im tryin to make a a graphic based on the matrix. makin the cool bullets trail affect they use. You know when hes dodgin the bullets that are goin really slow and it looks like they have kinda smoke behind them?
I just want to create some simple text bullits at the beginning of some lines of text for a small ad (Black boxes or something similar). Simple to do in MS Word, Wondering what's the easiest way in PS 7?
Why can only symbol fonts be used for bullets in X6?
Almost every font has at least the simple bullet (0x95) and the middot (0xB7) included. And there are many non-symbol-fonts out there that contain interesting bullet-like characters.Why the restriction? For a more compact selection list? Corel, could we have a checkbox "[X] Symbol fonts only " to uncheck if one wants to choose from all installed fonts?
I am making a numbered list, including sub numbers (ex. 8.10). What I want to do is under the sub-number create sub-lines with lowercase letters, so it would like this:
a) test 123
b) test ABC
The problem I am having is that I can create the lettered list, close the mtext, and it will look fine . . . until I re-open the mtext and then the 8.11 changes to 8.1. and so on.
A lot of the time I like bullets to be a different colour to their following text. In past versions you could highlight the bullet and pick a colour from the palette. You had to do it with each individual bullet which was a pain, but it could be done. Now if you highlight a bullet and then click a colour, nothing happens. I was hoping that this might be because they'd added a function to choose bullet colour elsewhere (such as in the Bullets window), but apparently not.
I have a large body of text that is numbered and i need to break it into two separate mtext blocks. is there any way to keep the numbering continuous between the two blocks? every time i delete the redundant text in the second mtext block it starts my numbering over.
When i use mtext in autocad 2011 i cannot select bullets and numbering as it is greyed out. I did uncheck bullets and numbering by mistake and now cannot select it.
I've never used bullets in Corel Draw 12 before until today - regardless - they are not working.
Issue: When I select a bullet, the first one works - I then hit return and the next bullet is a ? with box around it. Looks almost like the program lost it's source path for the bullet to me?
I have a list - want to apply bullets, but cannot.
I've tried changing fonts, but bullets are greyed out in the paragraph section of text properties box for every font I choose. I've selected many fonts ... still ... no bullets.
Is it possible to create an interface that has two different animations on it?
The problem is one of them works on a three frame loop. The other I thought I would create a continuous scrolling effect like you find on those Matrix Effect animation tutorials.
However, I don't know anything about animation and I don't know the limits of ImageReady.
1. Get a picture of a car (or something else), and a picture of some matrix code.
2. cut out the car using the magnetic lasso and paste it on as a new layer on the picture of the matrix code.
3. Go to image, adjustments, Hue/Saturation., and adjust it so it looks like the color of you code.
4.Copy a large square chunck of code and place it on a new layer.
5. The go to Edit, Define Pattern, and call it matrix. go to your car layer and click a part of the picture other than the car and ckick on it with the magic wand tool. Then right click on that same spot and click on select inverse, then copy it.
7. Now drag this layer over the layer of the matrix code and erase around it until it fits in nicely with the rest of the code. (don't erase too much.) Then press control+E to merge the two layers into one.
8. Duplicate the green car layer twice, and set all three car layers mode to vivid light.
9.Then mess with the Hue/Saturation menu until you car blends in nicely.
(Optional part which I did on the picture posted here)
10. Press the print screen button and copy and the paste image you get into a new image. Then use the magic wand tool on the car from your original image and copy and paste it on top of the new matrix car on a new layer.
11. Then while the lines are on the car you pasted, go to the car that is already there and copy and paste it onto a new layer. Then delete the first car you pasted in.
12. Mess with the Hue/Saturation on the car layer until it blends in with the matrix coding even better.
i have loads of underwater photos of a ship wreck (plan View) and would like to be able to join them together in a matrix about 12 x 12 photo. It would be great if when tring to position a photo you could see through it so allowing you to drop it on the photo below easly.
how to achieve the styling that the matrix font has using other fonts? i know that there's a downloadable version of the actual font Miltown (and a Miltown II as an alternate version), but what i'd like to do is take a source font (presumably the font that Miltown started from) and give it the random offset/winded line effect that the matrix font has. once i know how to do this for at least one font i'd be able to apply this effect to other objects (not just text objects).
I've tried a couple of blends, thru layers, but I can't get it right! I want to put a face into a matrix background, with the falling matrix blended into the face, and the face sticking out from the screen (3D like effect)...
We want to create a 'graduation plaque' with a number of students in a grid - like this
The source photos are all different sizes. Is there a faster/easier method of producing something like this rather than resizing every image to fit a predefined size and then manually placing them on separate layers?
I've been trying to figure out how to add a matrix syle bullet trail to an image.In case you guys havn't seen the matrix its a trail coming from the bullet that distorts everything it passes in front of.I notice this effect can be achieved by using the ghost trails plug-in for 3d studio max, but that takes a LOT of work and i was just wondering if any of you know to do this in photoshop maybe using the displace filter or something.If anybody knows how to do this it would be great if you could post a tutorial or just something to point me in the right direction.
One of the companies I support is using CorelDraw X3 to create data plates for components to be created using various silk screen and laser etching machines. At the moment, they are hard coding the data into the template. In order to print batches instead of single items, we are trying to assist them in pulling in data from a spreadsheet (most preferred is a .csv file).
I have figured out how to use the Print Merge function to pull in most of the data. The one item that is still eluding me is a 2D matrix, or UID, that needs to be created on the template. This is similar to a linear barcode. I need to pull in the data from the spreadsheet, in this case a single line of text with special characters, but I need it displayed as a 2D matrix.
I believe I read somewhere that barcodes are not supported in X3. Is this true or is there a way to import this data into a barcode format?
Attached is an example of a 2d Matrix and here is a sample of the data string:
(there's and end of transmission special character on the end that I couldn't get to paste, looks like a superscript backwards L)
When I converted to using the transformation matrix of PlacedArt, the target art could not be converted to expect. I could convert in case of the RasterArt. (The reference point of the transformation matrix of RasterArt is (0,0).)
In the PlacedArt, preference point is not (0,0)?
The tx/ty of the transformation matrix of PlacedArt is not correct?
In the transformation matrix of RasterArt and Placed Art, how are those two different?
This part is logical. Add text to a vector layer and write a script to show the text and the position. From what I can tell, the Characters key is the text and the Start key is the (X,Y) position.
So far no problem, click the text 1 pixel right and the Start[0] increases by 1. Same with 1 pixel down and Start[1] increases by 1.
Now for the crunch... Rotate the text and Start does not change (no matter how much you move the text).
By trail and error, I find that the Matrix key changes.
Now, Matrix has 9 values and from what I can tell Matrix[0], Matrix[1], Matrix[3] and Matrix[4] somehow relate to angle. Probably sin and cos of the angle from the x- and y- axis respectively.
Matrix [2] and Matrix[5] do increase linearly with shifts in x and y. How does this relate to the actual position of the text
You can see a more detailed description of the problem and my sample script here. [URL]
The brush dynamics matrix is all greyed out and there is no way to activate it. Maybe Im doing something wrong. I understand that you can either set the brush dynamics preset or set the matrix. Also the curve editor doesnt seem to be working either.