Photoshop :: Photoshop CS3 Makes All My Images Dark...
Jan 7, 2008
Just installed CS3 and all my photographs on my monitor look dark and overly contrasted when compared to simply opening the image on the Microsoft viewer. I thought it was a color management thing but it does it even when turing it off.
used to use photostudio 5 but PS CS3 is supposed to be alot better so i got this and everytime i save it, (in mypictures folder) the preview and everything looks fine, but once i close the folder out and go back, it looks blurry and when i upload it to the web, its really blurry ...
I have found that the filter makes automatic changes to images. For example, if I correct a vignette with no sturctural sliders touched, then save the setting, the image appears in my editing window signifcantly altered with altered barrel configurations. So, I have to redo and compensate or just forget about it. This is not a problem with an image I want to correct--architectural, for instance. But, who wants to start fixing issues that the software is creating? I would like to disable this but have not found a setting yet.
I saved the image used in the tutorial but it looks darker than it does on the website. Why is that? When I adjust the levels the blacks look too dark even though I made sure my foreground color is less black.
I just started using PhotoShop 7. I noticed that every image I opened is MUCH darker than it appears when looking at it using any other program (Corel/Internet Explorer/Exif). If I adjust the levels inside PhotoShop so that the picture looks good, it become over-exposed in all my other programs.
So I have noticed several people having this problem, and the solutions that work for them don't seem to work for me!
I start in Camera Raw 8.0, then move to photoshop to crop and tweak a little bit more, then when I save to JPEG and view in windows photo viewer or other medium, the photo is dark and overly saturated.
I understand that photoshop is a color mangaged space, and that most other programs are not, but I still can't figure out how to make what I see in photoshop translate to the JPEG image. These will eventually be used on a website and I need everything to look as professional as possible. The image on the right is really dark, especially on the front lawn and porch.
Having used both CS2 and CS3 I now realise that the prints that I work on in either appear much brighter on the screen that they do when printed, as much as 3 stops darker when printed. I have also noticed that in other programs such as Google Picasa that I use as a viewing tool the images appear closer to the images from the printer. I have used various pro-labs that require their profiles to be used and my own epson 3800 printer at home and despite trying lots of different settings I am unable to get prints that look like they do on the screen they are always darker.
I am using windows XP on a dual core 2.4 PC with 2 Gb ram and an ATI Radeon X1600 series grafix card which I have just updated the driver on. The monitor is an LCD type and is calibrated weekly using a spyder 2 express.
We've just upgraded a Samsung 21" monitor to a Samsung 30" (305T).
In just TWO applications, Photoshop CS3 and Windows Photo Gallery (Vista64), all photographic images are much too dark. Not subtly, about 3-4 f-stops too dark.
EVERY other of our applications INCLUDING ADOBE BRIDGE AND FIREWORKS, and even Photoshop itself during Save to Web, displays the photos as they should appear.
I've tried setting various profiles in Windows Color Management as the default, including the ICC profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (which my reading says we should be using), as well as WCS profiles sRGB virtual and scRGB virtual, and tried using no profile at all. None of these changes makes any apparent difference at all to the images we're seeing.
In Photoshop, I've tried various options too. If set to Monitor Color (Monitor RGB - * wscRGB) Photoshop then displays images as it should. However the Camera Raw display when loading Nikon images is still much too dark, and the Photoshop Save to Web images are much too light. Arrrgh!
The monitor does not include any driver software, just electronic documentation (poorly edited) which offers no advice about this. I've seen references to various Gamma utilities, but not sure that's what I need. Is it?
I create or load an image it is always darker than it is actually supposed to be. When I go to save a created image, it will always be lighter. What I want to know is how to make the image on the screen the same color as when I save it to my computer.
Example: I was following a tutorial to create a banner and when I finished (without saving) it turned out like this. Now, the image from the tutorial is actually suppose to look like this when finished. Then, after I saved the image it looked like how it was suppose to look.
I have been using Duotone with my photos, but since the other day, everytime that I process a photo this way, when I convert then back to RGB mode, the dark (black) areas of the photo become a kind of bitmap of red pixels. I have tried with many different photos from RAW or JPEG files and I get the same result with all of them.
This is an example of the issue. The original is on the left. What may cause this? The photo looks good in duo tone. It is when converting to RGB when the corruption happens.
My friend has taken some engagement photographs and unfortunately the couple have dark hair and the background is also dark - I think you can see her problem with the photos. Somehow the background needs to be lightened and neither of us know how (we both have Photoshop 7)
I have designed a cd cover that needs to go off to print on Monday. Everything looks fine on screen in Illustrator cs5 and when i print from illustrator it looks fine. When i save it to pdf it still looks fine on screen but when i print it the colours are so dark the images are unrecognisable. The company im printing to want the pdf preset as Press Quality, it looks awful but i have tried all the presets and they all look as bad. Everything is in CYMK. I really cant understand what is going on! I have two deskjet printers and they both look terrible (one slightly worse though).
When saving a pdf from Illustrator, close cropped PSD images have a dark edge of pixels in the final PDF. It looks like a black outline when viewed in Acrobat. I have since found if I flatten the transparency before saving as a PDF , it displays fine. Why is the PDF having problems with Illustrator’s use of transparency?
