AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Fillable Or MTEXT To Annotative Segment Table
Dec 5, 2013
When preparing surveys i often use the annotative labels and tables available in Civil 3d. I am familiar with modifying label & table styles, but i have not yet been able to figure out how i can add a column to my table that contains fillable text. Because of that i am forced to create a table and then add text in paper space adjacent to or over the top of it.
I have been able to turn on the annotation for the Mtext, which applies the current annotative scale, but how do I add additional scales to the Mtext object.
I have annotative mtext that keeps changing width and location. See pic. When gripped, they're in the correct location but wrong scale. I experienced this on a few drawings with C3d 2010 and now 2011.
I have a drawing that contains texts that are annotative. But I would like to change the scale of the drawing with the floating model space viewport in Paper Space. I know I can individually right click on the text and Add Current Scale to them but is there a way to do so globally?
I'm looking to add a column to my point table that will subtract a fixed number from all my surface elevations. I'm working in 2011 Civil 3D. I've been researching this for the past couple of days and haven't been able to come up with anything solid yet...
Any way to add a (R) to the Bearing dislpay, to indicate a radial bearing, in a Line Table?? This would only apply to certain lines, not all of them. I can specify which line. That function does not need to be automatic.
After closing and re-opening my drawing, my annotative mtext is moving, and shrinking. When I click on the text, the properties say annotative is set to NO. I reset it to YES and fix it, but once I close it and re-open its screwed up again, and annotation is set back to NO.
I am trying to create a Mtext object with an annotative TextStyle. I make the textstyle current (which I don't know if is exactly the same as changing the TextStyleId of the mtext object) and create the MText. The problem which I encounter is that the newly crated MText Object has textheight as the textstyle's paper space text height, instead of scaling the text height by the annotative scale, as when you create the Mtext using Autocad menu.
My annotative mtext is invisible in model space? Completely visible and correct when viewed from paperspace via a viewport, but nothing in model space. It is there! i can window select it in model space and see it.... ?
I read that copying into a new drawaing will fix this. And it did! But now, it is gone again? Not sure what command or action i took to do this but i haven't done anything out of the ordinary?
It is annotative mtext, my non-annotative mtext is still there but it is also masked.
I just loaded AutoCAD 2012 on Friday and have noticed that when I use annotative text or mtext in paper space when printing or previewing the text it rotates 90 degrees to vertical, but is horizontal in the drawing. Only does this with annotative text or mtext, non annotative text and mtext remains horizontal when previewing or printing.
I have numerous MText paragraphs that I need to combine into a single piece of MText. I want the paragraphs preserved in the final piece. I've found some routines that can combine pieces of MText but I don't know if they preserve the paragraphs.I have DotSoft Toolpac but it doesn't seem up to the task. C
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1 WIN 7 64 PRO HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB RADEON 6450, 1 GB
I have created an easement after I selected the line callouts and created my parcel table I realized I missed selecting one of my line labels and it is missing from my table. I know I can just erase the table and then reselect all line callouts to create a NEW table, but I was wondering if there was a way to just select the line callout I missed and have it added to the parcel table without recreating a new one.
Im pretty new to annotative text. I was wondering how I can make text show in two viewports at two diffrent scales? Also how to I remove scales from text?
I have been producing many (4k+) videos in the last two years for my employer with trial versions of x3 and x5 without issues - as my latest trial on x5 has expired my company has decided to go ahead and purchase x4. You can see examples of what im doing here URL.....
The software is muting the audio attached to my segments upon "sharing" them to MPEG 4 - HD.
I record the video on a Sony HDR-Cx110, these files save as .mts. I drag and drop these files into the editor, top and tail them with my intro/outro video and add in two layers - This is where i think the issue comes in. After i add in the two layers the audio from the main segment goes mute. Clicking on "project" allows for the audio to play with the entire project, however when i "share" the project to mepg4-hd the main segments audio goes mute again and my finished product is ruined.
Sometimes this will happen other times it will not. Also after the conversion process to mpeg4 hd has finished i can play the project in the editor with all audio, however when i play the mp4 it has produced the audio from the main segment it mute..
I am trying to add labels everywhere on my drawing to show the properties of my objects i.e. lines. (But the thing is, I need static text). This is because I need to be able to "distort" the drawing for legibility purposes but retaining the label information. This is a common drafting task in surveying. Solution A - add the labels and then convert then into text. (I don't think Autocad allows this) Solution B - add the mtext via script, but so far I am stuck on the text editor.
Here's what I have done so far. mtext 100,100 <-- I'll need to come up with some calculation to automatically place the text in the middle of the line. j mc r 96d08'27" 130,100 "186° 08' 27""" <-- how to you add the content of the mtext object?
I have noticed a small annoying behavior of autocad when adding certain characters to an MText object.
For example, if I have MText containing "hello" it will be at a different vertical position to MText containing "hello/". Autocad changes the vertical placement when adding characters it seems, possibly to avoid clashing.
Is there anyway to suppress the auto adjustment autocad makes to the vertical placement to accommodate these characters? I have the text elements spaced suitably from the line to avoid clashes but some wire numbers have characters and some don't, so it leaves the drawing looking somewhat messy. (see below)
Currently i have to adjust each wire number containing characters so it sits at the right vertical placement.
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?
I have a subdivision plat that I'm working on with a curved lot line. When I label this particular lot line, Civil 3D labels it like it's two different segments. In other words, instead of labeling the line as a 100 foot long arc with a radius of 100 feet, it labels it as a 60 foot arc and a 40 foot arc. I can't figure out how to combine the two segments.
All of the lots lines were created from polyline objects, and there was no break in the original line work (nor is there any indication of a break in this location when I select it).
We have a large pipe project that forms a very large 'C' shape. To follow convention with advancing stations from left to right and north being up, we are running into some problems.
1). For Civil 3D, can you reverse the profile for a section, say station 9+00 to 18+00 only. The remainder would be one direction.
2). What do others use for convention for north arrow direction and advancing stations?
Our first sheet goes from east to west, the second and third sheets run north to south, the next ones are west to east, and the final ones are north to south.
I create a feature line including some arcs. While editing I need to redimension the feature line, but the arcs will lose tangency. Therefore I have to break/ trim/delete/manually edit the tangents until they intersect and then FILLET them to get a new arc. I tried EDIT CURVE with 0 Radius but it's not acceptable. Any workaround on this one (filleting feature lines like polylines or a closing option)?
I am trying to add a table that I can edit like an attribute but have it in a block, Basically I am trying to put information for all the poles in an electrical panel, but im not using MV parts just a block is there anything that can be recommended in this instance.
Just another note I need to reference 72 poles and 5 colums for each of these.
how to add more fields to the dbf file of a shp (using AutoCAD Map 2010), other than calculation fields? I am often working on a shp and get asked to add more fileds to hold more data but cannot find a way to do in in AutoCAD (have to resort back to Arcview: but then that causes issues when I go back to the original CAD file that has the data connected to it).
I have two tables in a drawing one of the tables has all my info and formulas. The second table has cells that are linked to the first table cell content. All works great except I need to add rows to the table with the linked cells. When I add the row this causes the row number to change. I have tried using the $ like you do in excel but that has no effect. I do not want to link my tables to an excel spread sheet because we use VAULT as our storage and it is really finicky when checking in drawings or checking out drawings.