Photoshop :: How Do I Duplicate This Effect?

Feb 12, 2009

I am trying to duplicate this logo and I can't seem to get the right layer effects and filters to match the 'T' and 'S' correctly.

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Photoshop :: Pink Dot Effect / Can't Seem To Duplicate It

Jun 29, 2013

Im trying to duplicate this photo with another and i cant seem to figure out how to duplicate the pink/purlpe dot effect that shows most through out the face portion of the photo.

I have tried most things but kinda closest was HARD MIX layer mode on a desatureted copy of the portrait photo with the bakground "pitched horizontal lines" bleeding through. But it didnt come close anyway..

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Duplicate Watermark Effect

Aug 7, 2013

I'm using CS5, not that it really matter much for this question.  I've used the same watermark for probably 5 or 6 years now.  All I remember about creating it was that I did it while either reading or watching a tutorial on the subject.  The reason that I love it is because is shows up very well no matter whether it is over a light image or a dark image.  I have long since lost the tutorial and have spent the last day and a half looking at other tutorials with no luck.  None of the ones that I tried work on both light and dark images. 
Unfortunately, although I've been editing images for years, I do VERY little text and or font and or font effects work.  That's why I'm a total loss about this thing.  I will be attaching a jpg of my watermark duplicated with one placed on a white background and the other on a black background.  Take note that this is the exact same watermark on both backgrounds.  It isn't one that is special for dark and one that is special for light. 
Steps that I need to make in order to duplicate this effect so that it looks exactly like this on both white and black surfaces?  The font is "IMPACT".

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Photoshop :: Trying To Duplicate Reflective Text Effect

Jun 8, 2007

how this type of text effect was made. notice the reflection on top of each letter? there also appears to be a slight gradient and stroke around each letter. (not concerned about wave overlay)

i'm guessing this is some sort of plug-in for photoshop or maybe illustrator? i can't imagine anybody taking the time to do this by hand... at first glance it seems like a bevel effect but i can not duplicate it without going through a long process of filters and adjustments. it seems to be some sort of gel effect...

does anybody recognize this effect?

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Photoshop :: Broken Effect Butterfly Wings Effect

Nov 25, 2003

I have attached an image of a butterfly with a broken effect on its wings. You can see the effect inside the marching ants. How do i get this kind of effect?

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Photoshop :: Effect? (Scanner Darkly Effect)

Jul 2, 2006

As shown in the upcoming movie "a scanner darkly".

With keanu Reeves.

Sort of like GTA(video game) graphics on the game case.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Image

Nov 6, 2012

somehow my cs6 workspace has gotten muxed and, when I dup an image the dup is created at full size versus the same size as my original...I often work on the org image at 50% and want to create the dup at 50% also...
What do I have to do to get back to where I was?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer In CC?

Jul 3, 2013

What happened with duplicate layer in Photoshop CC? In Photoshop CS6 was:

- if select a number of any raster or shape layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are copied and placed on top on layer palette. In history added "Duplicate Layer". It's perfect.
In Photoshop CC is:

- if select a number of any raster  layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are copied and placed on top on layer palette. In history added "Duplicate Layer". It's perfect. BUT!

- if select a number of any shape  layers and press Cmd-J - those layers are COMBINED INTO ONE and placed on top on layer palette as ONE layer. In history added "Shape Layer via Copy". It's bad.
I don't want to get one combined shape layer. I still want to get that number of shape layer copies. Why it combines? Is there any settings to turn this combine off?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layers

Dec 7, 2012

I have 2 opened files in photoshop, and I duplicated a layer in file 2 to the file 1. When I click on the file 1, I can see in the layers box the layer that i had duplicated, but I can't see the image on the screen.

PS: the layer is not hide

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Path

Jun 13, 2006

i want to make the other side of a path that i have made by duplicating the first one ie image here

but when i duplicate the path i want to flip it horizontally and connect it to the first. Im not sure where to start with this.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Images

Jan 26, 2006

I have a picture all set in Photoshop. It is a 3x4 photo. I want to duplicate it 6 times so I can print it out on one sheet of paper and then cut the 6 same pictures from that. I try to duplicate it and it just keeps opening up a new window within photoshop.

How can I get the 6 photos all on one sheet and lay them out - 3 across and 3 on the bottom? I do not necessarily want them right next to each other and want a little space between them if that is at all possible.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Print

Oct 12, 2006

how to print business cards from Adobe Photoshop? .

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Photoshop :: How Do I Duplicate Something Into The Same Layer That It Is In?

