Photoshop :: Organic Digital Painting "sphere"
Feb 21, 2007
here is a simple way to start practicing organic painting in photoshop using greyscale. I have used this same technique on all of my digital paintings.
1. Start with a medium grey as the background color. you can go to edit/fill/ then select 50% grey, or just double click the black brush color and select a grey halfway between the white and the black.
This will the the middle ground for the entire painting.
2. Take the elliptical marquee tool (the top left corner of the tool pallet.)
on your canvas hold shift and click and drag to make a perfect circle on the background.
Create a new layer and name it shadows.
Start to paint using a soft, 5% opacity brush around the bottom of the circle where the shadow would be if it were a sphere... start really light and work big. then as it gets darker work smaller and more detailed. i start with a brush size of around 125.
when your done it should look like this (it should not be totally black anywhere)
3. Create a new layer and name it highlights.
on this layer do the same as you did with the shadow but on the top side of the sphere using white. Add white where the light source would be hitting it . work large and work your way dont to smaller detailed areas (there should not be much detail with a sphere.)
4. Now after this is finished open a new layer and name it shadow and glow. you can add a shadow below the sphere. what i did was use the elliptical marquee tool to create an oval what would be the shadow of the sphere. after you paint the shadow, erase the part of the shadow that you can see over the sphere. ten ad a blur to it. you can use the gaussian blur and mess with the sliders untill you find one you like. the shadow must line up with the light source. for example if the light source is on the right side the shadow cannot be on the right side. once yo have the elliptical marquee selected fill it in with a 5% opacity brush untill it is dark enough to match the shadow on the lower side of the sphere.
also, some things you can do is add a bit of glow around the top of the sphere. this will be the light that is bouncing off the top. also add some highlight to the bottum of the sphere. this is where the light will bounce up from under the sphere . both of these highlights, or glows should be very subtle.
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Feb 13, 2013
I am new to digital painting, and would like to get to know it better. Right now, I want to mimic the style of the attached image. My question is: how do I archive this look? (i.e. what brushes do I use, what tools? Blur? Smudge? etc.) (I am using CS5)
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Apr 17, 2005
i'm speaking of painting with a tablet from scratch using brushes. i need something thorough. i've been looking but can only find concise tutorials that really don't tell me much.
i've sort of hit a road block. smudging colors together isn't getting it done for me anymore.
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Jul 24, 2013
I was just wondering for photoshop how much pixelsfor canvas size everybody is used to using?
I use photoshop (previously 7, CS3 in office, recently upgraded to CC) to draw comic strips, and quite often I just keep expanding the canvas vertically as I draw more panels.Now, of course common sense would dictate that the larger the file the slower your photoshop gets. I just noticed today that one of my files is getting sluggish, and yup, the height has gotten to 14000 pixels. Better crop that thing before it gets to the point I can't even open the file anymore. So I was just wondering if there was any rule around as to how big a file can get before it's too big to operate on photoshp.
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Aug 16, 2013
I was working on a digital painting. I went a few states back in the historty palette and acidentally clicked on the snapshot at the top which brought me back to my original document, I have done hours of work since then! This wiped all of my history clean, how to get back to the last state I was in before I made the wrong click.
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Apr 14, 2006
I have an Orite C8020 Digital cam 8.0 Megapixel , the images from it kinda oil painted type
As you can see pixels look like kinda dsplaced if you zoom in .
It has two noticable settings
1. Exposure = (auto) and +1 + 2 +3 etc. and -1 -2 -3 etc
2. While Balance = (auto) ( daylight ) ( flourcent ) and one more I can't remember
Image quality is also set to fine
and resolution is on 1280 x something
I'm really disappointed by it's results like this. Is this the fault of camera ? or just the setting ?
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Oct 3, 2013
I have a task I have been attempting to complete for some time now. I am trying to turn my scanned pencil drawing into a digital painting with Photoshop.
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Aug 31, 2003
The template belongs to pank - I actually made it for TP - I only uploaded it on my site until pank decides if he wants to post it on TP or not.
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Apr 12, 2005
Im trying to get an effect in Photoshop 7 where the line stoke is like a brush stroke. I mean with regards to pressure (ie when you draw a line it thins out at the end of the a brush stroke in reality) I have a photo and i want to create that drawing in a few strokes making it looking free flowing etc... Code:
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Jan 24, 2012
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Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
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Jul 20, 2012
I need to apply a knurled texture to an organic curved surface. It cannot be a decal, this is to be rapid prototyped so the knurl must be real 3d. I have an imported Solidworks file that shows exactly what I need. I do not have access to the author of the Solidworks part so I don't know how they did it. Its part of a pistol grip handle.
Keep in mind that emboss does not support organic surfaces, only cylindrical or planar.
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Feb 7, 2011
I'm an architecture student who has high interest in 3d modeling.I would like to learn how to design something in a very organic form for a change.I can model very accurately and fast what I need on Autocad most of the time, but it seems like autocad 3d modeling is not the best tool to be using for modeling something very curvy and random.
Some Examples: [URL] .....
