Photoshop :: When Making Buttons Why Use Vector Mask Shape
Sep 21, 2006I see it done all the time?
In fact why use shape vector mask and when should I not?
I see it done all the time?
In fact why use shape vector mask and when should I not?
Using: WIN7, Adobe CS5, PS, AI
When I need to move a project from Photoshop to Illustrator, I need an automated way to prep shape and vector mask items for export--preferably preserving the structure and layout that already exists as layer names and order, character and paragraph settings, and of course global registration. My scripting is limited to recording actions, so I need to find an existing script or get coached on this. Any recommendations?
I have googled and waded through numerous forum posts trying to research this on my own, so I know about the ability to export my path collection, but that's usually inapplicable in reality. It only deals with vectors from the Paths palette. In Photoshop, I use the Paths pallet to store master and WIP paths, but all the working paths are either shapes or vector masks--or active type layers. Often enough that it's become an issue, I'll need to move the whole project to Illustrator. Obviously, the process has issues; I'm not expecting the rastor layers or Photoshop styles to carry over, but I see no reason why I can't capture text, shape and vector mask elements.
They all have a vector component, but simply opening a PSD in Illustrator flattens (badly) the layers. I select the "Convert Layers as Objects" but have yet to see it extract editable text. I'm not sure if it even attempts to do anything with vector shapes or masks. I've got a process for moving a project one element at a time, using registration marks--but this requires turning text into shapes most of the time, especially if I am trying to preserve kerning and leading crucial to the layout. Maybe I just have not found the right info, and there is a way to transfer editable text without losing character and paragraph settings.
For now, I'd be happy to stop wasting time doing a ton of conversions and renaming by hand, just so I can preserve the work I've already invested.
One suggestion, posted under a multiple path export question, was to use scripting... but no one explored or explained how to go about it. I'm not asking for the impossible, however. I simply working out my own solution: if there is no application method for transferring the elements, try to script a method to prep those elements for export. Before I even attempt to reinvent someone's wheel, I am putting the question out there:
I kept at it and managed to open my current project PSD in AI with text and shape/mask vectors successfully--not as cleanly as I'd hoped but the relative positioning of things was acceptable. I am still interested in hearing people's suggestions on better ways to transfer work from one tool to the other, though. I know this is going to come up for me again and again.
Is this possible? I'm in Windows, Photoshop 7.0. I also have a pretty early version of Illustrator, not sure which one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to make a vector shape from a path. Is there a way to bypass having to define a new custom shape? I just want to quickly add the vector shape to a new layer, but I don't need it defined as it'll just be used once.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn Photoshop CS6, when you have a shape layer with a layer mask, and the two are not linked together, and the layer mask is selected, you should be able to scale the layer mask independently of the shape. What actually happens is the shape gets scaled and the layer mask stays untouched. In fact, even if you option-click on the layer mask to show the mask by itself, and then try to scale it, you still end up scaling the shape instead of the mask. Even if you go as far as to make a pixel selection of the layer mask and attempt to scale the pixels, the shape still gets scaled and the layer mask still stays put! Unbelievable!
This works correctly in CS4, but not in CS6 (don't know about CS5).
I have a set of buttons and arrows all on different layers in PS. I want to make one of these arrows pop up to the left of the text upon rollover. Basic stuff.
What I'm confused about is how to do this using slices in PS and then putting it into Dreamweaver.
Do the arrows have to be on seperate slices? It seems so easy and yet my brain for some reason can't figure it out.
I am wanting to make circular and star shaped buttons for my website and I dont know how to do it. I have the star with all surrounding as transparent. I save as gif with transparency selected. when I put it all into place there is a box border around it all.
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View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a set of buttons and arrows all on different layers in PS. I want to make one of these arrows pop up to the left of the text upon rollover. Basic stuff.
how to do this using slices in PS and then putting it into Dreamweaver.
Do the arrows have to be on seperate slices? It seems so easy and yet my brain for some reason can't figure it out.
Shape making from multiple complex shape and path layers?
so i have few layers(all vector paths and shapes) .
now how to make a shape from all of that. every new shape is layer for itself. I need it for logo.
I'm making a site that has the moon as a main theme and I wanted to make some moonish looking rectangle buttons. Maybe blueish color moon buttons at that.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make an active button using the Create-Buttons-Round Button Script Fu menu item. I then select the colours I want, select Active and Pressed, and then hit create. The buttons look perfect, except for one thing ..I need the buttons without the Text. But if I enter no text in the text box when creating the button, I get this error:
Quote Error while executing script-fu-round-button: Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-image-select-rectangle failed on invalid input arguments: Procedure 'gimp-image-select-rectangle' has been called with value '-1.500000' for argument 'width' (#5, type gdouble). This value is out of range.
I just downloaded the current version of Animate CC and followed the tutorials.Nothing seems correct.