May 21, 2004

1) How do I duplicate something into the same layer that it is in? Everytime I try to duplicate or copy and paste, a new layer is made for it.

2) How do I merge layers?

3) Is there some sort of outlining tool? Kind of like the ink bottle in Macromedia Flash?

4) Is there a configuration control for Wacom tablets built into Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Creating A Duplicate

Jan 15, 2008

I have created a 12" X 36" photograph that I want to print. To print it I will have to pay for a 24" X 36" print so I want to duplicate or tile the same picture (one on top of the other) so that I get two prints for the price of one. I can't figure out how to do this in photoshop.

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Illustrator :: High Raster Effect Resolution In Large Document Makes Effect Disappear

Feb 18, 2013

I'm making some graphics to be printed on a car. I have some lines with outer glow on them, but Illustrator won't render these unless I use 72DPI in raster effects reslution. I would like to go higher, but it won't give me anything. Guessing it's to heavy for Illustrator maybe? Is there anything I can do about this? I'm making my graphics in 1:1 scale, but I do it in a lower scale since it's just vector art anyway, however how would that effect my glow? Since it's a raster effect.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Multiple Channels At Once?

Aug 14, 2013

select multiple channels and duplicate them all at once like you can with layers? As of now I'm having to select each channel and duplicate one by one. Once I select more than one the duplicate option becomes grayed out.

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer Mystery?

Apr 13, 2012

When I duplicate a layer, sometimes the layer will automatically duplicate as a copy within the same document, and sometimes it will open the dialog box that allows duplicating to another document.

It seems to happen randomly, on both iMacs I use, as far back as I can remember (using CS4 now).

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Groups Not Working In CS6?

Feb 13, 2013

Everytime I try to duplicate groups in photoshop cs6 to another open PSD file it usually works, but lately whenever I try to do it it only gives my the option to duplicate the groups to either a brand new file (an untitled file) or to the original file (that i'm duplicating the groups from). It won't allow me to duplicate them to another open PSD file.
For example, (in case i'm not being clear), say I have 2 files open such as A.psd and B.psd but i want to duplicate a bunch of groups i created in A.psd to B.psd. When i click on the groups i want to duplicate and the option box opens- in the destination box it only gives me the option of duplicating the groups to either A.psd (which is useless) or to a new file. It doesn't give the option to duplicate the groups to B.psd. It only gives the option if it's just a layer. I either have to merge groups into one layer or make them into a smart object and use the duplicate layer option instead. It's become a annoying problem because I want my groups to just duplicate. I shouldn't have to merge them in order to send them into another file. It has always worked until now.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Duplicate Path Of Camera?

Oct 3, 2012

PS:Cs6So, I have done this ...
1. Radial Gradient on the BG layer > Duplicated the layer then Transformed it down for a "Floor" effect
2. Added a Mask then painted to fade the duplicated layer into the BG layer
3. Opened the Paths panel > Clicked the New Path icon > Pen tool (set to shape as I assumed it should be because I tried it set to Path and down the line it didn't pan out) I drew the basic shape for my project (which is to be a camera)
4. Copied a Leather Texture from a different document and Pasted it on to the Same Layer (ie: I didn't create a NL)
5. Added an Adjustment layer > set the HSL's
6. Copied the basic (camera) path and placed it on top of the leather texture (layer)
7. Selected the Texture and the Adjustment layers > Ctrl+G > Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path
Below is where I am stuck
8. I am suppose to Duplicate the Path of the Camera ... but ... when I drag the Path down to the Create New Path Icon ... or attempt to Duplicate the Path by Any means and then perform the next step which is:
9. go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color ... either the color will fill just the shape of the camera or it fills the entire layerwhen the camera does fill with a color I cannot get the next step to work which is:
10. Add a Rectangle Shape and Modify its shape > set the Rectangle to Subtract ... Well, the Rectangle is NOT Subtracting
I know this because the leather is not showing through the color So, all in all I suppose I am asking how I should Best go about DUPLICATING a PATH ... ??? I mean, do I ... need to copy the path into an other component? An other layer? Should I be using NL where I am not using NL's?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Shape In Place

Jul 27, 2012

I have been reading the manual but I am also still trying tuts because I learn better when I do things as well as read. So, here's todays dilemma
I made the Shape with no problem and used the Pen tool set to shape. The only way I have been able to find to Duplicate a Shape (and/or Path) in the user manual is to select the Path Selection tool (the black arrow) from the tools panel and use Alt + Drag
however, (as you can see) I need the Shape to stay in the same place - so, I tried to drag it back into place - but the Duplicate moves with the original Shape and when I go to change the color - the color changes both shapes ... ? Also, how do I know if I have Duplicated the Path or the Shape?
Because once (we) I figure out how to Duplicate the Shape & change the color of just the duplicate I then need to Duplicate Just the Path. The tut says to set the Duplicated Path Mode to Subtract but it doesn't make sense to me - it would seem that the Mode should be set to Subtract beforehand.