So Basically, I want to be able to first sculpt the general exterior form I have sketched out or in my mind, and not only that, I would like to model the interior portions so I can have renders from inside the building. (Like the ons from the examples)
Although in architecture, 3D modeling comes into play after the 2d drafting, I don't think it's the same case for organic shapes. I would have a general layout sketched out on paper how the building would be formed, but not necessarily accurately measured. Then I would model the building to cut the sections through, and extract them out along with floor plans thus creating a very accurate orthographic drawings as well as gorgeous renders.or just poly edit with soft selection and other modifiers?
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Jul 10, 2012
Here is a still from what will be a trade show video. The problem is that the longitudinal lines are a bit wobbly, especially near the poles, for instance in the top right quadrant, between the orange and yellow earplugs. [URL]..........
I created a new 3D object with the preset sphere from a layer that is a grid of my client's products. As the sphere rotates, the black edges of the grid straighten out as they come around to the front, and then get wobbly again as they approach the edge of the sphere. At first, I made the black part of the grid from a bitmap mask (which had caused a problem in an earlier 3D file) but no, same problem when I made the grid from a vector mask.
Pretty sure it is not a hardware issue as I have gone thru all the optimization steps for using the Mercury Graphics Engine on my quad-core iMac 27" with a supported video card, and the latest version of OSX.
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Jul 10, 2003
I'm trying to make a marble ball that looks wet, thus a reflection. I can pretty much get the ball (albeit not extremely realistic) and some what of a reflection idea going on after looking at some reflection tuts, but the reflection just doesn't seem to wrap right or something, it just seems...unnatural.
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Nov 23, 2007
paint circles, align them into a square and spherize?
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Apr 28, 2003
Is it possible to make the above in PS, then possible animate via IR to spin on on axis, also how hard would it be to put rings around the sphere (like Jupiter(?)
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Aug 7, 2007
I believe I found this in CS2, but now I can not find it in CS3. Wasn't there a sphere tool that allowed you to wrap a bitmap image on a spherical or cylindrical curve, like a soda can or sports helmet?
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Oct 18, 2002
I have been following a tutorial on a wireframe sphere and all was going well until I was told to go to: "Filter > Distort > Sphereize"
I am using Photoshop 6 and this filter isn't included in my menu.
Doe's anyone out there know of anywhere that I can download this filter from as Its an important part of the project I am working on.
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Oct 20, 2005
I'm trying to find a quick way to realistically wrap text onto the surface of this sphere, and initial experiments in CS2 with the Arc warp and some perspective finangling have proved below expectations.
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Aug 24, 2006
placing text on a sphere. I've seperated a golf ball from a different picture and would like to place text on it, any ideas on making it look as if it was there when the picture was taken?
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Nov 7, 2007
how I can create a similar looking image, I want to learn to make my spheres into perfect circles and I want to learn how they do the effect at the top center to gather all the words tightly at the tip.
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Nov 14, 2008
I want to put text on a Christmas ornament. How can I make it look like it's actually printed on the 3-d sphere? I've tried warp text, but that doesn't look right either. Is there a way to do it? Is there some sort of text path tool and then I can apply warp?
I'm using CS2.
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Feb 9, 2004
How should i do to fix them?
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Jun 25, 2013
I've mapped a grid onto a sphere. The latitude lines look fine. But the vertical longitude lines come out wiggly!
I've tried different sizes of the grid graphic. I've tried rendering preference quality and rendering the file.
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May 29, 2012
I'm attempting to create a sphere by using the "mesh preset" under the "new mesh from layer" menu item. When I do this, the sphere appears jagged or faceted -- even after rendering. If, however, I make the same sphere using "depth map to", it is smooth. I do not have this issue in CS5.
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Jul 13, 2013
I did it on the apple logo coverings. So make images on the sphere. Of course, I did it "Ctrl + T > Warp" Do not automatically lead? So simple action? URL...
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Oct 12, 2011
I've been a faithful photoshop user for quite some time now, but today I got wickedly impressed by this tiny software that features this awesome specular highlighting technique that photoshop does not do by default.This software is called "Art Text 2"H! I had prepared some image links but cause I'm so new I can't put them.[URL]...
As you can see, the bevel reflection is created using the specular information of the "sphere map". Furthermore the program allows you to change the sphere map highlights interactively, and even choose your own image sphere maps. This is just amazing, isn't it? Creating realistic metal text or things is just super easy with this. I think everyone of us has had problems doing realistic metal effects on photoshop, am I wrong?
In Photoshop you have the "bevel and emboss" style feature, and it works pretty well, but it isn't made for say: reflecting a window on the beveled text.Sphere maps are commonly used in gaming to simulate realistic reflection of 3d objects, and I can think of a million ways of using this technique on 2d. way of simulating this sphere map reflection on layers on Photoshop?
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Jan 18, 2007
I'm trying to make the edge of this image like the colors on a soap bubble, I've looked at tutorials for doing soap bubbles. It's not usually included in it. Sort of a blurred shiny transparent coloring if that describes it at all.
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