Illustrator :: Shortcuts Get Out Of Functionality?
Dec 14, 2013
When I use zoom tool (in or out) in an atrwork in illustrator (cs5) then shortcuts don't work. so I have to even a click on an empty area or push (Esc) button to get back functionality of the shortcuts.
The Illustrator swatch panel is far more advanced and user-friendly than the PS version, i.e. create swatch folders, move and delete colours from anywhere in the order etc. Â I'm increasingly surprised that Adobe haven't improved it with new releases (I am now using CC software and still nothing). Â Are there any plans to match the Illustrator functionality?
why this simple shortcut is suddenly not working in Illustrator CC? Â I try to use it to duplicate an empty circle with a coloured path while scaling it down (with the intention of using Ctrl D to continue the progression). The shortcut simple resizes the path without duplicating it.
I'm on an OSX Lion machine (10.7.4) with 7GB of memory.  I have the following shortcuts in Illustrator: Cmd +Shift + = : To export a file Cmd +3 : Select the same fill color Cmd + 4: Select the same stroke color Cmd + . : Rotate Cmd + , : Reflect an object  It doesn't matter which shortcut it is what will happen is that Illustrator and my Mac will freeze up not allowing me to force quit the program. This will happen randomly and the only way around it is to restart the mac and restore default preferences via Cmd + Option + Shift when opening the program.  I have tried re-installing the suite and it still happens, so I'm wondering is it the specific shortcuts I am using or is it the computer? I only ask because Illustrator has no issues when everything is defaulted, however when I add the shortcuts this issue will happen.
I'm trying to set up a keyboard shortcut in Illustrator using the "control" key and I get the error message "The key pressed cannot be used as a shortcut." I really want to use the control key because, 1) it matches a similar shortcut that I use in Photoshop, and 2) all similar shortcuts are already in use. I'm confused as to why Illustrator won't allow me to use the ctl key in shortcuts, yet in Photoshop it works fine. I'm using CS6 with OSX Mountain Lion.
I am working on illustrator cs6 on a windows machine and i have recently discovered this cool trick of going to the Windows menu and pressing the P key to give path finder and pressing I to give links etc. and i was wondering instead of clicking, can i acess the Menu commands like windows, view, edit etc without using mouse(or by using keyboard shorts)
i'm currently using illustrator on a sony vaio duo tablet. my question there a way to create menu items for commonly used keyboard shortcuts (cut, paste, delete) given that when using the tablet the keyboard is effectively inaccessible?
When I want to choose a tool using my keyboard (for example "A"), it responds after pressing the key 10 times or so.. It takes 2 times longer to make a drawing than with Illustrator CS6.
So, after installing CS5 in 2009, it's now 2013, and my keyboard shortcuts are gone. Well. All of the useful ones such as copy, paste, new, open, etc. Save for Web is still working, and a handful of commands I don't use are working, but not the ones I use all the time. I look in the menus for the commands for copy and group and such, but there's no shortcut assigned. And I've been looking online how to fix this, but everyone is saying go into Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts and voila. The only problem, is my Edit menu doesn't have a Keyboard Shortcuts option, and I can't figure out why.
I love using keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator but since I've upgraded to CC Illustrator on both my computers acts as if the keys are covered in glue when trying to use keyboard shortcuts. Â I'll hit the keyboard shortcut for the rectangle tool for instance...hit the keyboard again harder, nothing, strange I think and hit again harder, again and again and on the 8th or 10th time it suddenly works. This is repeated on most keyboard shortcuts on and off, not every time. Â This is consistent and new since CC upgrade across both machines.
I've just bought a new laptop (because my old laptop fell apart) and have installed Illustrator on it. For some reason, the keyboard shortcuts aren't working properly. I can't use the spacebar to get to the hand tool, and every time I use a shortcut to get to any other tool, my cursor pauses for a moment before I can move it again. I'm running CS2 (I know, I know; just don't have the money to upgrade) on a Windows 7 system. I specifically sought out a computer with Windows 7, because that's what my old laptop had, and Illustrator ran beautifully on it. This problem is really going to negatively impact my productivity.
