Photoshop :: PSD Files Saved In Temporary Items Has Disappeared
Mar 1, 2013
I was working in Photoshop CS5.1 (OS X 10.7.5) and the original image I started with was saved in TemporaryItems, long story short I spent 4 hours working on an illustration and saving the .psd files versions in the same TemporaryItems folder, planning to move all the files tonight. Just came back to it and the files are gone! I may cry pixel tears, desperately running out of swear words.
Many of the users on my school network cannot save their Photoshop files to a specified folder. Instead the files are automatically saved to User/Library/Caches/Temporary Items folder.
I've changed the File Handling Preferences with no results in changing this issue. Since a couple users did not experience this problem, I'm wondering if it might be a permissions problem.
When I'm working on a project, I sometimes create bits of artwork that I may or may not want to use in the piece. However, when I move the items off the canvas, they pretty much disappear. Is there any way to store items "off canvas" and have them visible for quick selection?
One option, I guess, is to make the whole Edit preview area the canvas and only crop the item to final size when I'm done, but that seems wonky.
I just finished working on a file for a client and saved it to the compressed zip folder that it was sent to me without decompressing.
Photoshop seemed to save to the folder without problems but when I went to go to open it again, my work was gone and all that was there was the original file. Did PS save my work someplace else and not tell me, or was it not saving at all despite not giving me any permissions errors?
I have a problem with the PSD file, size 228 MB. When electricity turned off, my computer shut down then I turned on it and opened the PSD again but there was only one locked layer filled in black and no other layers. I can not see other layers that was saved before. and here is red line on the top. How can I return my works back?
I was in the middle of croping a document and I realized I had inches instead of pixels. It looks like it was writing a file 600 in by 600 in 300 dpi. I had to hard boot my pc. After that I lost 20 gigs from my hard drive. What type of file photoshop writes?
I have VideoStudio 11 running under an XP Virtual PC.
I'm sure that there is a command to delete temporary files but I can't for the life of me remember how to access it.
Alternatively, would it be easier to go straight to the VideoStudio working folder. I've just had a look there and was staggered to find no less than 24GB of various files in the CvtedTitle folder.
I've been trying to clean up some things on my PC concerning Lightroom. I just came across 3 files in my Lightroom folder, the folder where my Catalog file and the Preview folders are located.  Those 3 files are:  Temporary Import Data.db, 40 kb, modified 09/03/12
I'm using Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer and Adobe Bridge CS6 concurrently. If I have Bridge open to the same folder as PSE Organizer and I do an "Add captions ..." operation to a group of files selected in the Organizer, then there is a very good chance that PSE Organizer will rename one or more files to OriginalFileName_edTMP-1.extension and leave the renamed file in the directory rather than completing the update and returning the file(s) to their original name. In most cases my original files are Nikon .nef files with .xmp sidecar files, but I've also seen this happen with .psd files. The .nef files are generally large, averaging 35 Mb per .nef image and the .psd files are usually over 100 Mb. If PSE Organizer and Bridge are open to different folders then Organizer does not leave the renamed file. logical threading error in PSE Organizer where it does not consider that another application may be monitoring the folder and also opening the files, which is what Bridge does when it discovers that a file has changed (the addition of a caption changes the file contents.) This was also a defect in PSE Organizer 10.
I opened Photoshop Elements one day and all of my files are gone. I thought that maybe I had accidentally "archived" them somehow, but I can't find anything that I have ever edited in the Organizer. It's as if I just installed it yesterday. I even tried to search for files with the date range function and it says that there isn't anything from the date range I put in, which was over a year.  Did I tell the Organizer to do something that I am unaware of? Where did all of my pictures and video go?
Some of my thumbnails/files are missing from my catalog but it won't let me import them because it says they are there. They are not hidden and the links aren't broken. They don't show up at all in any view. The jpg files are still in the folder on my desktop just not in the catalog. When this happened before, I just deleted that catalog and started fresh but now I have too much work in this one to just delete it.
Files saved from photoshop to a server in Mountain lion not visible. But when I save to desktop then move the file to the server, it recognizes that the file is there and I do an overwrite. Also happens with Illustrator files. Is this a MountainLion problem or CS6?
I've lost some Photoshop cs 8.0 files and have been told by a recovery company that they can't be saved. I've attached a screen shot of icons that appear to show what seems to remain of one of the files. You will see it has 3 different icons that correspond to it. One a 'thumbnail'; one a 'meta' and one an 'exec' file.
I recently upgraded Photoshop from CS2 to CS4 (11.0.1). If I use CS4 to save a large multi-layered Photoshop .psd file as .tif (Layer/Flatten image/Discard hidden layers), (File/Save as .tif, LZW, Interleaved, IBM PC) the resultant .tif file cannot be read by many other programs. File viewers (Faststone, MS Paint, QT Picture Viewer, Windows Photo Gallery) either fail to display the images, display the images incorrectly, or display a black screen. Neat Image fails to open the files due to incorrect bit depth.  (Faststone shows the bit depth as 40 bits). PTLens fails to open the files with the dialog "Only RBG images are supported". This has become a significant problem, since I routinely distribute images to others as .tif files. Similar Photoshop CS2 saved .tif files open with all the above viewers/programs with no problems. (no longer have CS2 installed)
I don't seem to be pluggin in the correct set of keywrds to bring it up in the search if it has. Here's my dilemma. I just bought a new computer which came preloaded with Vista, and uploaded my old copy of CS3 onto it. The program seems to be working fine, except that when I open a file in Photoshop and edit it, then save it in a new file (as I do for most of my photoshoots, etc), or even when I save it in the orignial folder, the new "saved" file will not show up in the Vista folder. If I go back to Photoshop and open the folder via File>Open, I can access all of my pictures, but to I cannot access them to upload to the internet, email, use in other programs, etc. If I go into "Recently Changed Documents" I can find them, but they seem to be in a temp folder in the Adobe folders. But again, if I go back to Adobe, it says they are in the folder I put them in.
I'm having a problem when I use "save as" after working on a tiff in CS. It ends up in a "file" file that I can't open again. Does anyone know if it's a CS or a XP problem. Or something to do with pretty large files?
When I import files into Elements 12 Organizer, I want to use the Instant Fix Smart Fix option. The CR2 files are being exported to the PNG format, and I want them to be PSD files, I don't have a way to return to the options of how to save my files by using the Instant Fix button.
I'm using elements 10. I've been uploading to picasa, editing in elements, saving a psd file to picasa, then exporting to a folder as a jpeg. As of last night, my saved files are now xmp??? and are useless to me. I don't know what happened?
Text has disappeared from Illustrator files? I can make a text box but no text shows up at all....when I pull up other files the text is missing aswell. I am sure I just clicked something
I work in a collaborative environment. I've upgraded to CS6, but those i work with are working in photoshop cs5.1. Will they have problems opening files i create or save in CS6?
I use Photoshop CS5 extended version 12.0 64bit. I don't know why but some of my files I created have stripes on them when I reopen to work on them. It looks like some layers get corrupt and have horizontal stripes along the width of the image.
I downloaded CS6 for the MAC and have been using it fine, come to use Photoshop 6 on my PC upstairs and a PDF which has been saved now opens on the PC but as one layer not the 20 layers that it is built up from.
Photoshop CS shows the following message when I'm trying to save (for web option) some pictures:
some names of the files being saved contain non-latin characters. these file names will be incompatible with some web browsers and serversSo, there are like 300 pics, and I've tried moving the pic to a new file with the same size, cut/paste, copy/paste and printscreen/cut/paste... and I still have this message... and this only happens with this pictures...