CS5.5 or CC – I have experienced several times that flat grayscale imaged - corrected and nice in PhotoShop turns up much too dark when placed in InDesign.
I make sure no effect or colors are applied to the frame or picture, but still no effect.
If I force transparency on the actual spread (by placing two white items on top of each other, the topmost multiplied on the master page) then it looks correct at once.
It makes no difference if it is a flat grayscale jpg or a psd, even a psd with a white background turns out this way.
The fresh install of LR 5.2 renders all images - RAW and JPG - throughout the program with a very dark, green-yellow colorcast. The only place where images appear normal is in the Import dialog, while the thumbnail mode is active. Apart from that, every program module features this annoying reproduction. Here are some supporting screenshots (red rectangles are from me):
Import screen - thumbnail view - OK:
Import screen - preview - NOT OK:
Library view - NOT OK:
Strangely enough, if I export the picture to JPEG - without any modifications - the image appears normal again:
LR version: 5.2.1, 64b (tried the 32b version too, same error) OS: Windows 8, 64bit Camera: Canon 40d, imported images are RAW.
I have a new Dell Precision M6300 Mobile Workstation with an nvidia Quadro FX 1600M video card. I have the latest video driver from Dell. With a second monitor (Dell 20 inch) attached via either vga or dvi, Photoshop CS4 becomes unusable in both the second monitor and the notebook display. If I remove the second monitor in Display Properties, Photoshop works splendidly on the notebook display.
Here is a typical case. I open an image, zoom in or select a brush and then the image abruptly turns into several large "blocks." The blocks can be filled with areas of cyan, white, transparency, blocks of the image, bits of another open image, and even blocks of images that were previously closed.
The latest Quadro driver from Dell is from May 2008. I checked with nvidia but they send you to the notebook manufacturer to get drivers for mobile cards.
I have Master Collections CS4 installed and have not run into any problems in dual-monitor mode with the any of the other apps. Seems to be isoloated to Photoshop.
iMac, OS 10.8.5 Photoshop CS 6. I have activated the Graphics Display Unit (or whatever it is called) and, with an image in Photoshop and its Layer selected, I do Filters > Render > Lighting Effects. I get the panel on the right called Properties and under it some sliders for Color, Hotspot, etc.
Burt moving the sliders makes no change to the image. Tutorials say that I should get a white elliptical shape with white blobs which should allow me to alter the lighting effects, ("Lighting Controls"?) but nothing appears. The tutorials show a "Menu Bar" should appear just under the three coloured blobs at the top left of the main window. That "Menu Bar" shows, from left to right, something like: a light bulb; Presets-Custom; Lights and three tiny blobs; some thing else; and at the right end, a check; Preview; Cancel; and OK in blue.
I think that "Menu Bar" with Preview checked must appear before I can use the lighting controls on the image.How the heck do I get to see a preview so that I can see and use the lighting controls?
ISSUE: When cropping a photo, the crop tool highlights the photo correctly, but when the crop is activated it resized the photo to about 1 pixel, no matter how large or small the selection crop was.
Actions took: I fully installed all the updates, when unsuccessful, I repaired the installation, when that was unsuccessful, I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled Photoshop.
So, I take a photograph (Nikon D70s raw format), get the colour balance right and sort out the curves. The picture looks great! Bright, crisp with zingy colours. So what happens when I Save For Web, flat, dull with muted tones. What am I doing wrong? The picture is in RGB 8 bit.
I have been using Photoshop for basic editing for several years, now. For at least the last three years (whether I have used Photoshop CS5 or now, CS6), if I automate a batch of photos, going through the process of selecting the source folder, then the destination folder for the edited pictures, my choice of destination folder is ignored — the edited pictures end up in the source folder.
I'm using photoshop CS3. When I use the healing brush like, it makes holes in the image that I'm using it on sort of like it's erasing that spot that I'm using it on instead of fixing that spot. How can I fix my healing brush so it works like it's supposed to - as described in my "Classroom in a book" for Photoshop CS3?
In my work I use a batch process to run an action that converts EPS files to TIFF files. I have been using this successfully in Photoshop 7 on a Win2000 PC for a number of years. The process is as follows...
Open EPS file Flatten Image Save Close
When I recorded the action I made sure that the resolution was set to 300dpi as we require the TIFF produced at the end to be that resolution.
I am now testing PSCS3 on a WinXP machine as we are upgrading all of our equipment. When I run the action as a batch process the TIFFs that are saved end up being 72dpi - They should be 300dpi. This worked in PS7 on the Win2000 machine and I am using exactly the same process in PSCS3 on the new WinXP machine, but something must be going wrong somewhere for the TIFFs to be saved at 72dpi instead of the required 300dpi. Any ideas?
I make a rounded rectangle, rasterize it, use the wand to select the inside of the shape, use the gradient tool to change the solid color inside to my desired gradient color, and (here's the problem) when it fills the rounded rectangle with the grandient, the rounded corners of the rectangle become not so round. How do I keep them nice and round and fill with my desired gradient?