when I am cleaning up X-Refs selecting hatcing or anything else it does not just delete what I am tring to select it just deletes everything. If I go back to any prevous version of AutoCAD it works fine the only solution i can think of is to reinstall.
I've found several people that had this problem through searching, but none of the fixes worked for me. I'm unable to use the quick select feature as it does not list anything other than "multiple". I've tried different files, different selections, repaired the installation, complete reinstall, updated with SP1 and hotfix 3 to no avail. I also have Autocad 2007 with SP 1 installed, as well as Autocad Architecture 2014, if that makes a difference.
how to quick select all the blocks from a specific layer (for instance XPTO) and export them along with their attributes, exactly as we do by quick selecting them and then, through AutoCAD Express -> Attribute Export Info, but in a script...
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet. Â Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part. Â The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
I have Mac Book Pro 2010 with 8 GB Ram and all CS6 programs runs smoothly but photoshop os slow and also all text i type have gaged hard edges how cna i fix those problems ?
been working with this CS2 on my PC here at work for sometime but as time goes on it seems to working less and less like it use too..
Take for instance I use the color picker tool and the whole program freaks out as if its trying to allocate ram up. It flickers.. then I wait.. it flickers some more.. and still I wait.. it looks as if its done freaking out, but then flickers somemore and I wait.. total I spend up to 5 mins waiting for CS2 to stop freaking out sometimes, then out of the blue it will begin to work again, but only for a short period of time. Now here is the kicker I am running PS alone.. no other programs, I even end un-needed tasks from taskmanager.
So far I found out the fallow actions makes this occure.
Color Picker. Closeing Files. Applying a transform. Adding Text.
My system specs are
Windows XP Service Pack 2 with latest updates from windowsupdate.com P4 3.00GHz. 2 GB of Ram. 256MB ATI card. 75-G HD.
My CS2 PS is Version 9.0.2 Have all the latest update from Adobe Update Center.
I have need having trouble with cs6 running slowly on my iMac. The computer runs fine with all other applications but will quickly run up several gigs of page outs when handling camera raw and photoshop files, it starts to creep along after a short while. Apple ran "stress tests" on the computer and everything is perfectly functional. I used to have no issues with cs5 and the computer should be able to handle the task easily. I have tried to reinstall photoshop.
In CS4, when I try to paint on an 8x10 300dpi portrait with a large, soft, low opacity brush...the appliction of the brush sometimes runs 2-5 seconds delayed behind where I am. I put down a few dabs and its OK... but then... when I put down 10 dabs in succession...then there is a few seconds delay. This same thing Does NOT happen in CS3. Im trying really hard to fix this by optimizing all I can. I have CS4 on Win XP SP3, and a 3 gig CPU, 4 Gigs of Ram, and an Adobe recommended Gforce 9600 512mb video Card set for open GL2. Ive set the preferences to 55% of memory for photoshop with 2 gigs of free memory, I set the history states to 20 and tried adjusting cache levels from 4 to 6, and I have a separate SATA scratch disk with 32 gigs free. AND, Ive upgraded to version 11.01 I dont get it. Why are my brushes taking so long in CS4 when they run perfectly in CS3?
I'm using Photoshop CS2 and recently installed it on my new Vista system. During normal use, I log in to Windows as a non-administrator, as recommended for security purposes.
Each time I launch Photoshop, it wants to check for updates, and asks for administrator privileges to do so. This is very annoying, first because I then have to enter my password for the admin account each time, and second because I don't need to check for updates every single time I run the program.
I can instruct Windows to run photoshop.exe as an administrator each time it runs, which fixes the annoying problem of it checking for updates, but it still means I have to enter my administrator password each time I want to run Photoshop. Surely there is a good solution to this problem? I'd be happy if I could just instruct Photoshop once and for all to "do not check for updates". I have this option set and it seems to work when I run it as an administrator but when I run it as a non-privileged user, it still insists on checking for updates.
On my old computer, which was a 2.8Gzh Pentium, older model toshiba, photoshop ran really slow, there wwere "lags" when i would click around in a big image. Not bad, but there.
My new computer screams when editing photos... it's a 3.4ghz with a gig of ram, 7200rpm drive etc.
Yet for some reason, batching files runs MUCh slower on the new machine. I've tried to figure out why but can't see anything. Same batch from the same action too. All I'm doing is this:
"Generate proofs" action"
open raw file
fit image to 450
create text later
write "proof"
change opacity to 45%
That's it. But ANY batch I do will run slow like this, not just this one. It's driving me crazy cuz just to batch proofs of about 40 images (about what I shoot for a given photo session) takes like 45min!
I buy pse 11 from Apple appstore, this software runs very slow(Cpu very higher) and no retina supported , I want know is there a patch for these problem, orelse I'll ask for refund.
On my current system and on my previous system smart sharpen runs PAINFULLY slow. It happened in CS3, CS5, and now with CC it often causes the Photoshop to stop responding and I have to force quit. Â I currently have: MacBook Pro Dual 2.5 GHz i7 8 GB 1333 DDR3 Ram dual SSDs running Raid 0 OS 10.8.4 Â The rest of Photoshop seems to run OK, it's just Smart Sharpen that bogs down I'm usually working on 16 bit files that have gotten to be around 800MB-1.2GB by the time I get to sharpening.
After installing an update to Illustrator 17.1 from the Cloud a few days ago I've noticed there is a significant hit in the performance. It runs really slow! Even with simple documents with just a few layers. I opened more complex ones and it's super painful to work. I have to wait a few seconds when selecting or moving a layer. I really want to go back to CC 17.0, As for the system I have the newest Mac Pro form the previous generation (before the trash can model) - Intel Xeon 6-core 2x2.4 with 28 gb of memory ram. Running Mac OS X 10.7.5. Graphic card: ATI Radeon HD 5870.