I currently set up out civil 3d to do auto linework, which went really smooth.The first issue is with my points. When I go to Import Survey Data to insert the points and do auto linework, it doesn't insert the points in the right location (nothing is .86 off and easting is 1.36 off on every point). But if i were to insert the points by going to Points and clicking Import, they are right on? second, who do I get symbols to automatically come in when I insert the points? (power poles, hydrants, inlets, etc.).
I am trying to insert "Depth", "Counterbore", etc. Symbols in a revision table, but can't find ALT + XXXX for them. I did find the symbols in the Windows character map in AIGDT font group and they have Character codes but no ALT + codes? How to insert these symbols in a rev table?
I have a page of clipart symbols. Illustrator recognizes that they're all separate... but how can I convert them in a batch process to individual symbols?
Place fxg images in illustrator using applescript or actionscript? We spent a ton of time trying to troubleshoot it today and counldnt figure out why, but we couldnt seem to place them on a page. That and symbol scripting has been pretty tough to find any reference or examples of scripts.
I have like 12 symbols on the stage. They al have images in them in JPG format, saved at a quite low percentage in quality.The symbols are being animated seperately but it looks very sluggish.
I am recreating a whole Flash site in Edge. Everything works (amazing) fine except I am missing the function like it exists in Flash:“Display/ Render/ cache as bitmap”. (see image) This function used to BIGTIME in Flash too.Now how can I do something similar in Edge?I do not want to animate all symbols as 1, it is essential they are animated separately.Is this possible in Adobe Edge Animate? Is there something similar in Javascript/ Jquery?
When working in a drawing, I don't see a selection for weld symbols in Annotate - Symbols. Are they not available in LT? Is there something I need to do to activate them?
Using Photoshop CS6, I am trying to insert two same size images into a predesigned template. I can insert the first image just fine. However,when I try to add the second image below the first one, the template rejects the second image and just leaves a blank space.
We face a serious problem: when we insert jpg-images by reading their associated jgw world file the images are positioned in a different way (starting point, rotation) then when we do this by using ArcGIS or GDAL-software. We use RasterDesign 2011 on Acad Map 3D 2011.
I am using AutoCAD CIvil 3D 2011. Just recently, I am unable to insert images. Whether I use the insert command from the menu or type in the command, the program freezes at that point until I hit escape. Now I can't work! Image manager works and insert block works. Is there a different command I can try for inserting a raster image?
I haven't made any changes to my computer, no upgrades since the last time the command worked (that I can remember) - I tried a system restore but that didn't work.
I'm trying to get more than one image into a gimp document, resize them and print off on one page. Currently, I need six pictures, but the number will go up and down depending on what I'm doing.
Sometimes I am working with "heavy" files, images of huge size and when I thrown them to corel it really starts to slow down. My question now is, if I remember correctly there is an option when you import an image to corel it just keeps the path of the image and adds the image on corel on very poor quality just for you to work easily. When you are finished you just make something and the paths of the images are replaced with the originals.Where can I find that option?
I write a program, this program needs to insert some standard illustrations. I made these standard illustrations into different blocks. And I store these blocks in a dwg file. Everytime I need to insert some illustrations, I just click the mouse on the current drawing, I want the illustration inserted. These means the following points:
(1) Import the blocks to the current drawing, if the blocks have already been imported, then do nothing.
(2) Specify the insert point by clicking the mouse, and I want the block's insert point to coincide with the mouse clicking point.
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
If there are any places to get topography symbols, I got hired to draw a topography map of a mining area for a client and I am in Desperate need of good quality aerial mountains, trees, dirt, etc. Like you would see on a topography map.
I have a question concerning the symbols on map. You see, I'm making a world map in Photoshop (atlas style), and I am wondering what to use as map symbols (for city sizes and such). So I settled for the standard ones (image below), but how to make these, or how to start making these.
Should I use the brush tool, or perhaps the custom shape tool (what is the difference between those two?), or something entirely else?
Don't say "Why don't you just copy the icons?", because they are kind of low-res and I really want to learn this myself.
every time I try to type a number or symbol, the blinking line suddenly switches over to the left side of whatever I'm type, and it's like everything is in reverse. I can't type numbers on symbols with the text tool normally at all.I literally just installed it and this problem appeared.also, unless, I make the switch, the blinking line will stay on the left side of the text no matter what. this is really weird. everything I type is in reverse.
Whenever I use the text tool the cursor and symbols and so on are always on the left and when I try and use a symbol they are put at the start of whatever I type.
- Reset Text tool. - Make sure type preference is on default.