Photoshop :: CS4 Won't Install. Setup.exe Runs But...

Oct 19, 2008

When I double-click SETUP.EXE to install the program, nothing happens. It shows up in the task manager, but it doesn't do anything.

If I run it on my laptop, the install starts without any issues. But I don't want it on my laptop. And it can't seem to run on my desktop.

I even tried creating a fresh user account to install it from there

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Photoshop :: Trial Setup Wont Run

Mar 31, 2009

i don't know if this is the right place to post this but im having a problem installing the trial of photoshop cs4 extended. i have vista so when i click setup i right click and chose run as administrator. the window flashes then nothing happens but when i get to task manager it is running as a process.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Wont Install

Aug 17, 2009

have just purchased photoshop cs4 and can not get it to install,the autoplay pops up with :file access denied which tells me that there is something on my pc blocking it ,I have antivirus ,firewall ,antispam all turned of but still no go,so then went to root directory and clicked on :setup exe' and the install initializes and starts checking system profile and it gets to 90% then stops then nothing,

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Photoshop :: CS3 Wont Install

Oct 6, 2008

i had to reinstall my OS. yet agian and now my CS3 upgrade wont install , it dosent give an error message it just says on the crappy little window that there were errors installing and errors in the shared components.

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Photoshop :: PS4 Cd Wont Install And Serial Numer...

Jul 30, 2009

I purchased PS4 on EBAY, un-opened package, brand new, serial labels look real and cd looks real? 1st problem was CD wont install, drive dosent even recgonize it al all, Someone suggesed downloading trial then entering serial number, works 1st time, but 2nd time opening up program serial comes up in-valid. Seller said this was due to old photoshop being on my computer, and old registry files still being on system, causing serial number not to work. I had photoshop7 on my computer, I took PS7 off computer and did a registry cleaner (Eusing) This still didnt work. serial number wont work on trial download and cd will not install. Friend of mine suggesed going in and manually deleting reg files thru regedit..

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Photoshop :: CS4 Trial Wont Install Or Even Begin To

Apr 22, 2009

I have tried three different browsers and folled the installation settings for the browsers. My system/computer meets all the requirements. when i click download nothing happens! this is ridiculous that adobe offers no solution to this in the troubleshooting and no telephone support for potential buyers.

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Photoshop Elements :: CR 6.3 Wont Install In PSE6

Sep 29, 2012

I have a new Nikon D7000 and I am unable to get the CR update to install. It says that the update is not correct for my "product".

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Photoshop :: Best Setup To Install Lightroom And CC On Box

Nov 30, 2012

So i have 2 ssd's in my windows 7 computer, C and D, so obviously I installed the OS on C and have the paging file on question is, which of the following is the best setup to install Lightroom and Photoshop on the box,
1. Install apps on D, cache file on C
1. Install apps on D, cache file on D
2. Install apps on C, cache files on C
2. Install apps on C, cache files on D

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Photoshop :: (Setup Already Running) You Can Only Install One Adobe Product At A Time

Sep 5, 2008

I'm trying to Install Photoshop CS3. i have a problem. I was installing it. pc crashed. and now i restarted and everytime i Try to install the Adobe Photoshop CS3 and everytime it keeps saying ' (Setup already Running) You can only install one Adobe Product at a time. PLease complete the other installation before attempting to install Adobe Photoshop CS3""" I keep getting that. even After i shut my pc down for a day. i still get it.? anyway to stop it so i can install it?

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Photoshop :: Photoshop Wont Install

Nov 6, 2008

Last night my portable hard drive, where I had Photoshop installed, died. So I tried to re-install it on my proper hard drive. It says it conflicts with Photoshop. I tried to uninstall it but the uninstaller couldn't find the files (because they're on the dead hard drive). So I got an uninstaller program and used that.

Now Photoshop doesn't register as being installed by Windows, but somehow the Photoshop installer still finds it. I just went through the registry editor and deleted every photoshop thing I could by hand, but it still thinks it's installed. I just got my Tablet back from being fixed and so having my pc break on me feels very frustrating.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Revert Back To Standard Setup Or BOM Setup From Scratch?

Jun 7, 2013

In our drawing office we use Inventor in a mining materials handling environment.  Our output is mainly structural drawings where we require a bill of materials as part of creating a drawing.  Whenever I insert a BOM in the drawing environment I get this table which is labeled in a foreign language (it looks like an Eastern European language) and the format is not as per the standard Autodesk installation setup.

How do I either revert back to the standard setup or do a BOM setup from scratch?

We use IV 2013 Professional on Windows 7 64 bit.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Runs Slow On Mac?

Jul 20, 2012

I have Mac Book Pro 2010 with 8 GB Ram and all CS6 programs runs smoothly but photoshop os slow and also all text i type have gaged hard edges how cna i fix those problems ?

