I've recently started experimenting with the 3D capabilities of Ps CS6 so was excited for the recent update. Frustratingly this update has removed all the functionality of 3D because of the vRAM of my graphics card (256mb). I'm in no position to replace my laptop and am gutted that all the 3D tools are unavailable having used them perfectly well days before. Is there any way to download a version of CS6 previous to the update which still allows me to work with the 3D functionality?
1. When I had PhotoshopCS I used "Adobe Photoshop Interface Improver" which made things much simpler. I can't seem to make the program work with CS2 however. Is there an updated version for use with CS2 or another program that does the same thing?
2. On PhotoshopCS when using a filter, eg. sharpen, there was an option under the edit drop down menu to "fade" its effect. I can't seem to see this on CS2. Where is this command now on CS2?
when i use the alt zoom function both with my keyboard and with my tablet the eyedropper tool shows up. Â I understand that when you hold down the alt button the eyedropper tool shows up when using the brush tool but i was wondering if there was a way to disable this feature or modify it in some way because this is seriously affecting my ability to use my tablet as it changes the color of my brush when I use the zoom function. Â Using a Macbook Pro Mountain Lion OS Wacom Intuos 4 Updated Drivers in everything as of October 8th 2012
On my Workstation (8gb, 2 dual-core processors, Vista 64-bit) I loaded last weekends wedding. Only thing running in the background is Photoshop with just one test image to learn the new program on. I fired up the Bridge, the way it downloaded, no changes, and loaded up the wedding folder. Code:
Adobe has stated that Photoshop CC users will have access to all files saved on their computers.What will be the functionality of files processed with Photoshop CC and saved on my computer if I no longer subscribe to Photoshop CC?  Adobe will introduce new functions such as Camera Shake Reduction to Photoshop CC. Let's say that I use a new function on a layer or as a Smart Object, and then save it on my computer, and then end my subscription to Photoshop CC. Will I be able to open the file with my layers intact and editable in any program other than Photoshop CC?  If I save the files with the layers merged as TIFFs or JPEGs I assume that I will be able to open them with most photo programs. Let's say that I do not save merged files and I am willing to sacrifice the layers. Will Photoshop CC be required to merge the layers and save as files that can be edited in other programs? What happens with other file types such as PSDs?  Let's say I own CS6 or previous versions with perpetual licenses. Will I be able to open and edit files in CS6 with layers created in Photoshop CC?
error message: "The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. [It is]. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly." Â I was working with 3D 6 hours ago and it worked just fine. Now, after the update, it won't.
After some very poor customer service my version of CS4 didn't turn up. If I use the trial version while I wait for the full version will the trial version have full functionality? Also does it watermark the images.
How to reenable the "watch folder functionality" in PSE12. It was working before but my catalog became corrupt (according to the tech in Tech Support Chat). I had to delete and manually recreate the catalog. I'm assuming this is the reason the watch folder functionality is no longer working automatically.  When I click File -> Watch Folders... I receive a pop-up box, "Watch Folder Service." The contents read: "To enable watch folder functionality, please start the Adobe's Active File Monitor service from Service manager (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services)
Currently when you press the caps lock button while you use a brush you get a circle marking the boundary, I would like it to always be like this without pressing the CAPS LOCK. how can alter this behavior?
The Illustrator swatch panel is far more advanced and user-friendly than the PS version, i.e. create swatch folders, move and delete colours from anywhere in the order etc. Â I'm increasingly surprised that Adobe haven't improved it with new releases (I am now using CC software and still nothing). Â Are there any plans to match the Illustrator functionality?
The new single-click interoperability feature is really awesome! Is it possible to integrate more applications this way? Is it possible to implement a plugin or script to leverage all these features?
When I use zoom tool (in or out) in an atrwork in illustrator (cs5) then shortcuts don't work. so I have to even a click on an empty area or push (Esc) button to get back functionality of the shortcuts.
This week I upgraded from 2011 to 2014 and have noticed a major change in rotating the UCS around only the Z-axis.
Looking at the image below (the blue box is just to represent the relationship between the pipes):
I want to, as a simple example, rotate the UCS around the Z-axis from the end of one pipe to the end of the other. In 2011 UCS, Z would allow me to select the end of one pipe and the end of the other and rotate to the angle of the red line shown.
In 2014 UCS, Z rotates the UCS from some unrelated point. In 2014 UCS then selecting the two ends rotates the UCS X-axis to the direct line between the two.
