I need to cut up a single picture of many multiple headshots, into individual pictures. Cropping each headshot out would take a mellinium. Is there a way to make a grid of cuts and have photoshop then make an individual picture out of each of the small cut up squares (heads).
i will like to crop this picture and add it to the top one as the background and then merge/flatten it as a single file. How do i go about it as i am new to coreldraw.
Last night I purchased Elements 12 online. Prior to my purchase, I chatted with an Adobe techie to make sure Elements 12 would properly overwrite/remove Elements 9 currently on my computer and replace it with the Elements 12. I was assured this would be the case, it wasn't. Not only do I still have Elements 9 on my system but, when my pictures were transferred from Elements 9 to 12, they were all transferred as single thumbnail pictures instead of the Folders containing specific pictures. I don't relish the thought of creating new Folders and transfering close to a thousand pictures pertaining to a specific Folder that were in my Elements 9. Just wondering if the download of Elements 12 was really successful based upon what happened.
How do I add a single picture from a stack to an album? If I try to select a single picture the entire stack gets added to the album? Is there a way to add just the picture I want?
I would like to use the label print feature of Corel DRAW X5. When I do the following steps:
Choose File -> New... Create a new file with A4 size and 300 dpi Choose Layout -> Page Setup.... Goto "Document" -> "Label" in the options tree Select "Labels" (instead of "Normal Paper") Select a predefined label layout (problem exists also with a custom label layout) Click on OK -> New page with one single label as the size has been created Drawing my label Choose File -> Print Preview
I expected to see the "matrix" of labels (e.g. 4x10 labels), but I only see one single label in the middle of the page.
I finally gave up and decided to join a forum, THIS forum! LOL.. Well anyways I would really like to know how to take a picture and put a filter on it or something so that that picture would be made of words. I remember seeing it before but I forgot what it was called, I think it has somethign to do with halftone.
I have a photo in large size and high resolution. However after I apply the Picture-In-Picture effect in Video Studio ProX5, it became very blurry. Already check all the Attribute settings and there is nothing wrong with the setting.
Am using Photoshop CS5.1, Simply want to create a single picture (file) that has a "built-in" mat around it. Seems like all that's needed is a box in background (color it as a mat), then put the picture on top.
Problem is, when I go to size (or crop) the picture, it changes the size of the mat and Canvas Size. "Really" want the Canvas Size to STAY 16in x 20in, just makes it easier so can SEE and adjust (move, crop, slide arund) the picture to be 13in x 17in in the center or whereever. After all done, will save as jpg, so can view/print easily.
Recently when I upload photographs in Photoshop Elements 8, the images in the catalogue appear as an hourglass when viewed as multiple images, but when I zoom in to a single catalogue image the picture appears. Previous images in the cataloge appear as normal.
How to combile two picture to become one picture, and there has no line between the two pictures?
the way i do it is, i open a new document in photoshop, add 2 transparent layers and add the two pictures i want to merge, but it looks very funny, coz there is a line in between. i try to use blur but i doesnt' come out the things i want, i still look like 2 separeate pictures.
I'm making animation so what i was do was to convert a video i made to picture to later put into PhotoShop and make animation there (i know i can convert to gif, but i like more to edit the animation too etc).
Here im gonna try explain what i need help with:
I making a new picture (or what its named, pressing file and new).
I make it 720x480 because that is all my pictures i need put into this picture i make.
When i got this white 720x480 i want to put in like 100 pictures that all is sized 720x480!
Here the problem comes.. When i put in the pictures its not coming into the white one! Its comes new
I want them come in, i've also tried make a marquee around the white (also pressing ctrl + a).
But not working!
So what i need to do is to go to a picture and press ctrl + a and ctrl + c and go to the white one i created and press ctrl + v
and then go to the next, and so on!
This takes time and i guess it would work to put in pictures directly so it will be layers in the white picture i was create in start.
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I'm looking for a program that can take 100's or 1000's of pictures and combine them based on their overall color spectrum into the pixels of a specific design.
when I move large pictures out into another picture it freezes. When I sometimes move things inside the image it freezes. When I sometimes brush with a larger brush or even a small brush it freezes. Could it be a virus that is causing these problems? I installed the same photoshop into my old computer and it works fine. My computer specs are 3.06 GHz P4 512MB DRR 74GB HD
os windows 7, upgraded to Gimp 2.8.4 I open an .xcf file and go to single window mode. everthing looks ok the zero offsets on the rulers are where they should be and I can see the bottom of the gimp window where the % size change is. I then ask for a new tool bar which is provided and locked to the widow. if i go to full screen and then back the picture is pushed down as are the ruler zero's and i now can't get to the bottom of the screen. this annoying behavior does not seem to happen in multi window mode. attached is a screen capture.
How do I add a single picture back into a collection? I have a collection of several pictures and accidently deleted one and I need to add it back to the collection.
I'm using PSE10 on a Win7 (64bit) OS. When I delete a picture (from catalogue and harddrive) the PSE-Organizer tends to jump down several pictures (Haven't been able to determine a fixed number), so I have to go up again and browse through the same pics a couple of times.
How can I automatically add different pictures in a single canvas using Picture package? i.e. I have about 48 pictures and I want to place 4 different pictures to each [10 X 8 - "4(4X5)"] canvas so that I can send all 48 pictures for printing at a digital studio. When I try, multiple copies of single picture appear on each canvas. I tried 'contact sheet' but not satisfied with the result as I could not change the length and width of the pictures.
I have a family picture where two of my family members got too much light. I downloaded the sahdow / highlight plugin but I just can't get it to work as I want to. changing the highlight and shadow of only certain faces in a single picture?