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Photoshop :: CS2 PS Runs Poor ..

Apr 30, 2007

been working with this CS2 on my PC here at work for sometime but as time goes on it seems to working less and less like it use too..

Take for instance I use the color picker tool and the whole program freaks out as if its trying to allocate ram up. It flickers.. then I wait.. it flickers some more.. and still I wait.. it looks as if its done freaking out, but then flickers somemore and I wait.. total I spend up to 5 mins waiting for CS2 to stop freaking out sometimes, then out of the blue it will begin to work again, but only for a short period of time. Now here is the kicker I am running PS alone.. no other programs, I even end un-needed tasks from taskmanager.

So far I found out the fallow actions makes this occure.

Color Picker.
Closeing Files.
Applying a transform.
Adding Text.

My system specs are

Windows XP Service Pack 2 with latest updates from
P4 3.00GHz.
2 GB of Ram.
256MB ATI card.
75-G HD.

My CS2 PS is
Version 9.0.2
Have all the latest update from Adobe Update Center.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Runs Slowly On IMac?

Dec 29, 2012

I have need having trouble with cs6 running slowly on my iMac. The computer runs fine with all other applications but will quickly run up several gigs of page outs when handling camera raw and photoshop files, it starts to creep along after a short while. Apple ran "stress tests" on the computer and everything is perfectly functional. I used to have no issues with cs5 and the computer should be able to handle the task easily. I have tried to reinstall photoshop.

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Photoshop :: 13.0.4 Runs Extremely Slow

Apr 25, 2013

Just got a new MacBook Pro Retina and Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design Standard. OS x 10.8.3 and Photoshop 13.0.4 runs extremely slow. Why?

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Photoshop :: Quick Select Runs Out Of Ram In CS4

Dec 24, 2008

I'm running Photoshop CS4 on Vista with 4G RAM. Even when working on a relatively small picture (34M/69M), I get an error when trying to use Quick Select. The message says "could not complete your request because there is not enough memory". I am not running any other applications and I am allowing Photoshop to use 80% of my RAM. I have a 700G scratch disk. What gives?

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Photoshop :: Runs But Will Not Open Image Files

Jul 20, 2006

I repaired, I reinstalled, I reinstalled again, I repaired again. NOTHING seems to work!

I asked adobe, but they take FOREVER to answer, its been 3 weeks! I keep trying!

The problem is that whenever i open Adobe photoshop, it opens fine, but it wont open any files!

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Photoshop :: Big Brush Runs Real Slow -

Aug 17, 2009

In CS4, when I try to paint on an 8x10 300dpi portrait with a large, soft, low opacity brush...the appliction of the brush sometimes runs 2-5 seconds delayed  behind where I am.  I put down a few dabs and its OK... but then... when I put down 10 dabs in succession...then there is a few seconds delay. This same thing Does NOT happen in CS3.  Im trying really hard to fix this by optimizing all I can.  I have CS4 on Win XP SP3, and a 3 gig CPU, 4 Gigs of Ram, and an Adobe recommended Gforce 9600  512mb video Card set for open GL2. Ive set the preferences to 55% of memory for photoshop with 2 gigs of free memory, I set the history states to 20 and tried adjusting cache levels from 4 to 6, and I have a separate SATA scratch disk with 32 gigs free.  AND, Ive upgraded to version 11.01 I dont get it.  Why are my brushes taking so long in CS4 when they run perfectly in CS3? 

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Photoshop :: New Computer Runs Real Slow With PS CS

Oct 18, 2006

i need to run through the preferences but does anybody have any article that will explain what settings?

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Photoshop :: Updater Runs Each Time I Start

Aug 24, 2008

I'm using Photoshop CS2 and recently installed it on my new Vista system. During normal use, I log in to Windows as a non-administrator, as recommended for security purposes.

Each time I launch Photoshop, it wants to check for updates, and asks for administrator privileges to do so. This is very annoying, first because I then have to enter my password for the admin account each time, and second because I don't need to check for updates every single time I run the program.

I can instruct Windows to run photoshop.exe as an administrator each time it runs, which fixes the annoying problem of it checking for updates, but it still means I have to enter my administrator password each time I want to run Photoshop. Surely there is a good solution to this problem? I'd be happy if I could just instruct Photoshop once and for all to "do not check for updates". I have this option set and it seems to work when I run it as an administrator but when I run it as a non-privileged user, it still insists on checking for updates.

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Photoshop :: Batching Files Runs MUCh Slower

Mar 23, 2007

On my old computer, which was a 2.8Gzh Pentium, older model toshiba, photoshop ran really slow, there wwere "lags" when i would click around in a big image. Not bad, but there.