The best way I have found is loading script file in scripts folder so it is in menu creating an action, insert menu item in action then assigning the action to an F key. however, everytime I restart illustrator I have to reset this. Any persistent way to do this?
I am using Illustrator CS5 Blob Brush Tool with a Wacom Cintiq tablet. I would like to be able to vary brush size by assigning a keyboard shortcut to the express keys or touch strip of the tablet. The only keyboard short-cut I can find is Shift+B. which just takes me to the Blob Brush Tool window. Is there a way to vary brush size on the fly by using up/down arrows, etc.?
I have two actions that I use quite often. I assigned keyboard shortcuts to them in the actions dropdown menu. However whenever I press the shortcut keys, nothing ever happens. I have tried changing the modifier key combinations...
I have tried to customize keyboard shortcuts in CS4 but each time I quit I lose all settings. (they work fine til I quit). I have saved new sets, overwritten previous sets but they don't seem to save.
Otherwise, speaking as a recent convert from Freehand, CS4 is wonderful now multiple pages have been added
I've recently started experimenting with the 3D capabilities of Ps CS6 so was excited for the recent update. Frustratingly this update has removed all the functionality of 3D because of the vRAM of my graphics card (256mb). I'm in no position to replace my laptop and am gutted that all the 3D tools are unavailable having used them perfectly well days before. Is there any way to download a version of CS6 previous to the update which still allows me to work with the 3D functionality?
1. When I had PhotoshopCS I used "Adobe Photoshop Interface Improver" which made things much simpler. I can't seem to make the program work with CS2 however. Is there an updated version for use with CS2 or another program that does the same thing?
2. On PhotoshopCS when using a filter, eg. sharpen, there was an option under the edit drop down menu to "fade" its effect. I can't seem to see this on CS2. Where is this command now on CS2?
The new single-click interoperability feature is really awesome! Is it possible to integrate more applications this way? Is it possible to implement a plugin or script to leverage all these features?
when i use the alt zoom function both with my keyboard and with my tablet the eyedropper tool shows up. Â I understand that when you hold down the alt button the eyedropper tool shows up when using the brush tool but i was wondering if there was a way to disable this feature or modify it in some way because this is seriously affecting my ability to use my tablet as it changes the color of my brush when I use the zoom function. Â Using a Macbook Pro Mountain Lion OS Wacom Intuos 4 Updated Drivers in everything as of October 8th 2012
On my Workstation (8gb, 2 dual-core processors, Vista 64-bit) I loaded last weekends wedding. Only thing running in the background is Photoshop with just one test image to learn the new program on. I fired up the Bridge, the way it downloaded, no changes, and loaded up the wedding folder. Code:
Adobe has stated that Photoshop CC users will have access to all files saved on their computers.What will be the functionality of files processed with Photoshop CC and saved on my computer if I no longer subscribe to Photoshop CC?  Adobe will introduce new functions such as Camera Shake Reduction to Photoshop CC. Let's say that I use a new function on a layer or as a Smart Object, and then save it on my computer, and then end my subscription to Photoshop CC. Will I be able to open the file with my layers intact and editable in any program other than Photoshop CC?  If I save the files with the layers merged as TIFFs or JPEGs I assume that I will be able to open them with most photo programs. Let's say that I do not save merged files and I am willing to sacrifice the layers. Will Photoshop CC be required to merge the layers and save as files that can be edited in other programs? What happens with other file types such as PSDs?  Let's say I own CS6 or previous versions with perpetual licenses. Will I be able to open and edit files in CS6 with layers created in Photoshop CC?
error message: "The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. [It is]. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly." Â I was working with 3D 6 hours ago and it worked just fine. Now, after the update, it won't.
After some very poor customer service my version of CS4 didn't turn up. If I use the trial version while I wait for the full version will the trial version have full functionality? Also does it watermark the images.