Illustrator :: Migrate Key Shortcuts From CS5.5 To CS6?
Aug 28, 2012what did I do to migrate key shortcuts from illustrator CS5.5 to CS6 (on a Mac with OsX 10.7.4)?
View 4 Replieswhat did I do to migrate key shortcuts from illustrator CS5.5 to CS6 (on a Mac with OsX 10.7.4)?
View 4 RepliesI have a substantial library of symbols, brushes, and swatches that I've been carrying along with me since CS3.
I just installed Illustrator CC (among other apps) and I was wondering if there was an easier way to migrate all that stuff into the new version besides dragging files into folders like I've had to do in the past.
I had a lot of good presets and actions that I've come to rely on. Now that I have Illustrator CC, I'm not using it :-( because I can't find where to migrate the presets from CS6 to CC.
One in particular that I need are my Image Trace presets... I have looked for them in the Presets folder, and even tried moving the "ImageTracing.jsx" script from CS6 to CC, but I don't understand how this is supposed to work.
Presets are so much easier to handle in Photoshop!
I have, up until I got CS3 and the new aluminum keyboard, not had any issues with this.
I have numerous, common actions recorded which have F keys assigned to as shortcuts.
F10, which turns sound off in the OS on an aluminum keyboard, overrides my Photoshop shortcut.
I've lost my 12 or so most common action shortucts in Photoshop because of this! That is about a 5% loss in productivity...
I'm on an OSX Lion machine (10.7.4) with 7GB of memory.
I have the following shortcuts in Illustrator:
Cmd +Shift + = : To export a file
Cmd +3 : Select the same fill color
Cmd + 4: Select the same stroke color
Cmd + . : Rotate
Cmd + , : Reflect an object
It doesn't matter which shortcut it is what will happen is that Illustrator and my Mac will freeze up not allowing me to force quit the program. This will happen randomly and the only way around it is to restart the mac and restore default preferences via Cmd + Option + Shift when opening the program.
I have tried re-installing the suite and it still happens, so I'm wondering is it the specific shortcuts I am using or is it the computer? I only ask because Illustrator has no issues when everything is defaulted, however when I add the shortcuts this issue will happen.
When I use zoom tool (in or out) in an atrwork in illustrator (cs5) then shortcuts don't work. so I have to even a click on an empty area or push (Esc) button to get back functionality of the shortcuts.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to set up a keyboard shortcut in Illustrator using the "control" key and I get the error message "The key pressed cannot be used as a shortcut." I really want to use the control key because, 1) it matches a similar shortcut that I use in Photoshop, and 2) all similar shortcuts are already in use. I'm confused as to why Illustrator won't allow me to use the ctl key in shortcuts, yet in Photoshop it works fine. I'm using CS6 with OSX Mountain Lion.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, after installing CS5 in 2009, it's now 2013, and my keyboard shortcuts are gone. Well. All of the useful ones such as copy, paste, new, open, etc. Save for Web is still working, and a handful of commands I don't use are working, but not the ones I use all the time. I look in the menus for the commands for copy and group and such, but there's no shortcut assigned. And I've been looking online how to fix this, but everyone is saying go into Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts and voila. The only problem, is my Edit menu doesn't have a Keyboard Shortcuts option, and I can't figure out why.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love using keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator but since I've upgraded to CC Illustrator on both my computers acts as if the keys are covered in glue when trying to use keyboard shortcuts.
I'll hit the keyboard shortcut for the rectangle tool for instance...hit the keyboard again harder, nothing, strange I think and hit again harder, again and again and on the 8th or 10th time it suddenly works. This is repeated on most keyboard shortcuts on and off, not every time.
This is consistent and new since CC upgrade across both machines.
Is there a way in CS6 to assign shortcuts to palette menus, or would I need something like QuicKeys?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedThe best way I have found is loading script file in scripts folder so it is in menu creating an action, insert menu item in action then assigning the action to an F key. however, everytime I restart illustrator I have to reset this. Any persistent way to do this?
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I don't see any difference in the actions files (.atn files) listed in /presets/actions folders. File sizes are the same and I don't see any action group files with the names I saved them in. Where are my custom actions and how do I move these old ones into the new version? My actions were saved in a group called 'My Actions'. I see no .atn file with that name.
This is the only thing I need to figure out. Upgrading to CS2 is a no brainer -- it has many fixes that version 6 needed. But I don't want to recreate the old actions.
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I just downloaded a trial copy of CS4 to see how it runs with my 8 gbs of RAM.
I was able to located and enter the Adobe Labs presets for my camera in to ACR.
I still have XP and CS3 installed on another hard drive.
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