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Photoshop :: Bug - When Duplicate Shape Layer?

Aug 21, 2013

I've brought this up before and didn't get an answer but now that my project is hundreds of layers big and using 12 layer comps, this is becoming increasingly annoying and affecting my project flow:
When will the issue be resolved where when you duplicate a shape layer that has previously had specific anchor points selected (but that none are currently selected since the entire layer is selected in the layers pallete and I am using the move tool, not direct select tool), it duplicates only the previously selected points.
It's a huge waste of precious time to have to:duplicate a layer. realize that only a portion of the layer got duplicated.delete that new layer select the original layer choose the direct select tool click on shape to show the anchor pointshit escape so all points are deselected then try again

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with Mac CS5 since it came out. And Mac Photo Shop in general since the early 90's. That said. This just started today right in the middle of a project:
Normally I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane. Now I get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.
This wasn't happening earlier in the day. Why has this all of a sudden started happening? How can I turn the pop-up off? I've tried resetting the prefs with Cmd-Opt-Shift on reopening PS5.
Yes, I know I can do this with Cmd-J, but I've doing the Opt-Drag methods for many years, and that's now how I'm used to working. Running i Mac with 8 GB RAM, OSX 10.8.2. RAM usage set to 70% default. Photo Shop CS5 10.0.4 x32.

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Photoshop :: Alternative To Duplicate Layer?

Sep 14, 2012

When using floating windows for images it is very straightforward to copy content from one image to the other.With docked windows in cs6 there's of course the duplicate layer-feature but there's certainly also a drag and drop method. But how to get this to work? I tried dragging Layers and Ctrl-tabbed, I dragged the Layers onto the tab of another image and tried so by holding all sorts of modifier-key.combinations.No avail. So what was the correct way to copy from one image to another by using Drag and Drop?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Dialog Comes Up For Duplicate Layer?

Oct 27, 2012

I've been working with CS5 since it came out.This just started today right in the middle of a project:

I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane.I then get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.

This wasn't happening earlier in the day.Why has this all of a sudden started happening?

How can I turn the pop-up off?

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Photoshop :: How To Duplicate The Patterned Edge

Nov 4, 2011

I can't figure out how to duplicate the patterned edge on this pic (see attach).

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Smart Objects

Sep 1, 2007

I made a smart object and duplicated it about 10 times...

I want to make an edit to the contents of one but I don't want to edit every instance of it. Is there a way to edit only one at a time?

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Photoshop :: Duplicate Layer Many Times

Dec 17, 2004

way to make more than one copy of a layer at a time? You can right-click on a layer and duplicate it once, but often I'd like to make several copies on different layers.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Duplicate Layer Go Below...

May 4, 2009

a way to duplicate a layer behind a layer, rahter than in front of a layer?  Maybe through an action script?  I have tried a few times without luck. ...basically, I do a lot of architectural photo composites.  When I am placing trees, I often duplicate layers, and scale, and tint to fill in area.  But when I duplicate the layer allways goes in front, rather than behind.  Since I can only scale down to keep my resolution crisp, I then have to manually drag that layer down the list, so it is behind the layer that was duplicated.

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Photoshop :: Is There A Faster Way To Duplicate Layers?

Jan 7, 2005

I'm duplicating layers one at a time. I have to duplicate the same layer for a total of 108 layers and this seems ridiculously time consuming. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to make a large number of duplications at one time?

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Photoshop :: Way To Duplicate All Layers In .PSD File

Jun 29, 2006

I am printing a program that is half of one 8.5x11 sheet, so I'd like to print 2 programs per sheet - I have resized the canvas of the document to 8.5x11, but is there an easy way to copy all the layers in the .PSD over to the other side of the sheet? I know I could flatten the image and copy it, but I'd like to retain the layers.

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Photoshop :: How To Duplicate A Layer Into A Pattern?

Jun 15, 2006

to duplicate 1 little circle into a ring of circles easily?

i dont want the old fashion duplicate one by one and adjust. is there anyway to do it?

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