AutoCAD Inventor :: Functionality Of Assembly Sketches?
Oct 7, 2011
I have the following (somewhat philosophical) question: what is the concept of assembly sketches? As far as I can see (and what I use it for) is the following: an element of my design can be constructed from several parts, which are first machined with some margins, interfaces for welding, etc. Then they are mounted/welded/brazed together, and the final piece is constructed by post-machining the mounted (welded/brased/etc) assembly. Assembly sketches drive these features.
When I first got in contact with assembly sketches, I believed they can be used to positioning parts in the assembly: create a sketch, very easily and quickly draw lines/points/etc which serve as anchor points for the parts, and then constrain the parts to these lines/points/etc. But this does not work - whereas I would find it sometimes useful.
Is there anyway that i can disable visibilty for ALL of the sketches under an assembly in a Assembly Layout? I have multiple assemblies (sub -assemblies) that im putting together into one finale assembly and everytime i unhide a sub-assembly, ALL of the sketches in it apear visible so then i have to painstakenly go throught every sketch and hide it. It takes for ever!
I have a rule that turns off all work geometry and sketches of an assembly and all referenced parts and assemblies.
This rule is almost perfect.
When i run the rule. All sketches and work geometry are turned off. But sketches in sub assemblies remain visible in the top assembly. When i open the document of the sub assembly the sketches are off.
So what I see is a top assembly 'override' of sketch visibility inside sub assemblies
How can I turn off visibility of a sketch on a level higher?
I am using inventor 2011 to make an assembly, and No matter wether I sketch off a face or a plane, I cannot get get my sketches to extrude, inventor wants to make cuts when there is nothing to cut. Not sure what I am doing wrong, becasue when I try doing the same thing on a new part it works just fine.
We are starting using the level of detail functionality and I am really missing the opportunity to lock this LOD the same way as I can with a Representation view.. Is there any way to do this ??
We have released a new 3D Annotation Add-in for Inventor 2011 on Autodesk Labs today [URL]...... We're looking for your opinion on Annotation coverage, presentation and downstream usage of the Annotations.
Is there a way to incorporate the functionality of acad mechanical whereby you can specify the length of text but have it fit within a specific area?
So far I haven't been able to figure out how to get a description to work well with my title block. If I use the fit option, all of the text is stretched, which I don't want. I want it to be normal until it doesn't fit anymore into the predefined area and then have it fit.
What instances is it necessary to combine 3d sketches with 2d sketches, I have used this combination a few times where I have to build rectangular frames then apply frame generator to the sketches to construct the frame members. I was told when I originally had training on Inventor 2013 that 3d sketches should be avoided where possible.
I want to fit a sketch that is to be laser cutted. i wanna fit 30 pcs on a rectangle, is there a tool who figures out the most optimal way to fit them in a rectangle?
I've been making a model plane model in inventor 2012 from imported IGES geometry, and Realised that my sketches were not assigned to any part (and thus can't be lofted). Is there any way of moving the sketches to the newly created part without redrawing everything? I've tried dragging and dropping because it seemed to make sense, but alas, that had no success.
Quite often we cretae schematic line drawings for clients approval before creating full 3D models for production. Is it possible to achieve this in Inventor and maybe go on to use the sketches as a master filoe to drive the design? Or should I continue to get approval based in AutoCAD and then switch over to Inventor?
I have created a frame using the frame generator that I need to document. It is created using about 5 sketches. The sketches are part of their own .ipt file. Now I would like to document the frame but cannot figure out how to do it. I have tried creating sections of the frame but I cannot snap to points of interest on the frame, such as where two pipes meet, when dimensioning. How do I document the sketches?
I'm trying to employ a technique that I've used with SolidWorks. I'm working on a project with several engineers doing design work on a large assembly. The way I've seen this handled in a SolidWorks shop is to create a master assembly with sketches on the principal planes that define envelopes for sub assemblies, interface dimensions, and so on. Each engineer can have the master assembly in their sub assembly, as a guide. Where I've used this before, it has worked with integrating the sub assemblies later on.
Here's the complication: There are several different "families" of the product that require different dimensions on the master sketches. What I had hoped to do in Inventor was use view representations or level of detail representation to control the visibility of these "families" of master sketches. When an engineer includes the master assembly in his sub assembly he could then easily turn on the "family" he wants to see. But it turns out that neither view representations nor level of detail representations influence the visibility of sketches. (Position representations don't, either.) Sketches are either visible or not visible, regardless of which representation you're in.
