I have a large body of text that is numbered and i need to break it into two separate mtext blocks. is there any way to keep the numbering continuous between the two blocks? every time i delete the redundant text in the second mtext block it starts my numbering over.
I am making a numbered list, including sub numbers (ex. 8.10). What I want to do is under the sub-number create sub-lines with lowercase letters, so it would like this:
a) test 123
b) test ABC
The problem I am having is that I can create the lettered list, close the mtext, and it will look fine . . . until I re-open the mtext and then the 8.11 changes to 8.1. and so on.
When i use mtext in autocad 2011 i cannot select bullets and numbering as it is greyed out. I did uncheck bullets and numbering by mistake and now cannot select it.
I am currently working on making a template for the whole company that would allow all the divisions to use dropdown text in the title block to pick the division, and then the drafter and the person it was checked by. How to get a dropdown text into mtext. Currently I have it so that one office, the one I am in, can scroll through the divisions and the people who work here, using a combination of macros and fields.
I have numerous MText paragraphs that I need to combine into a single piece of MText. I want the paragraphs preserved in the final piece. I've found some routines that can combine pieces of MText but I don't know if they preserve the paragraphs.I have DotSoft Toolpac but it doesn't seem up to the task. C
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1 WIN 7 64 PRO HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB RADEON 6450, 1 GB
This morning the shop brought back a set of drawings and requested that I provide a cut list for the fab department. Our drawings consist of an assembly drawing and materials list on the first page with several individual parts on each of the following pages. I am looking at including a column in the ML for the operation ( laser, saw, shear) and sorting the list by it. However when I do this the Item Numbers on the list are all confused. If a person were to look at a balloon on a drawing and then attempt to find it in the list it would be difficult and time waster.
The questions.
1. Is there a way to renumber the item list after sorting the material?
2. If I place an assembly view off the edge of the sheet for each of the following sheets and then place a materials list on each sheet, is it possible to create a plugin that would find which parts are on the sheet and hide all the other parts on the list? I have just started going through the "my first plugin" tutorial and this sounds like a place where it should be useful but I don't know which tags I need to look for.
I need to run two reports one for Cut and Fill, and one for Materials (shapes). I would like two material lists for the same alignment and sample line group.
The process, setup the materials list for Pave, Base, and Subbase. Generate report, delete list and setup for Cut and Fills, run the report. You do this over and over. Autodesk please add a way to save and import these setups, and a way to create multiple lists for each alignment and sample line group.
Note: Why the Civil 3d default for the interlude into the actual Compute Materials dialogue is Pave, Subbase, Base is beyond me, could someone tell the programmers that Subbase is generally below Base. Each time I have to delete the CIvil 3D defaults and redo this step.
How Autodesk came up with the wall thicknesses for pipes in their parts lists under pipe networks in Civil 3D? I found that for DIP the wall thicknesses for pipes was way greater than anything commercially available; and that for PVC the wall thicknesses were way thinner than what's commercially available.
Are most client's modifying these lists to conform to pipe specifications or ignoring these discrepancies?
So we have to adjust the elevation of hundreds of drainage structures from their existing elevation to the new finished ground elevation.I know we can give this information within the structure label by adding a reference surface but we would like to produce a table with three columns:
Structure No. Existing Rim Elev. Proposed Rim Elev.
We use C3D 2012 (metric only) - We are attempting to customize our list of structures for Sanitary Sewers. The structure list shows sizes we do not use and we would like to modify them. However, when we try to select the "Inner Diameter" it displays a list of sizes that we can not seem to modify or add to.
I have looked at some of the XML files to try and modify or add new sizes (example: AeccStructConcentricCylinder_Metric.xml) , but they do not seem to be recognized even after I restart the program.
I have multiple singular text objects on my screen and I want to convert them to mtext so I can use the Background Mask option within mtext on my drawing. how to quickly select all the text and convert it to mtext without it combinin ginto 1 mtext?
