My currently PS license is an upgrade which I downloaded. I did not purchase the upgrade CD. I now need to re-install the product on the new machine our copy the product from the old machine to the new. How can I accomplish this?
I have several groups in our organization which utilize Autocad 2013 products, but each group buys their own licenses and utilizes a network license server.
Can I install each license file into a seperate port on same server to allow each group to use their own pool, essentially to not allow the other groups to have easy access? (We customize the install for each group to a particular lic server/port)
At our school we've got a 60 seat network license for AutoCAD 2013. It is controlled by flexlm. Now, one of our teacher, who travels a lot, needs one of the licenses permanently on his notebook.
Can I extract one of the 60 licenses from the flexlm manager and transfer it permanently to the notebook? If yes, is there a special software for it or is there a documentation, a "how-to"?
Being unwilling to mortgage my future to CC, I have taken the plunge and bought CS6 while it is still available. This is on Windows 7.Is it feasible to migrate settings from CS2 to CS6 and if so how do I do it? I am not sure whether CS6 installation will automatically uninstall CS2 or require me to do it.
I've been using Photoshop 6.0 for years and have many custom actions that I have created myself. I've now downloaded the trial for photoshop CS2. I want to use the actions I've created in version 6 in CS2. How do I migrate these old actions into CS2? What files do I copy to the CS2 folder from my version 6 folder?
I don't see any difference in the actions files (.atn files) listed in /presets/actions folders. File sizes are the same and I don't see any action group files with the names I saved them in. Where are my custom actions and how do I move these old ones into the new version? My actions were saved in a group called 'My Actions'. I see no .atn file with that name.
This is the only thing I need to figure out. Upgrading to CS2 is a no brainer -- it has many fixes that version 6 needed. But I don't want to recreate the old actions.
How can I migrate these Default New Doc Sizes?Is it just copy and paste - or is there an easy trick to it somewhere? I don't want to enter all 200 default sizes again.
I just switched to Vista 64 on the weekend. I spent a day uploading my programs and figuring out how to kill that annoying UAC pop-up. I installed free Comodo firewall as well, so between newly installed Comodo and Vista's UAC, I was forever confirming and RE-confirming what I was doing. The Mac tv ad wasn't that far wrong - except for the fact the chubby PC guy can dismiss all the annoying UAC guys by disabling them.
I just downloaded a trial copy of CS4 to see how it runs with my 8 gbs of RAM. I was able to located and enter the Adobe Labs presets for my camera in to ACR. I still have XP and CS3 installed on another hard drive.
What is the easiest way to migrate my saved actions in CS3 to CS4?
I want to move all of my photos to PSE11 as I am shooting in raw and it is much easier to organize and edit in one software. What will be the best way to migrate the pictures as I have all of my photos organized by event in iPhoto? I do not have to keep them in events in PSE11 if there is an easier way to migrate them.
I am wondering if my Adobe programs, such as PS, Elements & Lightroom will properly migrate to my new computer using Time Machine?Or will I need to find the original installation disks (recently moved & can't find the PS one, and LR & Elements I loaded online)?
I have bought a new PC. On my old PC I have PSE 10 with three catalogs. To move these catalogs (with several thousands of photos), I have followed the instructions in the help page: [URL] ......
So, I made backups of all three catalogs to an external disc. I then connected the external disc to the new PC and started to restore the first catalog. That went fine.
Then I restored the second catalog. That also went fine. But then I discovered that the first catalog had disappeared.... I expected that in the menu where you can switch catalog, both catalogs would be shown. But it only showed the last catalog that I restored.
To make sure, I tried to restore the first catalog again. Again that went fine. But now only this catalog is there, and the other one is disappeared again.
How do you migrate MULTIPLE catalogs from one PC to another PC?
I do not know whether it is relevant: The old PC is running Windows 7, the new PC is running Windows 8.1.
I have been a long time Photoshop user and am now am moving CS6 extended (Windows version) from a PC to a Mac (CS6 Mac version) and need to migrate all of my fonts, actions, plugins and everything else from my pc to my Mac.
