Used photoshop a few times before (succesfully!), and need to knock up something involving a infinity loop/symbol, or figure of 8 on it's side. It needs to have a certain shape or thickness. I'm sure i'd figure it out after a few hours, but haven't got the time for that..
Is there a faster way than having the image on a background layer and positioning all the text word by word? I want to do this for the state o hawaii and have the cities make up the islands. There 8 islands and it gets to be a little much jus word by word.
I am taking a chair that i have and trying to make a 3d model of it on Inventor.
The problem that i have is this has many ridiculous curves and concaves. I wanted to know if their was such a tool, like a sculptor tool or something of that nature that will make a smooth 3D curvy figure.
I attached pictures of the chair to this message if that works.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011. I am wondering if there is a way to assign an mline to a figure style in the Figure Prefix Database. Ultimately I am trying to create storm drains that have a width automatically (ex. 12" SD would come in at 12"). Right now I have a single center line that comes in and I manually offset the line to create a width or I place an mline over the center line.
I am making an 8x10 poster with a very large number "8" in the middle. I want smaller text above and below the number. When I try to click the text tool below the number, it won't permit me to because of the space required below the number.
Can I turn the text number into a shape so that it doesn't have any space requirements around it?
I have booleand two splines, that were beveld to give them depth, than booleen together to make the shape of a car. I am having trouble completing the modeling because of the mesh. Is there anyway to make the mesh better (as in like a grid)?
As seen in the attached image, I want the red arc shape to cut out from the green logo it is sitting on top of, while also having the red arc dissappear and reveal the transparent bg. I have tried a bunch of different ways that I have read from these forums but none of them seem to work. Obviously I'm missing something. The green shield logo is made of multiple objects. The closest I got was the arc shape cut out from some of the objects of the green logo, but not all of them, and the arc shape didn't cut out as an arc, but rather as the original rectangle. The arc is created with a regular rectangle with arc effect.
I'm a long time Corel user trying out Coreldraw suite 6. I'm having a problem making some shape tools work on text (they work fine on other objects). If, for example, I write a piece of text and then select it, followed by the smear shape tool, most of the time the text is deselected and the tool does nothing. However, the Shape, Smudge and Roughen brushes work OK. I've tried using different fonts and text attribute to no avail. I've tried L&R clicking, holding the button down and double (and multiple) clicking slowly and quickly. But no deal. It's not a mouse or pad problem, it's the same on both.
BUT...guess what, every now and then it decides to work! Sometimes it will work on a piece of text and later won't work on it again.
So I am starting with a 12 sided star vector and using effect>stylize>round corners I am trying to round of the outer corners so they appear as a somewhat cartoonish cloud. But in doing this, it rounds of the inner corneds too, replicating a sort of bottle cap shape. How do I make it round off only the outer corners?
I can't figure out how! I know Lightroom has a feature, but the freedom with that one (fonts/colors/size) I have 900 images to stick a watermark on, and I really need to know how to do it in Photoshop CS4Thanks!
I'm tring to make a droplet and it's not working. I've created an action, the action works fine when applied to a photo while in PS, then I went through the steps to create a droplet. I set the droplet to appear on my desktop and the and set it to close and save. So I drag a photo onto the droplet icon and nothing happens, the photos just stay the same.
Ive made a bunch of actions and tried creating droplets for all of them and it's the same thing every time. I get the droplet Icon on my desktop, but when I drag a photo or a file onto it...nothing at all.
Attached are two files. First one is my best attempt at this endevour, the only problem with this one is that it isn't gold, I need it to be gold and the other is that I used the Chrome filter and it completely takes over the picture. I want to it to look like a figure but still be able to see that it's Costanza.
The second is the photoshoped version of the pose that I edited. The original photo was incomplete and had a background. I also made it grayscale in order to make it easier to color gold.
Third is a costanza version that I added the foot and part of the leg.
Ok I'm new to both photoshop and making a website, but I'm diving into both I know most standard websites have 3 columns to them, the main center website and then the side bars of color/design. The side bars are what I'm trying to figure out. The main background color of my website is going to be black, so I would like to have a dark grey side bars but then also wanted to layer 3 different images over the grey, in diagnol rows, parallel with each other, but almost kind of ghosted themselves... Does that make sense? How do I take a picture, and turn it ghosted/transparent almost so that they will show just ever so slightly on the dark grey side bars? Thanks.
Texturing an .obj file with multiple maps keeps getting overlap when I paint on the figure.
I am very new to 3D Painting in Photoshop but I am nominally knowledgeable of Photoshop in general for 2D work. I exported the Genesis figure from DAZ Studio into an .obj file and painted on it in Photoshop 5.5.
When I paint on his face, other marks show up on his torso and thigh and eyes, even. It is like all of the diffuse maps are "stacked upon one another" (though not in layers, just one one layer.)
A thin white border around the figure that I had edited appeared out of nowhere. I was able to erase it before editing the background but now I can't erase it or remember how I did that.
how to get rid of this line? If by setting the eraser color to the background color, how do I do that? As I get rid of the line, I'd also like to refine the figure's outline so it becomes cleaner.
Where to start creating a figure similar to the attached image.
I'm trying to recreate a logo for someone who lost their original files and I'm struggling to create this little 'stick-figure'. Is CS6 the best place to try this or would I be best looking at an different software.
I need getting the crossing point for a survey figure relative to an alignment. I'm trying to use the IntersectWith on my active alignment. I'm able to see my figure in debug mode so, I think I've got access to each survey figure. I think I need to cast the figure as a com object to a acad entity using directcast, but that's where it's going bad. When using the ofigure.GetObjectId it returns an integer value and it fails in VS Express 2010 in the DirectCast when trying to pass the objectId.
The error (if I'm setting this up correctly) :integer cannot be converted to objectid
'Get figure crossing point Dim ofigures As AeccSurveyFigures = oSurveyProject.Figures 'Dim figEnt As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity Dim intPoint As New Point3dCollection() For i = 1 To ofigures.Count - 1 Dim ofigure As AeccSurveyFigure = ofigures.Item(i) Dim figObjectId = ofigure.GetObjectId Dim figEntity As Autodesk.AECC.Interop.Survey.AeccSurveyFigure = DirectCast(m_trans.GetObject(figObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead), Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity) m_alignment.IntersectWith(figEntity, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intPoint, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero) Next
I have a survey figure that no matter what will not come in with the correct elevations, its a spline (continous) curve that the elevations get blow up on.
Only thing I can think of is the when it starts to interpolate the curve it cant get the elevations correct, this only happens in the curved area, once it goes tangent everything goes back to normal.
I am having trouble plotting to scale, I have a large drawing which is set up in metres so I understand I need to scale up the figure by multiplying by 1000 but the problem is: I set up my paper at A1 and then zoom and adjust to an acceptable scale which turns out to be 1:850 by typing in .85xp, once drawing is printed to scale it is not 1:850 but 1:1185 approx, the thing is using the exact same method if I scale to 1:1 equivalent to 1:1000 the drawing IS to scale. Using design jet 500 and Autocad LT 2011.
I am trying to work on my figure database and have run into an issue I don't understand. Curious as to weather or not it's something I am doing, or just a bug.
I wanted to look at every possible line that could be imported so I created a dummy point file using the Figure prefix data base and imported it into one of my blank templates and ran into to curious issues.
Issue 1
CP is connecting to AA
Issue 2
OC only connects if the point has an identifier behind the OC, for example OC01.
Here is a copy of the figure database and point file I am using. I understand you will not have my layers, but the connectivity should be the same. Let me know if you need anything else.