I'm trying to edit MTEXT boxes that I've created and when I begin the edit (delete/add text, change font size, etc.) the text box disappears until I click "OK" essentially making me do my edits blindly. After I click OK and return to model or paper space, the text box reappears and my edit has been made.
Any way to make Acad C3D hold the value for MTEXTCOLUMN = 0? I am having issues with it resetting my column width to 0, even after I have formatted all the Mtext to read how I want it shown. Once I close a drawing and open it again, the formatting changes that I have previously set return to "dynamic" and column width = 0. I just want to turn off the dynamic setting so it stops messing up the formatting, but I can't get it to retain the dynamic setting. Currently running C3D 2012.
I have a user who inadvertently changed the text contents of an mleader from "ByLayer" to 1,255,0, which is giving us some serious issues with our plotting, as we use a .ctb file for printing. Unfortunately, this error must have occurred fairly early in the project, because it is now replicated throughout the 100 page set. The text color was changed through the mtext editor, so just changing the overall properties of the mtext or leader doesn't affect the text. The only way that I know of to correct the issue is to edit each piece of text, select the contents, and change them back to ByLayer. This is going to be a real pain.
So here is the question: Is there a way to change the color of multiple pieces of mtext, without opening each and every individually?
I am inserting hyperlinks in an mtext object using the following commands:
1. Within the mtext box, right click and select "insert field" 2. Choose "linked" 3. Choose "Hyperlink" 4. Type in the web address in the box to allow autodesk to load the website 5. Choose "insert link" 6. Modified "text to display" 7. Exit text editor.
I have annotative mtext that keeps changing width and location. See pic. When gripped, they're in the correct location but wrong scale. I experienced this on a few drawings with C3d 2010 and now 2011.
I have a itemized list in a mtext group and I want to change the text style in the main headings. When I select the heading line it says all style will be changed.
I have a drawing I am working on regardless of whether I use DVIEW Twist or UCS rotate I encounter the same issue. I start with MTEXT that is parallel to my intended view. However, as soon as I make it annotative and set it to Match Layout the text rotates 90-degrees and is no longer plan readable.The text lives in model space, not paper space. I've even roated the layout viewports in this specific drawing to match, and the text appears correct when viewed through a viewport, but when I jump back to model it is turned on end 90-degrees again! Have I missed a setting somewhere? Shouldnt the text reamin oriented with current view in model space?
I am uploading a link to a video which shows this problem in detail. URL...
When preparing surveys i often use the annotative labels and tables available in Civil 3d. I am familiar with modifying label & table styles, but i have not yet been able to figure out how i can add a column to my table that contains fillable text. Because of that i am forced to create a table and then add text in paper space adjacent to or over the top of it.
Fatal Errors when editing large amounts of MText? I usually have to insert a good amount of drawing notes that we keep in word documents on our network and i find that the process of editing them causes me to Fatal Error when trying even the simplest edit, like erasing a sentence or changing a name.
How to edit the document in word before copy/pasting it into CAD, but the documents are locked for editing as is our standard practice for the general notes that we use.
I am going to make a dummy drawing in hopes of making my changes in an empty drawing, (although I strongly feel this is not a file size issue but a word to CAD translation issue).
I have dragged station offset and multileaders next to each other in the drawing. Everything is set to go on the same layer. I am using named (stb) plot styles. The layer's lineweight is set to .25mm. However, I usually make the leaders be lighter in weight - .13mm. I am using text borders on both of these objects.
I can't get both the text and border to be the same in both objects unless I set everything to Bylayer. Given that I want lightweight leaders, and heavier text, this is unnacceptable.
It seems that the StaOff label style text and border weight in DRAGGED state are controlled by one lineweight setting.
In a multi leader, the text weight is always, apparently, Bylayer, and the text border is controlled by the lineweight set for the leader.
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M LDT/C3D user since release 12
im tryin to make a a graphic based on the matrix. makin the cool bullets trail affect they use. You know when hes dodgin the bullets that are goin really slow and it looks like they have kinda smoke behind them?