I have been provided a copy of CS6 for Mac by Adobe and basically need to move my entire CS6 configuration to the new platform.
I have been updting upgrading my Photoshop since the CS3 days so there is a lot of files, actions, and stuff that I do not want to loose when I move to my new platform.
I recently purchased an Imac 27" and am trying several different ways to migrat my 27,000 picture library:
I do a backup on an external NTFS drive. I doc to MAC. On the first attempt, I was able to locate the tly file, but the backup failed at 63% on soime mpeg conversion error. Since that time, the Mac can no longer any files in the backup folder (however if i connect to PC the files are all there) I originally migrated the folder structure and imported all the photos. It asked me if I wanted to import all tags and i said yes. However, it filed all my tags inder "Other imported tags" section, and losing all my original tagging structure. I am now tryiong to write tag information to the files and transfer via Migration assisttant, but am worried I will have the sma results as above.
I have Adobe Photoshop Element 12 installed on my new computer (Windows 8) but how do I import the album structure organizing my 4,000 photos in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 from my old computer (Windows XP)?
I have used Elements 11 for cataloguing a lot of photos but I want to use Photoshop CS4 for other purposes. The tags and keywords I created in Elements disappear in PS. How can I migrate them? Does CS4 have a similar cataloguing ability?
I upgraded to PS CS6 and failed to export the exhaustive keyword list I had created by adding personal keywords to the "Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog" I was using in CS5. I thought I'd be able to open my previous version of CS5 to export that catalog, but every attempt to open PS CS5 or the Bridge CS5 defaults to CS6.I would love to go back and open my previous version to export that catalog rather than trying to recreate it from a new Controlled Vocabulary Keyword Catalog download.
I have a substantial library of symbols, brushes, and swatches that I've been carrying along with me since CS3.
I just installed Illustrator CC (among other apps) and I was wondering if there was an easier way to migrate all that stuff into the new version besides dragging files into folders like I've had to do in the past.
I need to migrate 5000+ SW drawings files. Some have broken model references. I was hoping to use task scheduler but it produces empty DWG for any SW drawing that has a broken reference.
Now there is a feature in SW called QuickView that opens in the last saved state but doing so only allows to save to TIF.
I'm having a problem migrating a custom idw 2011 template to 2012. When I try to open the template I get the message that I need to open and then explicitly save, but I cannot open the file. I've checked the file locations in options and in the projects, and all is correct.
We are trying to migrate our 2010 and earlier inventor files that exists in our vault 2012 professional fully replicated environment to The latest inventor release.
We are trying to utilize the task scheduler. but when attempting to use the "Migrate Files from Vault" and select the option to add folders. we receive several pop ups, one after another. The header states "folder" and in the message box is simply "1000" then an "ok" button.
After clicking ok a half dozen times the dialog finally comes up to select the folder, but the entire vault is not available in the selection window. I have tried this on several machines and 2 different databases. Same result.
I am trying to move to a new computer and when I try to export the settings from my old computer using the 'Export AutoCAD 2012 Settings' command I get the following:
An error occured during the xport process. Please try again.
ERROR: There was am error generating the XML file.
Windows XP Pro SP3
MS Office 2007
AutoCAD 2012 (part of AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite 2012)
Otherwise, I have no problems with AutoCAD. I cannot work without my own AutoCAD setup?
I'm working with some clients and I, myself, am rather new to AutoCAD. We are using AutoCAD LT 2010. I found, in this forum, how to export custom settings. We exported settings and then imported them on a new computer. All seemed well with one minor exception:
He mentioned that every thing exported as far as window settings go, but within each applet (I'm not sure what it's called when you replace the ribbon with drawing applets), some of the icons weren't in the location where he had it. He reported that his copy icon was in the location that his "Cut" icon was.
When I try and migrate an old Inventor 2011 material library to Inventor 2013 using the migrate tool from the material browser I keep getting this error:
Migrate Legacy Color/Material Library: problems encountered while executing this command.
One or more color/material names were changed during the migration process.