There are no Gradient buttons for color on stage or vector items. the keyframes do not populate even though I have keyframes on. Dragging items do not produce a transition on the timeline.the Max width button only says None and will not let me make changes. I'm on Mac Mavericks. But if this it the quality of CC, it ain't worth the price.
i'll be using photoshop overlaying pictures on top of each other. when i go to use a vector mask and the brush tool, the cursor will not be the circle that indicates the size of the brush. instead it is more like the cursor for the marquee tool. and since i dont have the circle indicating the size of the brush, it takes a LOT longer to do the minute touching up of the vector masking.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI try to Make a new shape regardless of what it is it creates a Vector mask and a new vector mask path.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUntil CS6, I would routinely toss in a random vector shape and would then drag it's vector mask thumbnail, in the Layers Panel, to the trashcan icon, which left me with a wonderful color-filled, maskless, vector layer that had a Layers Panel color swatch thumbnail I could easily and oh so quickly double-click to change it's floodfill.
Not so in CS6, no vector mask thumbnails anymore (yes, due to the update to overall Layers mechanics).Is a floodfilled layer still possible in CS6?
I have been reading about Vector Mask here: URL....but i am still having trouble getting things to work...i get it that i am still having trouble w/the concept but at least i'm not giving, i have a BG layer > New Layer on which i have drawn a Circle and applied some Layer Styles
next, i would like to apply a Vector Mask and then Duplicate the layer and select the Vector Mask ThumbNail in the Duplicated layer so that i can use the Pen tool set to Intersect Shape Area so that i can draw a shape w/the Pen that'll create a "Glossy Effect"
i'm trying to follow to learn more about Vector Mask:'s the section where i am stuck due to a lack of complete instructions and my knowledge/ understanding. how the lesson shows a Vector Mask on the Shape 1 layer and the Duplicate/Copy layer? well, no matter what i try i cannot get a Vector Mask applied in the same way.
when i go to Layer > Vector Mask it is grayed out. ??
how to use/make a Vector Mask but nothing i've read has worked out. i read on another site w/info about Vector Mask that if it is grayed out that i just need to Duplicate the layer but when i do this it is still unavailable.
i've tried using a Layer Mask too to no do i make the Vector Mask available?
Before CS6 version, I can search the vector mask thumbnail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a vector mask, selected the area I wanted to work with, previewed it as I was refining my shape. It was all fine. However, I am not sure what I did that now both the inside and outside of the shape are greyed out and I can no longer see my vector mask as I orignally saw it. I am not sure if there is something I can do to have my vector mask again.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSeems impossible. Most common thing in After Effects. Why isn't this implemented in Photoshop, or am I blind?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to use the pen tool it automaticly makes a vector mask for the pen line. How do you disable that? Also, what can you do with the vector mask?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen i try to draw vector mask or vector path, points, curves and direction lines don't visible.
Mask by itself are exist, working and seems allright, besides it isn't have visible curves and points.
I am a novice in Photoshop Windows platform. there are 2 ways of accomplishing the following task using Clipping mask and Vector mask.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYou can apply a mask to smart filters, but I can't find a way to apply a vector mask to smart filters.As a workaround I make a selection from a path and make a filter mask from that selection. That works just fine, but I'm still wondering if it's possible to apply the vector mask directly to the smart filter.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe ways you apply vector masks in CS6 is different than in CS5. I knew how to apply a vector mask to a folder of layers in CS5. I cannot figure out how to do it in CS6.
So my question is: How do you apply a vector mask to a folder in Photoshop CS6?
And while we're at it, what are the best methods for applying vector masks to regular layers?
How I can unlink the shape from vector mask like in Photoshop cs 4?
This is especially interesting for if I want to move pattern overlay or something else.
For several months I have had random shapes appear in my files when using vector masks. The scrambled imagery only appears at random and at certain zooms (over 25%) and will disappear upon restart of Photoshop. If I flatten the file, it will retain the scrambled imagery, but otherwise it seems to not actually corrupt the data, just the view on screen. I've been fighting this for months and have replaced drives, video cards, and it still persists.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was trying this technique to cut the intersected image.
As shown below:
Anyone know of a way to subtract text from an existing vector mask? I currently have a solid area of vector mask, and I want to make letter-shaped transparencies in it...
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Photoshop CS2 and I am trying to "fix" a photo. I'm using a tutorial,and it worked on a previous photo but seems to have quit on me. I made a new layer from the original layer, used filter> other> high pass (set to 3.5) then image> adjustments>desaturate. Inverted the layer added a vector mask and inverted that as well. I set the blending mode to overlay, and the foreground color to white.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy is PS defaulting all layers to Vector Mask mode when I try to create any shape?
Eg: New File > New Layer > Draw a box ...boom ... layer has a vector mask applied to it
Why is it so ...?
As you would know...when this vector mask is applied... i cant just grab the paint bucket tool and fill the box...i have to disable the freaking mask...