Is there some way I can control the visibility of sketches, in groups?
we very often create parts/assemblies using skeletal sketches, problem we encounter is that when we use the copy command in the components area on the ribbon.
The problem we have is that when we open the new assembly and components they are still looking at the original skeletal sketch. is there anyway to copy the orginal skeletal sketch to a new one and the new parts look at this upon using the copy.
At present what we do is make a copy and rename the original file. Then open the assembly and it looks for the original skeletal sketch, so we point it at the new skeletal sketch.
This is not an issue when we have a couple of parts in an assembly but if you have a lot of parts in the assembly it si very time consuming.
In the course of working up a tooling proposal, I attempted to replicate a 3D part from a customer print. While doing so, I noticed that 3D Sketch will not, under any circumstances that I can find, allow an angular dimension between a line and a plane. The customer print has two pipes projecting at odd angles from a base flange, one of which has an elbow. The print lists datum dimensions for the open pipe ends and the elbow, and gives vertical and horizontal angular dimensions to define the directions in which the pipes emerge from the flange. I have defined these three datum points in 3D space without any trouble, but Inventor 2013 will not allow me to define an angle between these sketchlines and the XZ and YZ origin planes, or between these sketchlines and the faces of the flange base I've constructed.
I am currently waiting on a proper 3D CAD model from the customer, and I'm considering longhand trigonometric calculations to place these lines properly, but I find it very hard to believe that Inventor is incapable of constraining a line to lie along what is effectively the surface of a cone.
I'm having issues when I create sketches using the line tool. I should be seeing constraints as I create them and a green dot when the object is closed. This is not the case however, and when i attempt to extrude or offset the sketch I can only select individual lines.
i am working on an ipart. I have a spreadsheet with all the data and used the first line to creat the first part.
no problem.
i can add the remaining information to the table from the spreadsheet.
When returning to the drawing environment i can select a few parts that work and there are many more with "issues". So i move the first offending part select it and try to edit it. ( i know what i have to do to the sketch if i could just get into it) Also i have suppressed a sketch and inserted a new slightly different version (the issue) but, after getting out, i am un-able to edit this new sketch either.
the message comes back and says i cannot edit this part, and then....
unable to prepare the part for edit, updating your part is required to all the edit, update now?
Windows 7 64 bit Inventor 2012 Professional Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz 8 GB RAM
I am trying to render some images and video of a design I've been working on. This isn't an absolute necessity, but I would like to have my companys product and logo displayed on the monitor in the design. If you look at the screenshot what I'm trying to describe should come clear.
These images were just dropped into a sketch on the face of these two monitors.
When I go to render, the sketch image does not appear. It just renders the default face color of the part.
As I learn more about Inventor I have been doing more and more skeletal modeling. It work well for what we build here. But the biggest problem is the visibility of all the workplans and sketches. I know of the buttons to turn them on and off, but everytime I make a sketch and edit a sketch, inventor default turns all of them on. Making it impossible to see what you are working in the assembly enviroment. Not only that, it bogs down my machine untill I turn them off. Same goes for workplanes, if I create one the rest appear.
I'm working with a series of 3D sketches. Some sketches must remain visible as reference. While creating the sketches, the dimension call-outs grow too distracting from the linear sketches. Is it possible to hide, or toggle off/on the dimensions while leaving the sketch geometry visible?
I have a part that I'm trying to loft using 3d sketches for the rails will this work? Everything is fine till I try to add the rails, As you can see the loft works with out the rails.
I just wanted to know if you could make sketches in one part or file, somehow save it with a name, then open a new or existing part file and import that saved sketch. Is there a way to do this? Also, can you make blocks, as we could in AutoCAD, in Inventor?
One of my parts had "Invalid origin/axis" problems and I got all my visible aketches fixed. But I have what I call "ghost" sketches left from bolted connection updates, erasures etc. I can get rid of the visible points but cannot access the sketches to erase them.
The red + sign showing irritates me and I want rid of it.
I have attached the file, 2014 version, some of the adaptive features may not come thru or they may work better on another computer, who would know.
VBA routine that will allow you to select a work plane in the browser and find all sketches that are defined by it. We do extensive skeletal modelling and our master parts consist of many sketches and sketch planes
Note, I am aware of the VBA routine that allows you to select a sketch and highlight the plane or surface that it is made off of.
However when the Base view is created it also displays surface geomerty created for referencing.
I attach a PDF which shows this.
Even though these are hidden in the respective Part files, they keep showing up in the Drawing and I cannot find a way to hide them. How to stop this from happening? BTW I am using Inventor 2013.