My new computer screams when editing photos... it's a 3.4ghz with a gig of ram, 7200rpm drive etc.

Yet for some reason, batching files runs MUCh slower on the new machine. I've tried to figure out why but can't see anything. Same batch from the same action too. All I'm doing is this:

"Generate proofs" action"

open raw file

fit image to 450

create text later

write "proof"

change opacity to 45%



That's it. But ANY batch I do will run slow like this, not just this one. It's driving me crazy cuz just to batch proofs of about 40 images (about what I shoot for a given photo session) takes like 45min!

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Photoshop Elements :: Runs Very Slow And No Retina Support

Sep 7, 2013

I buy pse 11 from Apple appstore, this software runs very slow(Cpu very higher) and no retina supported , I want know is there a patch for these problem, orelse I'll ask for refund.

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen Runs Slow - Have To Force Quit

Sep 2, 2013

On my current system and on my previous system smart sharpen runs PAINFULLY slow. It happened in CS3, CS5, and now with CC it often causes the Photoshop to stop responding and I have to force quit.
I currently have:
MacBook Pro Dual 2.5 GHz i7
8 GB 1333 DDR3 Ram
dual SSDs running Raid 0
OS 10.8.4
The rest of Photoshop seems to run OK, it's just Smart Sharpen that bogs down I'm usually working on 16 bit files that have gotten to be around 800MB-1.2GB by the time I get to sharpening.

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Paint.NET :: PDN Runs On A Mac?

Jan 31, 2013

Anyway, I would like to know if I can down/install PDN on a mac (before I buy one)

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Photoshop :: Text Wont Appear In Box?

Feb 16, 2013

I just got photoshop recently on my new computer, on which I have never installed photoshop before. When I decided to use it for the first time, I started with the text tool, but found when I dragged the box area I wanted, I could not type inside it.

So I went troubleshooting, and no matter what I did the text stubbornly would not show itself. I have deleted and reinstalled fonts. Redownloaded photoshop. Reset preferences.

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Photoshop :: PS7 Wont Load?

Mar 6, 2006

I have tried every way possible. The short cut, photos, and psd. files and nothing. So I thought, maybe I should uninstall it and reinstall it. Nope! And I even ran Ccleaner, disk clean up and a rgistry cleaner/fixer uper and restarted before reinstalling. It will start to load and then it just drops off with no error message. Not sure what else to try. I have 91% empty space on a 250MB hard drive and more than enough memory so I dont think this is an issue. I havnt made any changes or installed anything that may have caused an issue.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Wont Let Me Copy

Jan 15, 2009

I have CS4 and everything has been working great! I love it! The only problem is that for some reason now I can't COPY images out of my layers. I can paste anything but now when I select images from my layers, there is no option like COPY available in the EDIT tab. Some others seem to be missing to, such as FADE. My PC is definetly capable of running the program as it was for already a week perfectly.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Wont Start After First...

Jun 29, 2009

I have installed photoshop cs4 and when i start it, the terms of service comes up. I accept and it then goes and photoshop wont start up. I have had it installed on my pc before, I did a clean install but when i installed photoshop it just wouldn't get past the tos.  

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Photoshop :: Background Wont Go!

Nov 27, 2007

Used magic want to outline and then ERASE BACKGROUND tool.

the grey and white squares showed as usual

But when placing the image in a new layer the white background is still showing

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Photoshop :: Extras Wont Go Off

Jun 5, 2007

The first of probably many CS3 issue:

Extras: can't get them off. (lines -- guides)

I turn off, quit Ps, but they return on relaunch.

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Photoshop :: Can't Fresh Install From CS2 - CDs App Install Option Is (Grayed Out)?

Mar 14, 2013

I  have CS2 Premium which I'm running on an older PowerPC Mac (G5  -  Dual 2.3 GHz ) running OS 10.4.11. I've had this setup for many many years (registered/activated with Adobe) but suddenly one day I could no longer launch my Photoshop app: when I clicked on the Pshop icon it would start the launch (open) procedure ...  and then almost instantly it would quit (in just a few seconds ... before the application even got to the 'title/credit' screen).
I've recently tried uninstalling CS2 (everything except Acrobat) and I ended up doing a manual uninstall of Version Cue. I've been on Macs for 20+ years so figured this would be a pretty straightforward procedure - uninstall -> reinstall and then back to work.  Nope.
I'm attempting a fresh installation direct from the original CS2 CDs. In any event, when I try to (re)install CS2 - and after going through the standard screens with Adobe's usage terms agreement and installation hard disk selection -  I arrive at the screen where one selects which application(s) to install by checking the various boxes (or alternately, to install the entire suite) but the 'Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe ImageReady CS2' line and checkbox are grayed out, so it will not allow me to check them and continue with the Photoshop installation process.

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