In a working scenario the end of the two pipes would be in vastly different positions. Drawing a line between them, flattening it then using UCS, E on the flattened line give the functionality I want, but is a very slow way of doing it.
In 2011 if I wanted to rotate the UCS around the Z-axis I would type UCS, Z then select 2 points and the UCS would rotate around the Z-axis but the X & Y axis would remain as it was. This is no longer the case in 2014, how do I do this now?
I need to edit properties for 4000 features. For this task I use FDO Toolbox Data Update comand and it is done in no time. How it can be done in AutoCAD MAP?
I know I can copy data in Data Table or edit in Properties Pane but these methods do not work (applications does not respond) for more than a few hundred features.
Editing a few thousand features is common task in GIS?
I have the following (somewhat philosophical) question: what is the concept of assembly sketches? As far as I can see (and what I use it for) is the following: an element of my design can be constructed from several parts, which are first machined with some margins, interfaces for welding, etc. Then they are mounted/welded/brazed together, and the final piece is constructed by post-machining the mounted (welded/brased/etc) assembly. Assembly sketches drive these features.
When I first got in contact with assembly sketches, I believed they can be used to positioning parts in the assembly: create a sketch, very easily and quickly draw lines/points/etc which serve as anchor points for the parts, and then constrain the parts to these lines/points/etc. But this does not work - whereas I would find it sometimes useful.
How to duplicate the functionality of pressing the F2 button in .NET? I have several commands that write a fair bit of data to the command line, including one that lists individual segments of civil 3d objects and I would like to make the command line appear in a similar fashion to the list command.
We are starting using the level of detail functionality and I am really missing the opportunity to lock this LOD the same way as I can with a Representation view.. Is there any way to do this ??
This week I upgraded from 2011 to 2014 and have noticed a major change in rotating the UCS around only the Z-axis.
Looking at the attached image (the blue box is just to represent the relationship between the pipes):
I want to, as a simple example, rotate the UCS around the Z-axis from the end of one pipe to the end of the other.
In 2011 UCS, Z would allow me to select the end of one pipe and the end of the other and rotate to the angle of the red line shown.
In 2014 UCS, Z rotates the UCS from some unrelated point.
In 2014 UCS then selecting the two ends rotates the UCS X-axis to the direct line between the two.
In a working scenario the end of the two pipes would be in vastly different positions. Drawing a line between them, flattening it then using UCS, E on the flattened line give the functionality I want, but is a very slow way of doing it.
there is no way of selecting 2 points for a Z-axis rotation.
In 2011 if I wanted to rotate the UCS around the Z-axis I would type UCS, Z then select 2 points and the UCS would rotate around the Z-axis but the X & Y axis would remain as it was. This is no longer the case in 2014, how do I do this now?
We have released a new 3D Annotation Add-in for Inventor 2011 on Autodesk Labs today [URL]...... We're looking for your opinion on Annotation coverage, presentation and downstream usage of the Annotations.Â
Is there a way to have the AutoCAD "Quick Properties" pop up functionality be transferred over after the dwg is converted into pdf or dwf?
I want to avoid clutter in the dwg file but would like to have an ability for my field crew to either hover over or click the blocks or AutoCAD objects in the pdf file to know the block attributes or properties of objects.
The desire is to have a functionality very similar to creating yellow sticky notes in Adobe Acrobat Professional where the sticky balloons or call outs can collapse or even disappear if you do not want to see them.
Using the export to DEM functionality for surfaces?
My understanding is that it is supposed to use USGS dem format, but I'm having trouble getting the resulting dem to show up intact in ArcGis. The extents are off and it chopped off the northern half of the site...?
I think this is a Coordinate System issue, but can't figure out where I can change anything...
two screenshots attached. one shows surface in CAD, the other in GIS.
How to access the Online (360/synchronization etc) functionality in C3D 2013 - there is apparently an Online tab in vanilla AutoCAD but nothing in mine - not even in the drafting workspace....?
I previously used Gimp 2.6. When using the clone tool, I would press CTRL to set the source. When I would being painting with the clone, the source would move relative the mouse pointer location and I was able to make sure the gradients were correct.
With 2.8 it looks like the source stays put and I cannot clone see to get the gradients I am working with to clone right because I have to stay in line with the source. How to replicate the functionality of 2.6 with it?